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Mock Election Analysis

Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each party

Party Name: after party 900

Ticket (Name of presidential candidate and VP running mate):

Vic Alcantar for both

Strengths of the website:

The strengths is the 2 videos on foreign and domestic issues along with the topics written out

Weaknesses of the website: there isn't much pictures or colors it feels very blank

Views I agree with:

I agree with their views on their domestic issues with government, covid, and unemployment

Views I disagree with:

I disagree with their thesis statement because it talks about their company when all their
issues are worldwide issues

Based on what you know, elaborate as to whether you will vote for this party or not:
I don't think i will due to the fact that there website felt unfinished, and there statement didn't
aline with the issues they presented in their website

Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each party

Party Name: the tea party

Ticket (Name of presidential candidate and VP running mate): Mong Her

Strengths of the website: the website is very well put together and looks very professional

Weaknesses of the website: there website is put together very well and is easy to navigate so
i don't have any weaknesses to list

Views I agree with

I agree with their domestic issues; border issues

Views I disagree with:

I disagree with nothing i think all their issues that were presented made since and was well

Based on what you know, elaborate as to whether you will vote for this party or not:
I would vote for this party due to how they presented themselves anf their issues very well
along with their well made website

Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each party

Party Name: beach party blowout

Ticket (Name of presidential candidate and VP running mate): Brienna Chavez , Edwin Vega
Strengths of the website:
Rather than writing out all foreign and domestic problems they made each into videos which
look good

Weaknesses of the website:

They put our staff and our team which makes it a little confusing and had multiple people with
the same job

Views I agree with: i agree with the russia and ukraine issues that were presented

Views I disagree with: i disagree with how their website is so unorganized

Based on what you know, elaborate as to whether you will vote for this party or not:
I wouldn't vote due to their issues being kind of all over the place and not about single issues

Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each party

Party Name: the world party

Ticket (Name of presidential candidate and VP running mate): Anthony Tadeo, Jacqueline

Strengths of the website: its well organized

Weaknesses of the website: the home page is a little blank

Views I agree with: i agree with the inflation view

Views I disagree with: i don't disagree with anything all their views are good

Based on what you know, elaborate as to whether you will vote for this party or not: i would
vote for this party due to their views and issues being very clear and a well organized website

Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each party

Party Name: legislative ladies

Ticket (Name of presidential candidate and VP running mate): ntaile and no one putr any
other names excpt for pictures

Strengths of the website:

The website is well put tohhter
Weaknesses of the website: no names excpt for the preisdent

Views I agree with: healthcare issuies

Views I disagree with:climite change is not a forgin issue its a world isssue

Based on what you know, elaborate as to whether you will vote for this party or not: i would
not just due to lack of some inportant things

Mock Election Analysis

Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each party
Party Name: tax the rich party

Ticket (Name of presidential candidate and VP running mate): Creyton Vera, Cristobal

Strengths of the website: it looks pretty

Weaknesses of the website: their issues are very short paragraphs with not alot of information
and everything is on one page

Views I agree with: the unemployment domestic issue

Views I disagree with: the views i disagree with are foreign issue two because it is about
america not a foreign place

Based on what you know, elaborate as to whether you will vote for this party or not:
I wouldnt vote because thier issues all dont make snese

Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each party


Ticket (Name of presidential candidate and VP running mate):

Carlos Martinez, Eduardo Hernandez

Strengths of the website: the website blooks very clean and has many pictures and looks

Weaknesses of the website: only 2 members

Views I agree with: ALL domostic issues i agree with

Views I disagree with: 2 out of 3 forgine issises are talking about the US

Based on what you know, elaborate as to whether you will vote for this party or not:
I wouldnt because thier lack of knocklege to freogin issues

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