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Process Biochemistry 40 (2005) 2409–2416

Feasibility of physico-chemical treatment and Advanced Oxidation

Processes (AOPs) as a means of pretreatment
of olive mill effluent (OME)
Kadir Kestioğlua, Taner Yonara, Nuri Azbarb,*
Uludag University, Environmental Engineering Department, Gorukle, Bursa 16059, Turkey
Ege University, Bioengineering Department, Bornova, Izmir 35100, Turkey
Received 30 September 2003; received in revised form 10 July 2004; accepted 25 September 2004


The efficiency of alternative pretreatment methods for an olive mill effluent (OME) in producing a final effluent conforming to Turkish
Water Pollution Standards for discharge into the public sewage was studied. For this purpose, various treatment alternatives such as acid
cracking, chemical coagulation, adsorption and Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) were studied. A significant amount of Chemical
Oxygen Demand (COD), total phenol and oil and grease removal were obtained by acid cracking followed by chemical coagulation either
using alum or iron chloride salts. Among the alternative chemicals, both Al2SO4 and FeCl3 resulted in the same COD and total phenol removal
efficiency in this study (94–95% COD removal and 90–91% total phenol removals). Both H2O2/UV and O3/UV combinations studied in this
paper were found to give practically same COD and total phenol removal efficiencies (over a 99% removal for both COD and total phenol).
# 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Olive oil mill effluent; Coagulation; Phenol; Pretreatment; Advanced oxidation

1. Introduction organic loads (Chemical Oxygen Demand, COD: 100–

300 g m3) [3–6]. Conventional press extraction process
Demand for olive oil is rapidly expanding worldwide due results in 0.5–0.8 m3 per ton of olives, whereas the waste
to its healthy image. Olive oil has gained an increasing stream volume is 1.18–1.68 m3 per ton of olives from 3-
popularity due to its oleic acid content, which may affect phase continuous centrifugal process. Production facilities
plasma lipid/lipoprotein profiles and richness in antiox- and wastes are usually associated with strongly odorous
idants, which may prevent some human diseases [1,2]. volatile compound emissions. Olive mill wastes are a
Ironically, while the olive oil itself provides health during its significant source of environmental pollution especially in
consumption, its resulting byproducts (olive mill wastes, some important olive oil producing countries such as Spain,
OMW) during olive processing pose a serious environmental Italy, Greece, Tunisia, Turkey, Lebanon, Syria and Portugal
pollution especially in the Mediterranean, Aegan and [7,8]. When disposed into the environment, OMW create
Marmara regions that account for approximately 95% of serious deteriorations such as colouring of natural waters, a
worldwide olive oil production. Olive oil production results serious threat to the aquatic life, pollution in surface and
in the generation of significant amounts of both solid and ground waters, alterations in soil quality, phytoxicity and
liquid wastes composed of many complex coloured and odor nuisance.
recalcitrant compounds (aromatics: 1–10 g m3) with high OMW can be regarded as either a resource to be recycled
or as a waste that needs to undergo expensive treatment
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +90 232 3434400x38;
processes before its release into the environment. In order to
fax: +90 232 388 4955. avoid the economic and social problems leading to potential
E-mail address: (N. Azbar). crisis in olive oil enterprizes due to the very high capital and

0032-9592/$ – see front matter # 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2410 K. Kestioğlu et al. / Process Biochemistry 40 (2005) 2409–2416

