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Somatic Sensations: I. General

Organization, Tactile and Position Senses

The somatic senses are the nervous mechanisms that collect they are all detected by the same types of receptors. There
sensory information from all over the body. These senses are three principal differences among them: (1) touch sen-
are in contradistinction to the special senses, which mean sation generally results from stimulation of tactile recep-
specifically vision, hearing, smell, taste, and equilibrium. tors in the skin or in tissues immediately beneath the skin;
(2) pressure sensation generally results from deformation
of deeper tissues; and (3) vibration sensation results from
rapidly repetitive sensory signals; however, some of the
The somatic senses can be classified into three physiologi- same types of receptors as those for touch and pressure
cal types: (1) the mechanoreceptive somatic senses, which are used.
include both tactile and position sensations that are stim-
ulated by mechanical displacement of some tissue of the Tactile Receptors. There are at least six entirely different
body; (2) the thermoreceptive senses, which detect heat types of tactile receptors, but many more similar to these
and cold; and (3) the pain sense, which is activated by fac- also exist. Some were shown in Figure 47-­1 (previous
tors that damage the tissues. chapter); their special characteristics are as follows.
This chapter deals with the mechanoreceptive tactile First, some free nerve endings, which are found every-
and position senses. In Chapter 49, the thermoreceptive where in the skin and in many other tissues, can detect
and pain senses are discussed. The tactile senses include touch and pressure. For example, even light contact with
touch, pressure, vibration, and tickle senses, and the position the cornea of the eye, which contains no other type of
senses include static position and rate of movement senses. nerve ending besides free nerve endings, can nevertheless
elicit touch and pressure sensations.
Other Classifications of Somatic Sensations. Somatic Second, a touch receptor with great sensitivity is the
sensations are also often grouped together in other class- Meissner’s corpuscle (illustrated in Figure 47-­1 and Figure
es, as follows: 48-­1), an elongated encapsulated nerve ending of a large
Exteroreceptive sensations are those from the surface (type Aβ) myelinated sensory nerve fiber. Inside the capsu-
of the body. Proprioceptive sensations are those relating lation are many branching terminal nerve filaments. These
to the physical state of the body, including position sensa- corpuscles are present in the nonhairy parts of the skin
tions, tendon and muscle sensations, pressure sensations and are particularly abundant in the fingertips, lips, and
from the bottom of the feet, and even the sensation of other areas of the skin where a person’s ability to discern
equilibrium, which is often considered a “special” sensa- spatial locations of touch sensations is highly developed.
tion rather than a somatic sensation. Meissner corpuscles adapt in a fraction of a second after
Visceral sensations are those from the viscera of the they are stimulated, which means that they are particularly
body. When using this term, one usually refers specifically sensitive to movement of objects over the surface of the
to sensations from the internal organs. skin, as well as to low-­frequency vibration.
Deep sensations are those that come from deep tissues, Third, the fingertips and other areas that contain large
such as from fasciae, muscles, and bone. They include numbers of Meissner’s corpuscles usually also contain
mainly “deep” pressure, pain, and vibration. large numbers of expanded tip tactile receptors, one type
of which is Merkel’s discs, shown in Figure 48-­1. The
hairy parts of the skin also contain moderate numbers
of expanded tip receptors, even though they have almost
no Meissner’s corpuscles. These receptors differ from
Interrelations Among the Tactile Sensations of Touch, Meissner’s corpuscles in that they transmit an initially
Pressure, and Vibration. Although touch, pressure, and strong but partially adapting signal and then a continuing
vibration are frequently classified as separate sensations, weaker signal that adapts only slowly. Therefore, they are

