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A I I E Transactions
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A Blood Bank Collection Scheduling and Inventory

Control System
C. Carl Pegels
State University of New York , Buffalo
Published online: 06 Jul 2007.

To cite this article: C. Carl Pegels (1969) A Blood Bank Collection Scheduling and Inventory Control System, A I I E
Transactions, 1:1, 51-55, DOI: 10.1080/05695556908974413

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A Blood Bank Collection Scheduling and
Inventory Control System1
State University of New York at Buffalo

Abstract: This article presents an analytic approach to the MAlH BLOOD GROUPS
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blood bank collection scheduling and inventory problem.

Based on a specified allowable probability of shortage, the Human blood is divided into four main blood groups,
number of units to be collected is determined. A total of six A, B, AB, and 0. In addition, human blood can be
cases are discussed and models for each case are proposed. broken down into two types, those with the Rh factor,
The six cases arise because of the type of demand forecasts
available, and because of the degree of control a blood bank called Rh positive or just positive, and those without the
has over its donors. Essentially, any kind of demand/supply R h factor, called Rh negative or just negative. Approxi-
situation is covered by the six cases. mately 85 percent of the aggregate population has R h
positive blood, and the remaining 15 percent has Rh
negative blood.
A considerable amount of research effort has been de- The two more common groups of blood are groups A
voted to the study of whole blood inventory control. and 0, while groups AB and B are the rarer types. The
Some researchers have resorted to the application of percentage of occurrence of each of the eight groups of
electronic digital computer simulation (I), (3)) ( 5 ) ) and blood in the aggregate population is shown in Table 1.
(6)) while others have attempted to apply cost criteria
(7). The problem of whole blood inventory offers chal-
- not found in industrial situations. First, human
blood is perishable; second, it has a limited life; third, cost
The objective of the proposed system is to maintain a
cannot be used as an acceptable criterion of performance
level of inventory which will only cause shortages with a
under most circumstances; and, finally, the demand, and
given probability level. However, with eight different
sometimes also the supply, rates are random variables
groups of blood, a shortage can occur in any one or
with variances of considerable magnitude.
several of the groups. In addition, a shortage can occur
The above circumstances force blood center adminis-
because of higher than forecasted mean demand for a
trators to take a middle-of-the-road course. On the one
given group, or, if inventory additions cannot be prede-
hand, they must atten~ptto collect sufficient blood to
termined exactly, it can occur because of a lower than
prevent shortages; on the other hand, excessive collec-
average inventory for a given group.
tions will create inventories with a higher average age of
Based on the above conditions, a model must be devel-
blood, which is an undesirable condition, and will cause
oped which will determine the total number of units to be
some units of blood to expire. A unit of blood expires or
drawn during a planning period, so that the probability
outdates when its age exceeds an age limit, which is cur-
of a shortage during the planning period is less than the
rently twenty-one days.
specified probability which shall be called P. I t is assumed
This article will propose and discuss analytic techniques
which will aid the administrator of a large hospital, a
community or a regional blood bank in making the cor-
i rect decisions on the basis of a given level of probability
Table 1 : Percentage breakdown of human blood.
that a shortage will occur during a future planning period.

The research ernbodied in this article was supported by the

Western New York Regional Medical Program and Contract
No. PH-43-68-1281 with NIH. Findings and concluslons do not 34
necessarily represent views of the Public Health Service. I

I March 1969 AIIE Transactions 51
that, if a shortage occurs, the blood bank will go into a and P ( l ) = P(2) = 2P/(n+2) and P(i) = O/(n+2) for
state of emergency, and is able to call in listed volunteer i = 3 , 4, . . . , n.
or paid donors to replenish blood of the group that is For reasonably large n, even for n = 8, the approxima-
short. For example, if the specified probability @ is set tion is very close to the actual value. The implication of
at 0.05, and if the planning period is one week, then, on this is important for our models because we can essen-
the average, a shortage would occur only five times in a tially ignore the question of how reasonable the assump-
two-year period. tion of independence implied by Equation 1 is.
In our model development, it will be assumed that the Before we move on to discuss the six cases, we shall
mean supply and demand rates are approximately briefly discuss demand forecasting. There appear to be
parallel during the whole planning period, and constant essentially two methods of forecasting demand. On the
for the major part of the planning period. This assump- one hand, we can forecast mean demand for individual
tion is quite reasonable because, during a planning period blood groups and use the Holt, et a1 method1 for estimat-
of one week, blood is typically drawn from Monday ing the standard deviations. On the other hand, we can
morning to Saturday noon, and the bulk of the blood de- forecast mean aggregate demand and base the individual
mand originates during weekdays from elective surgery blood group mean demand estimates on the respective
and therapy. Only accident cases on weekends would blood group fraction, pi,
tend to violate the above assumption.
To summarize then, the objective of the model is to
Downloaded by [New York University] at 06:31 06 February 2015

