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The Pitch &


What to submit: soft copy of the following in ONE DOCUMENT file and
saved as pdf version:
• Cover Letter
• Resume
• Job advertisement (print screen picture but NOT the url links)

When: Week 5

Where : Assignment in Brightspace

Activity: Delivering an Elevator Pitch in 30 sec

You’ve watched the videos of other

people delivering an elevator pitch.

Now, it’s your turn to prepare an

elevator pitch and deliver it in class in
30 sec!
LOOKING AHEAD : Your Career Progress
Areas that could be raised in an interview
1. Career Goal
2. Current Role and Work Skills
3. Options for Growth
4. Action Plan
Look at the Sample Question on Career Development Conversations.
Share what your answers are to any 2 questions
• A good elevator pitch captures your unique
selling points.
• A good career projection shows that you have
thought about your involvement with the

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