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1. Types of Clouds
2. Country passes from Equator, Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn
3. Types of Soils and Climate
4. Railway Zone
5. National Highway (Golden Quadrilateral), Waterway
6. Ocean Current
7. Tiger Reserve and Biosphere Reserve (Specific animal found in that area)
8. Atmospheric Layer
9. Planet before Asteroid belt and After.
10. Sea Ports and East and West flowing river.
11. Ganga & Indus and Brahmaputra Tributaries.
12. Lake, Basin & Straits
13. Koppean Climate System
14. Mountain Ranges
15. Ramsasr Sites
Link in Comment Section
NDA Self Selection Board CDS Self Selection Board
Koppen Classification
1.Cirrus clouds
● The long stringy cirrus clouds are called “mares tails”.
● Cirrus clouds are characterized by thin,wispy look to them. Almost like
strands of string in the sky.
● Many cirrus clouds produce a small amount of precipitation that are
suspended in the air and do no reach the ground.
2. Stratus Clouds
● Forms when convection currents at high altitudes mix to produce a cirrocumulus

● These are usually very large clouds that include droplets of super cooled water in
them, allowing ice crystals to form.

● Cirrus clouds are characterized by a thin, wispy look to them. Almost like strands of
string in the sky
3. Cumlus clouds
● These types of clouds never bring precipitation with them and have a thin,
whitish, veil-like structure (just like cirrus clouds).
● Sometimes these clouds are so big that you cannot tell them apart from
one another (they blend in).
● Can form a halo, which is a glowing look that surrounds a cloud when
sunlight hits the water vapor within the cloud.
● Cirrocumulus clouds usually do not last long and could carry small
amounts of precipitation along with them (mostly ice because it is very
cold at this altitude.
Cumulus clouds
Origin of River
S.No Rivers Origin Place Direction Join

1 Indus* Kailash Tibet North to West Arabian sea

2 Ganga Gangotri Uttarakhand North to East Bay of Bengal

3 Yamuna Yamunotri Uttarakhand North to East Bay of Bengal

4 Narmada* Amarkantak Madhya Predesh Central India to Arabian Sea


5 Krishna Mahabaleshwar Maharastra West to East Bay of Bengal

6 Tapti* Betul Madhya Predesh Central India to Arabian Sea

S.No Rivers Origin Place Direction Join

7 Cauvery Brahmagiri range Karnataka West to East Bay of Bengal

8 Sabarmati* Aravalli Range Rajasthan Central India Arabian sea

to West
9 Godavari Nasik hills Maharastra West to East Bay of Bengal

10 Periyar Cardomom hills Kerela East To West Arabian sea

11 Mahanadhi Sihawa Mountain Chhatisgarh Central India Bay of Bengal

to East

12 Brahmaputra Mansarover Tibet North to East Bay of Bengal

S.No Rivers Origin Place Direction Join

13 Vaigai Periyar Plateau Tamilnadu West to East Bay of Bengal

14 Chambal Vindhyas Madhya Central India Yamuna (Bay

Pradesh to North of Bengal)

15 Luni Pushkar Valley Rajasthan Central India Rann Kachchh

to West

(Note: * Indication represents only those rivers are mingle with Arabian Sea)
Ganga River System
The Ganga originates as Bhagirathi from the Gangotri
glacier near Gaumukh in Uttar Kashi District of
Uttarakhand at an elevation of 7,010 m.

Alaknanda River joins Bhagirathi at Devaprayag ( U.K )

From Devapryag the river is called as Ganga.

Length – 2525 KM
It flows through India and Bangladesh and then reaches
Bay Of Bengal ( Near Sagar Island)

The Ganga basin outspreads in India, Tibet (China),

Nepal and Bangladesh over an area of 10,86,000
The Ganga basin covers about 8.6 lakh sq. km area in
India alone.
The Ganga river mainly passes through the states of
Uttarakhand ,Uttar Pradesh ,Bihar , Jharkhand, and
West Bengal.

