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Avaliação de Inglês

Livro: Eloise Brigerton e Phillip Crane

Thaís Nemitz Rosa
Turma: 81

The book tells of a different love story where Eloise tells her love story with
Phillip, which begins through correspondence after the death of her cousin.
Throughout the book, they get to know each other in the letters and discover
each other, what each one dreams and desires and what their past was like, a
widower with two children and a spinster as the story relates, but when they get
to know each other they realize that the The vision they had of each other in
their day-to-day coexistence is different, she is willful or talks too much and he
is as rude as the men of the time.
My Opinion and book review:
What attracted me to the book and that left me enchanted is the way it portrays
the love between the two, also the described way of the book that was well
done, making the novel fun to read and attractive.

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