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03 ‘here is aly ane Base ‘The eustonier. SanWaten, tomierot Warnart According. Sam Walton, how importants the carted ie Very important d ite impetant | a Pat very important fn Learning objec Unit 3 fuses communication skis ooking a johe and enmpanies Placncy Talking about yourjob and your company Reading Work the Net profiles Listening Conseratons boat fos scctrs and companies Vocabulary Jobs cectors and embers 10-100 (eee), 100-1000 tuurdred), 10,000-50,000 thousands) Grammar Quessens wich sider Phrase banle Deacibing your Joband company es: 22 03 WHERE DO YoU woRK? Where do you work? Talking about work ®@O 1. © 1.24 Listen toaconversation ata conference and Girdle the correct answer. Daniel Almeida is from Paris / Sao Paulo /St Lucia Daniel works for Appetizer / Apple /Acer. Hits a computer programmer / receptionist / technician 1.24 Listen again and complete the sentences using da or are. Where you from? = 1 Where you work? = 2 What. you do? 3 seen 3 Write these newer to the questions on the correc lines in 2 hove {macecican. fm from'éo Fao. work for Apecier. 4 ad the fistening scripton page 90 and check your answers 5 Takes five other students Ask and answer the questions below Jobs O@O 1. Match the jos inthe box to the photos and rca or an engineer hotelmarager human reiources manaper receptionist salesmanager taxidriver Lo iS Git a She's a /an b He'sa Jan ‘She's a /an © He'sa Jan PETS Ai) hy 678) 2 @ 1.25 Listen to the two conversations and write the people's jabs. Weling iss went sea fullaumpattheend | Se Shona of sentences. a 3 @ 1.25 Listen again and complete the sentences. 1m fom Hong Kong: ND sascha uunks for Smite Ailes, vewertsee | oe Useaquertion markae | 2M Te ag an thei of quettions py eng em Where do yes work? 4 Work in groups. Ask and answer the questions below What do you ds? Write the correct leis) punctuation (full top or - question mark) in these ie ee sentences ‘ z d pocoaaas Y b What's yourname Gas yeaa Work profiles O@ O d Shvtfrsin teas) | 2. Read the Work the Net profiles and answer the questions 4 Whereis Misha Watanabe fom? What does Ancany Bradley do? Where does Micha Watanahe wor? Misha Watanabe Antony Bradley Human Resources Website Designer Manager London, UK Tokyo, Japan Current PrimeSite Current Sony 2 Choose one profile. Write sentences about Artony is fom Lenaone He. 3 Work witha now partner and take turns to ask and answer the questions below. “Take nates 44 Complete the description about your partner. (eame and sumame) is from (city/eountry). - (Grst name} works for (company), He’ She's Gob). 55 Tall the cae about your partner 03 WHERE DO YoU WORK? 23 Sectors OO @ 1. Match the sectors t the photos (3-6). constracion =] energy [1], finance [2] rest CJ tebcome [7] toarinn [2] When talking about our work, we often use the expressions ! wark in. or Fm in.» plusthe sector (banking, tourism): © min food production. © Oh, really? min unean resources © work in the retail sector. ® Lsee. Lwork in finance, 24 03 WHERE DO YoU WORK? 2 complete the sentences with your job, the sector you workin and your company. Pmafan_—_______. workin wok for_—______. 3 OP 1.26 Listen and tick (/) the sectors you hear. energy{_] fimance{_| retail[_] telecoms|_| A @ 1.28 Liston gain andthe correct actor foreach person. fark ly fad et fae by Estella ein energy /fnance retail elecoms 5 GB sav ses aqua and hcl td i eect nse fov each quetton. @ Where does Estella work? She works for Corieza. / She trains staff. / in Buerios Aires. 1 What does Estella do? Sh’ «hum resourcz manager. /In Buanct Ares / Sh rin staf QUESTION TIME Complete the questions using the words in the box. are do) ie a Where b Where you fram? « you work? d Haw big your company? Questions about people at work © O 1. Complete the questions with do or dos. a Where he work? © What does she ? b What you do? 4 Where Sara work? 2. Complete the sentences with anv'm, iss or are/re a Where she from? ¢ He from the Emirates bi from Paris, They from France. 3 Complete the table using the correct verb farms. Tho verb be ffull) | Tho verb be (short) | The verb do 1 an © you ie | he/she 5 | we ‘e | do you —| BE [ao they we | s Match the sentence beginnings (2d) to the endings (1-4). a What does 1 she work? b How big 2 shedo? © Where does 3 she from? Where's A iaCoriees? 