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Long Prayer

O, my Beloved God,
All There Is & Is Not!
All. One. One All.
Only You Are.

Uncreated Creator of the Created Universe!

The Whole Universe Is Your Being.
Unmanifest Being, Manifesting Itself in All There Is,
Here & Now, as All Being.

Unperceivable, Unimaginable,
Unthinkable, Nameless,
Absolute, Eternal Presence & Absence!
Absolute Absence Which is All This.

Eternal, Benevolent Presence!

Thunderous Silence, empty of all concepts and images.
Peace that passes all understanding.
All Glory to You!

Absolute No-thing – Divine Being –

the Ultimate Source of Everything there is!
One and Only Absolute Being without a second,
Within-and-without all dualities and pluralities.

O, my Beloved God!
You are Pure, Perfect, Single, Eternal, Infinite,
Absolute Power, Love, Light and Life!
You are All there is, has ever been and shall ever be!

You are Timeless, Eternal, One Mind, Here and Now!

You are the Creator, Preserver and Destroyer of the Universe!
You are the Whole Universe Itself!
You are Pure, Absolute Consciousness, Energy, Truth and Reality!

O, my beloved God!
You are Sat-Chit-Ananda: Existence, Knowledge and Bliss Absolute!
You are Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omni-benevolent!
Your Glory is Infinite.

Please help me, heal me and guide me

to overcome all illusions of separateness from you.
Let me be a perfect expression of Your
Love, Beauty, Goodness, Wisdom and Power.
Please help, heal and guide all members of my family, and all my friends and foes.
Please help, heal and guide all people on Earth, and the Earth itself.
Please help, heal and guide the whole Universe
into a perfect Unity and Harmony with You.

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O, my Beloved God!
Let me be still and know that You alone exist, that I am You and You are me!
Let me realize that Your Will is my will – and is always done!
Let me realise that All is perfectly well, as you made it!

O, my Beloved God!
You are the air I breathe, the food I eat, the water I drink,
the thoughts I think, the feelings I feel, the acts I do!
You are the sights I see, the sounds I hear and the things I touch, taste or smell!

You are the Absolute-in-and-as the Relative!

You are the only Perceiver of everything Perceived,
Enjoyer of All that is to be enjoyed!
You are my innermost Self!

Let “my self” forever dissolve in the brilliance of Your Self!

You are All. Perfect Being, Here & Now.
I am nothing, and need not do anything.
I am not. I surrender my whole life to you!

You are Absolute Subject (Consciousness)

as well as Absolute Object (Content of Consciousness)!
You Are Absolute. There is no You and I.
Only All Is. One All.

Om Shanti! Shanti!! Shanti!!!

Om. Amen.


Short Prayers

O, my beloved God, The Lord of the Universe,

• have mercy on me,
• forgive me my sins,
• help me,
• heal my body and mind,
• give me all I need to do Your Will,
• guide me,
• save me,
• protect me,
o and all those people I love and care about.

Thank you!


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My Dear Father-Mother God,
Thank you
o for giving me perfect work to do, where I can perfectly express all my abilities
and talents
o and for giving me a perfect
o energy and enthusiasm,
o health and happiness,
o strength and success,
o wisdom and wealth.


My Beloved Heavenly Father,

Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient and All-loving,Creator of the Universe,
please have mercy on me,
please guide me, heal me, help me, protect me -and all the people I love- from all evil,
in the name of your son Jesus Christ, and with the help of the Holy Spirit and your angels.

Thank you very much.



Very short prayer

Om Shanti! Shanti!! Shanti!!!



Universal mantra


Ultimate “prayer” and “mantra”

Total Silence.

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