UNIT IX The Nervous System: A. General Principles and Sensory Physiology

and its basal nerve fiber, called the hair end-­organ (Fig-
ure 48-­1), are also touch receptors. A receptor adapts
Free nerve endings
readily and, like Meissner’s corpuscles, detects mainly
the following: (1) movement of objects on the surface of
Epidermis the body; or (2) initial contact with the body.
Fifth, located in the deeper layers of the skin and also
Dermis in still deeper internal tissues are many Ruffini’s endings,
which are multibranched encapsulated endings, as shown
in Figure 47-­1 and Figure 48-­1. These endings adapt
Hair end-organ
very slowly and, therefore, are important for signaling
continuous states of deformation of the tissues, such as
nerve bundle heavy prolonged touch and pressure signals. They are also
found in joint capsules and help to signal the degree of
joint rotation.
A Hairy skin Pacinian corpuscle Sixth, Pacinian corpuscles, which were discussed in
detail in Chapter 47, lie both immediately beneath the
Merkel’s discs skin and deep in the fascial tissues of the body. They are
stimulated only by rapid local compression of the tis-
Free nerve
endings sues because they adapt in a few hundredths of a second.
Therefore, they are particularly important for detecting
tissue vibration or other rapid changes in the mechanical
Meissner’s state of the tissues.
Transmission of Tactile Signals in Peripheral Nerve
Fibers. Almost all specialized sensory receptors, such as
Meissner’s corpuscles, Iggo dome receptors, hair recep-
tors, Pacinian corpuscles, and Ruffini’s endings, transmit
Peripheral their signals in type Aβ nerve fibers that have transmis-
nerve bundle sion velocities ranging from 30 to 70 m/sec. Conversely,
free nerve ending tactile receptors transmit signals mainly
via the small type Aδ myelinated fibers that conduct at
Ruffini Pacinian
B Glabrous skin ending corpuscle velocities of only 5 to 30 m/sec.
Figure 48-­1. Mechanoreceptors in the skin. Note the clusters of
Some tactile free nerve endings transmit via type
Merkel discs located in the basal epidermis and connecting to a single C unmyelinated fibers at velocities from a fraction of a
large myelinated fiber. The Meissner cells also lie in the basal epider- meter up to 2 m/sec. These nerve endings send signals
mis, bordering the edges of the papillary ridges, whereas the Pacinian into the spinal cord and lower brain stem, probably sub-
corpuscles and Ruffini endings are found in the dermis; one myeli- serving mainly the sensation of tickle.
nated fiber innervates each of these receptor organs.
Thus, the more critical types of sensory signals—those
that help to determine precise localization on the skin,
responsible for giving out steady-­state signals that allow minute gradations of intensity, or rapid changes in sen-
one to determine continuous touch of objects against the sory signal intensity—are all transmitted in more rapidly
skin. conducting types of sensory nerve fibers. Conversely, the
Merkel discs are often grouped together in a receptor cruder types of signals, such as pressure, poorly localized
organ called touch domes, which project upward against touch, and especially tickle, are transmitted via much
the underside of the epithelium of the skin. This upward slower, very small nerve fibers that require much less
projection causes the epithelium at this point to pro- space in the peripheral nerve bundle than the fast fibers.
trude outward, thus creating a dome and constituting an
extremely sensitive receptor. Also note in Figure 48-­1 that Detection of Vibration. All tactile receptors are involved
the entire group of Merkel’s discs is innervated by a single in detection of vibration, although different receptors de-
large myelinated nerve fiber (type Aβ). These receptors, tect different frequencies of vibration. Pacinian corpus-
along with the Meissner’s corpuscles discussed earlier, cles can detect signal vibrations from 30 to 800 cycles/
play extremely important roles in localizing touch sensa- sec because they respond extremely rapidly to minute and
tions to specific surface areas of the body and in determin- rapid deformations of the tissues. They also transmit their
ing the texture of what is felt. signals over type Aβ nerve fibers, which can transmit as
Fourth, slight movement of any hair on the body stim- many as 1000 impulses/sec. Low-­frequency vibrations
ulates a nerve fiber entwining its base. Thus, each hair from 2 up to 80 cycles/sec, in contrast, stimulate other

Chapter 48 Somatic Sensations: I. General Organization, Tactile and Position Senses

tactile receptors, especially Meissner’s corpuscles, which Another difference between the two systems is that
adapt less rapidly than do Pacinian corpuscles. the dorsal column–medial lemniscal system has a high
degree of spatial orientation of the nerve fibers with
Detection of Tickle and Itch by Mechanoreceptive
respect to their origin, whereas the anterolateral sys-
Free Nerve Endings. Neurophysiological studies have
tem has much less spatial orientation. These differences
demonstrated the existence of very sensitive, rapidly

immediately characterize the types of sensory informa-
adapting mechanoreceptive free nerve endings that elicit
tion that can be transmitted by the two systems. That
only the tickle and itch sensations. Furthermore, these
is, sensory information that must be transmitted rapidly
endings are found almost exclusively in superficial layers
with temporal and spatial fidelity is transmitted mainly
of the skin, which is also the only tissue from which the
in the dorsal column–medial lemniscal system; that
tickle and itch sensations usually can be elicited. These
which does not need to be transmitted rapidly or with
sensations are transmitted by very small type C, unmyeli-
great spatial fidelity is transmitted mainly in the antero-
nated fibers similar to those that transmit the aching slow
lateral system.
type of pain.
The anterolateral system has a special capability that
The purpose of the itch sensation is presumably to call
the dorsal system does not have—the ability to transmit
attention to mild surface stimuli such as a flea crawling
a broad spectrum of sensory modalities, such as pain,
on the skin or a fly about to bite; the signals elicited then
warmth, cold, and crude tactile sensations. Most of these
activate the scratch reflex or other maneuvers that rid the
sensory modalities are discussed in detail in Chapter 49.
host of the irritant. Itch can be relieved by scratching if
The dorsal system is limited to discrete types of mechano-
this action removes the irritant or if the scratch is strong
receptive sensations.
enough to elicit pain. The pain signals are believed to sup-
With this differentiation in mind, we can now list the
press the itch signals in the cord by lateral inhibition, as
types of sensations transmitted in the two systems.
described in Chapter 49.
Dorsal Column–Medial Lemniscal System
SENSORY PATHWAYS FOR 1. Touch sensations requiring a high degree of localization
INTO THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 2. Touch sensations requiring transmission of fine grada-
tions of intensity
Almost all sensory information from the somatic seg- 3. Phasic sensations, such as vibratory sensations
ments of the body enters the spinal cord through the 4. Sensations that signal movement against the skin
dorsal roots of the spinal nerves. However, from the 5. Position sensations from the joints
entry point into the cord and then to the brain, the 6. Pressure sensations related to fine degrees of judgment
sensory signals are carried through one of two alterna- of pressure intensity
tive sensory pathways: (1) the dorsal column–medial Anterolateral System
lemniscal system; or (2) the anterolateral system. These
1. Pain
two systems come back together partially at the level of 2. Thermal sensations, including both warm and cold
the thalamus. ­sensations
The dorsal column–medial lemniscal system, as its 3. Crude touch and pressure sensations capable only of
name implies, carries signals upward to the medulla of the crude localizing ability on the surface of the body
brain mainly in the dorsal columns of the cord. Then, after 4. Tickle and itch sensations
the signals synapse and cross to the opposite side in the 5. Sexual sensations
medulla, they continue upward through the brain stem to
the thalamus via the medial lemniscus.
Conversely, signals in the anterolateral system, imme-
diately after entering the spinal cord from the dorsal spinal
nerve roots, synapse in the dorsal horns of the spinal gray
matter and then cross to the opposite side of the cord and
ascend through the anterior and lateral white columns of
the cord. They terminate at all levels of the lower brain On entering the spinal cord through the spinal nerve dor-
stem and in the thalamus. sal roots, the large myelinated fibers from the specialized
The dorsal column–medial lemniscal system is com- mechanoreceptors divide almost immediately to form a
posed of large myelinated nerve fibers that transmit sig- medial branch and a lateral branch, shown by the right-­
nals to the brain at velocities of 30 to 110 m/sec, whereas hand fiber entering through the spinal root in Figure 48-­2
the anterolateral system is composed of smaller myelin- (Video 48-1). The medial branch turns medially first and
ated fibers that transmit signals at velocities ranging from then upward in the dorsal column, proceeding via the dor-
a few meters per second up to 40 m/sec. sal column pathway all the way to the brain.

