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Building Search Quiz Key

1. Building search
2. Field of view
3. Fatal funnel
4. Crisscross Pattern
5. Buttonhook
6. a. To locate, find, or search out someone who is in a structure and is not supposed to
be there
b. To do this carefully and prevent the person inside the structure from escaping or
causing injury or death to officers
c. To apprehend the person and charge him or her with the offense they committed
7. An armed confrontation
8. Survival and tactically
9. a. Past alarms
b. Previous or current information about the facility
c. Where the alarm originated
10. An unlimited number of spaces to hide
11. Your senses
12. In front of the location
13. Possible hiding places
14. Perimeter of the building
15. Suspicious people, suspicious vehicles, suspicious items
16. Give dispatch the license plate number of it
17. Contact the owner
18. Search a building
19. Phone lines and power lines
20.a. Hand signals
b. Radio
c. Verbal signals
21.a. Secure the points of entry and the exits
b. Set up a perimeter
22. Pre-plan
23. Locations
24. No
25. Thoroughly
26. Clear
27. The hallway
28. Cover

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29. Your area
30.a. Keep your finger off the trigger
b. Keep the gun out in front of you
c. Keep the gun close to your chest
31. No
32. Spotting technique
33. Crossfire and noise
34. Try another one
35. When there is another officer available or the arresting officer is ready
36. Handcuff them
37.a. Begin slowly
b. Listen
c. Announce yourself
38. A secondary search
39. Backlight
40. Your position
41. Assume
42. Stairways
43.a. Take the position that gives you the advantage of a tactical angle
b. Look for overhangs or a balcony
44. The design
45. Communicate with him
46. Quick peek
47. Slicing the pie
48. Chunking
49. Chunking
50. Limited Penetration

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