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DR. Hamdi M. Abdelhamid


Marehan Gaad
Maria Mahmoud
Basmala Ahmed
Hagar Saad
Karim Adel
Mayar Elhawary
Table of content:
1.1. Introduction.
1.2. What is biogas? The science behind it.
1.3. Environmental Issues.
1.4. Method.
1.5. Conduct a cost-benefit analysis.
1.6. Social impact.
1.7. Economic Benefits of biogas.
1.8. Energy flow diagram.
1.9. Reference.

1.1. Introduction:

Dakahlia Governorate, in cooperation with the Arab Organization for

Industrialization, established the largest electricity generation station, using
solar energy, on the land of Dakahlia Governorate in the city of Gamasa, where
the Arab Renewable Energy Company, affiliated with the Arab Organization for
Industrialization, implemented the project to establish a solar energy generation
station in the city of Gamasa. After Dakahlia Governorate contracted with the
Arab Organization for Industrialization to implement the project.
Work on establishing a solar power generation station began in 2016. Dakahlia
Governorate sponsored the costs of the station, which exceeded 12 million
pounds, as the station was established on an area of 5 acres and has the capacity

to operate with a capacity of 1 megawatt per hour. (1. An introduction to biogas
and biomethane – Outlook for biogas and biomethane: Prospects for organic
growth – Analysis. (n.d.). IEA. Retrieved December 15, 2023, from

1.2. What is biogas?

The science behind it:

Biogas is a gaseous renewable energy source produced from raw materials such
as agriculturDal waste, manure, municipal waste, plant material, sewage, green
waste, wastewater, and food waste. Biogas is produced by anaerobic digestion
with anaerobic organisms or methanogens inside an anaerobic digester, bio
digester or a bioreactor. The gas composition is primarily methane (CH4) and
carbon dioxide (CO2) and may have small amounts of hydrogen sulfide (H2S),
moisture and siloxanes. The gases methane and hydrogen can be combusted or
oxidized with oxygen. This energy release allows biogas to be used as a fuel; it
can be used in fuel cells and for heating purpose, such as in cooking. It can also
be used in a gas engine to convert the energy in the gas into electricity and heat.
(Home Biogas. (2021, February 21). Advantages and disadvantages of biogas. Home Biogas.)

1.3. Environmental Issues:

Biogas can significantly contribute to abate greenhouse gas emissions.
However, attention must be paid towards undesired emissions of methane and
nitrous oxide (N2O). The emission budgets of the two compounds are scarcely
related to direct release from biogas/biomethane combustion, whilst biomass
storage and digestate management are the critical steps. Similar considerations
apply to ammonia: to reduce its impact on secondary aerosol formation,
efficient biomass and digestate storage should always be recommended. Among
all the gaseous pollutants considered in direct emission from biogas
combustion, nitrogen oxides (NOx) level was worth of some concern in several
case studies. On the other hand, volatile organic compounds do not seem to
constitute a critical issue. Considering the aftermaths of digestate spreading on
soil quality, further studies are needed in order to fully assess the long-term
impact. In the medium-short term, digestate seems to be preferable compared to
untreated biomass. The upgrading to biomethane can generally improve air

quality and reduce GHG emissions; however, methane losses in the off-gas can
affect the sustainability of the whole process.
(Hemp, M. (2021, August 24). Benefits of biogas. American Biogas Council.

1.4. Method:

Model for biogas manufacturing

In general, the model consists of four parts:
1- The inlet: is a small opening through which we can put the animal waste
and water used in the process.
2- Gas chamber:(process) has not oxygen in which bio gas is
3- Hydraulic chamber
4- Outlet: A small opening for extracting organic fertilizer

Tools used:
1- Animal waste
2-Shovel to extract organic fertilizer

Manufacturing process

1-We put animal waste and water in a ratio of 1:3 in the inlet. The dung and
water will merge and become a liquid inside the gas chamber.

2-After 24 hours, the gas begins to react and rises to the top of the gas chamber
and begins to increase.
3-The next day, the gas begins to replace the dung in the gas chamber, and this
dung moves into the outlet.
4-On the third day, we can obtain gas and use it.
5-In the outlet, we can use Shovel to remove organic fertilizer consisting of
nitrogen and phosphorus.