Then it goes across the Indian border into Bangladesh

where it merges with the Brahmaputra & Forms
largest delta of the world - Ganga–Brahmaputra Delta.
Major Tributaries of the Ganga River

Left Tributaries
1. Ramganga – Flows through Corbett National Park.
Bareilly city

2.Gomti - Lucknow, Lakhimpur Kheri , Jaunpur


Ayodhya, a city in Uttar Pradesh is situated on the

banks of the River Sarayu. It is a tributary of River
4. Gandak

5. Kosi - ‘Sorrow of Bihar’.

6. Mahananda
Right Tributaries

1.Yamuna ( Largest Tributary Of Ganga ) -

Chambal , Sind , Betwa , Ken , Tons ( Tributary
Of Yamuna)

2. Son
Farakka Barrage is the Easternmost Point Of Ganga in India ( W.B)

At Farraka, it bifurcates into

1) Bhagirathi-Hugli ( Distributary) in West Bengal -

Flow Into Bay Of Bengal

Note - Damodar river joins the Hugli River . Damodar River

Known As Sorrow Of Bengal. Damador Valley is Known as
“The Ruhr of India”.

2) Ganga in Bangladesh = Padma . Then Further Joins


Padma + Brahmaputra = Known as Meghna

Major Cities located on the river Ganga

1. Haridwar

2. Kanpur

3. Prayagraj

4. Varanasi - Also called Banaras or Kashi.

5. Patna

6. Rishikesh
Indus River System
It originates from Bokharchu Glacier in the
Tibetan region at an altitude of 4,164 m in
the Kailash Mountain range near the Mansarovar
Lake (Tibet)

Enters In India through Ladakh

Flows through Pakistan , then finally Discharges in

Arabian Sea

Flows approx. ( 709 / 2880 ) Km in India

Left and Right bank tributaries

Right-bank tributaries

Shyok River, Gilgit river, Hunza river, Swat

river, Kunnar river, Kurram river, Gomal River,
and Kabul river

Left-bank tributaries

Zaskar river, Suru river, Soan river, Jhelum

River, Chenab River, Ravi River, Beas river,
Satluj river, Panjnad river
Just above Mithankot, the Indus receives
from Panjnad (Panchnad), the
accumulated waters of the five eastern
tributaries—the Jhelum, the Chenab, the
Ravi, the Beas, and the Satluj.
Important tributaries

• Ancient name → Akshani / Iskmati

• Origin → Bara Lacha Pass (Himachal)

• Known as chandra-bhaga in Himachal

• Largest tributary of Indus

•Famous Projects → Duhasti, Baglihar &

Salal hydroelectric project
Ancient name → Vitasta

Origin → Verinag Spring (Kashmir)

Tributary of Chenab
Flows Northward to Wular Lake

Tulbul project
• Ancient name → Purushni

•Origin → Kullu hills near Rohtang

Pass (Himachal)
• Tributary of Chenab

• Smallest of 5 rivers
• Ancient name → Vipasha

•Origin → Beas kund near Rohtang

Pass, Himachal

• Tributary of Satluj
• Only river flowing entirely in India

• Meet Satluj near Harike (Punjab)

• Famous Project → Pong Dam

•Ancient name → Shatadru

•Origin → Rakas lake, Tibet, near Mansarovar

•Enter Himachal at Shipki La Pass

Sutluj •Collects water from Ravi, Chenab, Jhelum &

Beas to join Indus near Mithalkot (Pak)

•Famous Projects → Naptha Jhakri Project &

Bhakra Nagal Dam with Govind Sagar Reservoir
Indus Waters Treaty 1960

1) India got control over the

three eastern rivers, which are:


2) Pakistan got control over the

three western rivers, which are:

The treaty gives India 20% of the
water from the Indus River System
and the rest 80% to Pakistan.