UNIT IX The Nervous System: A. General Principles and Sensory Physiology

Spinal nerve Cortex

Lamina marginalis
Tract of Substantia gelatinosa Dorsal
Lissauer column

tract I
Dorsal II
spinocerebellar IV
Internal capsule Thalamus
Ventrobasal Midbrain
Ventral complex
spinocerebellar IX VIII
of thalamus

spinothalamic Medial lemniscus
Figure 48-­2. Cross section of the spinal cord, showing the anatomy
of the cord gray matter and of ascending sensory tracts in the white
columns of the spinal cord. Medulla oblongata

The lateral branch enters the dorsal horn of the cord

gray matter and then divides many times to provide ter-
minals that synapse with local neurons in the intermedi- Lower medulla oblongata
ate and anterior portions of the cord gray matter. These Dorsal column nuclei
local neurons in turn serve three functions:
1. A major share of them give off fibers that enter the
dorsal columns of the cord and then travel upward Ascending branches of
to the brain. dorsal root fibers
2. Many of the fibers are very short and terminate lo-
cally in the spinal cord gray matter to elicit local
spinal cord reflexes, which are discussed in Chap-
ter 55.
3. Others give rise to the spinocerebellar tracts, which
Dorsal root
we discuss in Chapter 57 in relation to the function and spinal
of the cerebellum. ganglion

Dorsal Column–Medial Lemniscal Pathway. Note in

Figure 48-­3 that nerve fibers entering the dorsal columns
pass uninterrupted up to the dorsal medulla, where they
synapse in the dorsal column nuclei (the cuneate and gracile
nuclei). From there, second-­order neurons decussate imme-
diately to the opposite side of the brain stem and continue
upward through the medial lemnisci to the thalamus. In
this pathway through the brain stem, each medial lemnis-
cus is joined by additional fibers from the sensory nuclei of
the trigeminal nerve; these fibers subserve the same sensory Figure 48-­3. Dorsal column–medial lemniscal pathway for transmit-
functions for the head that the dorsal column fibers sub- ting critical types of tactile signals.
serve for the body.
In the thalamus, the medial lemniscal fibers terminate Spatial Orientation of the Nerve Fibers
in the thalamic sensory relay area, called the ventrobasal in the Dorsal Column–Medial Lemniscal
complex. From the ventrobasal complex, third-­order nerve System
fibers project, as shown in Figure 48-­4, mainly to the post-
central gyrus of the cerebral cortex, called somatic sensory One of the distinguishing features of the dorsal column–
area I (as shown in Figure 48-­6, these fibers also project to medial lemniscal system is a distinct spatial orientation
a smaller area in the lateral parietal cortex called somatic of nerve fibers from the individual parts of the body that
sensory area II). is maintained throughout. For example, in the dorsal

Chapter 48 Somatic Sensations: I. General Organization, Tactile and Position Senses

Central fissure
Postcentral gyrus
Lower extremity
Trunk 8 6 3 5
4 1
Upper 7A
extremity 9

10 39 19
22 18
45 44
Face 42
47 41 37 17
38 21
Lateral fissure 20

Figure 48-­5. Structurally distinct areas, called Brodmann’s areas, of

the human cerebral cortex. Note specifically areas 1, 2, and 3, which
constitute primary somatosensory area I, and areas 5 and 7A, which
Ventrobasal complex
constitute the somatosensory association area.
of thalamus

