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Key to the Reference Soil Groups

with lists of principal and supplementary qualifiers

Before using the key, please read the ‘Rules for naming soils’ (Chapter 2).
Key to the Reference Soil Groups Principal qualifiers Supplementary qualifiers

Soils having one or more of the following: Muusic/ Rockic/ Mawic Alcalic/ Dystric/ Eutric
Cryic Thionic Folic Floatic Aric
1. organic material starting ≤ 40 cm from the soil surface and having Subaquatic/ Tidalic Fibric/ Bryic Dolomitic/ Calcaric
within 100 cm of the soil surface a combined thickness of: Hemic/ Sapric Leptic/ Thyric Fluvic
a. ≥ 40 cm if < 75% (by volume, related to the fine earth plus all dead Murshic/ Drainic Ombric/ Gelic Hyperorganic Isolatic
plant residues) consists of moss fibres; or Rheic Coarsic Lignic Limnic Limonic
b. ≥ 60 cm; Skeletic Andic Vitric Mineralic Mulmic Ornithic
or Placic Pyric Relocatic Salic
2. organic material starting at the soil surface, having a thickness of ≥ 10 Sulfidic
cm and directly overlying ice, continuous rock or technic hard material; Technic/ Kalaic Tephric Toxic
or Transportic Turbic Wapnic
3. a layer of coarse fragments that, together with overlying organic
material, if present, starts at the soil surface and has a thickness of
a. ≥ 10 cm if overlying continuous rock or technic hard material; or
b. ≥ 40 cm;
and the major part of the interstices between the coarse fragments is filled
with organic material and the remaining interstices, if present, are void.


Overview of Key to Reference Soil Groups

Histosols 95 Solonchaks 102 Nitisols 109 Gypsisols 116 Cambisols

Anthrosols 96 Gleysols 103 Ferralsols 110 Calcisols 117 Fluvisols
Technosols 97 Andosols 104 Chernozems 111 Retisols 118 Arenosols
Cryosols 98 Podzols 105 Kastanozems 112 Acrisols 119 Regosols
Leptosols 99 Plinthosols 106 Phaeozems 113 Lixisols 120
Solonetz 100 Planosols 107 Umbrisols 114 Alisols 121
Vertisols 101 Stagnosols 108 Durisols 115 Luvisols 122
95 18 December 2022
Key to the Reference Soil Groups Principal qualifiers Supplementary qualifiers

Other soils having: Hydragric/ Irragric/ Arenic/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

Acric/ Lixic/ Alic/ Luvic
1. a hortic, irragric, plaggic or terric horizon, ≥ 50 cm thick; or Hortic/ Plaggic/ Alcalic/ Dystric/ Eutric Calcic
2. an anthraquic horizon and an underlying hydragric horizon Pretic/Terric Carbonic Dolomitic/ Calcaric
with a combined thickness of ≥ 50 cm; or Gleyic Escalic Fluvic Glossic/ Retic
3. a pretic horizon, the layers of which have a combined Stagnic Endoleptic/ Endothyric
Novic Oxyaquic Panpaic
thickness of ≥ 50 cm, within 100 cm of the mineral soil Ferralic/ Sideralic Pyric Salic Skeletic Sodic
surface. Andic Spodic
Technic/ Kalaic Toxic Vertic

96 18 December 2022
Key to the Reference Soil Groups Principal qualifiers Supplementary qualifiers

Other soils: Ekranic/ Thyric Arenic/ Clayic/ Sulfidic

1. with all of the following: LinicUrbic Loamic/ Siltic Tephric
a. one or both of the following: Spolic Geoabruptic Thionic
i. having ≥ 20% (by volume, weighted Garbic Alcalic/ Dystric/ Eutric Toxic
average, related to the whole soil) Cryic Anthraquic/ Irragric/ Transportic
artefacts in the upper 100 cm from Isolatic Hortic/ Plaggic/ Pretic/ Vitric
the soil surface or to a limiting layer, Leptic Terric
whichever is shallower; or Subaquatic/ Tidalic Archaic
ii. having a layer, ≥ 10 cm thick and Reductic Calcic
starting ≤ 50 cm from the soil surface, Coarsic Cambic
with ≥ 80% (by volume, weighted Gleyic Carbonic
average, related to the whole soil) Stagnic Chernic/ Mollic/
artefacts; Andic Umbric
and Densic
b. not having a layer containing artefacts that qualifies Dolomitic/ Calcaric
as an argic, duric, ferralic, ferric, fragic, hydragric, Drainic Ferritic
natric, nitic, petrocalcic, petroduric, petrogypsic, Fluvic Folic/ Histic
petroplinthic, pisoplinthic, plinthic, spodic or vertic Fractic
horizon starting Gelic Gypsic Gypsiric
≤ 100 cm from the soil surface, unless buried; Humic/ Ochric
and Hyperartefactic
c. not having a limiting layer, unless consisting of Immissic
artefacts, starting ≤ 10 cm from the soil surface;

or Laxic
Lignic Limnic
2. having a continuous, very slowly permeable to impermeable, constructed geomembrane Magnesic
of any Mahic
thickness or technic hard material starting


. Panpaic/ Raptic
Protic Pyric Relocatic
Salic Sideralic Skeletic
Sodic Solimovic


1 Technosols may bury other soils, which can be mentioned behind the Technosol classification using the word 'over' in
between (see Chapter 2.4). Alternatively, buried diagnostic horizons or buried layers with a diagnostic property can be indicated with the
Thapto- specifier followed by a qualifier. The soil material above a geomembrane or technic hard material may also be characterized by
qualifiers. If the thickness or depth criteria of these qualifiers are not met, the Supra- specifier can be used (see Chapter 2.3.2).
97 18 December 2022
Key to the Reference Soil Groups Principal qualifiers Supplementary qualifiers

Other soils having: Glacic Arenic/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

1. a cryic horizon starting ≤ 100 cm from the soil surface; or Turbic Albic
2. a cryic horizon starting ≤ 200 cm from the soil surface and Subaquatic/ Tidalic/ Alcalic/ Dystric/ Eutric
Biocrustic Dolomitic/ Calcaric
evidence of cryogenic alteration (cryoturbation, frost heave, Reductaquic/ Oxyaquic Drainic
cryogenic sorting, thermal cracking, ice segregation, patterned Leptic Epic/ Endic/ Dorsic
Evapocrustic/ Puffic Fluvic
ground, etc.) in some layer within 100 cm of the soil surface. Histic Folic Gypsiric Humic/ Ochric
Andic Limnic Magnesic Nechic
Novic Ornithic Pyric Raptic
CRYOSOLS Mollic/ Umbric Sodic Sulfidic
Natric Technic/ Kalaic Tephric
Thixotropic Toxic Transportic
Salic Vitric
Alic/ Luvic
Calcic/ Wapnic

98 18 December 2022
Key to the Reference Soil Groups Principal qualifiers Supplementary qualifiers

Other soils having: Nudilithic/ Lithic Arenic/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

Aeolic Aric Biocrustic Drainic
1. one of the following: Coarsic Fluvic Gelic Gleyic
a. continuous rock starting ≤ 25 cm from the soil surface; or Skeletic Humic/ Ochric Isolatic
Lapiadic Magnesic Nechic
b. < 20% (by volume, related to the whole soil) fine earth Subaquatic/ Tidalic Novic Ornithic Oxyaquic
Panpaic/ Raptic Placic Protic
Pyric Salic Sodic
Solimovic Protospodic
Stagnic Sulfidic
Technic/ Kalaic Tephric Toxic
Transportic Turbic Protovertic
Aeolic Aric Biocrustic Drainic
Fluvic Gelic Gleyic
Humic/ Ochric Isolatic
Lapiadic Magnesic Nechic
Novic Ornithic Oxyaquic
plus dead plant residues of any size2, averaged over a depth Histic Panpaic/ Raptic Placic Protic
Pyric Salic Sodic
of 75 cm from the soil surface or to continuous rock, Andic Solimovic Protospodic
whichever is shallower; Rendzic/ Mollic/ Umbric Stagnic Sulfidic
and Gypsic Technic/ Kalaic Tephric Toxic
2. no duric, petrocalcic, petroduric, petrogypsic, pisoplinthic or Calcic Transportic Turbic Protovertic
spodic horizon. Cambic/ Brunic Vitric