The IWT was signed by the then

Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal
Nehru and the then Pakistani
President Ayub Khan ( World Bank )
Indian Cities on River Banks
Cuttack Mahanadi Odisha
Agra Yamuna Uttar Pradesh
Ahmedabad Sabarmati Gujarat
At the confluence of Ganga, Yamuna an
Allahabad Uttar Pradesh
d Saraswati
Ayodhya Sarayu Uttar Pradesh
Badrinath Alaknanda Uttarakhand
Brahmapur Rushikulya Odisha
Kannauj Ganges Uttar Pradesh
Amaravati Krishna Andhra Pradesh
Bhagalpur Ganges Bihar
Kolkata Hooghly West Bengal
Cuttack Mahanadi Odisha
New Delhi Yamuna Delhi
Dibrugarh Brahmaputra Assam
Ujjain Shipra Madhya Pradesh
Ferozpur Sutlej Punjab
Guwahati Brahmaputra Assam
Haridwar Ganges Uttarakhand
Hyderabad Musi Telangana
Murshidabad Hooghly West Bengal
Munger Ganges Bihar

Jabalpur Narmada Madhya Pradesh

Kanpur Ganga Uttar Pradesh

Kota Chambal Rajasthan

Jammu Tawi Jammu & Kashmir

Jaunpur Gomti Uttar Pradesh

Patna Ganges Bihar
Hajipur Ganges Bihar

Srinagar Jhelum Jammu & Kashmir

Surat Tapi Gujarat

Varanasi Ganga Uttar Pradesh
Vijayawada Krishna Andhra Pradesh
Vadodara Vishwamitri Gujarat
Mathura Yamuna Uttar Pradesh
Madurai Vaigai Tamil Nadu
Thiruchirapalli Kaveri Tamil Nadu
Chennai Cooum, Adyar Tamil Nadu
Etawah Yamuna Uttar Pradesh
Bangalore Vrishabhavathi Karnataka
Gwalior Chambal Madhya Pradesh
Gorakhpur Rapti Uttar Pradesh
Lucknow Gomti Uttar Pradesh
Gaya Falgu Bihar
Mirzapur Ganga Uttar Pradesh
Bharuch Narmada Gujarat

Pune Mula, Mutha Maharashtra

Nashik Godavari Maharashtra

Sambalpur Mahanadi Odisha

Rourkela Brahmani Odisha

Nellore Pennar Andhra Pradesh

Ludhiana Satluj Punjab

Coimbatore Noyyal Tamil Nadu

1. Which strait connects the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean?

(a) Bab-el-Mandeb

(b) Hormuz

(c) Bosphorus

(d) Malacca
Ans. (a)

Bab el-Mandeb Strait connects

the Red Sea to the Indian
2. Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched ?

(a) Gulf of Bothnia - France

(b) Baffi n bay - Argentina

(c) Gulf of Carpentaria - Canada

(d) Gulf of Tonkin - Vietnam

Ans. (d)

The Gulf of Bothnia is situated between Finland and Sweden

Baffin Bay is located between Canada and Greenland.

The Gulf of Carpentaria is a large, shallow sea enclosed on three

sides by Northern Australia

Gulf of Tonkin is located between Vietnam and China.

Thus (d) is correctly matched

3. The Persian Gulf does not form the border with

(a) Bahrain

(b) Iraq

(c) Kuwait

(d) Oman
Ans. (d)

Persian Gulf does not form border with Oman.

The countries sharing border with Persian Gulf

are - Iran, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia,
Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait and Iraq.
4. The Palk Bay lies between :

(a) Gulf of Kachch and Gulf of Khambhat

(b) Gulf of Mannar and Bay of Bengal

(c) Lakshadweep and Maldives Islands

(d) Andaman and Nicobar Islands

Ans. (b)

The Palk strait lies between Sri Lanka and

Tamil Nadu in India.

It connects the Bay of Bengal to the Gulf

of Mannar.

The strait is 64 to 137 km wide.

5. Strait of Dover connects

(a) The Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Bothnia

(b) The Bay of Biscay and the English Channel

(c) The English Channel and the North Sea

(d) The Celtic Sea and the Irish Sea

(c) The English Channel and the North Sea

6. Ten Degree Channel separates

(a) Andaman from Nicobar Islands

(b) Andaman from Myanmar

(c) India from Sri Lanka

(d) Lakshadweep from Maldives

(a) Andaman from Nicobar Islands

7. Through which one of the following straits does a tunnel
connect the United Kingdom and France ?

(a) Davis Strait

(b) Denmark Strait

(c) Strait of Dover

(d) Strait of Gibraltar

Ans. (c)

Dover Strait marks the boundary

between the English channel and the
North Sea.

