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Not that I know a ton of designers… but the only graphic designer I've ever seen get a

testimonial from the great Dan Kennedy — Email Players subscriber Kia Arian — once wrote
this to her email list:

(Reprinted with her permission)


This past year has been the Year of the Published Book for Ben Settle. He’s launched and sold
9 books since last May with one more in the works, and who knows how many more yet to be
spoketh into creation.

We’ve been busy designing the covers for each of those books, taking Ben’s unconventional
ideas and transforming them into a visual creation to behold. He has such a strong and
well-defined brand, that the designs practically create themselves.

We’re also redesigning the logo for his infamous Email Players newsletter. Using the rich
treasure trove of unique messaging, style, and personality that he has built over the years, we
made at least seven different concepts to choose or mix and match from.

A strong brand is like a goody bag of resources that can be dipped into to create a strong visual
presentation and "packaging" of your message.


Obviously, I have 110% biased motives for showing this.

Such as my “Brand Barbarian” book (whose cover she also designed) is on sale this week.

But, there is also a lot of value in what she’s saying.

And, a wise boy or ghoul should easily be able to extract, implement, and profit from it.

But in the meantime, speaking of Brand Barbarian:

While the selfie-obsessed branding coaches & ex-spurts on Flakebook are shooting videos in
their cars on the way to brunch prattling on about how “competition doesn’t matter just be you
and the UNIVERSE will take care of everything else!!!” — your pal elBenbo’s book shows you
how to help turn your brand into a proverbial blood-soaked battle axe, hacking & decapitating
through all the nonsensical brands in your niche, to help you potentially create a horde of
frothing-at-the-mouth fans who can’t wait to buy your business' products and services.

It’s on sale at a 25% discount until Friday, 4/19 at midnight EDT.

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