Gypsiric Dolomitic/ Calcaric
Dystric/ Eutric

Yermic/ Takyric
Overview of Key to Reference Soil Groups

Histosols 95 Solonchaks 102 Nitisols 109 Gypsisols 116 Cambisols

Anthrosols 96 Gleysols 103 Ferralsols 110 Calcisols 117 Fluvisols
Technosols 97 Andosols 104 Chernozems 111 Retisols 118 Arenosols
Cryosols 98 Podzols 105 Kastanozems 112 Acrisols 119 Regosols
Leptosols 99 Plinthosols 106 Phaeozems 113 Lixisols 120
Solonetz 100 Planosols 107 Umbrisols 114 Alisols 121
Vertisols 101 Stagnosols 108 Durisols 115 Luvisols 122
2 Thevolume occupied neither by fine earth nor by dead plant residues is occupied by coarse fragments, remnants of
broken-up cemented layers > 2 mm, artefacts > 2 mm, or interstices.
99 18 December 2022
Key to the Reference Soil Groups Principal qualifiers Supplementary qualifiers

Other soils having a natric horizon starting ≤ 100 cm from the Abruptic Arenic/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic
mineral soil surface. Gleyic Biocrustic Neocambic/
Stagnic Neobrunic Chromic
Columnic Cutanic Differentic
SOLONETZ Mollic Duric
Salic Epic/ Endic Ferric Fluvic
Gypsic Humic/ Ochric Magnesic
Petrocalcic Hypernatric Novic Oxyaquic
Petroplinthic Pyric
Calcic Raptic Retic Skeletic
Vertic Technic/ Kalaic Toxic
Transportic Turbic
Yermic/ Takyric

100 18 December 2022

Key to the Reference Soil Groups Principal qualifiers Supplementary qualifiers

Other soils having: Salic Alcalic/ Endodystric

1. a vertic horizon starting ≤ 100 cm from the mineral soil Sodic Aric
surface; Leptic Chernic/ Mollic
and Petroduric/ Duric Dolomitic/ Calcaric
2. ≥ 30% clay between the mineral soil surface and the vertic Gypsic Drainic
horizon throughout; Petrocalcic Hypereutric
and Calcic Epic/ Endic
3. shrink-swell cracks that start: Hydragric/ Anthraquic/ Ferric
a. at the mineral soil surface; or Irragric Fractic
b. at the base of a plough layer; or Pellic Gilgaic
c. directly below a layer with strong granular structure or Chromic Gleyic
strong angular or subangular blocky structure with an aggregate size of ≤ Haplic Grumic/ Mazic/ Pelocrustic
1 cm (self-mulching surface); or Gypsiric
d. directly below a surface crust; Humic/ Ochric

and extend to the vertic horizon. Magnesic

VERTISOLS Oxyaquic Pyric Raptic

Skeletic Stagnic Sulfidic
Technic/ Kalaic Thionic Toxic

Overview of Key to Reference Soil Groups

Histosols 95 Solonchaks 102 Nitisols 109 Gypsisols 116 Cambisols

Anthrosols 96 Gleysols 103 Ferralsols 110 Calcisols 117 Fluvisols
Technosols 97 Andosols 104 Chernozems 111 Retisols 118 Arenosols
Cryosols 98 Podzols 105 Kastanozems 112 Acrisols 119 Regosols
Leptosols 99 Plinthosols 106 Phaeozems 113 Lixisols 120
Solonetz 100 Planosols 107 Umbrisols 114 Alisols 121
Vertisols 101 Stagnosols 108 Durisols 115 Luvisols 122
101 18 December 2022
Key to the Reference Soil Groups Principal qualifiers Supplementary qualifiers

Other soils: Petrosalic Arenic/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

Aceric Aeolic Alcalic
1. having a salic horizon starting ≤ 50 cm from the soil surface; Gleyic Biocrustic
and Stagnic Carbonatic/ Chloridic/
2. not having a thionic horizon starting ≤ 50 cm from the soil Sodic Densic Dolomitic/ Calcaric
Duric Evapocrustic/ Puffic
Folic/ Histic
Fractic Gelic Gypsiric
Humic/ Ochric Magnesic
Novic Oxyaquic
Aceric Aeolic Alcalic
Carbonatic/ Chloridic/
Densic Dolomitic/ Calcaric
surface; and Petrogypsic Drainic
Duric Evapocrustic/ Puffic
3. not being permanently submerged by water and not located Gypsic Folic/ Histic
below the line affected by tidal water (i.e. not located below Petrocalcic Fractic Gelic Gypsiric
Humic/ Ochric Magnesic
the line of mean high water springs). Calcic Novic Oxyaquic
Leptic Panpaic/ Raptic Pyric
Hypersalic Skeletic Solimovic
SOLONCHAKS Mollic Sulfidic
Fluvic Technic/ Kalaic Endothionic
Toxic Transportic Turbic
Yermic/ Takyric

102 18 December 2022

Key to the Reference Soil Groups Principal qualifiers Supplementary qualifiers

Other soils having one or more of the following: Thionic Arenic/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic
1. a layer, ≥ 25 cm thick and starting ≤ 40 cm from the mineral Reductic Acric/ Lixic/ Alic/ Luvic
soil surface, that has Subaquatic/ Tidalic Alcalic Arenicolic Aric
a. gleyic properties throughout; and Hydragric/ Anthraquic/ Ferralic/ Sideralic
Folic Fractic Gelic
Humic/ Ochric Inclinic Laxic
Limnic Limonic Magnesic
Mulmic Nechic Novic
Placic Pyric Raptic Relocatic
Salic Skeletic Sodic
Solimovic Sulfidic Takyric
Technic/ Kalaic Tephric Toxic
Transportic Turbic Uterquic
Acric/ Lixic/ Alic/ Luvic
Alcalic Arenicolic Aric
Ferralic/ Sideralic
b. reducing conditions in some parts of every sublayer; Irragric/ Hortic/ Plaggic/ Folic Fractic Gelic
or Pretic/ Terric Humic/ Ochric Inclinic Laxic
2. both of the following: Histic Andic Vitric Limnic Limonic Magnesic
a. a mollic or umbric horizon, > 40 cm thick, that has Chernic/ Mollic/ Umbric Mulmic Nechic Novic
reducing conditions in some parts of every sublayer, from Pisoplinthic/ Plinthic Stagnic Placic Pyric Raptic Relocatic
40 cm below the mineral soil surface to the lower limit of the mollic or Oxyaquic Oxygleyic/ Salic Skeletic Sodic
umbric horizon; Reductigleyic Gypsic Solimovic Sulfidic Takyric
and Calcic/ Wapnic Spodic Fluvic Technic/ Kalaic Tephric Toxic
b. directly underneath the mollic/umbric horizon, a layer, Gypsiric Transportic Turbic Uterquic
≥ 10 cm thick, that has its lower limit ≥ 65 cm below the mineral soil Dolomitic/ Calcaric Vertic
surface, and that has: Dystric/ Eutric
i. gleyic properties throughout; and
ii. reducing conditions in some parts of every sublayer;
3. permanent saturation by water starting ≤ 40 cm from the mineral soil


Overview of Key to Reference Soil Groups

Histosols 95 Solonchaks 102 Nitisols 109 Gypsisols 116 Cambisols

Anthrosols 96 Gleysols 103 Ferralsols 110 Calcisols 117 Fluvisols
Technosols 97 Andosols 104 Chernozems 111 Retisols 118 Arenosols
Cryosols 98 Podzols 105 Kastanozems 112 Acrisols 119 Regosols
Leptosols 99 Plinthosols 106 Phaeozems 113 Lixisols 120
Solonetz 100 Planosols 107 Umbrisols 114 Alisols 121
Vertisols 101 Stagnosols 108 Durisols 115 Luvisols 122
103 18 December 2022
Key to the Reference Soil Groups Principal qualifiers Supplementary qualifiers

