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Jimmy Ması́as Meza Email : jimmy.ilws@gmail.

com Mobile : +51-950-460-690

• University of Buenos Aires, PhD in Physical Science (Qualification: Outstanding) Argentina, Mar. 2017
THESIS: “Transport of Cosmic Rays in the heliosphere and the terrestrial environment”
• Instituto Balseiro, Master in Physical Sciences Argentina, Dec. 2011
• Instituto Balseiro, Licenciado in Physics Argentina, Dec. 2010
• Data Scientist (Onapsis) Oct 2020 - Present
Research and development of anomaly detection models and the underlying pipelines, focused on real-time analytics with
continuous learning. Fully remote.

• Data Scientist & Researcher (BforeAI) Jul 2020 - Dec 2020

Research and develop inference models for detection of malicious domains on the internet. Part time as Freelance.

• Research Developer (Onapsis) Oct 2019 - Nov 2020

Maintain the logic of security scans for SAP systems with in-house python libraries, and research related issues. Also
contribute in Data Science projects for another research team. Bs As, CABA.

• Data Scientist at YPF (Practia Global) Sep 2018 - Oct 2019

Develop custom libraries of pattern recognition for real-time analytics; using time-series clustering, SVMs, and feature
engineering. Also worked with text processing, and random forest models. Bs As, CABA.

• Postdoc Researcher (University of Buenos Aires) Apr 2017 - Sep 2018

Perform computer simulations using numerical models of the Sun and Heliosphere. Also big data analysis of cosmic-ray
measurements. Bs As, CABA.

Technical Skills
• Programming: Daily: Python (Numpy, Matplotlib, Pandas, Scikit-Learn, Keras, Flask, UnitTest), Bash/Zsh. Usually:
Cython, C, C++. Eventually: Fortran, Perl, Matlab, Swig, Ctypes, Mathematica, IDL.
• Data Science: Machine Learning: NLP, streaming embeddings, clustering, SVMs, streaming random forests, Gradient
Boosting Trees. Statistics: Markov Chains, Stochastic Processes, Confidence Intervals. Mining: feature engineering,
• Math: Stochastic Calculus, Group Theory, Path Integrals, Non-lineal systems, Quantum Field Theory (basics).
• Operative Systems: Proficient: Ubuntu, Arch Linux. Familiar: Windows, Kali Linux.
• Network and Security: OpenVPN, Proxychains, IpTables, NMap, Ettercap, AirCrack, Tcpdump, Wireshark/Tshark,
Scapy, OpenSSH, MitmProxy.
• Other Tools: Docker, Git, GNU Debugger (GDB), Valgrind, MySQL.
• Data Formats: CSV, PCAP, XML, JSON, HDF4/5, NetCDF, ROOT, GRIB
• Contents and Markup: Jekyll, LaTeX, Markdown

• Molecules: Project of a Kaggle competition to predict coupling constants between atoms embeded in a molecule. molecules.git
• DirtyKit: Rootkit implementation with routine of attack, reconnaissance, and cleaning of system activity logs.
• Auger Histos: Tools for Data analysis of Pierre Auger Observatory measurements. Several are tunned to scale to
terabytes of volume. histos
• SEATOS: Tools for statistical data analysis of space weather phenomena. Published paper in Ması́as-Meza J.J. etal,
Astronomy & Astrophysics (ISSN 0004-6361), Vol. 592, A118.
• SWMF-post: Python tools for post-processing of MHD simulations of the different components of the solar system
(solar corona, hliosphere, terrestrial magnetosphere, etc). It is oriented to deal with the different data formats of the
simulation for its 2D/3D visualization and animations. post.
• CORPAD: Simulation code in C++, Cython, and Python (for post-processing and analysis). Its aim is to help
understand diffusive properties in the transport of relativistic test particles under disordered MHD modeled scenarios.
• PYHDF-ACE: Python-C interface for processing of the ACE spacecraft data. This Cython interface allows us to
manipulate the highest time-resolution available provided by the ACE website. ace.

• Apr 2017 - Sep 2018: Scholarship from CONICET, for Post-Doctoral Research, at the Instituto de Astronomı́a y
Fı́sica del Espacio (IAFE). Buenos Aires, Argentina
• Apr 2012 - Mar 2017: Scholarship from CONICET, for PhD degree in Physics, at the University of Buenos Aires
(UBA). Buenos Aires, Argentina.
• Jan 2011 - Dec 2011: Scholarship from CNEA, for Master degree in Physics, at the Balseiro Institute (University of
Cuyo). Bariloche, Argentina.
• Jul 2008 - Dec 2010: Scholarship from CNEA, for Licenciado degree in Physics, at Balseiro Institute (University of
Cuyo). Bariloche, Argentina.

