Mathematics Individualized Degree Completion Plan

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Last Name First Name

TU Student ID Number Catalog Year
Major (1st) Mathematics Major (2nd)
Concentration Choose one
Academic Advisor

Transfer Student (Y/N) No. of Units Transferred 0

No. of Units Already Earned at TU 0

No. of Units Currently Enrolled 0
Total Number of Units Planned 0
Total Number of Academic Units 0

Select Term Select Term

Course Units Course Units

Total 0 Total 0

Select Term Select Term

Course Units Course Units

Total 0 Total 0

Select Term Select Term

Course Units Course Units
Total 0 Total 0

Select Term Select Term

Course Units Course Units

Total 0 Total 0

Select Term Select Term

Course Units Course Units

Total 0 Total 0


Student: Signature Date Signature
Fa = Fall Term Sp = Spring Term

Offered Course No. Units

Choose one Fa MATH 223 2
Fa/Sp/Su MATH 263 3
Fa/Sp/Su MATH 265 4
Fa/Sp MATH 267 4
Fa/Sp/Su MATH 273 4
Fa/Sp/Su MATH 274 4
Fa/Sp/Su MATH 275 4
Fa MATH 283 4
Sp MATH 310 3
Fa MATH 312 4

Fa/Sp MATH 314 3

Fa MATH 315 4
Select Term Every other Sp MATH 320 3
Course Units Fa/Sp/Su MATH 330 4
Fa/Sp/Su MATH 331 4
Fa/Sp MATH 332 3
Fa/Sp MATH 337 4

Fa MATH 353 3

Fa/Sp MATH 369 4

Fa MATH 372 4
Total 0 Fa/Sp/Su MATH 374 3
Fa MATH 377 3
Contact Dept. MATH 378 3
Select Term Sp MATH 379 3
Course Units Sp MATH 420 3

Fa MATH 423 3

Fa/Sp MATH 426 12

Fa MATH 435 3
Sp MATH 437 3
Fa MATH 438 4
Sp MATH 439 3
Fa MATH 441 3
Total 0 Sp MATH 442 3
Sp MATH 447 3
Sp MATH 448 3
Select Term Fa 2022* MATH 451 3
Course Units Sp 2023* MATH 457 3
Sp 2023* MATH 463 3
Fa 2022* MATH 465 3
Sp 2022* MATH 467 3
Contact Dept. MATH 472 3
Sp MATH 475 3
Sp 2022* MATH 477 3
Fa MATH 485 3
Total 0 Sp MATH 486 3
Sp MATH 490 3
Sp MATH 498 3
Select Term * These courses are offered every 3rd semester. (463, 465, 467 rotate & 451,457,477 rotate)
Course Units

Fa/Sp SCED 460 3

Fa/Sp SCED 461 3
Fa/Sp SEMS 110 1
Fa/Sp SEMS 120 1
Fa/Sp SEMS 230 3
Total 0 Fa/Sp SEMS 240 3

Fa/Sp SEMS 250 3

Select Term Fa/Sp SEMS 360 3

Course Units Fa/Sp SEMS 370 3
Fa/Sp SEMS 430 1

Fa/Sp SEMS 498 3

Total 0
Su = Summer Session

Course Name
Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Middle School Mathematics
Discrete Mathematics
Elementary Linear Algebra
Introduction to Abstract Mathematics
Calculus I
Calculus II
Calculus III
Honors Calculus I
Functions and Modeling
Theory of Interest

Introduction to Cryptography

Applied Combinatorics
Teaching Advanced Placement Calculus for Presrvice Teachers
Introduction to Statistical Methods
Mathematical Statistics
Applied Regression & Time Series Predictive Modeling

Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometries

Introduction to Abstract Algebra

Real Analysis I
Differential Equations
Mathematical Models
Experimental Mathematics
Fourier Analysis with Applications
Applications of Technology for Secondary School Teachers

Teaching Mathematics in the Secondary Schools

Student Teaching in Secondary Education – Mathematics

Numerical Analysis I
Operations Research
Fundamentals of Long-Term Actuarial Mathematics
Computational Probability Models
Fundamentals of Short-Term Actuarial Mathematics
Advanced Short-Term Actuarial Mathematics
Statistics for Risk Modeling
Advanced Long-Term Actuarial Mathematics
Graph Theory
Differential Geometry
Linear Algebra
Number Theory
Algebraic Structures
Real Analysis II
Complex Analysis
Mathematical Finance
Risk Management and Financial Engineering
Senior Seminar in Mathematics
Senior Seminar: Actuarial Sci & Risk Managemt
semester. (463, 465, 467 rotate & 451,457,477 rotate)

