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Country: People's Republic of Bangladesh

Committee: UNEP

Agenda: Formulating strategies to address triple planetary crisis: climate change, nature-biodiversity
loss and pollution through multilateralism.

The People's Republic of Bangladesh, a densely populated, low-lying country in South Asia with a
coastline along the Bay of Bengal, faces numerous challenges arising from the triple planetary crisis,
including floods, river erosion, salinity, air pollution, and more. These issues have far-reaching
impacts on the economy and the mental well-being of its citizens.

Recognizing the urgency of addressing the triple planetary crisis encompassing climate change,
biodiversity depletion, and pollution, Bangladesh is committed to implementing decisive and unified
measures to counter and adapt to these interconnected challenges. The brick industry, a significant
emitter of black carbon contributing 20% of total emissions alongside iron and steel production,
exacerbates climate change effects on agriculture, leading to a potential 17% decline in rice
production and a 61% decline in wheat production by 2050. The Sundarbans, facing risks from
sea-level rise and saltwater intrusion, further affects infrastructure, health, and human welfare,
compounded by air pollution with PM2.5 levels exceeding WHO guidelines.

Bangladesh has undertaken initiatives to address these challenges, including implementing a National
Adaptation Plan and reporting National Determined Contributions. The country is committed to
mitigating short-lived climate pollutants, making significant financial investments, improving
governance, promoting renewable energy, and educating citizens on sustainable living practices.
These efforts align with Sustainable Development Goals 13 and 12 for 2030.

In conclusion, the delegation of Bangladesh reaffirms its commitment to addressing the triple
planetary crisis through collaborative efforts, sustainable development practices, and global solidarity.
Bangladesh stands ready to work with all member states to achieve a sustainable and resilient future
for present and future generations.

Delegate of People's Republic of Bangladesh

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