operating expenses of the treatment plants, several provisory for the destruction of contaminants in most cases seems to be
legislative and ministerial decrees were promulgated as well the hydroxyl radical (OH) which is unstable and quite
as strategic plans were applied in some countries such as reactive. Due to the instability of OH radical, it must be
Spain and Italy. Italy permits controlled use of OMW for the generated continuously in situ through chemical or photo-
purpose of irrigation, which is not acceptable in Turkey. chemical reactions described below:
Spain promotes the construction of storage and evaporation
ponds and accepted a national policy of converting (a) O3: there are two possible ways of oxidizing action in
conventional olive mills to a mill using the 2-phase the form of either direct reaction of dissolved
ecological extraction method, which eliminates the genera- compounds with ozone or the reaction with generated
tion of liquid wastes as a separate phase. radicals. The dosage applied to the dye-containing
OMW is tough to deal with and biological treatment of effluent is dependent on the total colour and residual
OMW is a challenge because of biologically resistant COD to be removed with no residue or sludge formation
compounds such as tannins, polyphenols, polyalcohols, [16] and no toxic metabolites [12]. One of the
pectins and lipids in OMW [9,10]. Many central municipal drawbacks with ozonation is cost, continuous ozonation
wastewater treatment plants in Turkey had to be shut down is required due to its short half-life typically being
during the olive campaign period due to discharges of 20 min. Stability is also affected by the presence of salts,
untreated OMW with disastrously high organic and pH, and temperature. Alkaline solutions, for example,
recalcitrant content into the sewage [7]. Several methods accelerate ozone decomposition [17].
were tested for the treatment of OMW such as mechanical, (b) O3/UV: The energy supplied by UV radiation interacts
physical, chemical, biological and thermal methods. An with O3 to generate hydroxyl radicals as follows [18,19]:
advisable single treatment method that is economically hv
viable has not been suggested yet. Evaporation in storage O3 þ H2 O!2OH þ O2
lagoons is currently the common disposal method applied in (c) UV/H2O2: This process uses ultraviolet radiation to
most countries as long as sufficiently large land areas are cleave the O–O bond in hydrogen peroxide and generate
available. the hydroxyl radical [20,21]. The hydroxyl radical can
Commonly applied treatment solutions for COD and then be scavenged by an organic compound to initiate a
colour removal from industrial effluents consist of integrated radical chain degradation of hydrogen peroxide in the
processes involving various combinations of biological, series of reactions [20,21]:
physical and chemical decolourization methods with limited
success [11–15]. Traditional physical-chemical techniques Radical formation : H2 O2 !2OH
such as ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis, ion exchange and
adsorption on various kinds of adsorbents (activated carbon,
peat, fly ash and coal, wood chips, silica gel, corncob, barley, Hydroxyl radicals produced in either way described a-
etc.) have efficiently been used for the purpose of colour and bove may attack organic molecules by abstracting a hydr-
COD removal from effluents. Nevertheless, these techniques ogen atom from the molecule [20]. Carey [22] described a
are non-destructive, since they just transfer the pollutant common pathway for the degradation of organics by the
hydroxyl radicals as follows:
from water to solid matrix. Advanced oxidation processes
(AOPs) based on the generation of very reactive and OH þ RH ! H2 O þ R
oxidizing free radicals, especially hydroxyl radicals, have
R þ H2 O2 ! ROH þ OH
been used with an increasing interest due to the their high
oxidant power. R þ O2 ! ROO
Water Pollution Control Regulation in Turkey permits the
discharge of wastewater with COD up to 4000 mg L1 into
the common sewage channels ending with a municipal
wastewater treatment plant. This study was conducted since
limited data have been reported with regard to the 2. Materials and methods
consecutive application of physico-chemical methods and
AOPs for the pretreatment of olive mill effluent prior to the 2.1. Experimental setup
discharge into common public sewage channels.
Wastewater samples used in this study was obtained from
1.1. Principles of AOPs used in this study the homogenization tank of an olive mill plant with a daily
olive processing capacity of 100 tones in Bursa City, Turkey.
AOPs have common principles in terms of the participation This wastewater sample was characterized as shown in Table
of hydroxyl radicals that are assumed to be operative during 1 [23–25]. Experiments were carried out in two ways as
the reaction. Although it is claimed by some authors [15] that chemical treatment and advanced oxidation trials. Acid
there are other species involved, the active species responsible cracking was first applied to all samples by adjusting pH
K. Kestioğlu et al. / Process Biochemistry 40 (2005) 2409–2416 2411

Table 1
Comparative characteristics of the OMW used throughout the study
Parameters Hamdi Steegmans Andreozzi This
(g L1 except [23] [24] et al. [25] study
for pH)
pH 3–5.9 5.3 5.09 4.65–5.5
Suspended solids (SS) 1–20 19.2 102.5 65  8.0
Oil and grease 1–23 2.33 9.8 35  3.4
Total nitrogen 0.3–1.2 0.6 0.95 0.67  0.13
Total phosphorus – – – 0.175  0.08
Total COD 40–220 108.6 121.8 185.6  23.8
Filtered COD – – – 35  4.0
Total phenol 5–80 0.002 6.2 9.68  1.18