the posterior half of the parietal lobe provides still higher

Mesencephalon levels of interpretation.
Visual signals terminate in the occipital lobe, and audi-
tory signals terminate in the temporal lobe.
Spinothalamic tract
Conversely, the portion of the cerebral cortex anterior
Medial lemniscus to the central fissure and constituting the posterior half
of the frontal lobe is called the motor cortex; it is devoted
Figure 48-­4. Projection of the dorsal column–medial lemniscal sys- almost entirely to control of muscle contractions and
tem through the thalamus to the somatosensory cortex. body movements. A major share of this motor control is
in response to somatosensory signals received from the
columns of the spinal cord, the fibers from the lower parts sensory portions of the cortex, which keep the motor cor-
of the body lie toward the center of the cord, whereas tex informed about the positions and motions of the dif-
those that enter the cord at progressively higher segmen- ferent body parts. at each instant
tal levels form successive layers laterally.
In the thalamus, distinct spatial orientation is still Somatosensory Areas I and II. Figure 48-­6 shows two
maintained, with the tail end of the body represented by separate sensory areas in the anterior parietal lobe called
the most lateral portions of the ventrobasal complex and somatosensory area I and somatosensory area II. The rea-
the head and face represented by the medial areas of the son for this division into two areas is that a distinct and
complex. Because of the crossing of the medial lemnisci in separate spatial orientation of the different parts of the
the medulla, the left side of the body is represented in the body is found in each of these two areas. However, soma-
right side of the thalamus, and the right side of the body is tosensory area I is so much more extensive and so much
represented in the left side of the thalamus. more important than somatosensory area II that in popu-
lar usage, the term “somatosensory cortex” almost always
means area I.
Figure 48-­5 is a map of the human cerebral cortex, show- Somatosensory area I has a high degree of localiza-
ing that it is divided into about 50 distinct areas called tion of the different parts of the body, as shown by the
Brodmann’s areas based on histological structural differ- names of virtually all parts of the body in Figure 48-­6.
ences. This map is important because virtually all neu- By contrast, localization is poor in somatosensory area II,
rophysiologists and neurologists use it to refer to many although, roughly, the face is represented anteriorly, the
of the different functional areas of the human cortex by arms centrally, and the legs posteriorly.
number. Much less is known about the function of somato-
Note in Figure 48-­5 the large central fissure (also sensory area II. It is known that signals enter this area
called central sulcus) that extends horizontally across the from the brain stem, transmitted upward from both sides
brain. In general, sensory signals from all modalities of of the body. Also, many signals come secondarily from
sensation terminate in the cerebral cortex immediately somatosensory area I and from other sensory areas of the
posterior to the central fissure. Generally, the anterior brain, even from the visual and auditory areas. Projec-
half of the parietal lobe is concerned almost entirely with tions from somatosensory area I are required for func-
reception and interpretation of somatosensory signals, but tion of somatosensory area II. However, removal of parts

UNIT IX The Nervous System: A. General Principles and Sensory Physiology

Parietal lobe

Primary motor cortex Somatosensory area I

Frontal lobe
Thigh area II
Hand Leg Occipital lobe
Fingers Arm
Tongue Face

Figure 48-­6. Two somatosensory cortical areas, so-

matosensory areas I and II. Temporal lobe

representations of the different parts of the body in sepa-

rate regions of somatosensory area I. Note, however, that
each lateral side of the cortex receives sensory informa-
tion almost exclusively from the opposite side of the body.


Some areas of the body are represented by large areas

Elbow rm
Wri d ger

ot in the somatic cortex—the lips the greatest of all, followed

Ha e f ng
Li ing

n in er

ttl fi

M by the face and thumb—whereas the trunk and lower part


In id
Th dex dle itals of the body are represented by relatively small areas. The
Ey umb fin fing Gen
e ge e sizes of these areas are directly proportional to the num-
e r r
Face ber of specialized sensory receptors in each respective
Upper lip peripheral area of the body. For example, a great num-
ber of specialized nerve endings are found in the lips and
thumb, whereas only a few are present in the skin of the
Lower lip body trunk.
Teeth, gums, and jaw Note also that the nose, lips, mouth and face are rep-
Tongue resented in the most lateral portion of somatosensory
area I, and the head, neck, shoulders and lower part of the
Intra-abdominal body are represented medially.
Layers of the Somatosensory Cortex and
Their Function
Figure 48-­7. Representation of the different areas of the body in The cerebral cortex contains six layers of neurons, begin-
somatosensory area I of the cortex. (From Penfield W, Rasmussen T: ning with layer I next to the brain surface and extending
Cerebral Cortex of Man: A Clinical Study of Localization of Function. progressively deeper to layer VI, shown in Figure 48-­8.
New York: Hafner, 1968.) As would be expected, the neurons in each layer perform
functions different from those in other layers. Some of
of somatosensory area II has no apparent effect on the these functions are the following:
response of neurons in somatosensory area I. Thus, much 1. The incoming sensory signal excites neuronal layer
of what we know about somatic sensation appears to be IV first; the signal then spreads toward the surface
explained by the functions of somatosensory area I. of the cortex and also toward deeper layers.
2. Layers I and II receive diffuse, nonspecific input sig-
Spatial Orientation of Signals From Different Parts nals from lower brain centers that facilitate specific
of the Body in Somatosensory Area I. Somatosensory regions of the cortex; this system is described in
area I lies immediately behind the central fissure. It is lo- Chapter 58. This input mainly controls the overall lev-
cated in the postcentral gyrus of the human cerebral cor- el of excitability of the respective regions stimulated.
tex (in Brodmann’s areas 3, 1, and 2). 3. The neurons in layers II and III send axons to re-
Figure 48-­7 shows a cross section through the brain lated portions of the cerebral cortex on the opposite
at the level of the postcentral gyrus, demonstrating side of the brain through the corpus callosum.

Chapter 48 Somatic Sensations: I. General Organization, Tactile and Position Senses

I function almost entirely separately from one another. At

other levels of the columns, interactions occur that initi-
ate analysis of the meanings of the sensory signals.
In the most anterior 5 to 10 millimeters of the post-
central gyrus, located deep in the central fissure in Brod-