Scientific Internships and Schools

• Feb 2015: Research internship in Royal Observatory of Belgium. From 16/Feb to 16/Mar, 2015. Brussels, Belgium.
• Nov 2014: Shift for the monitoring of the Fluorescence detectors of the Pierre Auger Observatory. From 10/Nov to
28/Nov, 2014. Malargue, Argentina.
• Oct 2013: ICTP-SAIFR School on Fundamental Astrophysics, Instituto de Fı́sica Teórica - UNESP. From 6/Oct to
19/Oct, 2013. Sao Paulo, Brazil.
• Jul 2013: 7th Heliophysics Summer School. University Corporation for Atmospheric Resarch (UCAR). From 1/Jul to
14/Jul, 2014. Boulder, Colorado, United States.

Oral Presentations
• Ması́as-Meza J.J., “OnaTalks - Neutrinos: fantasmas y mensajeros”. Divulgation talk in Onapsis. Scheduled for 16 June
2020, Buenos Aires, Argentina (oral given by Ması́as-Meza).

• Ması́as-Meza J.J., “Fast Hidden Services with Docker”. Docker Birthday Meetup at Medallia. 28 March 2019, Buenos
Aires, Argentina (oral given by Ması́as-Meza).

• Ması́as-Meza J.J., “Development of a Rootkit for Linux systems”. 5th edition of the Security Jam Session. 14 July 2018,
Buenos Aires, Argentina (oral given by Ması́as-Meza).

• Ması́as-Meza J.J. & Dasso, S. (invited talk), “Determination of spatial diffusion coefficients of Galactic Cosmic Rays
in the inner heliosphere”. XI Latin American Conference on Space GeoPhysics (XI COLAGE) 16-20 Apr 2018, Buenos
Aires, Argentina (oral given by Ması́as-Meza).

• Ması́as-Meza J.J.; Dasso, S.; Asorey, H.; Bertou, X., “Short and Long Term Analysis of Charge Histograms”. Meeting of
the Pierre Auger Observatory Collaboration. Pierre Auger Observatory. Malargüe, Argentina. November 2015 (oral
given by Ması́as-Meza).

• Ması́as-Meza J.J. & Dasso, S., “Test particle simulations for the study of cosmic ray diffusion parameters inside the
heliosphere”, Visitor talk. Centre for Mathematical Plasma Astrophysics, University of Leuven. KU Leuven, Belgium.
March 2015. (oral given by Ması́as Meza)

• Ması́as-Meza J.J. & Dasso, S., “Cosmic Ray Transport in the Heliosphere”, Visitor talk. Real Observatory of Belgium
(ROB). Brussels, Belgium. Feb 2015. (oral given by Ması́as-Meza)

• Ması́as-Meza J.J., Dasso S., Asorey H., & Bertou X. “Observation of the Solar Cycle #24 at Auger (Long Term Scalers
and Histograms analysis)”. Meeting of the Pierre Auger Observatory Collaboration. Pierre Auger Observatory.
Malargüe, Argentina. November 2014.

• Ması́as-Meza J.J. & Dasso S., “Linking Forbush decreases with Magnetic Clouds properties. A statistical study”, X Latin
American Conference on Space GeoPhysics (X COLAGE) 8-12 Sep 2014, Cusco, Perú.

• Ması́as-Meza J.J. Dasso S., Asorey H., & Bertou X. “Progress work on charge histograms and solar activity phenomena”.
Meeting of the Pierre Auger Observatory Collaboration. Pierre Auger Observatory. Malargüe, Argentina. February 2013.
• Ması́as-Meza J.J. , “Numerical simulations for geomagnetic modulation of cosmic rays. A comparative study for different
locations in Argentina”. Scientific Meeting of the Geophysical and Geodetic Society of Argentina. Tucuman, Argentina.
November 2012.

• Ması́as-Meza J.J. & Dasso S. “Geomagnetic effects on cosmic ray propagation under different conditions for Malargüe
city, Argentina”. United Nations/Ecuador Workshop on the International Space Weather Initiative (20th Workshop of
the United Nations Basic Space Science Initiative). Observatorio Astronómico de Quito. Ecuador. October 2012.

• Ması́as-Meza J.J. , “Geomagnetic effects on cosmic rays propagation for different conditions”. Meeting of the Pierre
Auger Observatory Collaboration. Pierre Auger Observatory. Malargüe, Argentina. November 2011.