Using Literacy in the Secondary Schools

Teaching Literacy in the Secondary Content Areas
Introduction to STEM Teaching I
Introduction to STEM Teaching II: Inquiry-Based Lesson Design
Knowing and Learning
Classroom Interactions

Perspectives on Science and Mathematics

Research Methods
Project-Based Instruction
Seminar in Apprentice Teaching (1 unit)

Internship in Mathematics and Science Secondary Education

SEMS 120 or SEMS 130
MATH 273 or MATH 211
MATH 273
MATH 265 & MATH 273
MATH 117 or MATH 119
MATH 273
MATH 274
MATH 117 or MATH 119
MATH 274 & MATH 265 & SEMS 230
MATH 274
COSC 236, MATH 263 or 267, & MATH 330 or 331
(may be taken concurrently)
MATH 263 or 267, & MATH 274
MATH 274
MATH 274
MATH 275 (may be taken concurrently)
MATH 331
MATH 265 and MATH 332
MATH 265 & MATH 273 & (MATH 251 or MATH 263 or
MATH 267)
MATH 265 & MATH 267 & MATH 274
MATH 267 & MATH 275
MATH 274
COSC 236 & MATH 265 & MATH 274
COSC 236 & MATH 265 & MATH 274 & MATH 267
MATH 267 & MATH 275
MATH 330 & MATH 353
MATH 353 (may be taken concurently) and concurrent
enrollment in SEMS 498
MATH 423 & SEMS 498
COSC 236 & MATH 265 & MATH 274
MATH 265 & MATH 331
MATH 312 & MATH 331
MATH 331
MATH 331
MATH 441
MATH 337 (may be taken concurrently)
MATH 438
MATH 263 or MATH 267
MATH 265 & MATH 275
MATH 265 or MATH 267
MATH 263 or MATH 267, & MATH 274
MATH 369
MATH 372
MATH 267 & MATH 275
MATH 267 & MATH 275
MATH 331
MATH 485
MATH 369, MATH 331 and Senior standing
MATH 438 and Senior standing

SCED 460

SEMS 110
SEMS 120 or SEMS 130 (may be taken concurrently)
SEMS 230 (may be taken concurrently)
MATH 115 or MATH 119 or MATH 211 (may be taken
concurrently) or MATH 273 (may be taken
ENGL 102 & one of MATH 115, 119, 211, 273
SEMS 230 and SEMS 240
SEMS 498 and permission of Uteach
SEMS 360 (may be taken concurrently) & SEMS 370
(may be taken concurrently)
Major in Mathematics Worksheet

Required Courses: Core Curriculum

Link to the Core Curriculum Requirements Checklist

Core Requirements Fulfilled Completed/Currently Taking/Planned)

Core 1 Core 8
Core 2 Core 9
Core 3 Core 10
Core 4 Core 11
Core 5 Core 12
Core 6 Core 13
Core 7 Core 14

Required Courses: Major in Mathematics

COSC 236 Introduction to Computer Science I (4 units)

MATH 265 Elementary Linear Algebra (4 units)
MATH 267 Introduction to Abstract Mathematics (4 units)
MATH 273 Calculus I (4 units)
MATH 274 Calculus II (4 units)
MATH 275 Calculus III (4 units)
MATH 331 Probability (4 units)
MATH 369 Introduction to Abstract Algebra (4 units)
MATH 372 Real Analysis I (4 units)
MATH 490 Senior Seminar in Mathematics (3 units)