5) Work witha partner. Ask and answer questions about Estella. Whedon ah wo Tens, hundreds, thousands © ® 1 © 1.27 Read and listen to the numbers. w 20 3 40 30 60 70 80 9 100 100 200 300 400 S00 600 700 80D 900 1,000 100 1,000 10,000 500 5,000 50,000 Work with a partner. Take turtis to say a number from 1 and have your partner point to it, 3/30 @ 400/4,000 | 40,000 / 30,000 30 / 300 f 100/1,000 J) 1,000 /10,000, 30/40 g 60/60,000 bh 2 3 QP 28 Listen and Gras the mumbers you hear a > ‘ d 300/300 8/80 How big is your company? ®@ © 1 How ig ts your company? G7EDs the word which base deicribes your saapanyy. yg Eel al 2 @ 29 Listen and complete the information for Freda | Freddie | Abdullah a ‘Company [ Bron Bud Sector | | Size of company | t 3 @ 29 Listen agin and check your answers. 4 @ 1.30 Listen and tick (/) the questions you hear. a What do you do? ] € Whois yourboss? [_] » Where do you work? [-] 4 How big ini [] 5 @ 1.30 Listen again and complete the information for Abdullah. 6 Work with a partner. Ask questions about their job and company. 03 WHERE DO You WORK? 25 eC O03 Where do you work? =a Jobs, sectors and numbers 1. complete the sentences withthe words in the box an Girdeaoran engineer hotel manager human reswurees many receptionist alee manager taxidriver @ Nadiaisa/an ~-She plans sales and works with marketing stati. b Marcoisa/ an He fixes computer systems. © Lena works asa/an -She answers the phone, @ Javieris a /an He drives people around the city. © Carmen isa /an _ She works with all the staff in the hotel. f Livisa/an - She trains new staff. Dv taeranic mses lia pasa en thease the box. construction cnergy finance tourism os a Maya B Selma © Marion Georgia = 3 Match the words (2-6) to the numbers (L-6) @ fourthousand 115 B fourtsen 20 © seventy 3 300 @ fory 4 4000 @ ffteon su f three hundred 6 20 26 03 WHERE DO YOU WORK? ‘Questions and answers about your job and ‘company 1 Pur the words in the correct order to make questions with do and be. Remember to add question marks. a do you what do 1b from where you are © company is big how your do where work you 2 Mach the sentence beginnings (2-< tothe om endings (1-2. 4 Where do you work? B Whaes she ya been? What do you do? 11 work for Siemens, 2. Iman engineer. 3 I'm from Frankfurt Complete the sentences with work or works. 1__ for Vodafone. Where doyou__? Saskia in Istanbul He_____for Apple. Write the questions (a-d) for the answers. Where de you work work in Riyadh, Dparcey Ithas 25 employees train new staff d 1m from Saudi Arabia Numbers 1 Soy the following nummbers. 13 30 300 3,000 7 7m WF 170 16 6 6 6000 2 @ use tisten and check 3 @ 1.33 tisten and waite the numbers you hear. a b e d ° Phrase bank: Talking about your job and your company Cire the correct answer. a Where are you from? min telecoms: / Te fram Brazil. Bb Where do you work? work far Tata! Telecoms. /¥m a technician. © Whatdoyoudo? 1m from Turkey. /Y'm a sales manager. @- Howbigis your company? Ithas about 2,000 employees. I workin finance ‘Tick (/) the correct column in the table. ‘What’ your name? ‘Where da you work? ‘Where are you fro ‘What do you do? aw big is your ‘company? | Asking about a person's work. ‘Asking for personal information v My notes from Unit 03 About you and your company 1. Complete the text about yourself My naroe i (9) tim in 8) - Swe (2) thas about @) employees. tena) (6) - 2 Match the gaps above (ae) ta the information below (1-5). 1 company size 2 sector _ 3 jb — 4 name _ 5 company _ Reviewing objectives Tick the statements which are tre far you. | can talk about my job and my company. | can understand aad ask simple questions with here, What and How. [can understand and use numbers (10s, 100s and £0008). (03 WHERE DO YOU WORK? 27 oa I don’ ansaver the 1 get the feeling coben dh somenne will want to speak to me. Fred Couples, paler Cinele the correct answer. Fred Couples dart like! (ates talking on the phone! Learning objectives: Unit 4 fusiness communication sis Making simple teghone cl: Malang arangerents: Hoey Lenn a mara: Fueney Talang about dates Lstening Telephone cll: to leaves mexzageandtoartng2 aoe Vocabulary Telephone mmbers ete dapeandmonthe (Gearnmat Confer quecte and renstiey Phrase bank Telephone phrases ‘ln Company interviews Unitsa-4 28 04 CANIHELP You? Can | help you? Telephone calls @ @ 1. @ 1.34 Listen to Kristina Miller making a phone call and tick (/) the correct phone number. 