• Ması́as-Meza J.J. , “Geomagnetic modulation of galactic cosmic rays”. Talks at the Astrophysical Plasmas Group of the
Physics Department. Faculty of Natural Sciences, UBA. Buenos Aires, Argentina. June 2011.

• Ması́as-Meza J.J. , “Advances in solar activity studies through galactic cosmic ray modulation”. Journal Club of the
Particles and Fields Group. Instituto Balseiro. May 2011.

• Ması́as-Meza J.J. , “Advances in solar activity studies through galactic cosmic ray modulation”. Academic Meeting for
Graduate Physicists of the National University of Trujillo (UNT), La Libertad - Perú. January 2011.

• Ması́as-Meza J.J. , “Magnetic resonances in a MgO crystal with impurities of M n+2 y Cr+3 ” Academic Meeting for
Graduate Physicists of the National University of Trujillo (UNT), La Libertad - Perú. January 2010.

Scientific Publications
• P. Démoulin, M. Janvier, Ması́as-Meza J.J., S. Dasso, “Quantitative model for the generic 3D shape of ICMEs at 1 AU”
Astronomy & Astrophysics (ISSN 0004-6361), Vol. 595, A19. Published: Oct/2016.

• Ması́as-Meza J.J., S. Dasso, P. Démoulin, L. Rodriguez, M. Janvier, “Superposed epoch study of ICME sub-structures
near Earth and their effects on galactic cosmic rays” Astronomy & Astrophysics (ISSN 0004-6361), Vol. 592, A118.
Published: Aug/2016.

• Luciano Rodriguez; Ması́as-Meza J.J.; Sergio Dasso; Pascal Démoulin; Andrei Nikolajevic Zhukov; Adriana Gulisano;
Marilena Mierla; Emilia Kilpua; Matthew West; Dana Lacatus; Alin Paraschiv; Miho Janvier, “Typical Profiles and
Distributions of Plasma and Magnetic Field Parameters in Magnetic Clouds at 1 AU” Solar Physics (ISSN 0038-0938),
Vol. 291, Issue 7, pp.2145-2163. Published: Aug/2016.

• M. Coppola, F. Bezzecchi, A.M. Gulisano, Ması́as-Meza J.J., O. Areso, M. Ramelli, and S. Dasso, “Desarrollo de un
detector de rayos cósmicos de la colaboracion LAGO en Buenos Aires - Aplicaciones en Meteorologı́a Espacial” Boletı́n
de la Asociación de Astronomı́a Argentina. Proceedings de la 58 Reunión Anual de la Asociación Argentina de
Astronomı́a, La Plata, Argentina. 14-18 Sep 2015

• Ması́as-Meza J.J.for the Pierre Auger Collaboration, “Solar Cycle Modulation of Cosmic Rays Observed with Low Energy
Modes of the Pierre Auger Observatory” Proc. 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC), Volume PoS(ICRC),
page 74 (ISSN 1824-8039)

• S. Dasso; A.M. Gulisano; Ması́as-Meza J.J.; H. Asorey for the LAGO Collaboration, “A project to install
water-cherenkov detectors in the antartic peninsula as part of the LAGO detection network” Proc. 34th International
Cosmic Ray Conference, volume PoS(ICRC), page 105. 2015

• Janvier, M.; Dasso, S.; Démoulin, P.; Ması́as-Meza J.J.; Lugaz, N., “Comparing generic models for interplanetary shocks
and magnetic clouds axis configurations at 1 AU” Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), Vol.120, Pages
3328-3349, 2014, ISSN 1819-0839. Published: 19 May, 2015

• Ması́as-Meza J.J. & Dasso S., “Geomagnetic effects on cosmic ray propagation under different conditions for Buenos
Aires and Marambio, Argentina” Sun and Geosphere, Vol.9, No.1, Pages 41-47, 2014, ISSN 1819-0839

• Ması́as-Meza J.J. & Dasso S., “Galactic cosmic ray decreases associated with non-interacting magnetic clouds in the 23rd
solar cycle” Proc. of Nature of Prominences and their Role in Space Weather, IAU Symposium No. 300, 10-16 June 2013
Parı́s Francia, Cambridge University Press, Eds. Brigitte Schmieder, Jean-Marie Malherbe, Shi T. Wu (ISBN
9781107045194), 451-452, 2013

• Ması́as-Meza J.J., Bertou X. and Dasso S., “Geomagnetic effects on cosmic rays propagation for different conditions”
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium No.286, 2011

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