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1. Assertion: EEGs are the precise way to study brain functioning.

Reason: The electrical potentials are recorded via electrodes attached to the scalp.

A) Both the Assertion and the Reason are correct and the Reason is the correct explanation of the

(B) The Assertion and the Reason are correct but the Reason is not the correct explanation of the

(C) Our Assertion is true but the Reason is false.

(D) The statement of the Assertion is false but the Reason is true.

(E) Both the statements are false.

2. Neurons communicate with each other through electrical signals only. (FALSE)

3. Which one of the following is not used to measure brain signals? (None of the above)

A. MicroElectrode Array

B. ElectroCorticoGraphy

C. Fluorescence Calcium Imaging

D. None of the above

4. A psychologist used --------------------------- theory to determine decisions taken by a person

in an uncertain condition. (Signal Detection Theory)

5. Frontal lobe is responsible for color perception. (False)

6. Reaction time for pure task repetition was shorter as compared to mixed task repetition.
7. When the SOA (stimulus Onset Asynchrony) between two stimuli is short then the response
time for the second stimulus is

A.) Increased

B.) Decreased

C.) Constant

D.) No effect of SOA on response time

8. The phenomenon of focusing on a single voice from many conversations going on in a noisy
room is called as —--------------------

9. The process of interpreting the acquired sensation is called as

A.) Stimulus

B.) Stimuli

C.) Response

D.) Perception

10 Which one out of the following is not a part of a neuron?

A.) Dendrite

B.) Axon

C.) Both of the above

D.) none of the above

11. The signal generally travels from —---------------- to the ----------------- of the neuron.

A.) dendrite, dendrite

B.) dendrite, Nucleus

C.) Nucleus, dendrite

D.) Dendrite, Axon

12. Right and left hemispheres of the brain are connected with — ------------- --. (Corpus
Q-1) The major function of the frontal lobe is related to

a) Visuals, Pain & Touch Sensations

b) Cognition & Memory
c) Temperature Regulation & Alertness
d) Vision & Hearing
Q-2) An example of external factor of attention is
a) Memory
b) Forgetting
c) Competitive Spirit
d) Interest
Q-3) The cocktail party effect describes a phenomenon in which
a) You remember details of events to which you are paying attention.
b) It is more likely that you will hear your name called if you are not looking at the person
calling it.
c) You can selectively attend to a particular conversation out of the many conversations
taking place.
d) It is easier to hear the person you are talking to when it is quieter in the room.

Q-4) The ability to prioritise relevant stimulus over irrelevant

a) Sustained Attention
b) Selective Attention
c) Alternative Attention
d) Divided attention
Q-5) A native English speaker has moved to Germany and is learning to speak German. Which brain
region is likely to show the greatest contribution in learning a new language?
a) Limbic system
b) Temporal lobe
c) Prefrontal cortex
d) Parietal lobe

Q-6) Refer to the figure. Which correctly names the lobes labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively?

a) Temporal lobe, occipital lobe, parietal lobe, frontal lobe

b) Temporal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, frontal lobe
c) Frontal lobe, temporal lobe, occipital lobe, parietal lobe
d) Frontal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, temporal lobe
Q-7) Which of the following constitutes a false alarm in signal detection theory
a) You hear your tea kettle whistling, and you turn off the stove.
b) You are focused on studying, and you do not notice your roommate leaving for dinner.
c) You turn off the radio to answer your phone, but the phone is not ringing
d) You expect your nephew to cry when he falls, but he doesn’t.

Q-8) Which parts of the neuron receives impulses from other cells or sensory structures?
a) Axon or Cell body
b) Cell body or Dendrites
c) Dendrites or Nucleus
d) Nucleus or Axon

Q-9) Which part of the neuron contributes to rapid transmission of action potentials on a
peripheral neuron?
a) Axon
b) Axon hillock
c) Nodes of Ranvier
d) Dendrites

Q-10) The ability to focus on two tasks simultaneously, or "multitasking"

a) Alternative attention
b) Divided attention
c) Selective Attention
d) Sustained Attention

Q-11) is the effect that happens when the brain shows decline in reaction time while
focusing on two stimuli. (Ans :- THE STROOP EFFECT)

Q-12) is used for measuring blood oxygenation levels. (Ans :- FMRI / Functional
Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
Q1) is the general level of stimulation or readiness to act.

