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Abby Hanson

Standard 9 - Reflection & Continuous Growth

Artifact #1

Artifact Action Plan Reflection

Standard CCTS.9. Reflection and Continuous Growth.

The teacher is a reflective practitioner who
uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her
practice, particularly the effects of his/her
choices and actions on others (students,
families, and other professionals in the
learning community), and adapts practice to
meet the needs of each learner.

Standard in Your Own Words The teacher reflects on their work and makes
& adjusts practice to fit the requirements of
each learner by using evidence to
continuously assess his or her practice, paying
particular attention to the impact of decisions
and actions on others (students, families, and
other professionals in the learning

Indicator 9 (e) Reflects on his/her personal biases and

accesses resources to deepen his/her own
understanding of cultural, ethnic, gender, and
learning differences to build stronger
relationships and create more relevant
learning experiences.
- An educator considers his or her
prejudices and makes use of resources
to expand on knowledge of gender,
ethnicity, culture, and learning
differences to forge closer bonds with
others and produce more instructive

Description of Artifact Part of my experience as a student teacher is

that I had to create four goals for myself
during my time at my placement. An action
plan helps educators clarify their objectives
and what they hope to achieve during their
time at their placement. This includes
improving specific teaching skills, gaining
experience with classroom management, And
developing a better understanding of your
specific subject matter. having a plan can keep
you focused and on track throughout your
student teaching experience.

Rationale This artifact fits the standard and the indicator

because the action plan serves as a tool for
continuous improvement. As I worked
through my action plan I had the opportunity
to learn from my experiences, sought
feedback from my mentor and supervisors and
I was able to refine my teaching practices. I
was able to reflect on my work in and out of
the classroom and adjust my lessons when
needed. In return, it benefited my progress
toward reaching my action plan goals.

Artifact #2

Artifact Teacher Work Sample - Reflection &


Standard CCTS.9. Reflection and Continuous Growth.

The teacher is a reflective practitioner who
uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her
practice, particularly the effects of his/her
choices and actions on others (students,
families, and other professionals in the
learning community) and adapts practice to
meet the needs of each learner.

Standard in Your Own Words The teacher reflects on their work and makes
& adjusts practice to fit the requirements of
each learner by using evidence to
continuously assess his or her practice, paying
particular attention to the impact of decisions
and actions on others (students, families, and
other professionals in the learning

Indicator 9 (h) Understands and knows how to use

learner data to analyze practice and
differentiate instruction accordingly.
- An educator recognizes and knows
how to apply learner data for practice
analysis and appropriate instruction

Description of Artifact Part of my teacher work sample was after I

had completed all of my lessons and analyzed
my student data, to reflect on the lessons and
self-analyze my work as a teacher. It's
important as a teacher to reflect on your
practice because then you can identify your
strengths and your areas for improvement. by
analyzing your work and your student's work,
you can recognize what strategies are
effective and which ones may need
adjustment. engaging in self-reflection
encourages critical thinking about your
teaching methods, lesson plans, and
interactions with students. through
self-analysis, you gain insights into your
student's learning experiences.

Rationale This artifact fits the standard and the indicator

because by reflecting on your student's
responses to your teaching, you can adapt
your approach to better meet their needs and
promote their learning outcomes. it is
important as an educator to take responsibility
for your growth and development as a teacher.
self-reflection allows you to hold yourself
accountable for your actions and decisions in
the classroom. it also allows you to take
ownership of your teaching practice and strive
for continuous improvement.

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