predetermine the frequency of shortages on a long-term

basis. Very few shortages will generate excessive inven-
tories and resultant blood expirations; too many short- The blood group fractions referred to are derived from
ages will create chaotic situations and poor service to pa- the percentages in Table 1 by dividing each percentage
tients in need of the blood. figure by 100. The resulting fractions are typical for the
U.S. population, in general. However, they differ slightly
between races and in some cases also between ethnic
THE MODELS groups. The fractions are, however, commonly used for
In this section, six possible cases, and their respective planning purposes related to demand as well as to supply.
solution techniques, mill be presented. Before discussing If it is known that the fractions differ in an area served
the models, the original objective of the model should be by a blood center, the fractions that apply to the local
reiterated. It is that, given a probability of allowed area should, of course, be used.
shortage, P, for one or more blood groups, what should If we cannot forecast mean demand for individual
the total planned level of inventory be? Hence, a level of blood groups we have to base the blood group mean de-
inventory must be planned so that the probability of mand on the aggregate demand and the respective frac-
shortage for one or more blood groups is equal to P. This tion. The estimate of the standard deviation of each
can be accomplished by the formula blood group can then be found by the formula:
P = 1 - [I - p(i)ln, [I] cDc = [DPi(l pi)]112. [51
where P(z> is the probability of a shortage in blood group
i, and n is the number of blood groups. CASE1
We can solve for P(z> as follows:
The expected value of individual blood group demand
P(i) = 1 - (1 - @)'in. [2] estimates is Bi, and D; is normally distributed with
standard deviation ao,=f(Di). It is assumed that num-
It is assumed that the probabiIity of shortage, P(i),
ber of units to be drawn of blood group i, Xi, can be ex-
for each of the n blood groups is equal. This assumption
ecuted exactly through control of on-call donors. If units
is not mandatory but it facilitates the solution. If the
on hand at beginning of planning period is Ii, then the
P(z)'s are not equal, then p can be expressed as:
number of units to be drawn, Xi, to ensure a maximum

1 Research by Holt, Modigliani, Muth and Simon (2) has shown
that there is a relation between the st?ndard deviation of demand,
We can obtain approximate for the P(z?'s pro- and average demand. For one speclfic consumer product, they
vided it is known what relative probability each P(i) found that the following relation existed:
should have. For instance, if P ( l ) and P(2) should be U D = aD,
twice as large as the remaining P(i)'s, then an approxi- where uD is the standard deviation of demand, a is a parameter,
mate solution can be obtained by using the approximation and is average demand.
They also found that a somewhat better relationship could be
obtained by the relation
s = 2~ ( 4 ,
c41 v D = UP,
where a and b are parameters and b is somewhat less than unity.

52 AIIE Transactions Volume I No. 1

probability of shortage, 8, is equal to the sum or difference of the two individual
Ri = Di + - Ii,
ZUD~ 161
means, and the variance equal to the sum of the individ-
ual variances. Hence, the difference between Ri and Di
where z is the number of standard deviates from the is normally distributed with mean mi where
mean, obtained from the normal tables for
p(Di) = 1 - (1 - p)lInJ [71 and standard deviation
where P(Di)is the probability of a shortage because of an
excessive demand, and equal to P(i) in our previous dis-
cussion. We can now determine Xi by the formula

I n this case it is assumed that only an aggregate mean The z-value must be chosen so that Equation 2 is satisfied.
demand forecast, B, can be obtained. Forecasts of in- After having determined the Xis for all blood groups,
dividual blood group mean demands are not available. we can find X by summing the Xi's. If X<X1, select
However, for a perfect forecast of D, we can obtain the another X I X and recalculate X. Repeat until X=X1.
expected value of Di: Similarly, if X> X', select another K' 2 X and recalculate
R. Repeat until X = X'.
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UDi = [Bpi(l - This case is similar to Case 3, except that we assume
191 that the mean aggregate demand, -d, is forecast and
b = - p~)]llz.
[Di(1 UD, is based on Equation 5.