Groups and Upper Division Electives: Major in Mathematics

Select three of the following groups and select a minimum of 2 courses from each
Then select two additional courses from any group (either groups already chosen or not)
One of the selected groups must be algebra or analysis.
You must select at least 8 courses total from the groups below.
Algebra Group
MATH 463 Linear Algebra (3 units)
MATH 465 Number Theory (3 units)
MATH 467 Algebraic Structures (3 units)
Analysis Group
MATH 379 Fourier Analysis with Application (3 units)
MATH 472 Real Analysis II (3 units)
MATH 475 Complex Analysis (3 units)
Applications Group
MATH 374 Differential Equations (3 units)
MATH 377 Math Models (3 units)
See below Applications Elective, chosen from list below (at most one)
Discrete Math Group
MATH 314 Introduction to Cryptography (3 units)
MATH 315 Applied Combinatorics (4 units)
MATH 451 Graph Theory (3 units)
Education Group
MATH 310 Functions and Modelling for Secondary School Teachers (3 units)
MATH 420 Applications of Technology for Secondary School Teachers (3 units)
MATH 423 Teaching Mathematics in the Secondary Schools
Finance Group
MATH 312 Theory of Interest (4 units)
MATH 485 Mathematical Finance (3 units)
MATH 486 Risk Management and Financial Engineering (3 units)
Geometry/Topology Group
MATH 353 Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometries (3 units)
MATH 457 Differential Geometry (3 units)
MATH 477 Topology (3 units)
Numerics Group
MATH 435 Numerical Analysis (3 units)
MATH 437 Operations Research (3 units)
MATH 439 Computational Probability Models (3 units)
Statistics Group
MATH 332 Mathematical Statistics (3 units)
MATH 337 Applied Regression and Time Series Analysis (4 units)
MATH 438 Long Term Actuarial Models I (4 units)

Application Electives (Up to one may be counted under the applications group above)
BIOL 309 Genetics
CHEM 345 Principles of Physical Chemistry
COSC 336 Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis
PHYS 307 Introductory Mathematical Physics
PHYS 311 Modern Physics I
PHYS 351 Mechanics
PHYS 354 Electricity and Magnetism
POSC 459 Simulation and Games in Political Science
PSYC 314 Research Methods in Psychology

Note: The Department of Mathematics recommends that PHYS 241 be taken to satisfy
the Core Curriculum Category 7 - Biological and Physical Sciences (Lab only).
Actuarial Science and Risk Management Worksheet

Required Courses: Core Curriculum

Link to the Core Curriculum Requirements Checklist

Core Requirements Fulfilled Completed/Currently Taking/Planned)

Core 1 Core 8
Core 2 Core 9*
Core 3 Core 10
Core 4 Core 11
Core 5 Core 12
Core 6 Core 13
Core 7 Core 14

SOA Exam Progress:

Date Taken
Planned Date to Take

Monitoring Continuation Policy:

Math 331 G.P.A in Required Courses:

Required Courses: Actuarial Science and Risk Management

ACCT 201 Principles of Financial Accounting I (3 units)

or or
ACCT 211 Honors Accounting Principles I (3 units)
ACCT 202 Principles of Financial Accounting II (3 units)
or or
ACCT 212 Honors Accounting Principles II (3 units)
COSC 236 Introduction to Computer Science I (4 units)
ECON 201 Microeconomic Principles (3 units)
ECON 202 Macroeconomic Principles (3 units)
ENGL 312 Writing for Business and Industry (3 units) (Core 9)
FIN 331 Principles of Financial Management (3 units)
MATH 265 Elementary Linear Algebra (4 units)
MATH 267 Introduction to Abstract Mathematics (4 units)
MATH 273 Calculus I (4 units)
MATH 274 Calculus II (4 units)
MATH 275 Calculus III (4 units)
MATH 312 Theory of Interest (4 units)
MATH 331 Probability (4 units)
MATH 332 Mathematical Statistics (3 units)
MATH 337 Applied Regression and Time Series Predictive Modeling (4 units)
MATH 369* Introduction to Abstract Algebra (4 units)
or or
MATH 372* Real Analysis (4 units)
or or
MATH 463* Linear Algebra (3 units)
MATH 438 Fundamentals of Long-Term Actuarial Mathematics (4 units)
MATH 439 Computational Probability Models (3 units)
MATH 441 Fundamentals of Short-Term Actuarial Mathematics (4 units)
MATH 442 Advanced Short-Term Actuarial Mathematics (3 units)
MATH 447 Sttistics for Risk Modeling (3 units)
MATH 448 Advanced Long-Term Actuarial Mathematics (3 units)
MATH 485 Mathematical Finance (3 units)
MATH 498 Senior Seminar: Actuarial Science & Risk Management (3 units)

*Note: Exactly one of MATH 369, MATH 372, or MATH 463.

I understand that most industries nowadays want to see at least two passed SOA exams prior to an intervi
Consequently, it is understood that I am expected to pass at least two actuarial exams by the time I gradu

Monitoring Admission Policy

Math 273
Math 274
Math GPA
AP - AB / BC
SOA Exam

Use (mm/dd/yy)

Use (mm/dd/yy)

Status Course Grade

SOA exams prior to an interview.
rial exams by the time I graduate.