manually to less than 2 using sulphuric acid. Samples used in

all other experiments such as chemical coagulation, Fig. 1. Schematic representation of photoreactor used during oxidation
adsorption and AOPs tests were carried out using these experiments.
acid cracked samples. In the physico-chemical treatment
experiments using jar test equipment, Al2(SO4)318H2O, and was installed around the reactor to keep the reactor at a
FeCl3 (supplied from Merck) reagents were tested to desired temperature (20  0.5 8C) by means of a continuous
investigate the effects of different coagulants at various water recirculation controlled by a thermostat. The
dosages between 1000 and 6000 mg L1 on the treatment recirculating cooling solution and the wastewater sample,
efficiency in removing the phenolic and COD content of which is the effluent of acid cracking and chemical
OMW. The jar tests were carried out using acid cracked coagulation pretreatment, and never contacted each other.
samples, in the following order: At first, the initial The content of the reactor (2.8 L) was continuously mixed
concentrations of total phenol and COD were measured by the help of a magnetic stirrer.
for each sample in accordance with Standard Methods [26]. An ozone generator (Opal 200 model) with an ozone
Optimum pH was first determined and then the optimum production rate of 0.3 g h1 was integrated into this reactor
reagent doses that provide best COD removal were first in order to produce the ozone needed in the reaction during
determined for each chemical at room temperature (20 8C). O3/UV experiments. The ozone produced by using oxygen
1 L of a wastewater sample given in Table 1 was dosed with with a purity of 99.5% was bubbled into the reactor by
each chemical at varying dosages separately. One-hour means of a diffuser. H2O2/UV and O3/UV experiments were
sedimentation was applied following coagulation time of carried out under various pH values between 2 and 9. In both
30 min (20 rpm) after flash mixing for a minute (120 rpm). O3/UV and H2O2/UV (CH2 O2 ¼ 500 mg L1 ) experiments,
The final pH was recorded in the sample taken from the the effect of various pH values on COD removal was
supernatant phase above the precipitate; then, the final or assessed by keeping pH values at 2, 7 and 9, respectively.
effluent concentrations of total phenol and COD in that The pH was manually adjusted manually to the desired range
sample were measured as described in analytical methods using sulphuric acid and/or sodium hydroxide from Merck,
section. then the predetermined amount of H2O2 (supplied from
Adsorption experiments using granular activated carbon Riedel de Haen, 35%) added and the lamp and ozone
(GAC) on the effluent of acid cracking and chemical generator turned on. Following the determination of
coagulation pretreatment samples were also carried out. For optimum pH as above, the experiments were carried out
this purpose samples having varying dilution ratios were at the optimum pH with varying H2O2 dosages of 250–
contacted with 10 g GAC per liter for 24 h and COD in each 1000 mg L1 for H2O2/UV. H2O2/UV experiment was run
vessel after filtration was measured at the end of 24 h for 24 h at a pH of 2 at an optimum dose of H2O2
reaction time. concentration and total phenol concentration by time were
A photoreactor as shown in Fig. 1 was set up for the monitored. O3/UV experiment was also run for another 24 h
experiments with UV in batch mode operation. A TUV-15 at a pH of 7 and both COD and total phenol concentration by
model Phillips 15 W lamp (wavelength of l = 254 nm) time were monitored. Samples were taken at regular time
enclosed in a quartz sleeve with an inner diameter of 39 mm intervals for the determination of COD and total phenol. All
and a length of 39 cm was positioned within the center of a experiments were done in batch reactors.
3 L cylindrical stainless steel reactor as the light source. The In order to decompose residual H2O2, which interferes
body of the reactor was made of 316-Ti stainless steel with with the COD and absorbance measurements, the samples
an inner diameter of 98 mm and a length of 41 cm. The light containing H2O2 were treated with MnO2 powder. Before
intensity along axial length was measured and thereby the each analysis, samples were centrifuged and filtered on
diameter of the photoreactor was determined. A water jacket 0.45 mm Millipore membranes to remove MnO2. COD
2412 K. Kestioğlu et al. / Process Biochemistry 40 (2005) 2409–2416

(closed reflux method), oil and grease, suspended solids Table 2

(SS), total nitrogen and phosphorus were measured in Characteristics of the OMW after acid cracking
accordance with Standard Methods [26]. Total phenol (TP) Parameters Unit Value
content was determined according to a modification of pH – <2
Folin-Ciocalteau method [27]. Total phenol content was SS mg L1 3250  275
Oil and grease mg L1 350  48
determined by the addition of 500 ml Folin-Ciocalteau (four-
Total nitrogen mg L1 670  38
fold diluted) phenol reagent to 100 ml 20-fold diluted Total phosphorus mg L1 175  23
samples. After 5 min, 500 ml sodium carbonate (200 gl1) Total COD mg L1 115000  8700
was added and the absorbance was measured at 725 nm Total phenol (as caffeic acid) mg L1 7500  387
against a blank after 30 min at room temperature.

