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U1 - Let’s Exchange Personal Information / Sesion 1 : Let’s greet

PROPÓSITO: Comprendemos textos breves en ingles sobre saludos, despedidas. Luego practicamos a
través de un pequeño dialogo.

1. WARM UP: look at the picture and answer the question. What are they doing?

2. LET’S LISTEN AND READ! Listen to and read the text.

Formal Greetings informal Greetings farewells
Hello Hey! Good bye, bye bye.
How are you? Hi! see you son, later, tomorrow.
Good morning, What’s up! Take care,
afternoon, evening. How are things? Good night
What are you doing? What’s new? have a nice day, weekend.
How is ti going?
Very well, thank you I’m okay Great Excellent
Not bad Not too Good I’m tired Welcome
You’re welcome Please come in sorry
Good luck Excúseme congratulation

3. LET’S UNDERSTAND! UNDERSTAND - EXERCISE 1: complete the dialogue and practice.

Gerald: Good morning Harol.
Harol: Good __________ _____________.
Gerald: How are _____?
Harol: ______, thanks. ______ are you?
Gerald: Great.
Harol: Good _____
Gerald: Take care.



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