Other soils having: Aluandic/ Silandic Arenic/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

1. one or more layers with andic or vitric properties with a Vitric Aric Dolomitic/ Calcaric
combined thickness of: Leptic Drainic
Eutrosilic/ Acroxic
a. ≥ 30 cm, within 100 cm of the soil surface and starting Hydragric/ Anthraquic Fluvic Folic Fragic Gelic
≤ 25 cm from the soil surface; or Gleyic Humic/ Ochric Mulmic
Nechic Novic Oxyaquic
b. ≥ 60% of the entire thickness of the soil, if a limiting layer Hydric Panpaic Placic
starts > 25 and ≤ 50 cm from the soil surface; Histic Posic Pyric Reductic Sideralic
Sodic Solimovic Protospodic
and Chernic/ Mollic/ Umbric Technic/ Kalaic Thixotropic
2. no argic, ferralic, petroplinthic, pisoplinthic, plinthic or spodic horizon Petroduric/ Duric Gypsic Toxic Transportic Turbic
starting ≤ 100 cm of the soil surface, unless buried deeper than 50 cm Calcic
from the mineral soil surface.

ANDOSOLS3 Aeolic Skeletic Dystric/ Eutric


3 Andosols may bury other soils, which can be mentioned behind the Andosol classification using the word 'over' in
between (see Chapter 2.4). Alternatively, buried diagnostic horizons or buried layers with a diagnostic property can be indicated with the
Thapto- specifier followed by a qualifier.

104 18 December 2022

Key to the Reference Soil Groups Principal qualifiers Supplementary qualifiers

Other soils having a spodic horizon starting ≤ 200 cm from the Ortsteinic Arenic/ Loamic/ Siltic
mineral soil surface. Carbic/ Rustic Aric Neocambic/ Neobrunic
Albic/ Entic Cordic
PODZOLS Leptic Drainic
Hortic/ Plaggic/ Pretic/ Terric Epic/ Endic/ Dorsic
Histic Gleyic Andic Vitric Eutric Folic Fragic Gelic
Stagnic Limonic Novic Ornithic
Anthromollic/ Umbric Oxyaquic Placic Pyric Raptic
Glossic/ Retic Acric/ Alic Sideralic
Coarsic Hyperspodic Technic/ Kalaic
Skeletic Toxic Transportic Turbic

Overview of Key to Reference Soil Groups

Histosols 95 Solonchaks 102 Nitisols 109 Gypsisols 116 Cambisols

Anthrosols 96 Gleysols 103 Ferralsols 110 Calcisols 117 Fluvisols
Technosols 97 Andosols 104 Chernozems 111 Retisols 118 Arenosols
Cryosols 98 Podzols 105 Kastanozems 112 Acrisols 119 Regosols
Leptosols 99 Plinthosols 106 Phaeozems 113 Lixisols 120
Solonetz 100 Planosols 107 Umbrisols 114 Alisols 121
Vertisols 101 Stagnosols 108 Durisols 115 Luvisols 122
105 18 December 2022
Key to the Reference Soil Groups Principal qualifiers Supplementary qualifiers
Other soils having a plinthic, pisoplinthic or petroplinthic horizon Petric Arenic/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic
Abruptic Acric/ Lixic Aric
starting ≤ 100 cm from the mineral soil surface. Pisoplinthic Cohesic Drainic Duric
Gibbsic Dystric/ Eutric Epic/ Endic
PLINTHOSOLS Stagnic Humic/ Ochric Isopteric
Geric Magnesic Novic Oxyaquic
Nitic Pyric Raptic Saprolithic
Histic Technic/ Kalaic Toxic
Mollic/ Umbric

106 18 December 2022

Key to the Reference Soil Groups Principal qualifiers Supplementary qualifiers

Other soils having an abrupt textural difference ≤ 75 cm from the Reductic Arenic/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic
Alcalic Andic Aric Cambic
mineral soil surface and having within the range of 5 cm directly Thionic Capillaric Chromic Cohesic
above or below the abrupt textural difference: Leptic Columnic Densic Drainic
Ferralic/ Sideralic
1. stagnic properties, in which the area of reductimorphic Hydragric/ Anthraquic/ Ferric Folic Fragic Gelic
features plus the area of oximorphic features is ≥ 50% (weighted average, Irragric/ Hortic/ Plaggic/ Gelistagnic
related to the fine earth plus oximorphic features of any size and any Pretic/ Terric Geric Humic/ Ochric Inclinic
cementation class) of the total area; and Histic Magnesic Mochipic Nechic
2. reducing conditions for some time during the year in some parts of the Gleyic Novic Pyric Raptic Skeletic
soil volume that has the reductimorphic features. Chernic/ Mollic/ Umbric Sodic Solimovic Sulfidic
Albic Technic/ Kalaic Toxic
Transportic Turbic Uterquic
Technic/ Kalaic Toxic
Transportic Turbic Uterquic

Glossic/ Retic Acric/ Lixic/
Alic/ Luvic Petroduric/ Duric
Calcic Dolomitic/ Calcaric
Dystric/ Eutric

Overview of Key to Reference Soil Groups

Histosols 95 Solonchaks 102 Nitisols 109 Gypsisols 116 Cambisols

Anthrosols 96 Gleysols 103 Ferralsols 110 Calcisols 117 Fluvisols
Technosols 97 Andosols 104 Chernozems 111 Retisols 118 Arenosols
Cryosols 98 Podzols 105 Kastanozems 112 Acrisols 119 Regosols
Leptosols 99 Plinthosols 106 Phaeozems 113 Lixisols 120
Solonetz 100 Planosols 107 Umbrisols 114 Alisols 121
Vertisols 101 Stagnosols 108 Durisols 115 Luvisols 122
107 18 December 2022
Key to the Reference Soil Groups Principal qualifiers Supplementary qualifiers

Other soils having: Reductic Arenic/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

Endoabruptic Alcalic Aric
1. stagnic properties, in which the area of reductimorphic Thionic Cambic
Capillaric Cohesic Drainic
Ferralic/ Sideralic
Ferric Folic Fragic Gelic
Geric Humic/ Ochric Inclinic
Arenic/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic
Endoabruptic Alcalic Aric
features plus the area of oximorphic features is ≥ one third Leptic Capillaric Cohesic Drainic
Ferralic/ Sideralic
(weighted average, related to the fine earth plus oximorphic Hydragric/ Anthraquic/ Ferric Folic Fragic Gelic
features of any size and any cementation class) of the area from the Irragric/ Hortic/ Plaggic/ Gelistagnic
mineral soil surface to a depth of 60 cm or to continuous rock, whichever Pretic/ Terric Geric Humic/ Ochric Inclinic
is shallower; and Histic Magnesic Mochipic Nechic
2. reducing conditions for some time during the year in some parts of the Gleyic Nitic Novic Ornithic Pyric
soil volume that has the reductimorphic features within 60 cm from the Chernic/ Mollic/ Umbric Raptic
mineral soil surface or to continuous rock, whichever is shallower. Albic Rhodic/ Chromic Skeletic
Fluvic Sodic
Solimovic Protospodic
Sulfidic Technic/ Kalaic
Toxic Transportic Turbic
STAGNOSOLS Glossic/ Retic Acric/ Lixic/
Alic/ Luvic Calcic
Dolomitic/ Calcaric
Dystric/ Eutric

108 18 December 2022
Key to the Reference Soil Groups Principal qualifiers Supplementary qualifiers

Other soils having: Ferralic/ Sideralic Andic

1. a nitic horizon starting ≤ 100 cm from the mineral soil surface; Ferritic Aric
and Leptic Densic
2. from the mineral soil surface to the nitic horizon, a clay Rhodic/ Xanthic Epic/ Endic
content that is at least half of the weighted average clay Geric Ferric
content of the nitic horizon; and Hydragric/ Anthraquic/ Endogleyic
3. no vertic horizon starting above or at the upper limit of the Pretic Humic/ Ochric
nitic horizon. Profundihumic Magnesic
Mollic/ Umbric Novic
NITISOLS Acric/ Lixic/ Alic/ Luvic Oxyaquic
Dystric/ Eutric Posic
Technic/ Kalaic