1623035448 [] o14a2026009 [] or7as-an4sc10 [] QUESTION TIME ‘Complete the telophone questions below with the missing word. help you? ask who's eating? Hake a message? he call Kristina Miler? 138 Listen again and chock your answers. 2. Match the sentence beginnings (a-g) to the endings (1-7) to make common telephone phrases. a Cantspeakto 1 who's calling? b- How cant 2 anything else? © Mr Smith is 3 Kristina Miller, please? @ Cantask 4 amessage? © Canteske 5. Mr Smith, please? 1 tsthere 6 help you? g Canhecall 7 out of the office today. 2 Lookat the questions in 2 and decideif the statement below is true (1) ar false (#). We ask questions with can to sce ifsomething is possible. T/F QD Netucattanguace When two numbers together are the same in a telephone number, we often say double. 83 = double three 4. @ 1.90 Listen and label the telephone numbers (xd) in the order you bear them 12997 5413304 241.608 5874477 048 208 648 7539 (08s 887 707 6841 Leaving a message @O 1. Renrenage the wosdeti ent3\ bart) med a toleplurae cocworestion, A 8 11 moraing good / help 1can how you? wine ew aa enccrapth 2_| speak can to please Paul Smith? 3 he's sorry of the out office, 4 | can you hele? — a 5 thanks no / willbe he when back? 8 sight Itisalso very common in telephone numbers to tomorrow /2mossage take ean 2 say oh instead of zero Practise saying these telephone numbers with your partner. 0081 445 087 5442 0029352 698 7412 7 please yes / call can he me on 0044 788 4805945 okay that’s so 0044 788 4805945 10 is anything there ose? 12 bye okay 2. Work witha partner and practne the telephone cal. 3 Replace thebeld text in 1 using the information below to make new conversations. With your partner take tums being Aand B, A 8 3 in.a meating / out at kneh 2 Daniol Gelder /Tom Price 6 this afternoon / next wook 7 0205924 1643 / 01789 417 863 8 0205924 1643 / 01789 417 863 11 That’ all, thanks. / No, that's great. 04 CAN I HELP Your 29 if) 9-19-18} ry Time: Day a Are you free on Tuesday? ®@ @ 1 @ 1.36 Listento the telephone conversation and write the time and day at the meeting on the notepad. 2 @ 1.26 complete these extracts from the phone callin 1 with can/can't Listen again and check your answers. 2 Hello, __ 1 spealeto Ketstina please? b Ob,|___meotin the afternoon e 1___ 4 300pm, 3B Match each example in to a meaning below. 1 teint possible 2 tsitpossible? 3 trispossible, Usecan/ean’t to complete the senteneas and match the meaning of the symbol speak to Chris please? 6 x1__ meetar 3pm. 4 itisposeible ? isit possible X it isn’tpossible a b gotothemesting © ?______ you meet ar3 pm? c gotothemecting © f |____meetat4 pm. 5 Complete the table with can / ant He/She He/She, ho/shoye 2 We We we? They They they 2 Days, months and dates O@ OG 1. Putthodaye ofthe wook in the conrect order. Tuesday Thursday Sunday Monday Wednesday Friday-Saturday 2 rar tints and check your answers 3 @ 137 tistenapain and repeat the daysof the week. 4. Label each photo with words inthe box. sfirnoon evening morning night 30 04 CANIHELP Your PES 5 Work with. partner. Choose. day ofthe woek and time of day and tako turnsto gusse a 6 Pur the months in the correct order. January 1 August September Apel October March May = December __ vuly = — June, _ November February a eee 8 (© 1.39 Listen to people talking about important events. Match the dates: Writing tips roaspeaker. When wesaythe date, | Ist January Spoaker I: we normaly use the b 22nd February and of: ded April the nth of May 6th November When we write the date, wuienaieet |e month only: 9) Write the dste of these eventsin yourlifs. ‘Ue May ‘Your birthday Weean incudethe year: | An important public holiday in your country 10th May 2025 ‘The birthday of someonein your family We can alsoleave out the th(or se/nd/rdy 10 Workwith a partner nd tell them the dates in 9. 