mann’s area 3A, an especially large share of the vertical
columns responds to muscle, tendon, and joint stretch
III receptors. Many of the signals from these sensory col-
umns then spread anteriorly, directly to the motor cor-
tex located immediately forward of the central fissure.
These signals play a major role in controlling the efflu-
IV ent motor signals that activate sequences of muscle
Moving posteriorly in somatosensory area I, more and
V more of the vertical columns respond to slowly adapt-
ing cutaneous receptors; still farther posteriorly, greater
numbers of the columns are sensitive to deep pressure.
In the most posterior portion of somatosensory area
VIa I, about 6% of the vertical columns respond only when
a stimulus moves across the skin in a particular direc-
tion. Thus, this is a still higher order of interpretation
VIb of sensory signals; the process becomes even more
complex as the signals spread farther backward from
somatosensory area I into the parietal cortex, an area
called the somatosensory association area, as we discuss
Figure 48-­8. Structure of the cerebral cortex—I, molecular layer; II,
external granular layer; III, layer of small pyramidal cells; IV, internal
granular layer; V, large pyramidal cell layer; and VIa and VIb, layers of
Functions of Somatosensory Area I
fusiform or polymorphic cells. (From Ranson SW, Clark SL: Anatomy Widespread bilateral excision of somatosensory area I
of the Nervous System. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1959.) causes loss of the following types of sensory judgment:
1. The person is unable to localize discretely the dif-
4. The neurons in layers V and VI send axons to the ferent sensations in the different parts of the body.
deeper parts of the nervous system. Those in layer However, he or she can localize these sensations
V are generally larger and project to more distant crudely, such as to a particular hand, to a major level
areas, such as to the basal ganglia, brain stem, and of the body trunk, or to one of the legs. Thus, it is
spinal cord, where they control signal transmission. clear that the brain stem, thalamus, or parts of the
From layer VI, especially large numbers of axons cerebral cortex not normally considered to be con-
extend to the thalamus, providing signals from the cerned with somatic sensations can perform some
cerebral cortex that interact with and help to con- degree of localization.
trol the excitatory levels of incoming sensory signals 2. The person is unable to judge critical degrees of
entering the thalamus. pressure against the body.
3. The person is unable to judge the weights of ob-
The Sensory Cortex Is Organized in jects.
Vertical Columns of Neurons; Each 4. The person is unable to judge shapes or forms of
Column Detects a Different Sensory Spot objects. This condition is called astereognosis.
on the Body With a Specific Sensory 5. The person is unable to judge texture of materials
Modality because this type of judgment depends on highly
Functionally, the neurons of the somatosensory cortex are critical sensations caused by movement of the fin-
arranged in vertical columns extending all the way through gers over the surface to be judged.
the six layers of the cortex, with each column having a Note that in this list nothing has been said about loss
diameter of 0.3 to 0.5 millimeter and containing perhaps of pain and temperature sense. In the specific absence of
10,000 neuronal cell bodies. Each of these columns serves only somatosensory area I, appreciation of these sensory
a single specific sensory modality; some columns respond modalities is still preserved both in quality and intensity.
to stretch receptors around joints, some to stimulation of However, the sensations are poorly localized, indicating
tactile hairs, others to discrete localized pressure points that pain and temperature localization depend greatly on
on the skin, and so forth. At layer IV, where the input sen- the topographic map of the body in somatosensory area I
sory signals first enter the cortex, the columns of neurons to localize the source.

UNIT IX The Nervous System: A. General Principles and Sensory Physiology


Brodmann’s areas 5 and 7 of the cerebral cortex, located

in the parietal cortex behind somatosensory area I (see

Discharges per second

Figure 48-­5), play important roles in deciphering deeper
meanings of the sensory information in the somatosen- Moderate
sory areas. Therefore, these areas are called somatosen- stimulus
sory association areas.
Electrical stimulation in a somatosensory association
area can occasionally cause an awake person to experi- Weak
ence a complex body sensation, sometimes even the “feel- stimulus
ing” of an object such as a knife or a ball. Therefore, it
seems clear that the somatosensory association area
combines information arriving from multiple points in
the primary somatosensory area to decipher its meaning. Cortex
This occurrence also fits with the anatomical arrangement
of the neuronal tracts that enter the somatosensory asso-
ciation area because it receives signals from the following:
(1) somatosensory area I; (2) the ventrobasal nuclei of the
thalamus; (3) other areas of the thalamus; (4) the visual
cortex; and (5) the auditory cortex.
Amorphosynthesis Effect of Removing the Soma-
tosensory Association Area. When the somatosensory
association area is removed on one side of the brain, the Dorsal column nuclei
person loses the ability to recognize complex objects and
complex forms felt on the opposite side of the body. In
addition, the person loses most of the sense of form of
his or her own body or body parts on the opposite side. Single-point stimulus on skin
In fact, the person is mainly oblivious to the opposite side
Figure 48-­9. Transmission of a pinpoint stimulus signal to the cer-
of the body—that is, forgets that it is there. Therefore, the ebral cortex.
person also often forgets to use the other side for motor
functions as well. Likewise, when feeling objects, the per-
same time, and the person determines whether one point
son tends to recognize only one side of the object and for-
or two points of stimulus is (are) felt. On the tips of the
gets that the other side even exists. This complex sensory
fingers, a person can normally distinguish two separate
deficit is called amorphosynthesis.
points, even when the needles are as close together as 1 to
2 millimeters. However, on someone’s back, the needles
CHARACTERISTICS OF DORSAL usually must be as far apart as 30 to 70 millimeters before
COLUMN–MEDIAL LEMNISCAL SIGNAL two separate points can be detected. The reason for this
TRANSMISSION AND ANALYSIS difference is the different numbers of specialized tactile
receptors in the two areas.
Basic Neuronal Circuit in the Dorsal Column–Medial
Figure 48-­10 shows the mechanism whereby the dor-
Lemniscal System. The lower part of Figure 48-­9 shows
sal column pathway (as well as all other sensory path-
the basic organization of the neuronal circuit of the spinal
ways) transmits two-­point discriminatory information.
cord dorsal column pathway, demonstrating that at each
This figure shows two adjacent points on the skin that are
synaptic stage, divergence occurs. The upper curves of the
strongly stimulated, as well as the areas of the somatosen-
figure show that the cortical neurons that discharge to the
sory cortex (greatly enlarged) that are excited by signals
greatest extent are those in a central part of the cortical
from the two stimulated points. The blue curve shows
“field” for each respective receptor. Thus, a weak stimulus
the spatial pattern of cortical excitation when both skin
causes only the most central neurons to fire. A stronger
points are stimulated simultaneously. Note that the resul-
stimulus causes still more neurons to fire, but those in the
tant zone of excitation has two separate peaks. These two
center discharge at a considerably more rapid rate than do
peaks, separated by a valley, allow the sensory cortex to
those farther away from the center.
detect the presence of two stimulatory points, rather than
Two-­Point Discrimination. A method frequently used a single point. The capability of the sensorium to distin-
to test tactile discrimination is to determine a person’s guish this presence of two points of stimulation is strongly
so-­called “two-­point” discriminatory ability. In this test, influenced by another mechanism, lateral inhibition, as
two needles are pressed lightly against the skin at the explained in the next section.