Connect England and France.

8. Match the following:

A. Strait of Gibraltar i. Between Indonesia & Malaysia

B. Strait of Malacca ii. Between Gulf of Persia and Gulf of Oman

C. Strait of Bering iii. Between Africa and Europe

D. Strait of Hormuz iv. Between Asia and North America

(a) iv ii iii i
(b) iii iv i ii
(c) iii i iv ii
(d) iv iii ii i
Strait of Gibraltar – Strait of Malacca – Strait of Bering –
Between Africa and Between Indonesia and Between Asia and
Europe Malaysia North America
Ans. (c)
Strait of Hormuz –
Between Gulf of Persia
and Gulf of Oman
9. The strait connecting the Arctic and Pacific Oceans is

(a) Bering

(b) Torres

(c) Dover

(d) Malacca
Ans. (a)

Bering Strait separates Asia from

North America
10. Strait of Hormuz lies between

(a) Black Sea and Marmara Sea

(b) Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman

(c) Arabian Sea and Red Sea

(d) Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea

(b) Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman

The Strait of Hormuz is a located

between the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of
11. Which Strait separates Europe from Africa :

(a) Bosphorus

(b) Gibraltar

(c) Dover

(d) Bering
Ans. (b)

The Strait of Gibraltar separates Europe from


It connects the Atlantic Ocean to the

Mediterranean Sea.
12. Malacca Strait facilitates movement from

(a) Indian Ocean to China Sea

(b) Red Sea to Mediterranean Sea

(c) Atalantic Ocean to Pacific Ocean

(d) Mediterranean Sea to Black Sea

Ans. (a)

Strait of Malacca runs between Indonesia and

Malaysia. The Strait of Malacca connects
Indian ocean to Pacific Ocean.

Thus, Statement (A) is correct.

13. Kiel Canal connects

(a) North Sea-Baltic Sea

(b) Black Sea-Red Sea

(c) Baltic Sea-Red Sea

(d) North Sea- Black Sea

Ans. (a)

The Kiel Canal connects the North Sea to

the Baltic Sea.

Located in Germany, Kiel Canal is the

busiest artifi cial waterway of the world.
14. Soo Canal connects

(a) Turan & Ontario

(b) Bengal & Tripura

(c) Superior & Michigan

(d) Superior & Huron

Ans. (d)

Soo Canal connects two of the five great lakes of North America-Superior and
15. Panama Canal Connects

(a) North America and South America

(b) Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean

(c) Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea

(d) Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean

Ans. (b)

The Panama Canal is a major ship canal of Central America.

It was constructed by cutting across the Isthmus of Panama.

It connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.

16. The port pair located at both ends of the Suez Canal is:

(a) Cairo & Alexandria

(b) Suez & Cairo

(c) Cairo & Port Said

(d) Port Said & Suez

(d) Port Said & Suez

This canal connects the Mediterranean

Sea and the Red Sea
17. In the Suez canal region, the correct order of lakes lying
from North to South direction is :

(a) Lake Timsah-Little Bitter Lake - Great Bitter Lake - Lake Manzala

(b) Great Bitter Lake - Little Bitter lake - lake Timsah - Lake Manzala

(c) Lake Manzala - Great Bitter lake - Little Bitter Lake - Lake Timsah

(d) Lake Manzala - Lake Timsah - Great Bitter Lake - Little Bitter Lake
(d) Lake Manzala - Lake Timsah - Great
Bitter Lake - Little Bitter Lake
18. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :

Canal Connects

A. Kiel 1. Mediterranean sea & Red sea.

B. Soo 2. Elbe estuary & Baltic sea
C. Panama 3. Atlantic ocean & Pacific ocean
D. Suez 4. Lake superior & lake Huron


(a) 2 4 3 1
(b) 1 2 3 4
(c) 4 3 2 1
(d) 3 2 1 4
Ans. (a)

Kiel - Elbe Estuary and Baltic sea

Soo Lake - Superior and Lake Huron.

