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What is toki pona? What is sitelen pona?

toki pona is a constructed language with a vocabulary of just over 120 words. It was sitelen pona is the most used writing system for toki pona besides the latin
created by Sonja Lang in 2001 and as of late 2022, has over two thousand speakers. alphabet. It's a logography, so each word gets one symbol. It's helpful to learn
I've included the most essential words here that are not grammatical particles. toki pona and sitelen pona at the same time, which is what this resource is for!

a kalama linja musi

make noise, fun, entertaining, pimeja sona wan
ah! huh. line, string, rope,
sound, music; game, play; ex: shadow, darkness, know, information; united, married;
hm? ehh... flexible long thing,
ex: humm, whir, static, Minecraft, tennis, night, blackness know how one
ha! wow. oh! hair, worm
pop, ripping paper music, the Mona Lisa

akesi lipu pini soweli

kama mute land mammal,
lizard, reptile, paper, book, document, finished, completed,
many, amount, fluffy animal, bird, flying creature;
amphibian; ex: arrive; become collection of writing, passed, over, deactivate
very animal that runs; ex: airplane, eagle, bat
snake, frog, lizard website, file turn off, close
ex: ostrich, deer, cat

ala kasi nanpa pipi suli wawa

loje number, mathematical, bug-like creature, strong, powerful,
no, not, plant; ex: tree, bush, big, important, energetic, intense,
reddish, orangeish code; marks ordinal worm, creepy crawly;
nothing orchid, vine, root, cactus long, tall, adult electricity, confident
numbers ex: crab, butterfly, ant, spider

alasa ken lon weird quality, poka suno weka
hunt, forage, ability, permission, exist, reality, truth, intoxicated, unexpected; hip, side, nearby, sun, light source, away, beyond, far,
search for; allow, possibility; in the context of, ex: neurodivergent, riverbank, vicinity; brightness, day, remove, steal,
try be able at, during queer, kink, eccentric, contextual light; ex: lamp leave, ignored
drunk, high

luka nasin poki supa wile

ale/ali kepeken hand, arm, fingers,
road, path, way, box, container, table, chair, bed, want, desire, wish,
method, doctrine, grouping, label tendancy, intention;
all, everything using prehensile organ, flat furniture, surface
religion; ex: highway 48, ex: chest, pocket, ex: hunger, sleepiness,
touch with hand for putting things on
communism, Taoism coathook greed
nena pona tonsi
anpa kili lukin mountain, bump, suwi
good, positive trans person, nonbinary,
under, beneath; edible plant; eye, look, see, protrusion, nose; sweet, cute,
quality; ex: useful, gender non-conforming,
shame, defeat, beat fruit, veggie read, watch; try ex: spike, button, nob, fragrant, innocent
soothing, easy, challenging not cisgender, etc
hook, hill, cyst

kiwen lupa pu namako

ante hole, trench, ni tan spice, herb, extra, garnish,
hard substance, ex: to interact with Toki
different, alter, divot, window, this; that, yonder Pona: the Language of from, because; additional, ornamental,
rock, wood, glass,
changed, other passageway; (demonstrative) Good (by Sonja Lang) origin, reason the cherry on top; ex:
ice, metal, hard plastic
ex: bagel hole paprika, the word "namako"

ko ma
awen semisolid, paste, powder, nimi sama taso kin
earth, ground,
stay, remain, sticky, fluffy, squishy; ex: name, word, similar, same, but, however;
place, location; also, in addition
protected; continue slug, sponge, halva, glue, sentence sibling, peer alone, only, sole
ex: country, city, campus
stuffing, clay, sand

kon noka tawa monsuta

esun mama leg, foot, organ seli
buy, sell, trade, unseen agent; air, towards, for, from spooky, scary,
parent, caretaker, of locomotion; fire, heat, cook,
swap, shop, market gas, essense, spirit, the perspective of; monster; ex: Mike
ancestor, familial ex: table legs, wheels, chemical reaction
meaning moving, motion Wazowski, arachnophobia
music stand, mobility aid

kule mani telo

ijo currency, large olin selo
color; sensory skin, bark, outer liquid water, fluid,
thing, something, quality: pitch, domesticated land respect, appreciate,
layer, protective changing shape
being, action flavor pallet, animals used for trade love, admire
barrier like a liquid
texture ex: goats, wampum, pennies

ike kulupu meli ona seme tenpo

bad, worsen, negative they, it, any third
group, community, woman(ish), what? which? situation, era, time,
quality; ex: too hard, person pronoun
society, plural system feminine who? duration, moment
oversimplified, useless

ilo toki
tool, instrument, kute mi open sewi talking, communicating,
machine, utensil; ex: AI, I, we, me, beginning, start, above, up, high, giving information,
ear; hear, listen activate, turn on
computer, plough, us, my, our divine, sacred, god language; ex: french,
engine, spoon scold, tell

insa lape mije pakala sijelo tomo

interior, contents, body, form,
sleep, rest, man(ish), damaged, mistake, home, house, room,
internal organ or component shape, material
break, hiatus masculine fuck up, break shelter, living space
ex: lungs, motherboard

jaki laso moku sike tu

yucky, dirty, pali
blueish, greenish, eat, consume, circle, round, cut, double,
filth, shit, sick, work, make
blueish purpleish food, nutrients cycle; yearly separated; two

person, being; ex: Marsha lawa moli palisa sin unpa
P Johnson, chief, head, mind, leader, stick, pole, rod, new, anew, again, to have sex with,
die, kill sex, erotic
Sonja Lang, control, guide, regulate long unflexible object young, fresh
worker, friend

len monsi pan sina uta

jelo woven, fabric, cloth,
back, ass, grain, starchy, you, y'all, mouth, oral opening,
yellowy colors clothing, cover,
space behind bread your, y'all's feeding organ
hide, hidden

mu pana utala lipamanka

jo lete animal noise; sinpin
hold, carry, bring; ex: woof, meow, emit, give, set
face, front, in front,
war, battle, fight, the creator of this resource
cold in motion; ex: vigorous practice,
have, own awoo, ribbit, plate
teach, throw foremost; wall
shattering, baa rigorous test taking

mun linja lipamanka

kala lili pilin sitelen walo the font for sitelen pona used
stars, moon, celestial
fish, swimming creature; body; ex: saturn, picture, movie, image, in this resource
small, young, emotion, feel, whiteish,
ex: whale, submarine, alpha centuri, the symbols; draw, write;
few touching, opinion light color Licenced under CC BY-SA 4.0
angler fish andromeda galaxy ex: semicolon;

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