Chapter 48 Somatic Sensations: I. General Organization, Tactile and Position Senses

Vibratory Sensation. Vibratory signals are rapidly re-

petitive and can be detected as vibration up to 700 cycles/

Discharges per second

sec. The higher frequency vibratory signals originate from
the Pacinian corpuscles in the skin and deeper tissues,
but lower frequency signals (< ≈200 cycles/sec) can also

originate from Meissner’s corpuscles. These signals are
transmitted only in the dorsal column pathway. For this
reason, application of vibration (e.g., from a “tuning fork”)
to different peripheral parts of the body is an important
tool used by neurologists for testing functional integrity
of the dorsal columns.

Cortex Interpretation of Sensory Stimulus Intensity

The ultimate goal of most sensory stimulation is to apprise
the mind of the state of the body and its surroundings.
Therefore, it is important that we discuss briefly some of
the principles related to transmission of sensory stimulus
Two adjacent points intensity to the higher levels of the nervous system.
strongly stimulated How is it possible for the sensory system to transmit
Figure 48-­10. Transmission of signals to the cortex from two adja- sensory experiences of tremendously varying intensities?
cent pinpoint stimuli. The blue curve represents the pattern of cortical For example, the auditory system can detect the weakest
stimulation without “surround” inhibition, and the two red curves possible whisper but can also discern the meanings of an
represent the pattern when “surround” inhibition does occur. explosive sound, even though the sound intensities of these
two experiences can vary by more than 10 billion times; the
Effect of Lateral Inhibition to Increase the Degree of eyes can see visual images with light intensities that vary as
much as a half-­million times, and the skin can detect pres-
Contrast in the Perceived Spatial Pattern. As noted in
sure differences of 10,000 to 100,000 times.
Chapter 47, virtually every sensory pathway, when excit-
As a partial explanation of these effects, Figure 47-­4 in
ed, gives rise simultaneously to lateral inhibitory signals; the previous chapter shows the relation of the receptor po-
these inhibitory signals spread to the sides of the excitato- tential produced by the Pacinian corpuscle to the intensity
ry signal and inhibit adjacent neurons. For example, con- of the sensory stimulus. At low stimulus intensity, slight
sider an excited neuron in a dorsal column nucleus. Aside changes in intensity increase the potential markedly, where-
from the central excitatory signal, short lateral pathways as at high levels of stimulus intensity, further increases in
transmit inhibitory signals to the surrounding neurons— receptor potential are slight. Thus, the Pacinian corpuscle is
that is, these signals pass through additional interneurons capable of accurately measuring extremely minute changes
that secrete an inhibitory transmitter. in stimulus at low-­intensity levels but, at high-­intensity lev-
The importance of lateral inhibition, also called sur- els, the change in stimulus must be much greater to cause
the same amount of change in receptor ­potential.
round inhibition, is that it blocks lateral spread of the excit-
The transduction mechanism for detecting sound by
atory signals and, therefore, increases the degree of contrast
the cochlea of the ear demonstrates still another method
in the sensory pattern perceived in the cerebral cortex. for separating gradations of stimulus intensity. When sound
In the case of the dorsal column system, lateral inhibi- stimulates a specific point on the basilar membrane, weak
tory signals occur at each synaptic level—for example, in sound stimulates only those hair cells at the point of maxi-
the following: (1) the dorsal column nuclei of the medulla; mum sound vibration. However, as the sound intensity in-
(2) the ventrobasal nuclei of the thalamus; and (3) the creases, many more hair cells in each direction farther away
cortex itself. At each of these levels, the lateral inhibi- from the maximum vibratory point also become stimulat-
tion helps to block lateral spread of the excitatory signal. ed. Thus, signals are transmitted over progressively increas-
As a result, the peaks of excitation stand out, and much ing numbers of nerve fibers, which is another mechanism
of the surrounding diffuse stimulation is blocked. This whereby stimulus intensity is transmitted to the central
nervous system. This mechanism, plus the direct effect of
effect is demonstrated by the two red curves in Figure
stimulus intensity on impulse rate in each nerve fiber, as
48-­10, showing complete separation of the peaks when
well as several other mechanisms, make it possible for some
the intensity of lateral inhibition is great. sensory systems to operate reasonably faithfully at stimulus
intensity levels changing as much as millions of times.
Transmission of Rapidly Changing and Repetitive Importance of the Tremendous Intensity Range of Sen-
Sensations. The dorsal column system is also of par- sory Reception. Were it not for the tremendous intensity
ticular importance in apprising the sensorium of rapidly range of sensory reception that people can experience, the
changing peripheral conditions. Based on recorded action various sensory systems would often be operating in the
potentials, this system can recognize changing stimuli wrong range. This principle is demonstrated by the at-
that occur in as little as 1⁄400 of a second. tempts of most people, when taking photographs with a

UNIT IX The Nervous System: A. General Principles and Sensory Physiology

camera, to adjust the light exposure without using a light 500

meter. Left to intuitive judgment of light intensity, a per-
son almost always overexposes the film on bright days and