Panama - Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean

Suez - Mediterranean sea and Red sea.

19. Which of the following is the narrowest strait of the world?

A) Strait of Malacca

B) Strait of Morocco

C) Bosphorus Strait

D) Foveaux Strait

C) Bosphorus Strait
20. Kerch strait is located between ?

A) Sea of Azov and the Black Sea

B) Java sea and Indian Oceans

C) Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden

D) Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean

A) Sea of Azov and the Black Sea

National Waterways in India
1) National Waterways 1 or NW1

2) National Waterways 2

3) National waterways 3 or the West Coast Canal

4) National Waterway 4

5) National Waterway 5

6) National waterway 6
1) National Waterways 1 or NW1
It starts from Allahabad (Prayagraj) to Haldia .

It is be the longest National Waterways in India.

Location - Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, West


Established – 1986

Length – 1620 KM

River System - Ganga-Bhagirathi-Hooghly

2) National Waterways 2

It is a stretch on the Brahmaputra river from Sadiya to Dhubri

Location - Assam

Established – 1988

Length – 891 KM

River System - Brahmaputra

3) National waterways 3 or the West Coast Canal

It is located in Kerala state and runs from Kollam to


Location - Kerala

Established – 1993

Length – 205 KM

West Coast Canal, Champakara Canal, and

Udyogamandal Canal
4) National Waterway 4

It is connected from Kakinada to Pondicherry.

Location - Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and Puducherry

Established – 2008

Length – 1095 KM

River System - Krishna and Godavari

5) National Waterway 5
It connects Orissa to West Bengal.

Location - West Bengal and Orissa.

Established – 2008

Length – 623 KM

River System - Brahmani River, East Coast Canal,

Matai river, and Mahanadi River Delta.
6) National waterway 6
It is the proposed waterway in Assam state and will connect Lakhipur to Bhanga

Location - Assam

Established – Proposed.

Length – 121 km

River System - Barak

Lengthwise → 1 > 4 > 2 > 5 > 3 > 6
Important lakes of India.

Kolleru Lake – Andhra Pradesh

Located between Krishna and

Godavari delta.

Ramsar Site
Sambhar Lake – Rajasthan

India’s largest Inland Salt lake.

Pushkar Lake – Rajasthan

Located in the town of Pushkar in the Ajmer

district of Rajasthan.

Pushkar Lake is a sacred lake of the Hindus.

Lonar Lake- Maharashtra

The Lonar lake was formed 50,000 years ago

after a meteorite hit the Earth.

Recently, the color of Lonar lake turned pink

overnight due to the presence of algae.

Nalsarover Lake - Gujarat

Pulicat Lake

It lies on the border of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil


The large spindle-shaped barrier island named

Sriharikota separates the lake from the Bay of

The Island is home to the Satish Dhawan Space

Loktak Lake –Manipur

The largest freshwater lake in North-East India

Keibul Lamjao the only floating national park

in the world floats over it

Famous - Sangai or Manipur brow-antlered

deer ( State Animal)

Ramsar Site.
Sasthamcotta Lake – Kerala

The purity of the lake water for drinking use is

attributed to the presence of a large
population of larvae called cavaborus that
consumes bacteria in the lake water

Ramsar Site
Chilka Lake – Odisha

Largest Lake Of India / Largest saltwater


It is the largest coastal lagoon in India and the

second-largest lagoon in the world.

Marovo Lagoon - Largest lagoon in the world

(Solomon Islands )

Chilika Lake is the largest wintering ground for

migratory birds, on the Indian subcontinent.
Vembanad Lake –Kerala

The longest Lake Of India ( Length – 92 KM)

The Nehru Trophy Boat Race is conducted in a

portion of the lake.
Dal Lake – Jammu Kashmir

Dal Lake is a lake in Srinagar that is integral to

tourism and known as the “Jewel in the crown
of Kashmir” or “Srinagar’s Jewel”.

Asia’s largest Tulip garden is on the banks of

Dal Lake.

Mughal gardens, Shalimar Bagh, and the

Nishat Bagh are on the banks of Dal Lake.
Nainital Lake – Uttarakhand

Situated in the Nainital district called the Lake

District of India.