of 6000 mg L1. Chemical treatment generated a tremen-

3. Results and discussion dous amount of chemical sludge. Volumetrically, chemical
sludge generation was about 500–700 ml per liter of influent.
3.1. Acid cracking, coagulation and adsorption tests An adsorption study with granular activated carbon
(GAC; Jacobi; 0.5–1.0 mm) was carried out for samples
As mentioned in materials and methods, COD and total after acid cracking and chemical coagulation at room
phenol removal experiments consisted of two stages being temperature. For this purpose jar test equipment of 1 L
chemical coagulation and oxidation processes after acid capacity was used. A fixed amount of adsorbent (10 g L1)
cracking in order to compare the results. Characteristics of was mixed with diluted solutions (five dilution ratios of 1/1,
OMW after acid cracking are given in Table 2. Acid cracking 1/2, 1/4, 1/5 and 1/10) having initial COD concentrations of
resulted in 38% COD, 23% total phenol removal and 8160, 4120, 1850, 1552 and 724 mg COD L1, respectively.
significant amount of oil and grease removal (Table 3). At the end of the mixing period, residual COD concentra-
Al2(SO4)318H2O and FeCl36H2O coagulants were used tions in each container were measured according to the
during the chemical treatment experiments with varying Standart Methods. Effluent COD measurements were
dosages under predetermined optimum pH conditions measured as 2672, 1820, 542, 486 and 275 mg COD L1,
(Fig. 2a and b). For comparison, the COD and total phenol respectively. Adsorption isotherm was found to fit with
removal results of under best pH conditions are given in Langmuir [28] isotherm and adsorption capacity of the GAC
Table 3. Optimum pH for each chemical was found to be as used in this study was found to be 217 mg COD per gram of
follow; pH 8 for Al2(SO4)318H2O and pH 8 for GAC and 186 mg total phenol per gram of GAC. These
FeCl36H2O. Between the two chemicals used in this study, results indicates that about 50 kg of GAC per cubic meter of
FeCl36H2O resulted in a 95% COD, 90% total phenol and pretreated effluent (effluent from acid cracking and chemical
99% suspended solids (SS) removals at a dosage of coagulation) is required.
3000 mg L1. Resulting effluent concentrations of COD,
total phenol and SS were found to be 9600, 972 and 3.2. Advanced oxidation tests
560 mg L1, respectively. On the other hand, 94% COD
(COD in the effluent = 11,200 mg L1), 91% total phenol Several substances like phenolic compounds in olive oil
removal (total phenol in the effluent = 915 mg L1) and mil effluents have been shown to present some kind of
99% SS removal (SS in the effluent = 400 mg L1) were inhibitory effect when undergoing biological oxidation. In
observed in experiments using Al2(SO4)318H2O with a dose order to eliminate the toxicity to microorganisms arising
Table 3
COD and phenol removal efficiencies of various pretreatment methods for the OMW
Pretreatment method COD Phenol pH CH2 O2 cchemical CO3 Effluent Effluent
removal (%) removal (%) (mg L1) (mg L1) (g h1) COD (mg L1) phenol (mg L1)
Acid cracking 38 23 2a – 5 ml concentrated 115000 7500
H2SO4 per liter
Acid cracking + alum coagulation 94 91 8b – 6000 – 11200 915
Acid cracking + FeCl3 coagulation 95 90 8c – 3000 – 9600 972
Acid cracking + ferric coagulation + O3/UV 98 99 7d 750 – – 4560e 21e
Acid cracking + ferric coagulation H2O2/UV 99 99 2f – – 0.3 3800g 22g
pH of acid cracking.
pH of alum coagulation.
pH of ferric coagulation.
pH of O3/UV process.
pH 7; T = 20 8C; t = 440 min.
pH of H2O2/UV.
pH 7; T = 20 8C; CH2 O2 ¼ 750 mg L1 ; t = 720 min.
K. Kestioğlu et al. / Process Biochemistry 40 (2005) 2409–2416 2413

Fig. 2. (a) COD and (b) total phenol removals by chemical coagulation.

