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50 Strategies Index

Donna Moore
READ 520

Classroom Environment Strategies

 Predictable Routines and Signals: Reducing Anxiety
 Modeled talk: demonstrating as you talk
 Visual scaffolding: providing language support through visual images
 Realia strategies: connecting language acquisition to the real world
 Vocabulary role-play: building vocabulary through dramatization
 Manipulatives strategies: using objects to connect concepts
 Bilingual books and labels: supporting biliteracy awareness
 Checking for understanding: using questioning strategies to differentiate instruction
 Learning centers: extending learning through hands-on practice
 Communication games: creating opportunities for verbal interaction
 Cognate strategies: using the home language to support English acquisition
 Preview/review: building vocabulary and concepts to support understanding
 Story reenactment: act out stories that they have read or been read to
 Graphic organizers: visually representing ideas, text, and connections
 Language framework planning: supporting academic language and content acquisition
 Free voluntary reading: nothing helps reading like reading
 Culture studies: learning research skills and valuing home cultures in one project
 Integrated curriculum projects: using authentic projects to integrate content knowledge
 Cooperative learning: group interactions to accomplish goals
 Learning strategy instruction: acquiring self-help skills
 Multiple intelligences strategies: teaching and testing to student-preferred learning modes
 Multimedia presentations: oral reports for new millennium
 Small groups and partners: interactions to enhance instruction
Oral Language Strategies
 Modeled talk: demonstrating as you talk
 Realia strategies: connecting language acquisition to the real world
 Vocabulary role-play: building vocabulary through dramatization
 Read-aloud plus: using strategies to support comprehension
 Reporting back: verbal practice in curriculum connections
 Communication games: creating opportunities for verbal interaction
 Story reenactment: act out stories that they have read or been read to
 Read, pair, share: working with a partner to negotiate meaning
 Cooperative learning: group interactions to accomplish goals
 Multimedia presentations: oral reports for new millennium
 Small groups and partners: interactions to enhance instruction

Vocabulary and Comprehension Strategies

 Total physical response and total physical response storytelling (TPR and TPRS):
integrating movement into language acquisition
 Modeled talk: demonstrating as you talk
 Visual scaffolding: providing language support through visual images
 Realia strategies: connecting language acquisition to the real world
 Vocabulary role-play: building vocabulary through dramatization
 Collecting and processing words: making vocabulary your own
 Manipulatives strategies: using objects to connect concepts
 Read-aloud plus: using strategies to support comprehension
 Moving into reading: using multiple strategies to foster comprehension
 Close reading: engaging with text to improve reading comprehension
 Repeated reading: using script writing and reader's theater
 Scaffolding English writing: matching instruction to language development
 Reporting back: verbal practice in curriculum connections
 Leveled questions: adjusting questioning strategies to the language levels of students
 Bilingual books and labels: supporting biliteracy awareness
 Sorting activities: organizing information into categories
 Cloze: using context to create meaning
 Verb action: teaching irregular verbs through experience
 Checking for understanding: using questioning strategies to differentiate instruction
 Learning centers: extending learning through hands-on practice
 Communication games: creating opportunities for verbal interaction
 Preview/review: building vocabulary and concepts to support understanding
 Story reenactment: act out stories that they have read or been read to
 Repetition and innovation: exploring a book to deepen comprehension
 Language focus lessons: supporting English vocabulary and structure acquisition
 Graphic organizers: visually representing ideas, text, and connections
 Advance organizers: getting the mind in gear for instruction
 Guided reading: providing individual support within a group setting
 Language framework planning: supporting academic language and content acquisition
 Free voluntary reading
 Micro selection: finding key words and main ideas
 Read, pair, share: working with a partner to figure out meaning
 Attribute charting: organizing information to support understanding
 Integrated curriculum projects: using authentic projects to integrate content knowledge
 KWL and data charts: researching and organizing information
 Collaborative reading: what to do when they can't read the textbook
 Cooperative learning: group interactions to accomplish goals
 Multiple intelligences strategies: teaching and testing to student-preferred learning modes
 Multimedia presentations: oral reports for new millennium
 Small groups and partners: interactions to enhance instruction
 GIST: working together through challenging text

Writing Strategies

 Repeated Reading: Using Script Writing and Reader’s Theatre

 Scaffolding English writing: matching instruction to language development
 Realia strategies: connecting language acquisition to the real world
 Sorting activities: organizing information into categories
 Bilingual books and labels: supporting biliteracy awareness
 Syntax Surgery: Visually manipulating English Grammar
 Modeled talk: demonstrating as you talk
 Integrated curriculum projects: using authentic projects to integrate content knowledge
 KWL and data charts: researching and organizing information
 Multimedia presentations: oral reports for new millennium
 Small groups and partners: interactions to enhance instruction
 GIST: working together through challenging text
 Leveled questions: adjusting questioning strategies to the language levels of students
 Cloze: using context to create meaning
 Learning centers: extending learning through hands-on practice
 Cooperative learning: group interactions to accomplish goals
 Graphic organizers: visually representing ideas, text, and connections

Assessment Strategies

 Predictable Routines and Signals: Reducing Anxiety

 Modeled talk: demonstrating as you talk
 Visual scaffolding: providing language support through visual images
 Vocabulary role-play: building vocabulary through dramatization
 Manipulatives strategies: using objects to connect concepts
 Bilingual books and labels: supporting biliteracy awareness
 Checking for understanding: using questioning strategies to differentiate instruction
 Cognate strategies: using the home language to support English acquisition
 Graphic organizers: visually representing ideas, text, and connections
 Integrated curriculum projects: using authentic projects to integrate content knowledge
 Multiple intelligences strategies: teaching and testing to student-preferred learning styles
 Multimedia presentations: oral reports for new millennium
 Reporting back: verbal practice in curriculum connections
 Story reenactment: act out stories that they have read or been read to

Home Connections

 Predictable Routines and Signals: Helps reduce anxiety

 Realia strategies: real things
 Bilingual books and labels: supporting biliteracy awareness.
 Cognate strategies: using the home language to support English acquisition.
 Culture studies: learning research skills and valuing home cultures in one project
 Visual scaffolding: providing language support through visual images.
 Multimedia presentations: oral reports for new millennium

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