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Pop quiz time...

What is the attribute these 3 brand-defining stories have in common:

1. Walt Disney’s BS version of why he changed Micky Mouse’s original name from being

2. JKD icon Paul Vunak’s account of taking a bunch of his Navy SEAL students to bars and start
fights to practice — without a net — the skills he taught them

3. Dan Kennedy’s Peter Lowe seminar talk about his house catching on fire, and how that made
him realize the importance of being an “invited guest” in one’s marketing

The answer?

If you said “ooh those are great stories!”

You are about 25% right.

If you said, “all are either exaggerated or outright horse pewp stories!”

You are about 50% right.

But to get the full power of what I am talking about here, you would have to know the much
deeper psychological forces at work that have helped leverage all those simple examples into
extremely lucrative brands. It’s a power pretty much every popular politician uses, too. And the
Mass Media is especially adept at crookedly & wickedly using this power to do great evil.

Just imagine if you used it for the good of your customers, for your business…

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