Overview of Key to Reference Soil Groups

Histosols 95 Solonchaks 102 Nitisols 109 Gypsisols 116 Cambisols

Anthrosols 96 Gleysols 103 Ferralsols 110 Calcisols 117 Fluvisols
Technosols 97 Andosols 104 Chernozems 111 Retisols 118 Arenosols
Cryosols 98 Podzols 105 Kastanozems 112 Acrisols 119 Regosols
Leptosols 99 Plinthosols 106 Phaeozems 113 Lixisols 120
Solonetz 100 Planosols 107 Umbrisols 114 Alisols 121
Vertisols 101 Stagnosols 108 Durisols 115 Luvisols 122
109 18 December 2022
Key to the Reference Soil Groups Principal qualifiers Supplementary qualifiers

Other soils having: Ferritic Arenic/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

Abruptic Activic Andic Aric
1. a ferralic horizon starting ≤ 150 cm from the mineral soil Gibbsic Cohesic Densic
surface; Rhodic/ Xanthic Dystric/ Eutric Epic/ Endic/
Dorsic Ferric
and Geric Fluvic
2. no argic horizon starting above or at the upper limit of the Nitic Folic Humic/ Ochric Isopteric
Litholinic Novic Oxyaquic
ferralic horizon, unless the argic horizon has, in its upper Pretic Posic Pyric Raptic Saprolithic
30 cm or throughout, whichever is shallower, one or more of Gleyic Solimovic Sombric
Technic/ Kalaic Toxic
the following: Stagnic Transportic
a. < 10% water-dispersible clay; or Profundihumic
b. a ΔpH (pHKCl - pHwater) ≥ 0 (both in 1:1 solution); or Mollic/ Umbric
c. ≥ 1.4% soil organic carbon. Acric/ Lixic


110 18 December 2022

Key to the Reference Soil Groups Principal qualifiers Supplementary qualifiers

Other soils having: Petroduric/ Duric Arenic/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

Andic Aric Densic Fluvic
1. a chernic horizon; and Petrocalcic Fractic Humic Novic
2. starting ≤ 50 cm below the lower limit of the mollic4 horizon Leptic Oxyaquic Pachic Pyric Raptic
Salic Sodic
and, if present, above a petrocalcic horizon, a layer with Hortic Solimovic Sombric Stagnic
protocalcic properties, ≥ 5 cm thick, or a calcic horizon; and Gleyic Technic/ Kalaic Tephric
Transportic Turbic
3. a base saturation (by 1 M NH4OAc, pH 7)5 of ≥ 50% from the Vertic Vitric
mineral soil surface to the layer with protocalcic properties or Greyzemic
to the calcic horizon, throughout. Luvic

Overview of Key to Reference Soil Groups

Histosols 95 Solonchaks 102 Nitisols 109 Gypsisols 116 Cambisols

Anthrosols 96 Gleysols 103 Ferralsols 110 Calcisols 117 Fluvisols
Technosols 97 Andosols 104 Chernozems 111 Retisols 118 Arenosols
Cryosols 98 Podzols 105 Kastanozems 112 Acrisols 119 Regosols
Leptosols 99 Plinthosols 106 Phaeozems 113 Lixisols 120
Solonetz 100 Planosols 107 Umbrisols 114 Alisols 121
Vertisols 101 Stagnosols 108 Durisols 115 Luvisols 122

4 Any chernic horizon also meets the criteria of a mollic horizon. The mollic horizon may extend below the chernic horizon.
5 If the data for base saturation are not available, pH values may be used according to Annex 2 (Chapter 9.13).

111 18 December 2022

Key to the Reference Soil Groups Principal qualifiers Supplementary qualifiers

Other soils having: Someric Arenic/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

Andic Anthric Aric Chromic
1. a mollic horizon; and Petroduric/ Duric Densic Fractic Gelic Humic
2. starting ≤ 70 cm of the mineral soil surface and, if present, Petrogypsic Laxic Magnesic Novic
Oxyaquic Pachic
above a petrocalcic horizon, a layer with protocalcic Gypsic Panpaic/ Raptic
properties, ≥ 5 cm thick, or a calcic horizon; and Petrocalcic Pyric Salic Sodic
Solimovic Sombric Stagnic
3. a base saturation (by 1 M NH4OAc, pH 7)6 of ≥ 50% from the Leptic Technic/ Kalaic Tephric
mineral soil surface to the layer with protocalcic properties or Hortic/ Terric Transportic Turbic
to the calcic horizon, throughout. Gleyic
Cambic/ Brunic

6 If the data for base saturation are not available, pH values may be used according to Annex 2 (Chapter 9.13).
112 18 December 2022
Key to the Reference Soil Groups Principal qualifiers Supplementary qualifiers

Other soils having: Rendzic Arenic/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

Abruptic Albic Andic Anthric
1. a mollic horizon; and Chernic/ Someric Aric Columnic Densic
2. a base saturation (by 1 M NH4OAc, pH 7)7 of ≥ 50% Mulmic Ferralic/ Sideralic
Folic Fractic Humic Isolatic
throughout to a depth of 100 cm from the mineral soil surface Petroduric/ Duric Laxic Limonic Magnesic
or to a limiting layer, whichever is shallower. Petrocalcic Nechic Novic Oxyaquic
Endocalcic Panpaic/ Raptic Pyric
PHAEOZEMS Leptic Relocatic
Rhodic/ Chromic
Salic Sodic Solimovic
Technic/ Kalaic Tephric
Transportic Turbic
Laxic Limonic Magnesic
Nechic Novic Oxyaquic
Panpaic/ Raptic Pyric
Rhodic/ Chromic
Irragric/ Hortic/ Pretic/ Terric
Salic Sodic Solimovic
Gleyic Stagnic Fluvic Vertic
Technic/ Kalaic Tephric
Glossic/ Retic Lixic/ Luvic
Transportic Turbic
Cambic/ Brunic Skeletic
Vermic Tonguic Gypsiric
Dolomitic/ Calcaric

Overview of Key to Reference Soil Groups

Histosols 95 Solonchaks 102 Nitisols 109 Gypsisols 116 Cambisols

Anthrosols 96 Gleysols 103 Ferralsols 110 Calcisols 117 Fluvisols
Technosols 97 Andosols 104 Chernozems 111 Retisols 118 Arenosols
Cryosols 98 Podzols 105 Kastanozems 112 Acrisols 119 Regosols
Leptosols 99 Plinthosols 106 Phaeozems 113 Lixisols 120
Solonetz 100 Planosols 107 Umbrisols 114 Alisols 121
Vertisols 101 Stagnosols 108 Durisols 115 Luvisols 122

7 If the data for base saturation are not available, pH values may be used according to Annex 2 (Chapter 9.13).
113 18 December 2022
Key to the Reference Soil Groups Principal qualifiers Supplementary qualifiers

Other soils having an umbric or mollic or hortic horizon. Hortic/ Plaggic/ Pretic/ Terric Arenic/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic
Chernic/ Mollic/ Someric Abruptic Albic Andic Anthric
UMBRISOLS Mulmic Fragic Leptic Gleyic Aric Densic Drainic
Stagnic Fluvic Greyzemic Hyperdystric/ Eutric Ferralic/
Glossic/ Retic Acric/ Lixic/ Sideralic Folic
Alic/ Luvic Cambic/ Brunic Gelic Humic Isolatic Laxic
Skeletic Tonguic Limonic Nechic Novic
Endodolomitic/ Endocalcaric Ornithic Oxyaquic Pachic
Haplic Panpaic/ Raptic Placic Pyric
Relocatic Rhodic/ Chromic
Solimovic Sombric
Protospodic Sulfidic
Technic/ Kalaic Thionic Toxic
Transportic Turbic Vitric

