Utf-8lit Review Project Management Worksheet 1302

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::: ENGL 1302

Literature Review Project Management Worksheet | Envision the Desired Outcome(s) and Plan Backwards

Instructions: Use the syllabus (hint: Course Schedule section) and Essay 1 assignment prompt to help you
answer the questions in each section.

Section 1: Determining Logistics

1. When is the Final Draft due for the Literature Review? Friday March 8 at 11:59pm

⇒ What is the penalty for failing to submit the Final Draft by the deadline? A Zero for grade

⇒ How and where will you submit the Final Draft for the Literature Review? In the drop box of Literature
Review Final Draft that will be available on week 8. It needs to be in a docx document.

⇒ What are the minimum requirements for a passing grade for the Literature Review?

Be in MLA format: document formatting, Have a controlling idea supported by evidence

citations, references. from all 8 peer-reviewed journal articles.
Be submitted on time Be cohesive and organized around your
controlling idea according to genre conventions.
Have been peer review in workshop
Have been preceded by the submission of Draft 1
Meet the work count requirement (1,200- 1500

3. When is Draft 1 due for the Literature Review? Draft 1 is due on Friday February 23 at 11:59pm

⇒ What is the penalty for failing to submit Draft 1 by the deadline? A Zero in the final Draft

⇒ How and where will you submit Draft 1 for assessment? The first draft was delivered on Friday,
February 9 in the drop box that was in week 4
4. When will we conduct a Peer Review Workshop? The peer review is on Monday March 4 during class

⇒ What is the penalty for not attending Peer Review Workshop? A Zero for grade

⇒ What materials will you need to share to participate in the Peer Feedback Workshop? How and where?
::: ENGL 1302
To do the peer feedback workshop, the first draft had to be submitted, with the corrections made after
the group conference, on the blackboard discussion site.

● What questions do you have about drafts, due dates, and submission details?

::: ENGL 1302
Section 2: Determining GAPS

1. What genre of writing will you produce for The Literature Review? Research analysis
2. What are the major features and parts of the genre you will produce for The Literature Review?

In this work I have to focus on the connections that

exist between the topics discussed in each of the
articles that I chose to make my annotated


3. Who is your audience for the Literature Review? The audience is composed of myself, my instructor, and
the scholars I am using for this essay.
4. What is your purpose, or goal, for writing the Literature Review?
The purpose of the Literature Review essay is to find common threads running through the sources and
categorize these ideas, briefly explaining each issue and evaluating its importance to my topic.

5. What formatting and referencing style is required for this paper? MLA formatting

● What questions do you have about the genre, purpose, and audience for this paper? What information is
not included that you would like to know to better meet the expectations for the paper?
I do not have questions about the purpose, genre, or the audience for this paper.

::: ENGL 1302

Section 3: Frontloading the Workload / Determining Tasks

What steps for finishing Essay 1 should be completed in Week 5?

For this week I need to read with a little more analysis how each of my sources connect to my main topic.

What steps for finishing Essay 1 should be completed in Week 6?

In week 6 I will start working on my Lit review first draft. Also this week I will register for the group conference
for week 7.

What steps for finishing Essay 1 should be completed in Week 7?

In week seven I will attend the group conference and based on the comments I receive from my instructor and
my classmates I will make changes to my Lit review so that it meets the necessary requirements.

What steps for working on Essay 1 should be completed in Week 8?

Have my draft ready so I can participate in the peer review. And continue with the changes to my Lit Review so
that at the end of the week I can submit my final draft.

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