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Subject English Class Part-I

Time 1h 20 Mints Marks 45

Date: 16-04-2024
Name: Section Roll No.

Q.NO.1.(a) Tick the right option. 08 marks

1. Norma asked Arthur if the button unit intrigued him.
a)repelled b)interested c)elevated d)delighted
2 . She walked into the kitchen numbly.
a)staggering b)feelinglessly c)calmly d)fearfully
3. Impulsively Norma picked up the card halves.
a) fortunately b) probably c)knowingly d) instinctively
4. All this furore over a meaningless button.
a)horror b)rage c) intrigue d)upset
5. He lost his plough in the furrow.
a)valley b)groove c)elevated d)gutter
6 . Mr.Hubert reitrerated his innocence.
a)repeated b)rejected c)calmly d)fearfully
7. The girl let out a muffled cry.
a) loud b) shrilled c) low pitch d) stifled
8. If you are ill, you ……… go to the hospital.
a) should b) would c) would have d) should have

Q.NO.2.Write the short answers of the following questions. 10 Marks
1. Why did Arthur disagree with his wife?
2. Why did the son at the age of six cry?
3. What circumstances did Bittering family face?
4. What is the importance of Easter?
5.What is the significance of storm in the play “Heat Lightening”

Q.NO5. Translate the following passage. 10 marks

While she was stacking dishes, she turned abruptly, dried her hands and took the package
from the bottom cabinet. Opening it, she set the button unit on the table. She stared at it for a long
time before taking the key from its envelope and removing the glass dome. She stared at the button.
How ridiculous, she thought. All this furore over a meaningless button.

Q.No.6 Explain the following lines with reference to context. 05 Marks

And since to look at bloom
Fifty Springs are little room
About the woodland I will go
To see the cherry hung with snow
Q.NO.7 Write a letter to your friend telling him about the evils of cramming. 10 Marks

Q.NO. 8 Use the following pairs of words in sentences. 02 Marks

1. Except , Accept 2. Altar, Alter

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