Again, we assume that number of units to be drawn of

blood group i, Xi, can be executed exactly. Hence,
Instead of assuming that the aggregate number of
units to be drawn can be executed exactly, we assume
For imperfect mean demand forecasts we can use Equa- that the expected value of the aggregate number of units
tion 10 as an approximation. to be drawn forms the basis of the collection schedule for
the next planning period. Hence, Case 5 becomes an ap-
proximation to Case 3, and Case 6 becomes an approxi-
I n this case, it is assumed that Di can be forecast and mation to Case 4.
that the aggregate number of units to be drawn, 8, can
be executed exactly, but the individual blood groups,
Ri, i=l, 2, . . , n, cannot be obtained exactly. How- APPLICATION OF THE MODEL
ever, we can apply the blood group fractions, piJ to ob- Suppose the Mercury blood center processes approxi-
tain the expected value, Xi, of the random variable Ri as mately 50,000 units of blood per year. It plans its opera-
follows : tions for each following week at the end of the current
week. The estimated mean demand for the following week
has been estimated and is shown in the first row of
We must now also obtain the standard deviation of Ri: Table 2. The second row shows the variance of demand
which is obtained from the hypothesis that standard de-
viation of demand is a function of average demand,
that is,
However, X is unknown, and we shall therefore use an uD, = (~$)l'~. [I6]
approximation of X, X' to solve for U R ~ .After i? has been
determined as a function of B', the two values will be Hence, the variance of demand in row two equals the
compared and, if necessary, will be recalculated until mean demand in row one. The variance of supply in row
X=X'. three is derived from Equation 12 with an initial arbi-
1 I n this case, a shortage may be caused by an exces- trary
- X. I n our example, we started out with an initial
sively high demand or by an excessively low number of R' equal to l.lODJ which amounted to 1100 units. This
units drawn for a blood group. resulted in a X value of 1155 units. The supply variances
To find the probability of a shortage, we use a well- were then recalculated with a X' of 1200 units. This re-
known statistical theorem which states that the sum or sulted in a X value of 1160 units. The last calculation
difference of two independent normally distributed ran- shown in Table 2 is based on a X' value of 1160 units
dom variables is also normally distributed with a mean which i8 equal to X.

March 1969 AIIE Transactions 53

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Row four shows the sum of the two variances. Row from the observations and used as the estimator for b.
five presents the standard deviation which is the square We can use the above approach for each individual blood
root of the variance. The safety stock is shown in row six. group or for the total.
The safety stock is based on P=0.05 which equals a An alternate method is proposed in (21, where the de-
probability of shortage for individual blood groups, mand means and standard deviations for twenty three
P(z? of .0064. The latter is derived from Equation 2 and products were plotted and a linear relationship was
provides a z-value of 2.49. The remainder of Table 2 is found to exist between the demand means and the de-
self-explanatory. mand standard deviations. Although we have only eight
The example worked out above applies directly to blood groups, a plot of the means and standard deviations
Cases 3 or 5. The solution procedure will be considerably of these blood groups should provide us with a reasonable
easier for Cases 1 and 2. Cases 4 and 6 will be similar to basis for a relationship as hypothesized in Equation 16.
Cases 3 and 5.
VERIFICATION OF DEMAND VARIATION FORMULA As a final note, it must be pointed out that the assump-
To verify a relationship such as Equation 16, it is tion of normality for Di and Ri, in case of blood groups
necessary to collect data over a fairly lengthy period of A- and AB-, may not be reasonable. Alternate distribu-
time. Observations could be collected on an actual tions that should be investigated for these two blood
weekly demand for each of the blood groups or for the groups are the Poisson and the negative binomial.
aggregate demand and the standard deviation of the Adoption of either one of these two distributions will not
mean could be calculated every four weeks for groups of change the basic models presented in this article, although
four observations. Over a period of one year there should it will present some problems. The Poisson is a desirable
be sufficient data collected to obtain an estimate of the distribution to use, especially for low-volume blood
relationship in Equation 16, provided the demand be- groups. It has the form
havior is reasonably stable.
To estimate the exponent b of the right-hand term of
Equation 16 we proceed by calculating the mean and where the parameter m is the mean as well as the variance.
standard deviation over a four-week period. We then use If the mean is not equal to the variance, we can translate
the formula the original mean and the variable to the correct units by
use of the factor y = m/u,2. All observations are multiplied
by the factor g and the new parameter m' becomes
to find observations on 6. An average 6 is then calculated m' = gm.