Ans: Arousal

Q2)State True or False

Cognitive Science isInterdisciplinary study of the mind and its processes.
b) False

Ans: True

Q3)[MSQ] What are the features of fMRI(functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging)?

a)Measures blood oxygenation levels

b) Good spatial resolution
c) Bad temporal resolution
d) None of the above ( mark this only if all a,b,c are wrong)

Ans: a,b,c

Q4)Which of the following is/are true

i) In overt attention we need to see the stimulus directly to perceive them
ii) In covert attention we don’t need to see the stimulus directly to perceive them

a) i only
b) ii only
c) i and ii


Q5)The ability to prioritize relevant stimulus over irrelevant is

Ans:-Selective Attention

Q6)Perception is

a) an accurate representation of the world

b) an appropriate representation of the world
c) an adequate representation of the world
d) a native representation of the world


Q7)The cocktail party effect focuses on which type of perception?

b) Visual
c) Auditory

Ans:- c

Q8)In a signal detection task, the participant says that he detects a signal when no signal is
present. This is called a

a. Hit.
b. false alarm.
c. miss.
d. correct rejection.


Q9)The process of selecting one stimulus or task to focus on and ignoring or minimizing others
is called

a. divided attention.
b. selective attention.
c. inattentional blindness.
d. perceptual adaptation.

Answer: b

Q10) are transient electrical signals generated in nervous and other tissues by
the summed and synchronous electrical activity of the individual cells (e.g. neurons) in that
Ans: Local field potentials (LFP)

Q11)[MSQ] Which of the following is/are responsible for face recognition

b) Temporal
d) Occipital

Ans: b,d

Q12)State true false. RT is inversely proportional to Accuracy


1. fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is stronger in parts of brain
where there is insufficient flow of blood. (F)
2. EEG, fMRI and intracellular recording techniques are non-invasive
methodologies of studying functional aspects of brain. (F)
3. In a reaction times task, participants are instructed to respond to the stimulus in
limited amount of time given. (F)
4. Signal detection theory helps in evaluating the criterion strategy adopted by a
participant in the current task. (T)
5. In psychological refractory period the second stimulus is not processed unless and
until first stimulus processing is complete. (T)
6. Decrease in processing performance of a stimulus due to interference from an
irrelevant dimension or feature of a stimulus is best described by:
a. Stroop task.
b. Flanker’s task.
c. Psychological Refractory period.
d. All of the above

7. Which of the following sentences justifies the capacity limited nature of

a. Attention is limited to the processing of only certain amount of
information in the surrounding.
b. Attention cannot process multiple information in our surroundings.
c. Attention is limited to behaviorally important information in our
d. All the above
8. Which of the following is NOT true for action potentials:
a. They are rapid change in the membrane potential of a neuron.
b. A near threshold stimulus is sufficient to evoke an action potential
from a neuron.
c. Action potential can also be evoked from a neuron on the basis of
signals received from the dendrites via neurons in the neural network.
d. Action potentials are electrochemical in nature.

9. Which of the following is true for psychometric curves:

a. They help in estimating the minimum amount of stimulation required
for perception.
b. They help is estimating the amount of signal in a system that can be
c. They provide estimation of correct performance for a participant.
d. All of the above.

10. The shift of psychometric curve in detection task is indicative of bias .

11. The ease with which signal can be differentiated from noise in a system can be
represented by d’/sensitivity .
12. The association/connection of large number of neurons in brain with each other is
known as Neural network .
13. Axon is the part of a neuron that is responsible for transmission of
information in the form of action potential to neurons to which it is connected.
14. Action potentials can be quantified on the basis of number/amplitude/time
between successive action potentials (give any one parameter).
15. psychophysics is a methodology of studying human responses by
manipulation physical parameters of the stimuli to study perception.
Choose the correct order of the image processing from the below options.
a) Perception-> Response selection-> Stimulus-> Response programming-> Response
b) Response selection-> Stimulus-> Response programming-> Perception-> Response
c) Stimulus -> Perception-> Response selection-> Response-> Response programming
d) Stimulus -> Perception-> Response selection-> Response programming-> Response
Ans-> ‘d’

Q2. Which of the following statements is/are correct?

i. Action Potential is the transient change in the potential of the cell membrane
when it is exposed to a stimulus.
ii. Action potential is not triggered when an initial stimulus reaches a threshold.

a) Both i & ii
b) Only i
c) Only ii


Q3. Extracellular recording of the action potential isn’t restricted to a small number of
neurons in
an area of the brain.