114 18 December 2022

Key to the Reference Soil Groups Principal qualifiers Supplementary qualifiers

Other soils having a petroduric or duric horizon starting ≤ 100 cm Petric Arenic/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic
Aeolic Aric Biocrustic
from the mineral soil surface. Petrogypsic Chromic Cohesic Epic/ Endic
Gypsic Gleyic
Humic/ Ochric Isopteric
DURISOLS Petrocalcic Magnesic Novic
Calcic Pyric Raptic Salic Sideralic
Sodic Stagnic
Leptic Technic/ Kalaic Toxic
Acric/ Lixic/ Alic/ Luvic Transportic Vertic
Cambic Coarsic Fractic
Yermic/ Takyric Andic
Gypsiric Calcaric
Dystric/ Eutric

Overview of Key to Reference Soil Groups

Histosols 95 Solonchaks 102 Nitisols 109 Gypsisols 116 Cambisols

Anthrosols 96 Gleysols 103 Ferralsols 110 Calcisols 117 Fluvisols
Technosols 97 Andosols 104 Chernozems 111 Retisols 118 Arenosols
Cryosols 98 Podzols 105 Kastanozems 112 Acrisols 119 Regosols
Leptosols 99 Plinthosols 106 Phaeozems 113 Lixisols 120
Solonetz 100 Planosols 107 Umbrisols 114 Alisols 121
Vertisols 101 Stagnosols 108 Durisols 115 Luvisols 122
115 18 December 2022
Key to the Reference Soil Groups Principal qualifiers Supplementary qualifiers

Other soils having: Petric Arenic/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

Abruptic Aeolic Aric
1. a gypsic or petrogypsic horizon starting ≤ 100 cm from the Petrocalcic Biocrustic
Epic/ Endic Fluvic
Hypergypsic Humic/ Ochric
Isopteric Naramic
Novic Panpaic/ Raptic Pyric
Arenic/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic
Abruptic Aeolic Aric
mineral soil surface; and Calcic Epic/ Endic Fluvic
Hypergypsic Humic/ Ochric
2. no argic horizon starting above or at the upper limit of the Leptic Isopteric Naramic
gypsic or petrogypsic horizon, unless the argic horizon Gleyic Novic Panpaic/ Raptic Pyric
contains secondary gypsum or secondary carbonates, Stagnic Sodic Technic/ Kalaic Toxic
throughout. Lixic/ Luvic Transportic Turbic
Yermic/ Takyric

116 18 December 2022

Key to the Reference Soil Groups Principal qualifiers Supplementary qualifiers

Other soils having: Petric Arenic/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

Abruptic Aeolic Aric
1. a calcic or petrocalcic horizon starting ≤ 100 cm from the Leptic Biocrustic
mineral soil surface; and Gleyic Hypercalcic
Densic Epic/ Endic Fluvic
2. no argic horizon starting above or at the upper limit of the Stagnic Gelic Protogypsic Humic/
calcic or petrocalcic horizon unless the argic horizon contains Lixic/ Luvic Ochric Isopteric Magnesic
secondary carbonates, throughout. Cambic Novic Panpaic/ Raptic Pyric
Coarsic Rhodic/ Chromic
Salic Sodic Solimovic
CALCISOLS Fractic Technic/ Kalaic Toxic
Skeletic Transportic Turbic
Yermic/ Takyric
Technic/ Kalaic Toxic
Transportic Turbic


Overview of Key to Reference Soil Groups

Histosols 95 Solonchaks 102 Nitisols 109 Gypsisols 116 Cambisols

Anthrosols 96 Gleysols 103 Ferralsols 110 Calcisols 117 Fluvisols
Technosols 97 Andosols 104 Chernozems 111 Retisols 118 Arenosols
Cryosols 98 Podzols 105 Kastanozems 112 Acrisols 119 Regosols
Leptosols 99 Plinthosols 106 Phaeozems 113 Lixisols 120
Solonetz 100 Planosols 107 Umbrisols 114 Alisols 121
Vertisols 101 Stagnosols 108 Durisols 115 Luvisols 122
117 18 December 2022
Key to the Reference Soil Groups Principal qualifiers Supplementary qualifiers

Other soils having an argic horizon starting ≤ 100 cm from the Abruptic Arenic/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic
Aric Cutanic Densic
mineral soil surface and having retic properties at its upper Fragic Differentic Drainic Epic/
boundary. Glossic Endic Folic
Gelic Humic/ Ochric Lamellic
Leptic Nechic
Novic Oxyaquic Profondic
Pyric Raptic Solimovic
Protospodic Technic/ Kalaic
Toxic Transportic Turbic
Aric Cutanic Densic
Differentic Drainic Epic/
Endic Folic
Gelic Humic/ Ochric Lamellic
RETISOLS Plaggic/ Pretic/ Terric Novic Oxyaquic Profondic
Histic Gleyic Stagnic Sideralic Pyric Raptic Solimovic
Nudiargic Protospodic Technic/ Kalaic
Neocambic/ Neobrunic Toxic Transportic Turbic
Albic Calcic Skeletic
Endodolomitic/ Endocalcaric
Dystric/ Eutric

118 18 December 2022

Key to the Reference Soil Groups Principal qualifiers Supplementary qualifiers

Other soils having: Abruptic Arenic/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

1. an argic horizon starting ≤ 100 cm from the mineral soil Fragic Aric Neocambic/ Neobrunic
surface; Leptic Cohesic
Cutanic Densic Differentic
and Hydragric/ Anthraquic/ Hyperdystric/ Epieutric
2. a CEC (by 1 M NH4OAc, pH 7) of < 24 cmolc kg-1 clay in Pretic/ Terric Epic/ Endic Geric Gibbsic
Humic/ Ochric Magnesic
some subhorizon of the argic horizon within 150 cm of the Gleyic Nechic
mineral soil surface; Stagnic Nitic Novic Oxyaquic Posic
Profondic Pyric Raptic
and Ferralic Saprolithic Sodic Solimovic
3. exchangeable Al > exchangeable (Ca+Mg+K+Na)8 in half or more of: Rhodic/ Chromic/ Xanthic Sombric
a. the depth range between 50 and 100 cm of the mineral soil Nudiargic Lamellic Technic/ Kalaic Toxic
surface; or Albic Ferric Skeletic Haplic Transportic Vitric
b. the lower half of the mineral soil above a limiting layer starting ≤ 100
cm from the mineral soil surface,
whichever is shallower.

Overview of Key to Reference Soil Groups

Histosols 95 Solonchaks 102 Nitisols 109 Gypsisols 116 Cambisols

Anthrosols 96 Gleysols 103 Ferralsols 110 Calcisols 117 Fluvisols
Technosols 97 Andosols 104 Chernozems 111 Retisols 118 Arenosols
Cryosols 98 Podzols 105 Kastanozems 112 Acrisols 119 Regosols
Leptosols 99 Plinthosols 106 Phaeozems 113 Lixisols 120
Solonetz 100 Planosols 107 Umbrisols 114 Alisols 121
Vertisols 101 Stagnosols 108 Durisols 115 Luvisols 122

8 Exchangeablecations are given in cmolc kg-1. If these data are not available, pH values may be used according to
Annex 2 (Chapter 9.13).
119 18 December 2022
Key to the Reference Soil Groups Principal qualifiers Supplementary qualifiers

Other soils having: Abruptic Arenic/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