54 AIIE Transactions Volume I No. 1

The negative binomial distribution is desirable for ables for the Poisson and the negative binomial. How-
blood demand from a theoretical point of view. It is shown ever, we can use the approximation
by Quenouille (4) that a random variable distributed
according to the binomial is related to two other random
variables, one of which is Poisson-distributed and the
other logarithmically distributed. Elston and Pickrel If we set P(Di) equal to P(Ri), we obtain the quadratic
(1) showed that blood demand is essentially the result formula
of two random variables. One is the number of patients
requiring blood and the other is the number of units of
blood required by each patient. The first random variable Since we know P(i) from Equation 2, we can solve for
is homogeneous and typical of a Poisson-distributed ran- P(Di), which in turn is equal to P(Ri).
dom variable. The other is distributed according to the Although it has been fruitful to discuss the two alter-
logarithmic distribution. The disadvantages of the nega- nate discrete distributions, it appears that the use of the
tive binomial lie in the limitations of its parameters. One normal distribution, even in cases where it is definitely
of its parameters must be integral and the other must be an approximation, is considerably more desirable than
between zero and one. This can be accomplished, but it the use of the two alternative discrete distributions.
requires a transformation from a common unit to an
alternate unit.
Downloaded by [New York University] at 06:31 06 February 2015

The negative binominal has the form

(1) ELSTON,R . C., and PICKREL,J . C., ''Guides t o Inventory
Levels for a Hospital Blood Bank Determined b y Electronic
Computer Simulation," Transfusion, Volume 5, 1965.
I y=0,1,2;.. H. A., Planning Production Inventories and Work Force,
Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1960.
k=1,2,3,... (3) J E N N I N GJ. S , B., Hospital Blood Bank Whole Blood Inventory
O<p_<l Control, Technical Report No. 27, Operations Center, Massa-
chusetts Institute o f Technology, December, 1967.
The mean can be shown to be equal to (4) QUENOUILLE, M. H., " A Relation Between the Loga-
rithmic, Poisson, and Negative Binomial Series," Biometries,
IL = kp/(l - PI, 1201 Volume 5, 1949.
(5) ROCKWELL,T . H., LINDSAY,G. F., and HOOVER,T . E.,
and the variance equal to Investigation of Community Blood-Banking Systems: A n
aa = kp/(l - P)~, Application of Simulation Methodology, T h e Ohio State Uni-
versity Research Foundation, Systems Research Group,
which sets the parameters equal to October, 1963.
(6) ROCKWELL, T . H., BARNUM,R . A., and G R I F F I NW, . C., "In-
p = 1 - p/a2, ventory Analysis as Applied t o Hospital Whole Blood Supply
and Demand," The Journal of Industrial Engineering, Volume
and X I I I , No. 2, March-April, 1962.
k = p2/[a2 - p]. (7) SILVER,A., and SILVER,A. M., " A n Empirical Inventory
Control System for Hospital Blood Banks," Journal of the
Hence, we note p must be smaller than a2, and both American Hospital Association, August, 1964.
must have values so that k is integral. This can be accom-
plished by using the proper factor g, but it does compli-
Dr. Pegels i s a n Associate Professor of Management Science
cate the procedure considerably. in the School of Business Administration at the State University
Finding the safety stock level required for demand of New York at Buflalo. He i s currently engaged in a study on
variation is fairly straightforward. The probabilities can blood banking management and operations and several projects
be calculated directly for the upper tail of either distribu- on operations analysis. He has had industrial experience with
tion, and the safety stock can thus be determined for the Ford Motor Company and teaching experience at Purdue
University, where he received his M S and P h D in Industrial
any value of P(D,). With demand and supply variation Administration. H e also holds a B S i n Mechanical Engineering
it becomes more difficult. The sum or difference of two from the Detroit Institute of Technology. He i s a member of
random variables is not distributed as the original vari- T I M S , O R S A and the American Economic Association.

March 1969 AIIE Transactions

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