The gas obtained in the gas chamber consists of H2S, CO2, H2, and methane.
The percentage of bio gas is 75%.
H2S gas, depending on its concentration, can lead to immediate death and cause
a lot of damage.
To get rid of it through a tube from which the gas comes out for use

We insert the gas tube into a small unit containing water.

The gas comes out from the bottom of the water to the top, and we get the gas
from the top, and it is deposited at the bottom of the water unit as hydrogen
(4. ‫ |نموذج بسيط يحول المخلفات الحيوانيه الي غاز حيوي |البيوجاز‬Biogas | ‫وسماد عضوي وكهرباء‬. (2020, August

In this way, we got rid of H2S gas and made biogas 98% like natural gas.

We made it safer and more pure.

1.5. Conduct a cost-benefit analysis:

50 L blue barrel 340 L.E.

Air Pump 223 L.E.

25 L blue barrel 77 L.E.

2 Brass faucet 278 L.E.

In 2022, the cost of fertilizing an acre of agricultural land in Egypt generally

ranged between 3,000 and 7,000 Egyptian pounds per acre. And if the project
done with huge amount the cost for fertilizing will go down and depending on
another outside source gas will also go down. (. Mostafa, E. (n.d.). Building a
biogas empire in Upper Egypt. Wamda. Retrieved December 16, 2023, from

1.6. Social impact

Social Pros:

Renewable Energy Source: The extraction of gas from animal solid waste
contributes to the production of biogas, a renewable energy source. This reduces
dependence on non-renewable energy and helps in sustainable energy

Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions: The process of converting animal waste

into biogas can help in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Biogas is a cleaner
energy source compared to traditional fossil fuels, contributing to efforts to
mitigate climate change.

Waste Management: Utilizing animal waste for biogas production helps in

efficient waste management. It can reduce the environmental impact of
untreated animal waste, which might otherwise contribute to water pollution
and unpleasant odors.

Energy Independence: Communities that adopt biogas production from animal

waste become less reliant on external energy sources. This can contribute to
energy independence at a local level, improving resilience and sustainability.

Job Creation: The development and maintenance of biogas facilities can create
job opportunities in the community. This includes jobs related to the
construction, operation, and maintenance of biogas digesters.

Social Cons:

Initial Investment Costs: Establishing biogas facilities may require significant

initial investment costs. This could be a barrier for small-scale farmers or
communities with limited financial resources.

Technical Expertise: Operating biogas facilities may require technical expertise,

and communities may need training to manage and maintain the systems
effectively. This can pose a challenge, particularly in areas with limited access
to technical education and resources.

Land Use Concerns: The space required for biogas digesters may compete with
other land uses, such as agricultural activities. Balancing the need for energy
production with food production can be a social challenge.

Social Acceptance: Introducing new technologies and waste management

practices can face resistance from local communities. Social acceptance and
awareness campaigns may be needed to educate and gain support from
Impact on Livelihoods: In some cases, the shift towards biogas production may
impact traditional livelihoods associated with animal waste. For example, if
communities traditionally use animal waste for direct fertilizer, a shift to biogas
production may alter this practice.

1.7. Economic Benefits of biogas:

It can be used to:
1) cook food
2) lighting and heating houses
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3) Motor management.
4) operation of irrigation machinery
5) generating electricity.
6) but it can't be used as a fuel for cars as its hard and expensive to turn it into
7) after the gas is formed the remaining substance can be used as fertilizer rich
in organic materials.

1.8. Energy flow diagram:


Home Biogas. (2021c, August 29). The main uses of biogas. Home Biogas.

1.9. References:
1. An introduction to biogas and biomethane – Outlook for biogas and
biomethane: Prospects for organic growth – Analysis. (n.d.). IEA. Retrieved
December 15, 2023, from
Home Biogas. (2021, February 21). Advantages and disadvantages of biogas. .2
.Home Biogas
Hemp, M. (2021, August 24). Benefits of biogas. American Biogas Council. .3

P a g e | 11
4. ‫ |نموذج بسيط يحول المخلفات الحيوانيه الي غاز حيوي |البيوجاز‬Biogas | ‫وسماد عضوي‬
‫وكهرباء‬. (2020, August 12).
Mostafa, E. (n.d.). Building a biogas empire in Upper Egypt. Wamda. .5
Retrieved December 16, 2023, from

Home Biogas. (2021c, August 29). The main uses of biogas. Home Biogas. .6

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