Interpreted stimulus strength

greatly underexposes the film at twilight. Yet, that person’s 200
own eyes are capable of discriminating visual objects in

(arbitrary units)
bright sunlight or at twilight with great detail; the camera 100
cannot perform this discrimination without very special
manipulation because of the narrow critical range of light 50
intensity required for proper exposure of film.
Judgment of Stimulus Intensity
Weber-­Fechner Principle—Detection of “Ratio” of Stim- 10
ulus Strength. In the mid-­1800s, Weber first, and Fechner
later, proposed the principle that gradations of stimulus 0
strength are discriminated approximately in proportion to 0 10 100 1000 10,000
the logarithm of stimulus strength. That is, a person already Stimulus strength (arbitrary units)
holding 30 grams weight in the hand can barely detect an Figure 48-­11. Graphic demonstration of the “power law” relation-
additional 1-­gram increase in weight and, when already ship between actual stimulus strength and strength that the mind
holding 300 grams, can barely detect a 10-­gram increase in interprets it to be. Note that the power law does not hold at either
weight. Thus, in this case, the ratio of the change in stimu- very weak or very strong stimulus strengths.
lus strength required for detection remains essentially con-
stant, about 1 to 30, which is what the logarithmic principle
of change. Therefore, multiple different types of recep-
means. To express this principle mathematically, tors help to determine joint angulation and are used to-
gether for position sense. Both skin tactile receptors and
Interpreted signal strength = Log (Stimulus ) + Constant deep receptors near the joints are used. In the case of the
fingers, where skin receptors are in great abundance, as
More recently, it has become evident that the Weber-­ much as half of position recognition is believed to be de-
Fechner principle is quantitatively accurate only for high-
tected through the skin receptors. Conversely, for most
er intensities of visual, auditory, and cutaneous sensory
experiences and applies only poorly to most other types
of the larger joints of the body, deep receptors are more
of sensory experiences. Yet, the Weber-­Fechner principle important.
is still helpful to remember because it emphasizes that the For determining joint angulation in midranges of
greater the background sensory intensity, the greater an motion, the muscle spindles are among the most impor-
additional change must be for the psyche to detect the tant receptors. They are also exceedingly important in
change. helping to control muscle movement, as discussed in
Power Law. Another attempt by physiopsychologists to Chapter 55. When the angle of a joint is changing, some
find a good mathematical relation is the following formula, muscles are being stretched while others are loosened,
known as the power law: and the net stretch information from the spindles is trans-
mitted into the computational system of the spinal cord
Interpreted signal strength = K × ( Stimulus ‐ k )y
and higher regions of the dorsal column system for deci-
In this formula, the exponent y and the constants K and k phering joint angulations.
are different for each type of sensation. At the extremes of joint angulation, stretch of the liga-
When this power law relation is plotted on a graph using ments and deep tissues around the joints is an additional
double logarithmic coordinates, as shown in Figure 48-­11, important factor in determining position. Types of sen-
and when appropriate quantitative values for y, K, and k are sory endings used for this are the Pacinian corpuscles,
found, a linear relation can be attained between interpreted Ruffini’s endings, and receptors similar to the Golgi ten-
stimulus strength and actual stimulus strength over a large don receptors found in muscle tendons.
range for almost any type of sensory perception.
The Pacinian corpuscles and muscle spindles are espe-
cially adapted for detecting rapid rates of change. It is
POSITION SENSES likely that these are the receptors most responsible for
The position senses are frequently also called propriocep- detecting rate of movement.
tive senses. They can be divided into two subtypes: (1)
static position sense, which means conscious perception Processing of Position Sense Information in the D
­ orsal
of the orientation of the different parts of the body with Column–Medial Lemniscal Pathway. Referring to
respect to one another; and (2) rate of movement sense, ­ igure 48-­12, one sees that thalamic neurons responding
also called kinesthesia or dynamic proprioception. to joint rotation are of two categories: (1) those maximally
stimulated when the joint is at full rotation; and (2) those
Position Sensory Receptors. Knowledge of position, maximally stimulated when the joint is at minimal rota-
both static and dynamic, depends on knowing the de- tion. Thus, the signals from the individual joint ­receptors
grees of angulation of all joints in all planes and their rates are used to tell the psyche how much each joint is rotated.

Chapter 48 Somatic Sensations: I. General Organization, Tactile and Position Senses

100 Cortex

Impulses per second

60 #1 #4
#2 #5
40 #3

Internal capsule Thalamus

0 Ventrobasal
0 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 and intralaminar
nuclei of the
Degrees thalamus
Figure 48-­12. Typical responses of five different thalamic neurons (1–
5) in the thalamic ventrobasal complex when the knee joint is moved Spinomesencephalic
through its range of motion. (Data from Mountcastle VB, Poggie GF, tract
Werner G: The relation of thalamic cell response to peripheral stimuli Pons
varied over an intensive continuum. J Neurophysiol 26:807, 1963.)


