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Assignment #1

Subhi Awwad 1213395

Taleb Masri 1203388

Question 1)

Levels of involvement for a car:

The levels of involvement between a person and his car can be measured by a low
inertia to high inertia scale where low inertia can be most people i know where
they dont potentially care about their vehicles the most they do is wash it every
now and then and service it when the car needs to, this is an example of low inertia
level of involvement between a person and his car where the car is considered a
tool that gets you from point A to point B.

For me personally i consider myself segmented as hight-inertia levels of

involvement where my car means so much to me it always has to be clean, always
fitted with the newest technology, always serviced before its service date, and
always checked because for me it reflects some things that have to do with me, and
its more than a car for me.

A person segmented at low-inertia rate of involvement with his car wouldnt mind
what car he drives and wouldnt really care if one day he’d/she’d change his/her car
but for me (high-inertia) im having trouble changing my car even though i know
its time to change my car im attracted to it to the point that no other car (even if its
a better car) would mean the same to me due to the level of loyalty built not only
for the exact car but also to the brand itself.

Question 2)

Strategies can be used to improve the people’s motivation to process relevant data
through Message response Involvement through certain techniques.

1. appear to the consumer’s hedonic needs

2. Use novella stimuli
3. Use prominent stimuli
4. Include celebrity endorsers
5. Provide value appreciated by customers
6. Let customers make the messages

For cars, many of these techniques could be adopted to boost people’s involvement
with the message.

Cars should use colours that are attractive and responsive, such as Red and yellow
or a metallic black perhaps. Such colour catch the eyes of the viewer and can have
better potential than dull or pale colours especially in video advertisements, in
which can be so much better with good cinematography, where the Red car can be
shown driving to the top of the hill showcasing its clear engine sound which shows
the car’s strength and power, along with great poses and great sound action to
create this appealing and attractive environment for a viewer to feel alive in. You
can also involve celebrities local or international, to make your video more
trending and to capture a specific market segment that could be reached through
this celebrity, for example, as a BMW head of advertisement, I could go to a
Soccer team such as Real Madrid, which is followed by hundreds of millions of
people (Potential buyers), In which Real madrid players are given new BMW cars
to send a message that Real madrid players which are Smart, Rich, influential, and
athletic are using our cars because they are a match.

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