ELL POA CLASS X 2024-25 (4th APR To 20th APR)

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(Under the aegis of the Delhi Public School Society, New Delhi)
Affiliation No:430090 School Code: 10080

Fortnightly Plan of Action

[Thursday, April 4, 2024 – Saturday, April 20, 2024]

Class X
Subject English Language and Literature (184)
Total Teaching Days 12

Practice Skills:

Specific Objectives:
A Letter to God
- Infer the theme and sub themes: The power of faith in
God, human compassion, nature and its destructive power.
- Character analysis
- Explain the literary elements: Irony and Metaphor
Dust of Snow
-Infer the major themes: Significance of small
things/events, correlation between nature and humans
-interpret the tone of the poet and the significance of
literary elements
Fire and Ice
Learning Objectives -Infer the major themes: Destructive nature of untamed
emotions, inevitability of the end of the world
-Interpret the tone of the poet and the significance of
literary element - symbolism
Subject Verb Agreement
- Organize accurate, clear and stylistically correct pieces
of independent text
Reading Comprehension
- Reinforce the grammatical structure of the learners and
to improve the vocabulary
- Promote life-long readership habits and critical
thinking/interpretation skills

Opp Hotel Radisson, Gandhidham (Kutch) – 370201 (Gujarat)

Mob – 89800-34185, E-mail – info@dpsgandhidham.org Website: www.dpsgandhidham.org
(Under the aegis of the Delhi Public School Society, New Delhi)
Affiliation No:430090 School Code: 10080

- Pronunciation of new words and phrases

- Learning and applying new vocabulary
Identified Learning
- Organizing coherent and meaningful answers with the
Gap(s) necessary key points
- Analyzing the literary meanings in pieces of prose/poem

- Pronunciation drill
- Opportunities to apply new vocabulary through
interactive tasks
Corrective Remedies - Guided writing practice and peer evaluation in class
- Annotating text and seeking frequent responses based
on the read content

WEEK 1: 04/04/24 to 6/04/24

Sr. Session Chapter / Activities / C.W. H.W.
No. Topic
1 Session Lesson 1 -About the Author
1 A Letter to -Reading
God -Comprehension Check
The Pleasure -Respond to picturesque details
of Rain -Discuss the format of a formal
- Class Notes
2 Session The Night of -Reading Read the article
2 Sorrow -Comprehension Check to help you
Speaking write a letter to
-Discuss and reason Lencho’s the Editor in
disappointment class.
-Rationalize writing a letter to Making Every Drop
God for help. Count: My Journey
-Discuss letter to the editor in Water
-Class Notes Conservation |
3 Session Faith in God -Reading
3 -Comprehension Check
-Discuss the act of charity to
sustain faith in God
-Identify and explain the irony
in the concluding statement.

Opp Hotel Radisson, Gandhidham (Kutch) – 370201 (Gujarat)

Mob – 89800-34185, E-mail – info@dpsgandhidham.org Website: www.dpsgandhidham.org
(Under the aegis of the Delhi Public School Society, New Delhi)
Affiliation No:430090 School Code: 10080

-Discuss the figurative

language used in the lesson.
Vineet/Vani, 165,
Ramakrishna Road, Kolkata
comes across the following
article in a newspaper. He/She
is concerned about the need of
water as a basic amenity and
decides to write a letter to the
Editor, The Telegraph, Kolkata
highlighting the need to save
water through water

WEEK 2: 08/04/24 to 13/04/24

Sr. Session Chapter / Activities / C.W. H.W.
No. Topic
1 Session Poem: -Poem recitation 1. Listen to the
1 Dust of Snow -About the poet Poem
Listen Recitation
Nature: A https://youtube.com/shorts/t https://www.y
Perennial 0GlixRJxtg?si=YAx6GWVgmFr outube.com/wa
Source of Joy 5rHfX – The healing sounds of tch?v=6HRbKS
nature uJo54
- Personal reflections to the
Discuss: Nature treats every
creature and object impartially
-Class Notes
2 Session Symbolism: -Poem explanation
2 Crow and -Poem recitation by students
Hemlock Tree - Literary nuances in the poem
-Infer inherent ideas
-Class Notes
3 Session Hope and Speaking
3 Optimism -Infer the merits of adopting an
optimistic attitude in life

Opp Hotel Radisson, Gandhidham (Kutch) – 370201 (Gujarat)

Mob – 89800-34185, E-mail – info@dpsgandhidham.org Website: www.dpsgandhidham.org
(Under the aegis of the Delhi Public School Society, New Delhi)
Affiliation No:430090 School Code: 10080

As a crow you feel highly
insulted by the incorrect
perception humans have about
your species. Imagine yourself
to be a crow and write your
opinion about this prejudice.
Make an appeal for breaking
4 Session Poem: Speaking
4 Fire and Ice -Class Discussion on the end
of the world
How will the -Poem Recitation
world end? -Literal Meaning
-Class Notes

