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Question Bank ESP [22633]

Q.1 Attempt any Four

a) Write any four needs of 132 kV/33 kV substation.
 Power Transformer
 Lightning Arrester
 Current Transformer
 Potential Transformer
 Isolators
 Control & Relay Panel
 Capacitor Bank
b) Suggest the suitable method of neutral grounding in 132 kV/33 kV substation with its any
two specific reasons.
c) Draw neat labelled single line diagram of 33 kV substation

d) List any four important safety practices followed during routine maintenance of GIS
e) List the material used to enhance earthing resistance in rocky land.
f) List any two advantages of GIS substation.
h) Explain with neat sketch functioning of (i) Wave trap (ii) PLCC
Question Bank ESP [22633]

Q.2 Attempt any Three

a) List out any eight routine maintenance activities in 33 kV/11 kV substation.
b) Illustrate any eight reasons of major fire risks within 132 kV/33 kV substation
c) Draw and explain working diagram of Earth Tester.
d) Draw schematic (single line) diagram of a 33 kV/11 kV substation and enlist any eight
equipments of it.
e) Define the terms Touch Potential, Step Potential, Mesh Potential and Transferred
Potential in associated with substation
f) Illustrate standard procedure to be carried out of Break Down Voltage (BDV) test on
power transformer oil
g) Describe procedure to undertake safe preventive maintenance in 132 kV substation.

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