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Description of “JU DRUGA O SNOVNA SKOLA” GRACANICA primary school; Class: III; Class profile: students; 8 years

old; Subject: English language

Location: English classroom; School year: 2014/2015. Teacher: Devleta Mesić,prof.

Teaching unit UNIT 3 This is my nose! My body

Recent work The main characters in Family and Friends

Type of lesson Presentation parts of the body

Sources Family and Friends 1; Class Book; Workbook; Teacher’s Book; CD; Family and Friends Alphabet Book; Reading
and writing; Grammar Friends 1
Aims and objectives To make pupils interested in topic
To present new story
Short term To talk about parts of the body in L1
To show some parts of the body
Long term To identify some parts of the body
To improve pupil's vocabulary
To develop pupil's skills- reading, speaking and listening
To establish pupil's will
Methods Work on short story

Class management
Individual part Pair work Whole class
T- S,S,S S,S-S,S S,S,S
Teaching aids, materials Class Book, Workbook, CD player, Starter story poster,
and equipment

Procedure Introduction part, main part, final part

Additional plan Teacher says:Touch/Point your nose.Touch your head.Touch your face.Touch your arms.Touch your
legs.Touch your mouth.Touch your ears.
Pupils do exercise 1 WB page 1.

Class organization procedure and Teaching Possible Possible Timing

Aims and objectives activities aids problems solutions
Teacher stays in front of the class and asks Our body None. None.

To make pupils interested them on L1 to tell her something they have Board
in topic already known about parts of the body. She Chalk
encourages them to tell her as many as
To talk about parts of the possible. Then she asks them to tell her some 5'
body in L1 parts of the body in English, if they know.
She tells them that they are going to talk
To show some parts of the about parts of the body. She writes the title
body on the board and asks pupils to do the same.
She also writes the date to improve pupil’s
vocabulary and pronunciation.

Then she sticks 7 different flashcards (parts Board Some pupils Teacher
To identify some parts of of the body) on the board. Flashcards need help to walks round
the body Head, arms, nose, face, legs, ears and mouth. Chalk draw some the class
She writes carefully the name of the parts of parts of the and help
To improve pupil's the body and pronounces them loudly. She body. them. She 10'
vocabulary asks pupils to repat after her. When they say says that
the words couple times she asks them to they are
copy it into their notebooks. really good
at this.
Teacher asks children to open their Class Class Book None. None.
To practise some parts of Book on page 20 and look at the exercise 1. CD
the body There are 5 parts of the body. She plays the CD player
first part of the recording for children to Flashcards
To develop pupil's skills listen and point to appropriate picture. She
To motivate pupils say repeats if it is necessary. She plays the 5'
correct parts of the body second part of the recording for children to

She plays the recording all the way through
again for children to listen and point and
then repeat the words in chorus. . She puts
flashcards 38 -42 in different places around
the classroom. She says the words for
children to point to the correct cards and
Teacher asks students to listen and repeat the CD Some pupils Teacher
To develop pupil's listening chant. She plays the chant a second time for CD player might have repeats it
children to point to the correct part of their Class Book problems more than
own body when they hear it. with once if it is 5'
To show and touch their understandi necessary.
own parts of the body ng.

Teacher takes the story poster 3 to present Story poster Some pupils T asks
To present new story the story. She asks some questions about the 3 might have children to
story. Who can you see? She also asks Class Book problems look at the
To develop pupil's skills children to name as many parts of the body CD with poster while
in the picture as they can. Then she calls up CD player understandi she plays
To talk about parts of the children to look at each frame of the story ng story. the
body and tell what it is happening. She encourages recording
predictions from different members of the for them to
class. T asks children to look at the poster listen. She 10'
while she plays the recording for them to points to
listen. She points to each speech bubble in each speech
turn as she hears the text. Then she asks: bubble in
“Does Rosy put sun cream on her arms? turn as she
Where does Billy put sun cream? hears the
Then she says to pupils to take their CB and text.
open them. They listen to the story and
follow the words in the story as the teacher
plays the recording again. They read the

At the end of the lesson students listen to the Class Book Some pupils Teache says
To develop pupil's reading story a second time and repeat. Teacher CD need loudly each
To practise parts of the helps them to read. They practise. CD player support single word
body They practise parts of the body in this Workbook when they and asks
To establish pupil's will lesson. Pen read. pupils to
repeat after 10'
Pupils do exercise 1 WB page 20. her.

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