Ans -> ‘b’

Q4.What is Local field potential?

Ans -> Local field potentials are transient electrical signals generated in nervous and other
tissues by the summed and synchronous electrical activity of the individual cells (e.g.,
neurons) in that tissue.

Q5. Choose the correct statement out of the two.

a) fMRI can measure brain activity associated with blood flow with good temporal resolution.
b) fMRI is a non-invasive method to assess brain function with good spatial resolution.
Ans-> ’b’
Q6. Which of the methods below is/are non-invasive?
a) fMRI
b) EEG
c) Both a & b
Ans-> ‘c’
Q7. Reaction time to the second of the two stimuli or tasks is decreased when the
interval between their onset is short.

Q8.Which of the following is TRUE in Signal Detection Theory?

a) Liberal Bias: False Alarm > Misses
b) Conservative Bias: False Alarm > Misses
Ans-> ‘a’

Signal Detection Theory: Measures Bias :: Psychometric Function: ?
a) Measures SOA
b) Measures threshold
c) Measure Reaction
time Ans-> ‘b’

Frontal Lobe: Memory formation::Temporal lobe: ?

a) Depth perception
b) Spatial location
c) Color perception
Ans-> ’c’
Q11.Which of the following is not TRUE for EEG(Electroencephalography)
a) Measures voltage fluctuations resulting from ionic current within the neurons of the brain.
b) EEG reflects summed pre-synaptic activities of large number of cells.
c) Produces good temporal resolution.
Ans-> ‘b’
Q12. Which of the following is not TRUE in the case of the Cocktail Party Effect?
a) Non-selective attention
b) Prioritize what’s important

Ans-> ‘a’
1:: Local Field Potentials are
A) Restricted to a large number of neurons in an area of brain.
B) Restricted to a small number of neurons in an area of brain.
C) Number of neurons depends upon the activity of the user
D) None of the above

2:: Which of the following is correct?(MSQ)

A) In EEG recording, electrodes are put on the scalp.
B) In EEG recording, electrodes are put on the cortical surface.
C) In ECoG recording, electrodes are put on the cortical
surface Inside the population of neuron.
D) In LPF recording, electrodes are put on the cortical
surface, Inside the population of neuron.

3:: A bunch of active neurons set up magnetic fields that can be measured
Outside the head ……………
A) With MEG Recordings
B) With EEG Recordings
C) With ECoG Recordings
D) With ECG Recordings

4:: Which part brain of coordinates the activity of picking up a pencil for writing
A) Cerebrum
B) Cerebellum
C) Medulla Oblangata
D) None of these

5:: Which element does fMRI target when taking the scan?
A) Hydrogen
B) Carbon
C) Oxygen
D) Nitrogen

6:: fMRI measures brain activity associated with

A) Density
B) Time
C) Thickness
D) Blood Flow

7:: All-or-none principle of nerve action states that

A) The entire length of the nerve conducts an action potential or no part does
B) An action potential always reaches its maximum strength or it doesn’t appear
at all
C) All available ions contribute to rise and fall of the action potential or none do
D) All synapses on a neuron must be active in order for them to excite it

8:: During the rising phase of an action potential the current flow is dominated by
A) An inward K+ current
B) An outward K+ current
C) An inward Na+ current
D) An outward Na+ current

9:: Why is a ring of cranium seen in the transverse section of the CT scan of the brain
but not so prominent in MRI?
A) The cranium is negated out while imaging
B) Cranial Ring is made up of bone which don’t have water so it can’t give an MRI
C) The EM waves received by MRI doesn’t have sufficient magnetic strength to
view the bones
D) MRI images soft tissues, so it doesn’t image the cranium properly

10:: Which part of the cerebral cortex is associated with attention and eye movement?
A) Frontal
B) Temporal
C) Parietal
D) Occipital

11:: Membrane Potential of ............ is present in nerve cell.