1. an argic horizon starting ≤ 100 cm from the mineral soil Fragic Aric Neocambic/ Neobrunic
surface; and Petrocalcic Cohesic
Columnic Cutanic Densic
2. a CEC (by 1 M NH4OAc, pH 7) of < 24 cmolc kg-1 clay in Leptic Differentic
some subhorizon of the argic horizon within 150 cm of the Hydragric/ Anthraquic/ Epidystric/ Hypereutric Epic/
Endic Fractic
mineral soil surface. Pretic/ Terric Geric
Gleyic Gibbsic Humic/ Ochric
Magnesic Nechic
Nitic Novic Oxyaquic
Ferralic Profondic Pyric Raptic
Saprolithic Sodic Solimovic
Technic/ Kalaic Toxic
Transportic Vitric
Gibbsic Humic/ Ochric
Magnesic Nechic
Nitic Novic Oxyaquic
Profondic Pyric Raptic
Saprolithic Sodic Solimovic
Rhodic/ Chromic/ Xanthic
Technic/ Kalaic Toxic
Nudiargic Lamellic
Transportic Vitric
Albic Ferric Gypsic Calcic
Yermic/ Takyric Skeletic

120 18 December 2022

Key to the Reference Soil Groups Principal qualifiers Supplementary qualifiers

Other soils having: Abruptic Arenic/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

1. an argic horizon starting ≤ 100 cm from the mineral soil Fragic Aric Neocambic/ Neobrunic
surface; Leptic Cutanic
Densic Differentic
and Hydragric/ Anthraquic/ Hyperdystric/ Epieutric Epic/
2. exchangeable Al > exchangeable (Ca+Mg+K+Na)9 in half or more of: Plaggic/ Pretic/ Terric Endic
a. the depth range between 50 and 100 cm of the mineral soil surface; or Gleyic Stagnic Vertic Fluvic Folic Gelic
b. the lower half of the mineral soil above a limiting layer starting ≤ 100 Rhodic/ Chromic Nudiargic Humic/ Ochric Hyperalic
cm from the mineral soil surface Lamellic Magnesic Nechic
whichever is shallower. Nitic Novic Oxyaquic
Profondic Pyric Raptic Sodic
Protospodic Technic/ Kalaic
Toxic Transportic Turbic
Protospodic Technic/ Kalaic
Toxic Transportic Turbic

ALISOLS Ferric Skeletic Haplic

Overview of Key to Reference Soil Groups

Histosols 95 Solonchaks 102 Nitisols 109 Gypsisols 116 Cambisols

Anthrosols 96 Gleysols 103 Ferralsols 110 Calcisols 117 Fluvisols
Technosols 97 Andosols 104 Chernozems 111 Retisols 118 Arenosols
Cryosols 98 Podzols 105 Kastanozems 112 Acrisols 119 Regosols
Leptosols 99 Plinthosols 106 Phaeozems 113 Lixisols 120
Solonetz 100 Planosols 107 Umbrisols 114 Alisols 121
Vertisols 101 Stagnosols 108 Durisols 115 Luvisols 122

9 Exchangeablecations are given in cmolc kg-1. If these data are not available, pH values may be used according to
Annex 2 (Chapter 9.13).
121 18 December 2022
Key to the Reference Soil Groups Principal qualifiers Supplementary qualifiers

Other soils having an argic horizon starting ≤ 100 cm from the Abruptic Arenic/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic
mineral soil surface. Fragic Aric Neocambic /Neobrunic
Petrocalcic Columnic
Cutanic Densic Differentic
LUVISOLS Leptic Epidystric/ Hypereutric Epic/
Hydragric/ Anthraquic/ Endic Escalic
Fluvic Fractic Gelic
Humic/ Ochric Magnesic
Nitic Novic Oxyaquic
Profondic Pyric Raptic Sodic
Aric Neocambic /Neobrunic
Cutanic Densic Differentic
Epidystric/ Hypereutric Epic/
Endic Escalic
Fluvic Fractic Gelic
Irragric/ Pretic/ Terric Humic/ Ochric Magnesic
Gleyic Stagnic Vertic Nechic
Rhodic/ Chromic Nudiargic Nitic Novic Oxyaquic
Lamellic Albic Profondic Pyric Raptic Sodic
Ferric Gypsic Calcic Solimovic
Yermic/ Takyric Technic/ Kalaic Toxic
Skeletic Dolomitic/ Calcaric Transportic Turbic
Haplic Vitric

122 18 December 2022

Key to the Reference Soil Groups Principal qualifiers Supplementary qualifiers

Other soils having: Fragic Arenic/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

Geoabruptic Aeolic Alcalic
1. a cambic horizon Thionic Aric
a. starting ≤ 50 cm from the mineral soil surface; and Hydragric/ Anthraquic/ Biocrustic Protocalcic
Carbonic Cohesic Columnic
Densic Drainic Escalic Ferric
Folic Fractic Gelic Gelistagnic
Protogypsic Humic/ Ochric
Laxic Limonic Litholinic
Magnesic Nechic Novic
Ornithic Oxyaquic
Panpaic/ Raptic
Pyric Salic Saprolithic Sodic
Protospodic Sulfidic
Technic/ Kalaic Tephric Toxic
Arenic/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic
Geoabruptic Aeolic Alcalic
Biocrustic Protocalcic
Carbonic Cohesic Columnic
b. having its lower limit ≥ 25 cm from the mineral soil surface; Irragric/ Plaggic/ Pretic/ Terric Densic Drainic Escalic Ferric
or Tsitelic Folic Fractic Gelic Gelistagnic
2. an anthraquic, hydragric, irragric, plaggic, pretic or terric horizon; Vertic Andic Vitric Leptic Protogypsic Humic/ Ochric
or Histic Gleyic Stagnic Isopteric
3. a fragic, thionic or vertic horizon starting ≤ 100 cm from the mineral Solimovic Fluvic Sideralic Laxic Limonic Litholinic
soil surface; Rhodic/ Chromic Magnesic Nechic Novic
or Skeletic Ornithic Oxyaquic
4. a tsitelic horizon with a texture class of sandy loam or finer, starting ≤ Panpaic/ Raptic
50 cm from the mineral soil surface; Pyric Salic Saprolithic Sodic
or Protospodic Sulfidic
5. one or more layers with andic or vitric properties with a combined Technic/ Kalaic Tephric Toxic
thickness of ≥ 15 cm within 100 cm of the soil surface. Transportic

CAMBISOLS Gypsiric Dolomitic/ Calcaric

Dystric/ Eutric

Yermic/ Takyric
123 18 December 2022
Key to the Reference Soil Groups Principal qualifiers Supplementary qualifiers

Other soils having fluvic material: Tidalic Arenic/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic
Geoabruptic Alcalic
1. ≥ 25 cm thick and starting ≤ 25 cm from the mineral soil Pantofluvic/ Anofluvic/ Arenicolic Aric Protocalcic
surface; or Orthofluvic Densic Drainic Folic
Gelic Humic/ Ochric Limnic
2. from the lower limit of a plough layer, ≤ 40 cm thick, to a Leptic Limonic Magnesic Nechic
depth of ≥ 50 cm from the mineral soil surface. Histic Oxyaquic Panpaic
Placic Pyric Salic Sideralic
Gleyic Sodic Sulfidic
FLUVISOLS10 Stagnic Technic/ Kalaic Toxic
Transportic Turbic Protovertic
Yermic/ Takyric
Dolomitic/ Calcaric
Dystric/ Eutric

10 Fluvisolsmay bury other soils, which can be mentioned behind the Fluvisol classification using the word 'over' in between (see Chapter
2.4). Alternatively, buried diagnostic horizons or buried layers with a diagnostic property can be
indicated with the Thapto- specifier followed by a qualifier.