from phenolic content, integration of a pre-treatment step was dropped down to 22 and 10 mg L1 at the end of 400
including chemical oxidation has been proposed previously. and 1440 min reaction times, respectively.
In this study, oxidation of olive mill effluents after physico- In the second part of oxidation experiments, O3/UV
chemical pretreatment was undertaken using the combina- process was applied to the OMW samples after pretreatment
tions of O3/UV and H2O2/UV processes in order to assess by acid cracking and coagulation. An Opal 200 model ozone
COD and total phenol removal efficiency of these processes. generator with an ozone production rate of 0.3 g h1
The experiments were carried out at pH values of 2, 7 and 9 produced the ozone needed in the reaction. pH values of 2, 7,
for O3/UV and H2O2/UV experiments, respectively, to and 9 were tested in order to find the best pH for optimum
observe the effect of pH on the COD removal. Optimum pH COD removal. Fig. 4 depicts the effects of various pH on the
that results in highest COD and total phenol removal was COD removal by O3/UV process. Alkaline conditions
determined by initially running the photo reactor under showed better removal efficiency, pH of 7 and 9 however
varying pH but constant H2O2 for H2O2/UV experiments showed similar results in terms of COD removal. Therefore,
(Fig. 3a). H2O2/UV experiments were then run at pH of 2 for O3/UV experiment was run at pH of 7 for 1440 min of
varying H2O2 dosages between 250 and 1000 mg L1 (Fig. reaction times to observe the phenol removal. Total phenol
3b). COD dropped down to 3060 and 3650 mg L1 for H2O2 concentration after 300 min of reaction time was found to be
dosages of 750 and 1000 mg L1, respectively, at the end 21 mg L1. There was no significant change in both COD
1440 min reaction time (initial COD was 10,240 mg L1). and total phenol concentration after 300 min of reaction
Four hundred minutes of reaction time seems reasonably time.
long enough since there is no significant change between the Choosing among the candidate processes will be
results of 400 and 1440 min in effluent CODs. The same determined by the capital and operating costs including
experiment was carried out a H2O2 dose of 750 mg L1 to costs of pH adjustment, disposal costs of chemical sludge,
observe the total phenol removal together with COD electricity, etc. As it was summarized in Table 3, AOPs
removal. The initial total phenol, which was 975 mg L1, resulted in 99% total phenol removal.
2414 K. Kestioğlu et al. / Process Biochemistry 40 (2005) 2409–2416

Fig. 3. (a) Effect of pH (CH2 O2 ¼ 500 mg L1 , T = 20 8C) and (b) H2O2 concentration (pH = 2; T = 20 8C) on the removal of COD during H2O2/UV

Fig. 4. Effect of pH on the removal of COD by O3/UV process (T = 20 8C).

K. Kestioğlu et al. / Process Biochemistry 40 (2005) 2409–2416 2415

Table 4 followed by chemical coagulation methods. A clear

Costs of the reagents and operating cost of the treatment methods used (cost separate phase of residual olive oil was observed after
of labor, sludge disposal and UV lamps are excluded) acid cracking, which volumetrically equals to 10–15%
Reagents used Basis Cost ($) Process Treatment of the effluent. A tremendous amount of chemical
cost ($/m3) sludge was generated during coagulation processes,
H2O2 (35%) kg 0.54 Acid cracking 2.0 which may dictate the use of dewatering equipment
O3 kg 2.64 Alum coagulationa 3.18 (press filter or centrifuge, etc.) in the main treatment
Electricity kW h 0.0765 Ferric coagulationa 2.67
H2SO4 kg 0.224 O3/UVb 12.62
flow scheme.
NaOH kg 0.224 H2O2/UVb 13.17 (ii) AOPs resulted in over a 99% removal for both COD and
Al2SO4 kg 0.197 Activated carbonb 141 total phenol colour with no sludge generation. The
FeCl3 kg 0.223 AOPs techniques (O3/UV, H2O2/UV) studied resulted
GAC kg 2.76 in the same removal efficiencies for both COD and
Includes acid cracking + neutralization costs. phenol. Although the combination of O3/UV resulted in
Includes acid cracking + neutralization + ferric coagulation costs. slightly higher COD in the effluent than what is stated
in the Turkish Water Pollution Regulation, it appeared
to be the economically most viable option since there is
3.3. Cost evaluation
no need for pH adjustment before and after reaction.
(iii) Adsorption by GAC is an efficient but economically not
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costs, the operating costs and maintenance. For a full-scale
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