WEEK 3: 15/04/24 to 20/04/24

Sr. Session Chapter / Activities / C.W. H.W.
No. Topic
1 Session Symbolic -Deduce that human 1.Read the
1 significance of temperaments have the power blog and
Fire and Ice to destroy the world prepare for
- Literary devices in the poem the classroom
- Class Notes group
2. Listen to the

Opp Hotel Radisson, Gandhidham (Kutch) – 370201 (Gujarat)

Mob – 89800-34185, E-mail – info@dpsgandhidham.org Website: www.dpsgandhidham.org
(Under the aegis of the Delhi Public School Society, New Delhi)
Affiliation No:430090 School Code: 10080

2 Session Group Speaking Complete the

2 Discussion and Unbridled human emotions and writing task
Recitation taming them given in class
You feel that the ‘fire and ice’ in
Mankind can be addressed to
create a harmonious world.
Write a speech, for your
classmates, expressing your
belief/s with respect to the poem
3 Session Grammar: -The Basic Rule
3 Subject Verb -Additional Rules
Agreement -Error Correction exercise
4 Session Practice -Error Correction Exercise
4 Exercises -Read the paragraph and then
write the corrections. [Exercise
attached below]
5 Session Reading Reading
5 Comprehension Solve the worksheet

- Read, comprehend and respond to complex text

- speak while participating in interactive tasks to
demonstrate fluency in language
- Appreciate the significance of literary devices in
- Write an official letter in response to the given cue
- Appreciate nuances and shades of literary
Learning meanings
Outcomes - Answer questions based on comprehension,
inference and critical thinking
-Rationalize faith in God
-Empathize with the grievances of farmers
Real Life -The healing power of nature
Applications -Understanding and taming emotions
-Critical thinking, collaboration, communication,
and creativity

Opp Hotel Radisson, Gandhidham (Kutch) – 370201 (Gujarat)

Mob – 89800-34185, E-mail – info@dpsgandhidham.org Website: www.dpsgandhidham.org
(Under the aegis of the Delhi Public School Society, New Delhi)
Affiliation No:430090 School Code: 10080

Prepared By: Rechecked By: Co-Teacher

Ms. Vandana John Mr. Subba Rayudu Ms. Shruti Verma

Brief Analysis of Poems

Grammar Exercise – Subject Verb Agreement

I. Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject.

1. Annie and her brothers (is, are) at school.

2. Either my mother or my father (is, are) coming to the meeting.

3. The dog or the cats (is, are) outside.

4. Either my shoes or your coat (is, are) always on the floor.

5. George and Tamara (doesn't, don't) want to see that movie.

6. Benito (doesn't, don't) know the answer.

7. One of my sisters (is, are) going on a trip to France.

8. The man with all the birds (live, lives) on my street.

9. The movie, including all the previews, (take, takes) about two hours to watch.

10. The players, as well as the captain, (want, wants) to win.

11. Either answer (is, are) acceptable.

Opp Hotel Radisson, Gandhidham (Kutch) – 370201 (Gujarat)

Mob – 89800-34185, E-mail – info@dpsgandhidham.org Website: www.dpsgandhidham.org
(Under the aegis of the Delhi Public School Society, New Delhi)
Affiliation No:430090 School Code: 10080

12. Every one of those books (is, are) fiction.

13. (Is, Are) the news on at five or six?

14. Mathematics (is, are) John's favorite subject, while Civics (is, are) Andrea's favorite

15. Eight dollars (is, are) the price of a movie these days.

16. (Is, Are) the tweezers in this drawer?

17. Your pants (is, are) at the cleaner's.

18. There (was, were) fifteen candies in that bag. Now there (is, are) only one left!

19. The committee (debates, debate) these questions carefully.

20. The committee members (leads, lead) very different lives in private.

21. The Prime Minister, together with his wife, (greets, greet) the press cordially.

22. All of the CDs, even the scratched one, (is, are) in this case.

II. Edit the paragraph given below and edit it in the format given below.

The following Sunday Lencho came a bit earlier than usual to asks if there were a letter for
him. It was the postman himself who handed the letter to him while the postmaster,
experiencing the contentment of a man who has perform a good deed, look on from his
office. Lencho showed not the slightest surprises on seeing the money; such was his
confidence but he become angry when he count the money. God could not has made a
mistake, nor could he has denied Lencho what he had request.

Error Correction

Syllabus and Paper Pattern 2024-25 [Please take a print and paste it in your NB.]

Opp Hotel Radisson, Gandhidham (Kutch) – 370201 (Gujarat)

Mob – 89800-34185, E-mail – info@dpsgandhidham.org Website: www.dpsgandhidham.org

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