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Oral Communication

Video Self-Evaluation
Review the videotape of your speech. As you watch, answer the following questions. 1. How did you try to get the audiences attention? How effective was it?

I asked them what will they do with the ingredients that I mentioned. I think it was quite effective, because if you did not know what my speech topic was, you might be wondering what combination does these ingredients create.
2. Did you clearly communicate your purpose (e.g. I am going to inform/convince you about/to)? How did you motivate your audience to listen to you?

I communicated my purpose fairly well. I motivated my audience to listen to my speech building the thought why they should make their own pizza from toast by telling them why should not they buy pizza from outside, and how it is very hard to make your own pizza by scratch.
3. How was your speech organized? How clearly/logically did it progress? Could I stop paying attention to you and read your outline instead and still follow along easily?


My speech was organized by outline. It progressed pretty clearly, because when I introduced my ingredients, I used the order of the steps to organized my order of ingredients, same as it is to my alternatives. You could stop paying attention to my speech and follow well by my outline. I think I did speech. I did of the speech movements are

What were some of the transition words you used in your speech? Did you clearly indicate movement from one part of your speech to another? Why/why not?

not quite used any transition words in this not clearly indicate movement from one part to another, because I thought most of the clearly understood by my wording.


Explain why your main points were/were not clearly presented.

My main points were clearly presented, because I covered almost everything I can said about my main points in my sub points.I think my audience can understand, and follow quite well, since the words in this speech are not so hard to understand, and with the motions, my speech is easier to follow.
6. Evaluate your conclusion. Did it connect seamlessly with the introduction and body? Did you give a clear sense of ending?


Yes, my conclusion had a strong connection to my introduction, but I think it was not so much about the body. However, my conclusion kind of repeat the main ingredients we needed to make a pizza toast. I give a clear sense of ending by telling my audience "last but not least" in my last main point.

Evaluate your delivery. Were you loud enough/clear enough/energetic enough/varying your tone enough/connecting to your whole audience enough?

My delivery was clear as usual. It was loud enough, but I guess my tone was not changing too much, which I will need to improve more on.


How did your use of voice, gestures, and bodily action enhance (or detract) from the message of your speech? What will you do to enhance the message of your speaking opportunities?

My use of voice was pretty well throughout the whole speech, except in the middle when I tried to let go of my hot oven plate. My gestures were surprising smoother than other speeches, because I do not think I look nervous telling by the gestures this time. I guess bodily actions still need to be improved to help my message toDid you appear sincerely interested and enthusiastic in the topic (your classmate) and in your talking with your come alive in the next speech. 9. I appear very interested and enthusiastic in my speech topic, because I really love my topic personally. My body language did not tell much about me to my audience during the speech. However, I think I did quite well on my eye contact to my audience. I was always looking around when I am not doing something with my food.
audience? What did your body language and eye contact say to your audience? Give examples to support your answers.



I think I will give myself an A- for the speech, because I did not messed up on the talking part of the speech. However, there were some moments in the entire speech that I was focusing more on the doing rather than the talking, which should be avoided in speeches, because we should keep talking during a demonstration speech, that's is the main point of the speech.

Evaluate the overall success of this speech. What grade (A-F) would you assign this presentation? Why?

Describe what you have learned from this speaking opportunity, and how you will use this information in the future.


I have learned how it is very hard to talk while doing stuff on my hands. For the next demonstration speech, I should work on muti-task during the speech, because it is the important part of why we even have a demonstration speech. It is to practice speaking while doing and teaching something to your audience. I should am doing practice dance to

What did you learn from this presentation that will help you prepare your future speech? List at least three things that you plan on working on. (To just practice is not a specific step exactly how will you practice?) a.

work on how to keep talking while I something on my hands. I should this by listening to songs, and keep on with a different rhythm.


I should still keep on working on how to vary my tone, because my tone was not fully expressing what I think about the things I am talking about, which I should let the audience know so that they can catch up.
c. I

should work on my body language, because I think body language is very important to tell my audience how comfortable I am about my topic, and many body language can help my audience to understand what I am talking about even if they missed out something.


Describe, in detail, the areas you will improve your public speaking and exactly how you will improve. Include a variety of specific steps you will take to improve your public speaking skills.

I need to improve my skill especially for demonstration speech on how to keep talking while demonstrating. I have to practice how to muti-task during a demonstration speech. I should practice this by trying to listen to songs and still keep up the rhythm for a dancing move, so that I can practice my mind to work on two things at a time that are similar.

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