Medulla oblongata
The anterolateral pathway for transmitting sensory sig-
nals up the spinal cord and into the brain, in contrast to
Spinoreticular tract
the dorsal column pathway, transmits sensory signals that
do not require highly discrete localization of the signal
source and do not require discrimination of fine grada- Lower medulla
tions of intensity. These types of signals include pain, oblongata
heat, cold, crude tactile, tickle, itch, and sexual sensations
(Video 48-2). In Chapter 49, pain and temperature sensa- Dorsal root
tions are discussed specifically. and spinal
Anatomy of the Anterolateral Pathway
The spinal cord anterolateral fibers originate mainly in dor-
sal horn laminae I, IV, V, and VI (see Figure 48-­2). These
laminae are where many of the dorsal root sensory nerve
fibers terminate after entering the cord.
As shown in Figure 48-­13, the anterolateral fibers cross
immediately in the anterior commissure of the cord to the
opposite anterior and lateral white columns, where they
turn upward toward the brain via the anterior spinotha-
lamic and lateral spinothalamic tracts.
The upper terminus of the two spinothalamic tracts is
mainly twofold: (1) throughout the reticular nuclei of the
brain stem; and (2) in two different nuclear complexes of the
thalamus, the ventrobasal complex and the intralaminar nu-
clei. In general, the tactile signals are transmitted mainly into
the ventrobasal complex, terminating in some of the same
thalamic nuclei where the dorsal column tactile signals termi- Figure 48-­13. Anterior and lateral divisions of the anterolateral sen-
sory pathway.
nate. From here, the signals are transmitted to the somatosen-
sory cortex, along with the signals from the dorsal columns.
Conversely, only a small fraction of the pain signals pro- CHARACTERISTICS OF TRANSMISSION IN
ject directly to the ventrobasal complex of the thalamus. THE ANTEROLATERAL PATHWAY
Instead, most pain signals terminate in the reticular nuclei
of the brain stem and from there are relayed to the intrala-
In general, the same principles apply to transmission in
minar nuclei of the thalamus where the pain signals are fur- the anterolateral pathway as in the dorsal column–medial
ther processed, as discussed in greater detail in Chapter 49. lemniscal system, except for the following differences: (1)

UNIT IX The Nervous System: A. General Principles and Sensory Physiology

the velocities of transmission are only a third to half those

in the dorsal column–medial lemniscal system, ranging C2
from 8 to 40 m/sec; (2) the degree of spatial localization
of signals is poor; (3) the gradations of intensities are also C2
far less accurate, with most of the sensations being rec- C3
ognized in 10 to 20 gradations of strength, rather than C4
C4 C5
as many as 100 gradations for the dorsal column system; C5 C7 T2
and (4) the ability to transmit rapidly changing or rapidly T2 T1
repetitive signals is poor. T3 T4 T4
T4 T5
Thus, it is evident that the anterolateral system is a T5 T5
T1 T6
cruder type of transmission system than the dorsal col- T7
umn–medial lemniscal system. Even so, certain modali- T8
T9 T9
ties of sensation are transmitted only in this system and
T12 T10
not at all in the dorsal column–medial lemniscal system. T10
L3 T11
These are pain, temperature, tickle, itch, and sexual sensa- T11
tions, in addition to crude touch and pressure. T12
C6 S2 L1
Some Special Aspects of Somatosensory Function S4&5 L2
C8 L2
Function of the Thalamus in Somatic Sensation
When the somatosensory cortex of a human being is de- L3
stroyed, that person loses most critical tactile sensibilities,
L3 S2
but a slight degree of crude tactile sensibility does return.
Therefore, it must be assumed that the thalamus (and other
lower centers) has a slight ability to discriminate tactile
sensation, even though the thalamus normally functions L4
mainly to relay this type of information to the cortex.
Conversely, loss of the somatosensory cortex has little ef-
fect on one’s perception of pain sensation and only a moder-
ate effect on the perception of temperature. Therefore, the
lower brain stem, the thalamus, and other associated basal
regions of the brain are believed to play dominant roles in
discrimination of these sensibilities. It is interesting that L5
S1 L5 S1
these sensibilities appeared very early in the phylogenetic
development of animals, whereas the critical tactile sensibil- L4
ities and the somatosensory cortex were late developments.
Figure 48-­14. Dermatomes. (Modified from Grinker RR, Sahs AL:
Cortical Control of Sensory Sensitivity— Neurology, 6th ed. Springfield, IL, 1966. Courtesy of Charles C Thom-
“Corticofugal” Signals as Publisher, Ltd., Springfield, Illinois.)
In addition to somatosensory signals transmitted from the pe-
Segmental Fields of Sensation—Dermatomes
riphery to the brain, corticofugal signals are transmitted in the
backward direction from the cerebral cortex to the lower sen- Each spinal nerve innervates a “segmental field” of the skin
sory relay stations of the thalamus, medulla, and spinal cord. called a dermatome. The different dermatomes are shown
They control the intensity of sensitivity of the sensory input. in Figure 48-­14. They are shown in the figure as if there
Corticofugal signals are almost entirely inhibitory, so were distinct borders between the adjacent dermatomes,
when sensory input intensity becomes too great, the corti- which is far from true because much overlap exists from
cofugal signals automatically decrease transmission in the segment to segment.
relay nuclei. This action does two things: First, it decreases Figure 48-­14 shows that the anal region of the body lies
lateral spread of the sensory signals into adjacent neurons in the dermatome of the most distal cord segment, dermat-
and, therefore, increases the degree of sharpness in the sig- ome S5. In the embryo, this is the tail region and the most
nal pattern. Second, it keeps the sensory system operating distal portion of the body. The legs originate embryologi-
in a range of sensitivity that is not so low that the signals are cally from the lumbar and upper sacral segments (L2 to S3),
ineffectual nor so high that the system is swamped beyond rather than from the distal sacral segments, which is evi-
its capacity to differentiate sensory patterns. This principle dent from the dermatomal map. One can use a dermatomal
of corticofugal sensory control is used by all sensory sys- map as shown in Figure 48-­14 to determine the level in the
tems, not only the somatic system, as explained in subse- spinal cord at which a cord injury has occurred when the
quent chapters. peripheral sensations are disturbed by the injury.

Chapter 48 Somatic Sensations: I. General Organization, Tactile and Position Senses

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