A) +70mV
B) -70mV
C) +150mV
D) -150mv

12:: Depolarization occurs when ………………… ions flow ....................... the Neuron’s
A) K+, inside
B) K+, outside
C) Na+, inside
D) Na+, outside

1:: B) Restricted to a small number of neurons in an area of brain.

2:: A) In EEG recording, electrodes are put on the scalp.

B) In EEG recording, electrodes are put on the cortical surface.
D) In LPF recording, electrodes are put on the cortical surface,
Inside the population of neuron.

3:: A) With MEG Recordings

4:: B) Cerebellum

5:: C) Oxygen
6:: D) Blood Flow

7:: B) An action potential always reaches its maximum strength or it doesn’t appear
at all
8:: C) An inward Na+ current

9:: D) MRI images soft tissues, so it doesn’t image the cranium properly

10:: C) Parietal

11:: B) -70mV

12:: C) Na+ , inside

1 Which of the following requires individuals to view a list of words that are printed in a different
color than the meaning of the word
a) Action Potential
b) Stroop TAsk
c) Selective Attention
Ans Stroop Task

2 A transient change in the potential of the cell membrane when it is

exposed to a stimulus
Ans Action Potential:

3 reflects summed post-synaptic activities of large number of cells.


4 Signal detection analysis examines our ability to:
a. tell the difference between blue and green
b. detect signals of distress in a baby
c. detect the latent meaning of a dream
d. separate true signals from background noise
Ans a,b,c,d

18 Psychometric function is used for task
Ans detection

The ability to detect the external environment through our sensory systems is known as
a. accommodation.
b. perception.
c. sensation.
d. psychophysics.
Answer: c

In a signal detection task, the participant says that she detected a signal and a signal was
present. This is called a
a. hit.
b. false alarm.
c. miss.
d. correct rejection.
Answer: a

Ophelia often messages her friends and plans her weekend activities during her History
lectures at school. Paying attention to more than one event at a time is known as
and has been shown to have negative effects on performance (e.g., on
history tests).
a. selective attention
b. divided attention
c. sustained attention
d. inattentional blindness
Answer: b

Which of the following is responsible for depth perception
b) Temporal
d) Occipital
Ans d

Which of the following is correct regarding
False Alarm< Misses,False Alarm>Misses
a)Liberal bias,,Consverative Bias
b) Conservative Bias,Liberal Bias
Ans b

36)The process by which the brain interprets stimuli and turns them into meaningful
representations of the external world is
a) sensation.
b) perception.
c) attention.
d) memory.
Ans b

12 MSQ
Which of the following is true regarding intracellular recording
a)Recording action potential from an individual neuron.
b) Neuronal activity measured in area adjacent to a neuron.
c) Studying neuronal morphology
Ans a,c

1. Neurons are cells in the nervous system, that conducts, transmits,

and receives
a. Action potentials
b. Electrical signals
c. Electrochemical signals
d. Chemical messengers

Ans: c
2. Neurons receive information with the help of
a. Myelin sheath
b. Axon
c. Nodes of Ranvier
d. Dendrit
e Ans:d
3. Measuring Brain activity by detecting small changes in blood flow
is done by
a. EEG
b. MRI
c. ECG
d. fMR
I Ans:d
4. Change in electric charge in nerve cells when nerve impulses are
transmitted is known as the
a. Depolarization
b. Action Potential
c. Repolarization
d. Hyperpolarizatio
n Ans: b
5. Intracellular recording is an electrophysiology technique that gives
information on
i) Resting membrane potential
ii) Structure and form of neurons
a) i is correct
b) ii Is correct
c) both i and ii are correct
d) none of them are
correct Ans: c
6. What best suits as the definition of Attention
a) Concentration of one’s inner thoughts and experiences
b) Ignorance of inner thoughts and actions
c) Being aware of one’s surrounding
d) Concentration of the mind on a particular observation
Ans: d
7. Which of the following describes the cocktail party effect
a) When it is quieter in the room you can hear the person whom
you are talking to
b) You are more likely to remember the details of the events to
which you were paying attention
c) You can selectively attend to a particular conversation out of
many conversations taking place
d) It is more likely that you will hear your name called if you are
not looking at the person calling it.
Ans: c

8. Which of techniques out of the following cannot be used to

measure brain signals
Ans: b

9. Which part of the brain is responsible for making important

a) Parietal Lobe
b) Frontal Lobe
c) Temporal Lobe
d) Occipital Lobe

10. Psychometric curve shows the response of an observer as a function

of the signal level.
a) True
b) False

11. The
process by which a person can select and focus on a particular
input signal while suppressing distracting information is called.