124 18 December 2022

Key to the Reference Soil Groups Principal qualifiers Supplementary qualifiers

Other soils having within 100 cm of the mineral soil surface: Tidalic Geoabruptic
1. a weighted average texture class of loamy sand or sand; and Aeolic Alcalic
2. layers of finer texture, if present, with a combined thickness of Solimovic Arenicolic
< 15 cm; and Tephric Aric
3. layers with ≥ 40% (by volume, related to the whole soil) Tsitelic Biocrustic
coarse fragments, if present, with a combined thickness of Brunic Protocalcic
< 15 cm. Gleyic Carbonic
Sideralic Cordic
ARENOSOLS11 Yermic Folic
Protic Gelic
Transportic Protogypsic
Relocatic Humic/ Ochric
Gypsiric Hydrophobic
Dolomitic/ Calcaric Isopteric
Dystric/ Eutric Lamellic/ Protoargic
Panpaic/ Raptic
Rhodic/ Chromic/ Rubic/
Sodic Bathyspodic
Protospodic Stagnic Sulfidic
Technic/ Kalaic Toxic Turbic

Overview of Key to Reference Soil Groups

Histosols 95 Solonchaks 102 Nitisols 109 Gypsisols 116 Cambisols

Anthrosols 96 Gleysols 103 Ferralsols 110 Calcisols 117 Fluvisols
Technosols 97 Andosols 104 Chernozems 111 Retisols 118 Arenosols
Cryosols 98 Podzols 105 Kastanozems 112 Acrisols 119 Regosols
Leptosols 99 Plinthosols 106 Phaeozems 113 Lixisols 120
Solonetz 100 Planosols 107 Umbrisols 114 Alisols 121
Vertisols 101 Stagnosols 108 Durisols 115 Luvisols 122
11 Arenosolsmay bury other soils, which can be mentioned behind the Arenosol classification using the word 'over' in
between (see Chapter 2.4). Alternatively, buried diagnostic horizons or buried layers with a diagnostic property can be indicated with the
Thapto- specifier followed by a qualifier. Arenosols may have diagnostic horizons at depths of > 100 cm. These can be indicated with the
Bathy- specifier followed by a qualifier, e.g. Bathyacric (> 100 cm), Bathyspodic (> 200 cm).

125 18 December 2022

Key to the Reference Soil Groups Principal qualifiers Supplementary qualifiers

Other soils: Tidalic Arenic/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

Geoabruptic Alcalic Aric
Leptic Biocrustic Protocalcic
REGOSOLS Solimovic Carbonic Cordic Densic
Drainic Escalic Fluvic
Aeolic Folic Gelic Gelistagnic
Tephric Protogypsic Humic/ Ochric
Isolatic Isopteric Magnesic
Brunic Nechic Ornithic Oxyaquic
Gleyic Panpaic/ Raptic
Pyric Salic Saprolithic Sodic
Stagnic Technic/ Kalaic Toxic Turbic
Skeletic Protovertic
Yermic/ Takyric
Dolomitic/ Calcaric
Dystric/ Eutric

126 18 December 2022

mentary qualifiers

alic/ Dystric/ Eutric

c Dolomitic/ Calcaric
Hyperorganic Isolatic
nic Limnic Limonic
ralic Mulmic Ornithic
c Pyric Relocatic Salic
c/ Kalaic Tephric Toxic
portic Turbic Wapnic

ber 2022
mentary qualifiers

/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

c/ Lixic/ Alic/ Luvic
/ Dystric/ Eutric Calcic
nic Dolomitic/ Calcaric
c Fluvic Glossic/ Retic
doleptic/ Endothyric
ic Oxyaquic Panpaic
c Salic Skeletic Sodic
ic/ Kalaic Toxic Vertic

ber 2022


er' in
n be indicated with the
so be characterized by
apter 2.3.2).
ber 2022
mentary qualifiers

/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

alic/ Dystric/ Eutric
stic Dolomitic/ Calcaric
pic/ Endic/ Dorsic
ocrustic/ Puffic Fluvic
Gypsiric Humic/ Ochric
nic Magnesic Nechic
Ornithic Pyric Raptic
Sodic Sulfidic
hnic/ Kalaic Tephric
ropic Toxic Transportic

ber 2022
mentary qualifiers

/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

Aric Biocrustic Drainic
uvic Gelic Gleyic
mic/ Ochric Isolatic
adic Magnesic Nechic
ic Ornithic Oxyaquic
c/ Raptic Placic Protic
Pyric Salic Sodic
imovic Protospodic
Stagnic Sulfidic
c/ Kalaic Tephric Toxic
ortic Turbic Protovertic
Aric Biocrustic Drainic
uvic Gelic Gleyic
mic/ Ochric Isolatic
adic Magnesic Nechic
ic Ornithic Oxyaquic
c/ Raptic Placic Protic
Pyric Salic Sodic
imovic Protospodic
Stagnic Sulfidic
c/ Kalaic Tephric Toxic
ortic Turbic Protovertic


ber 2022
mentary qualifiers

/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

crustic Neocambic/
eobrunic Chromic
nic Cutanic Differentic
/ Endic Ferric Fluvic
mic/ Ochric Magnesic
natric Novic Oxyaquic
etroplinthic Pyric
ptic Retic Skeletic
chnic/ Kalaic Toxic
ransportic Turbic

ber 2022
mentary qualifiers

/ Endodystric
c/ Mollic
itic/ Calcaric
ic/ Mazic/ Pelocrustic
Humic/ Ochric


uic Pyric Raptic

c Stagnic Sulfidic
c/ Kalaic Thionic Toxic



ber 2022
mentary qualifiers

/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

eric Aeolic Alcalic
rbonatic/ Chloridic/
c Dolomitic/ Calcaric
c Evapocrustic/ Puffic
Folic/ Histic
ctic Gelic Gypsiric
mic/ Ochric Magnesic
Novic Oxyaquic
eric Aeolic Alcalic
rbonatic/ Chloridic/
c Dolomitic/ Calcaric
c Evapocrustic/ Puffic
Folic/ Histic
ctic Gelic Gypsiric
mic/ Ochric Magnesic
Novic Oxyaquic
npaic/ Raptic Pyric
alic Skeletic Solimovic
ic/ Kalaic Endothionic
c Transportic Turbic

ber 2022
mentary qualifiers

/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

c/ Lixic/ Alic/ Luvic
alic Arenicolic Aric
Ferralic/ Sideralic
olic Fractic Gelic
/ Ochric Inclinic Laxic
ic Limonic Magnesic
ulmic Nechic Novic
Pyric Raptic Relocatic
alic Skeletic Sodic
movic Sulfidic Takyric
c/ Kalaic Tephric Toxic
portic Turbic Uterquic
c/ Lixic/ Alic/ Luvic
alic Arenicolic Aric
Ferralic/ Sideralic
olic Fractic Gelic
/ Ochric Inclinic Laxic
ic Limonic Magnesic
ulmic Nechic Novic
Pyric Raptic Relocatic
alic Skeletic Sodic
movic Sulfidic Takyric
c/ Kalaic Tephric Toxic
portic Turbic Uterquic

ber 2022
mentary qualifiers

/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

Dolomitic/ Calcaric
utrosilic/ Acroxic
ic Folic Fragic Gelic
mic/ Ochric Mulmic
hic Novic Oxyaquic
Panpaic Placic
Pyric Reductic Sideralic
Solimovic Protospodic
ic/ Kalaic Thixotropic
c Transportic Turbic

n be indicated with the

ber 2022
mentary qualifiers

enic/ Loamic/ Siltic

Neocambic/ Neobrunic
pic/ Endic/ Dorsic
ic Folic Fragic Gelic
onic Novic Ornithic
uic Placic Pyric Raptic
spodic Technic/ Kalaic
c Transportic Turbic


ber 2022
mentary qualifiers
/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic
ptic Acric/ Lixic Aric
hesic Drainic Duric
ic/ Eutric Epic/ Endic
mic/ Ochric Isopteric
nesic Novic Oxyaquic
c Raptic Saprolithic
chnic/ Kalaic Toxic

ber 2022
mentary qualifiers

/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

ic Andic Aric Cambic
aric Chromic Cohesic
mnic Densic Drainic
Ferralic/ Sideralic
ic Folic Fragic Gelic
Humic/ Ochric Inclinic
esic Mochipic Nechic
Pyric Raptic Skeletic
c Solimovic Sulfidic
chnic/ Kalaic Toxic
portic Turbic Uterquic
chnic/ Kalaic Toxic
portic Turbic Uterquic

mbisols 123
visols 124
enosols 125
gosols 126

ber 2022
mentary qualifiers

/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

abruptic Alcalic Aric
laric Cohesic Drainic
Ferralic/ Sideralic
ic Folic Fragic Gelic
Humic/ Ochric Inclinic
/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic
abruptic Alcalic Aric
laric Cohesic Drainic
Ferralic/ Sideralic
ic Folic Fragic Gelic
Humic/ Ochric Inclinic
esic Mochipic Nechic
Novic Ornithic Pyric
dic/ Chromic Skeletic
imovic Protospodic
idic Technic/ Kalaic
c Transportic Turbic

ber 2022
mentary qualifiers

c/ Kalaic


ber 2022
mentary qualifiers

/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

tic Activic Andic Aric
Cohesic Densic
ic/ Eutric Epic/ Endic/
Dorsic Ferric
Humic/ Ochric Isopteric
linic Novic Oxyaquic
Pyric Raptic Saprolithic
olimovic Sombric
chnic/ Kalaic Toxic

ber 2022
mentary qualifiers

/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

c Aric Densic Fluvic
actic Humic Novic
uic Pachic Pyric Raptic
Salic Sodic
ovic Sombric Stagnic
hnic/ Kalaic Tephric
ransportic Turbic

c horizon.