10 May 2015 = My ys on the 24th af November. GA) (OV) 11 © 140 tistento Kristina Muller and José Gonaile dlscussing a meeting on the : telephone. Tick(/) the dates you hear. a SthAugut [] bowthiuy EI e mrdtly d 14th August [] 2 8thAugest C] a 12 @ 140 Listen aguin and decide if the statements are true (1) or false (#) @ Kristina wanteta change the time forthe meeting. © T/F B José is busy on the 1ith August. ae © Kristina isbusy on the 14th August. aye 4 The new date for the macting’s the 18th August. aE ~) P13 workwithapornerandarangea mesting “am [oss ‘Speaker A: Look at page 82. ‘Speaker B: Look at page 86. 04 CAN IMELP Your 31 10 32 04 Can | help you? ==> Telephone numbers, days and months 1 @ 141 Listen and circle the four telephone numbers you hear. 048-208 456-7748 ounaas 4454 0022 734.4344 0048 255 e974 0057 285 7459 ‘0055 778 B992 2_ Write tho missing lttarsto complete the days ofthe week. M__da Te day _edn_sday Tur dy 1 dy St way —u day 3 Use theideas in the bx to write your weekly routine checkeny emails cookdinner go shopping, potoarectaurnt gotathegym have dinner with my fanily have mectings —leuvework early meet friends ‘meet myhoss pay mybills start work early Monday A cirby on Monty morning Tuesday | Wednesday = Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Every day 4 Complete the crossword with the months ofthe year Esturt 0 T Aeross ‘The 3rd month of the year (M..) ‘The 7th month of the year (J...) ‘the Sth month of the year (Au. ‘The 11th month of the year (No...) ‘The-lth month of the year (Ap..) ‘The 10th month of the year (Oc...) ‘The 12th month of the year (De...) ‘The 2nd month of the year (Fe..) (04 CAN I HELP You? i ‘The 5th month of the year (M..) ‘The Ist month of the year (Jan..) ‘The 6th month of the year (3u..) ‘The Sth month of the year (Se_.) Write the dates in words. 2.02 02.08 1312 03.03 SLOL 24.05 22nd Febuary mene ee MERE Write the date of these events in your life Yourbest friend's birthday ‘The day you started school ‘The day of a public holiday in your country eee wy —» Can for requests and possibility Complete the sentences with can/ean't. — ( B we meet an Monday? Sorry, tm busy. 1 siset on Tuesdays that okay? 1 ‘meet in the morning. have another meeting aero we meetin the afternoon’ { rmfree then. We meet on Tuesday afternoon. 2 @ ez tisen and check your answers, SB iaselte the pentecicn usta cal cael an tan ree to help you. a Lam freeta meet you on Monday.” eat cc yon on Merb 1b Lam not free to meet you on Monday € Are youtres tomeet me on Monday? ? ie olay for you to leave ealy tomorrow. / {© snot olay for youto leave early tomorrow. x { Isit okay for met leave early tomorrow? ? & ‘Match each example of can (a-<) to a meaning (1-3). @ Icanmestyouon Monday, 1 It’snot possible. b Canwemeet on Monday? 2 Its possible. © Ican'tmeeton Monday 3. Isit possible? <== Days and months 1. Underline the stressed syllable in the days of the week. Monday ‘Thursday Sunday Tuesday Friday Wednesday ‘Saturday 2 @ es tisten and check your answers 3 Underline the stressed syllable in the monthsin the year. January April uly October Februsry = May August November March June-—September December 4 © 44 tisten and check your answers Phrase bank: Telephone phrases Complete the conversation with the words in the box. alae ee A Good morning, how (a) B: Hello, can (b) please? Gan 1) who's calling? @ Samantha Lyons I just check Ym sorry, Me Smit i () fice today. Cant () a message? Canbe (@) Samantha Lyons, please? No problem. Is there anything (b) 2 No thanks, bye Bye. Uhelp you? tp Mr Smith, Peo ofthe pees OP 1.45 Liston and check your answers. My notes from Unit 04 Messages ‘Complete the message using the information on the call sheet. Caller ‘Set pee Telephone Number cant 8 Tie of all: Bie Message: ee) i ba Samartha (3) ___ alle you ‘Sh called on Fray ‘Ste wats you to cll () bad Hee (8) @—_ ® @—___2? Reviewing objectives ‘Tick W/) the Statements which are tre for you can make 2 telephone call [ean receive a telephone ca. {can talk about signficant dates snow the days of the week. Herow the months ofthe year. DOOD 04 caNi HELP Your 33

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