Ans. Selective attention

12. An interdisciplinary
branch of scientific study of the mind and its
intelligence is known as
a) Behavioral Science
b) Psychology
c) Neuroscience
d) Cognitive Science

Ans: d
1. Brain is divided into hemispheres and each hemisphere is
divided into lobes.
(A) 2, 2
(B) 2, 4
(C) 4, 2
(D) 4, 4

2. Which of the following is used to measure brain signals? Set -7

(A) fMRI
(C) Fluorescence Calcium Imaging
(D) All of these

3. Whenever we are performing our day-to-day activities, we generally

perform it at performance. 7
(A) Peak
(B) Threshold
(C) Low
(D) Medium

4. What is the relation between accuracy and response time? 7

(A) Accuracy is directly proportional to response time.
(B) Accuracy is inversely proportional to response time.
(C) Response time is not related to accuracy.
(D) Can't specify the exact relation. Depends on the situation.

5. The main idea behind signal detection theory is how well we can
differentiate signal from noise. (True)

6. Which of the following is the correct option related to the brain? 9

(A) We can study behavior by studying physiology.
(B) We can study physiology. by studying behavior.
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (B)
7. Response to a stimulus of a particular threshold is called .
(A) Behavioural change
(B) Action Potential
(C) Quick response
(D) None of these

8. Attention helps us to .
(A) Conceive & Perceive
(B) Remember
(C) Distinguish
(D) All of these

9. Once the response to the first stimulus is given, then only the
processing of second stimulus starts. So, we cannot do multitasking
for a particular time. What is this waiting period called?
(A) Action Potential
(B) Action Period
(C) Refractory Period
(D) Delay

10. Consider the following two statements:

Statement 1: Persons with WS show a strong dissociation between
relatively preserved language abilities and profound deficits in visuospatial
Statement 2: Persons with WS show differences between verbal and
nonverbal abilities that can exceed two or three standard deviations on
standardized measures.

Identify which of the above statement(s) is/are true?

(A) Only Statement 1 is true
(B) Only Statement 2 is true
(C) Both statement 1 and statement 2 are true
(D) Neither statement 1 nor statement 2 is true

11. 8
Consider the following two statements:
Statement 1: Attention is necessary for perception.
Statement 2: Perception is necessary for attention.
Identify which of the above statement(s) is/are true?

(A) Only Statement 1 is true

(B) Only Statement 2 is true
(C) Both statement 1 and statement 2 are true
(D) Neither statement 1 nor statement 2 is true

12. What is filter attenuation theory? 8

The early, selective filter does not completely block out unwanted
information but only attenuates or reduces the strength of unattended
stimuli. What is this theory called?
(A) The Theory of Everything
(B) Theory of Attention
(C) Theory of Attenuation
(D) Filter Attenuation Theory

13. The reaction time may vary from task to task. (True) 8
1. State True /False 8
Reaction Times for mixed task repetition were longer as compared to the pure task.
Ans. True

2. Which of the following is the correct order of information processing 7


b) Perception

c) Response Selection

d) Response programming


A) acdbe
B) Abcde
C) Adecb
D) Decba
Ans. B

3. [MSQ] EEG (Electroencephalography) is used for 8

a) Measures voltage fluctuations resulting from ionic current within the neurons of the
b) Bad spatial resolution
c) Good temporal resolution
d) None of the above
Ans. a,b,c

4. [MSQ] Attention helps us to:

a) Perceive
b) Conceive
c) Distinguish
d) Remember
Ans. a,b,c,d

5. Sensation is to as perception is to .7
a. vision, olfaction
b. conscious, unconscious
c. awareness, interpretation
d. taste, vision
Ans. - c