mber 2022
mentary qualifiers

/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

Anthric Aric Chromic
c Fractic Gelic Humic
xic Magnesic Novic
Oxyaquic Pachic
Panpaic/ Raptic
Pyric Salic Sodic
ovic Sombric Stagnic
hnic/ Kalaic Tephric
ransportic Turbic
ber 2022
mentary qualifiers

/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

ic Albic Andic Anthric
c Columnic Densic
Ferralic/ Sideralic
Fractic Humic Isolatic
c Limonic Magnesic
hic Novic Oxyaquic
npaic/ Raptic Pyric
Rhodic/ Chromic
ic Sodic Solimovic
hnic/ Kalaic Tephric
ransportic Turbic
c Limonic Magnesic
hic Novic Oxyaquic
npaic/ Raptic Pyric
Rhodic/ Chromic
ic Sodic Solimovic
hnic/ Kalaic Tephric
ransportic Turbic


ber 2022
mentary qualifiers

/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

ic Albic Andic Anthric
ric Densic Drainic
dystric/ Eutric Ferralic/
Sideralic Folic
Humic Isolatic Laxic
monic Nechic Novic
thic Oxyaquic Pachic
ic/ Raptic Placic Pyric
atic Rhodic/ Chromic
olimovic Sombric
otospodic Sulfidic
c/ Kalaic Thionic Toxic
sportic Turbic Vitric

ber 2022
mentary qualifiers

/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

olic Aric Biocrustic
ic Cohesic Epic/ Endic
mic/ Ochric Isopteric
Magnesic Novic
Raptic Salic Sideralic
Sodic Stagnic
chnic/ Kalaic Toxic
Transportic Vertic


ber 2022
mentary qualifiers

/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

bruptic Aeolic Aric
pic/ Endic Fluvic
gypsic Humic/ Ochric
sopteric Naramic
Panpaic/ Raptic Pyric
/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic
bruptic Aeolic Aric
pic/ Endic Fluvic
gypsic Humic/ Ochric
sopteric Naramic
Panpaic/ Raptic Pyric
Technic/ Kalaic Toxic
ransportic Turbic

ber 2022
mentary qualifiers

/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

bruptic Aeolic Aric
ic Epic/ Endic Fluvic
c Protogypsic Humic/
ic Isopteric Magnesic
Panpaic/ Raptic Pyric
Rhodic/ Chromic
ic Sodic Solimovic
chnic/ Kalaic Toxic
ransportic Turbic
chnic/ Kalaic Toxic
ransportic Turbic


ber 2022
mentary qualifiers

/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

ric Cutanic Densic
erentic Drainic Epic/
Endic Folic
Humic/ Ochric Lamellic
c Oxyaquic Profondic
ic Raptic Solimovic
podic Technic/ Kalaic
c Transportic Turbic
ric Cutanic Densic
erentic Drainic Epic/
Endic Folic
Humic/ Ochric Lamellic
c Oxyaquic Profondic
ic Raptic Solimovic
podic Technic/ Kalaic
c Transportic Turbic

ber 2022
mentary qualifiers

/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

Neocambic/ Neobrunic
nic Densic Differentic
perdystric/ Epieutric
Endic Geric Gibbsic
mic/ Ochric Magnesic
Novic Oxyaquic Posic
fondic Pyric Raptic
lithic Sodic Solimovic
chnic/ Kalaic Toxic
Transportic Vitric

ber 2022
mentary qualifiers

/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

Neocambic/ Neobrunic
mnic Cutanic Densic
tric/ Hypereutric Epic/
Endic Fractic
bsic Humic/ Ochric
Magnesic Nechic
ic Novic Oxyaquic
fondic Pyric Raptic
lithic Sodic Solimovic
chnic/ Kalaic Toxic
Transportic Vitric
bsic Humic/ Ochric
Magnesic Nechic
ic Novic Oxyaquic
fondic Pyric Raptic
lithic Sodic Solimovic
chnic/ Kalaic Toxic
Transportic Vitric

ber 2022
mentary qualifiers

/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

Neocambic/ Neobrunic
Densic Differentic
dystric/ Epieutric Epic/
Fluvic Folic Gelic
mic/ Ochric Hyperalic
Magnesic Nechic
ic Novic Oxyaquic
dic Pyric Raptic Sodic
podic Technic/ Kalaic
c Transportic Turbic
podic Technic/ Kalaic
c Transportic Turbic


ber 2022
mentary qualifiers

/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

Neocambic /Neobrunic
nic Densic Differentic
tric/ Hypereutric Epic/
Endic Escalic
uvic Fractic Gelic
mic/ Ochric Magnesic
ic Novic Oxyaquic
dic Pyric Raptic Sodic
Neocambic /Neobrunic
nic Densic Differentic
tric/ Hypereutric Epic/
Endic Escalic
uvic Fractic Gelic
mic/ Ochric Magnesic
ic Novic Oxyaquic
dic Pyric Raptic Sodic
chnic/ Kalaic Toxic
ransportic Turbic

ber 2022
mentary qualifiers

/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

bruptic Aeolic Alcalic
ocrustic Protocalcic
nic Cohesic Columnic
Drainic Escalic Ferric
ractic Gelic Gelistagnic
gypsic Humic/ Ochric
c Limonic Litholinic
gnesic Nechic Novic
Ornithic Oxyaquic
Panpaic/ Raptic
Salic Saprolithic Sodic
otospodic Sulfidic
c/ Kalaic Tephric Toxic
/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic
bruptic Aeolic Alcalic
ocrustic Protocalcic
nic Cohesic Columnic
Drainic Escalic Ferric
ractic Gelic Gelistagnic
gypsic Humic/ Ochric
c Limonic Litholinic
gnesic Nechic Novic
Ornithic Oxyaquic
Panpaic/ Raptic
Salic Saprolithic Sodic
otospodic Sulfidic
c/ Kalaic Tephric Toxic

ber 2022
mentary qualifiers

/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

eoabruptic Alcalic
colic Aric Protocalcic
ensic Drainic Folic
Humic/ Ochric Limnic
nic Magnesic Nechic
Oxyaquic Panpaic
c Pyric Salic Sideralic
Sodic Sulfidic
chnic/ Kalaic Toxic
ortic Turbic Protovertic

in between (see Chapter

ber 2022
mentary qualifiers

ic/ Protoargic
c/ Raptic
dic/ Chromic/ Rubic/
odic Bathyspodic
podic Stagnic Sulfidic
c/ Kalaic Toxic Turbic

r' in
n be indicated with the
an be indicated with the

ber 2022
mentary qualifiers

/ Clayic/ Loamic/ Siltic

abruptic Alcalic Aric
ocrustic Protocalcic
bonic Cordic Densic
ainic Escalic Fluvic
ic Gelic Gelistagnic
gypsic Humic/ Ochric
ic Isopteric Magnesic
ic Ornithic Oxyaquic
Panpaic/ Raptic
Salic Saprolithic Sodic
c/ Kalaic Toxic Turbic
ber 2022

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