Applied Mathematics Worksheet

Required Courses: Core Curriculum

Link to the Core Curriculum Requirements Checklist

Core Requirements Fulfilled Completed/Currently Taking/Planned)

Core 1 Core 8
Core 2 Core 9
Core 3 Core 10
Core 4 Core 11
Core 5 Core 12
Core 6 Core 13
Core 7 Core 14

Required Courses: Applied Mathematics

COSC 236 Introduction to Computer Science I (4 units)

MATH 265 Elementary Linear Algebra (4 units)
MATH 267 Introduction to Abstract Mathematics (4 units)
MATH 273 Calculus I (4 units)
MATH 274 Calculus II (4 units)
MATH 275 Calculus III (4 units)
MATH 331 Probability (4 units)
MATH 332 Mathematical Statistics (3 units)
MATH 372 Real Analysis I (4 units)
MATH 374 Differential Equations (3 units)
MATH 377 * Mathematical Models (3 units)*
or or
MATH 439 * Computational Probability Models (3 units)*
MATH 369 Introduction to Abstract Algebra (4 units)
MATH 435 Numerical Analysis I (3 units)
MATH 472 ** Real Analysis II (3 units)**
or or
MATH 475 ** Complex Analysis (3 units)**
MATH 490 Senior Seminar in Mathematics (3 units)

*Note: One of MATH 377 or MATH 439, but not both.

*Note: One of MATH 472 or MATH 475, but not both.

Upper Division Mathematics Electives: Applied Mathematics

Two courses from the following:

MATH 315 Applied Combinatorics (4 units)

MATH 337 Applied Regression and Time Series Analysis (4 units)
MATH 379 Fourier Analysis with Application (3 units)
MATH 437 Operations Research (3 units)
MATH 439*** Computational Probability Models (3 units) ***
MATH 451 Graph Theory (3 units)
MATH 457 Differential Geometry (3 units)
MATH 463 Linear Algebra (3 units)
MATH 475**** Complex Analysis (3 units)

***Note: Only open to students who did not choose this course as the required course
instead of MATH 337.
****Note: Only open to students who did not choose this course as the required course
instead of MATH 472.

Additional Electives: Applied Mathematics

Two courses from the following:

BIOL 309 Genetics (4 units)

COSC 336 Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis (4 units)
COSC 310 Special Topics: Advanced Programming (3 units)
COSC 417 Introduction to the Theory of Computing (3 units)
COSC 459 Computer Simulation and Modeling (3 units)
COSC 461 Artificial Intelligence (3 units)
COSC 471 Computer Graphics (3 units)
COSC 483 Design and Analysis Algorithms (3 units)
ECON 451 Introduction to Mathematical Economics (3 units)
MATH 314 Introduction to Cryptography (3 units)
MATH 438 Actuarial Models (3 units)
MATH 485 Mathematical Finance (3 units)
MATH 486 Risk Management and Financial Engineering (3 units)
PHYS 241 General Physics I Calculus-Based (4 units)
PHYS 242 General Physics II Calculus-Based (4 units)
PHYS 307 Introductory Mathematical Physics (3 units)
POSC 459 Simulation and Games in Political Science (3 units)
PSYC 314 Research Methods in Psychology (3 units)

Note: The Department of Mathematics recommends that PHYS 241 be taken to satisfy
the Core Curriculum Category 7 - Biological and Physical Sciences (Lab only).
quired course

equired course

en to satisfy
Pure Mathematics Worksheet

Required Courses: Core Curriculum

Link to the Core Curriculum Requirements Checklist

Core Requirements Fulfilled Completed/Currently Taking/Planned)

Core 1 Core 8
Core 2 Core 9
Core 3 Core 10
Core 4 Core 11
Core 5 Core 12
Core 6 Core 13
Core 7 Core 14

Required Courses: Pure Mathematics

COSC 236 Introduction to Computer Science I (4 units)