6. Which of the following is used for studying neuronal morphology 7

A) Intracellular recording
B) Extracellular recording

Ans. - A) intracellular recording

7. Reading words on a page and understanding their meaning is an example of 9

a. Accommodation.
b. perception.
c. sensation.
d. sensory adaptation.
Answer: b

8. In a signal detection task, the participant says that he didn't detect a signal, but a signal was
present. This is called a 9
a. hit.
b. false alarm.
c. miss.
d. correct rejection.
Answer: c

9. During a break from his job as a waiter, John begins to read Hamlet and is so engrossed in
the play that he fails to notice the clattering of dishes all around him. This is an example of 9
a. feature detection.
b. absolute threshold.
c. bottom-up processing.
d. selective attention.
Answer: d

10. Which of the following is responsible for color perception 8

b) Temporal
d) Occipital
Ans b

11. The left and right brain hemisphere is divided into hemispheres.
a) Two
b) Three
c) Four
d) Six
Ans. c) four
Q2. You need to focus on an object directly to attend to it?
● True
● False
Ans. False

Q3. Task switching cost associated with mixed task repetition was observed as
compared to pure task repetition? 7
Ans. Higher

Q4. What is the correct sequence of information processing?

1. Response selection.
2. Perceptual Processing
3. Response Processing

A. 1->2->3
B. 3->2->1
C. 2->3->1
D. 2->1->3

Ans. D

Q5. is the ones general rule of stimulation or readiness to act. 7

A. Selection Attention
B. Refractory Period
C. Arousal
D. Motor Adjustment

Ans. C

Q6.Which is incorrect regarding response time(RT)? 7

1. RT to a stimulus is not constant.
2. RT distribution follow Normal distribution.
3. RT can be used to remove outliers.
4. RT distribution is skewed to the left.

A. 1 only
B. 1 and 2
C. 2 only
D. 2 and 4
E. 1 and 4

Ans. D
Q7. Overt attention can lead to precision and error, as compared to covert
attention. 9
A. low, less
B. high, less
C. high, more
D. low, more.

Ans. B

Q8. Which is not a methodology to measure brain signals? 9


Ans. B

Q9.What can be conceptualized when an observer is good at discriminating signal and noise
trials? 9
A. Low sensitivity
B. High sensitivity
C. Moderate sensitivity
D. None of the above

Ans. B

Q10. In an experiment to detect stimulus, the participant missed a lot more than he made false
claims. What can you comment on his criterion? 8
A. Liberal Biased
B. Unbiased
C. Conservative Biased
D. None of the above


Q11. What can you conclude from shape/slope of the curve of Psychometric function?
A. Noise level
B. Bias
C. None of the above
D. Both A and B

Ans. D

Q12. What information performance / response time Psychometric curve conveys?

A. Noise
B. Bias
C. Response time is inversely related to Accuracy.
D. Response time is directly related to Accuracy.

Ans. C
1. fMRI(functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) measures ............ ?

Ans.Changes in blood oxygenation levels and flow.

2. What technology is used to measure any electrical activity in brain waves?

Ans. EEG

3. Auditory attention is focused on only one particular stimuli while filtering other stimuli
under which effect?

Ans.Cocktail Party Effect

4. Sensation is the ability to interpret stimuli and turn them into meaningful

a) True
b) False

5. Liberal Bias has a lesser number of false alarms.

b) False

6. Which part of cortex is responsible for visual processing and depth sensing?


7. Which parameter accounts for the amount of time between the start of one stimulus
and the start of another stimulus?

a)ISI (Inter-Stimulus Interval)

b)Stimulus-onset asynchrony

Ans. b
8. Intracellular recording can’t process resting membrane potential.

a) True
b) False

9. Under which type of attention a person can select and focus on a particular input
signal while suppressing distracting information?

a) Selective attention
b) Overt attention

10. Which of following part from cortex influence attention, impulse inhibition and
cognitive flexibility?

a) Prefrontal cortex
b) Parietal lobe
c) Temporal Lobe
d) Limbic system


11. Which part of brain cortex regulates emotion and memory?

Ans.Limbic system

12. Information regarding touch, pain, temperature is processed in which part of brain?

Ans. Parietal Lobe

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