MATH 265 Elementary Linear Algebra (4 units)
MATH 267 Introduction to Abstract Mathematics (4 units)
MATH 273 Calculus I (4 units)
MATH 274 Calculus II (4 units)
MATH 275 Calculus III (4 units)
MATH 331 Probability (4 units)
MATH 369 Introduction to Abstract Algebra (4 units)
MATH 372 Real Analysis I (4 units)
MATH 463 Linear Algebra (3 units)
MATH 467 Algebraic Structures (3 units)
MATH 472 Real Analysis II (3 units)
MATH 475 Complex Analysis (3 units)
MATH 490 Senior Seminar in Mathematics (3 units)

Upper Division Mathematics Electives: Pure Mathematics

At least five courses, including at least two courses from the following:

MATH 315 Applied Combinatorics (3 units)

MATH 332 Mathematical Statistics (3 units)
MATH 353 Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometries (3 units)
MATH 374 Differential Equations (3 units)
MATH 377 * Mathematical Models (3 units) *
or or
MATH 439 * Computational Probability Models (3 units) *
MATH 379 Fourier Analysis with Applications (3 units)

*Note: One of MATH 377 or MATH 439, but not both.

And at least two courses from the following:

MATH 451 Graph Theory (3 units)

MATH 457 Differential Geometry (3 units)
MATH 465 Number Theory (3 units)
MATH 477 Topology (3 units)

Note: The Department of Mathematics recommends that PHYS 241 be taken to satisfy
the Core Curriculum Category 7- Biological and Physical Sciences (Lab only).
Towson UTeach
Mathematics Secondary Education Worksheet

Required Courses: Core Curriculum

Link to the Core Curriculum Requirements Checklist

Core Requirements Fulfilled Completed/Currently Taking/Planned)

Core 1 Core 8
Core 2 Core 9
Core 3 Core 10
Core 4 Core 11
Core 5 Core 12
Core 6 Core 13
Core 7 Core 14

Required Courses: Towson UTeach Mathematics Secondary Education

MATH 223 Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Middle School Mathematics (2 units)
MATH 265 Elementary Linear Algebra (4 units)
MATH 267 Introduction to Abstract Mathematics (4 units)
MATH 273 Calculus I (4 units)
MATH 274 Calculus II (4 units) [ satisfies Core 3 ]
MATH 275 Calculus III (4 units)
MATH 310 Functions and Modeling (3 units)
MATH 330 Introduction to Statistical Methods (4 units)
MATH 353 Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometries (3 units)
MATH 369 Introduction to Abstract Algebra (4 units)
MATH 420 Applications of Technology for Secondary School Teachers (3 units)
MATH 423 Teaching Mathematics in Secondary Schools (3 units)
PHYS 241 General Physics I (4 units) [ satisfies Core 7 ]

Upper Division Mathematics Elective: Towson UTeach Mathematics Secondary Education

Select two of the following. No student may select both MATH 320 and PHYS 242.

MATH 315 Applied Combinatorics (4 units)

MATH 320 Teaching Advanced Placement Calculus for Preservice Teachers (3 units)
MATH 331 Probability (4 units)
MATH 372 Real Analysis I (4 units)
MATH 374 Differential Equations (3 units)
MATH 451 Graph Theory (3 units)
MATH 465 Number Theory (3 units)
MATH 467 Algebraic Structures (3 units)
MATH 475 Complex Analysis (3 units)
PHYS 242 General Physics II (4 units) [satisfies Core 8]

Required Towson UTeach Courses: Towson UTeach Mathematics Secondary Education

SEMS 110 Introduction to STEM Teaching I: Inquiry Approaches to Teaching (1 unit)

SEMS 120 Introduction to STEM Teaching II: Inquiry-Based Lesson Design (1 unit)
SEMS 230 Knowing and Learning (3 units)
SEMS 240 Classroom Interactions (3 units)
SEMS 250 Perspectives on Science and Math (3 units) [ satisfies Core 5 ]
SEMS 370 Project-Based Instruction (3 units)
SEMS 498 Internship in Mathematics and Science Secondary Education (3 units)
SCED 460 Using Reading & Writing in the Secondary Schools (4 units)
SCED 461 Teaching Reading in the Secondary Content Areas (3 units)
MATH 426 Student Teaching in Secondary Education – Mathematics (12 units)
SEMS 430 Seminar in Apprentice Teaching (1 unit)

Additional Required Courses to Satisfy the Core Curriculum:

TSEM 102 Towson Seminar (3 units) [ satisfies core 1 ]

ENGL 102 Writing for a Liberal Education (3 units) [ satisfies core 2 ]
Courses to satisfy Core Curriculum Categories: 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
ary Education

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