Bhimtal Lake – Uttarakhand

Barapani Lake- Meghalaya

Salim Ali Lake – Maharashtra

Salim Ali and also known as the birdman of


Tsomgo Lake – Sikkim

Tsongmo Lake or Changu Lake is a glacial lake

in East Sikkim.
Periyar Lake –Kerala

Periyar Lake is formed by the construction of the

dam across the Mullaperiyar River in 1895.

The notable elephant reserve and tiger reserve,

Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary is located on the banks of
Periyar lake.
Hussain Sagar Lake – Telengana

The lake is in Hyderabad, built by Hazrat Hussain

Shah Wali in 1562, during the rule of Ibrahim Quli
Qutub Shah.

Connects the twin cities of Hyderabad and


A major attraction at the Hussain Sagar is the 16

meters high, 350 tonnes monolithic Buddha statue
on the ‘Rock of Gibraltar’ installed at the lake’s
Kanwar Lake- Bihar

The KanwarTaal or KabarTaal Lake is Asia’s

largest freshwater oxbow lake.

Nakki Lake – Rajasthan

‘Nakki Lake is situated in the Indian hill station

of Mount Abu in the Aravalli range.

Mahatma Gandhi’s ashes were immersed in this

Holy Lake on 12 February 1948 and Gandhi Ghat
was constructed
Bhojtal Lake - Madhya Pradesh

Wular Lake – Jammu Kashmir

Largest Freshwater Lake in India.

Lake Basin was formed as a result of tectonic

activity and is fed by the Jhelum River.

Ashtamudi Lake - Kerala

Ramsar Site
Pangong Tso Lake
It is a transborder lake spanning across eastern
Ladakh and western Tibet.

135 km long, of which more than two-thirds is under

Chinese control.

Brakish Water Lake

It is an endorheic lake ( Means No Ouflow to other

external bodies of water)
Largest Lake Of The World – Caspian Sea
Largest freshwater lake by surface area - Lake Superior

North America
Largest freshwater lake by Volume - Lake Baikal

World’s Deepest Lake

Highest Lake

The world’s highest lake crater lake of Ojos del

Salado, at 6,390 metres.

It is in Andes.
Lowest Lake

The world’s lowest lake is the Dead Sea,

bordering Israel and Jordan at 418 metres
below sea level.

It is also one of the lakes with highest salt

Highest Commercially Navigable Lake

The world’s highest commercially navigable

lake is Lake Titicaca in Peru and Bolivia
border at 3,812 m.

It is also the largest lake in South America.

Highest lake in India

Cholamu lake is the highest lake in India

with a height of 17, 487 feet and is located
from Sikkim in India.
India’s largest Man-Made lake.

Gobind Vallabh Pant Sagar (Rihand Dam)

is India’s largest man-made lake.

1. Which one of the following geographical regions is the
oldest in the country?

(a) Himalayan Mountainous Region

(b) Great Plains of North India

(c) Indian Peninsular Plateau

(d) Eastern Coastal Plains (c) Indian Peninsular Plateau

2. In which state is the Nelang Valley located?

(a) Himachal Pradesh

(b) Sikkim Ans. (d) Nelang Valley falls under the

Gangotri National Park in Uttarkashi
(c) Jammu and Kashmir district of Uttarakhand.

(d) Uttarakhand
3. The Kullu Valley is situated between the
mountain ranges of :

(a) Dhauladhar and Pir Panjal

(b) Ranjoti and Nagtibba

(c) Ladakh and Pir Panjal Ans. (a)

Kullu Valley is situated in

(d) Middle Himalayas and Siwalik Himachal Pradesh. It is located
between Dhauladhar and Pir
Panjal Ranges.
4. Match List-I (Valley) with List-II (State) and select the correct answer using
the code given below the lists : List I (Valley) List II (State)

A. Markha Valley 1. Sikkim

B. Dzukou Valley 2. Himachal Pradesh
(a) 2 4 3 1
C. Sangla Valley 3. Jammu and Kashmir (b) 3 1 2 4
(c) 2 1 3 4
D. Yumthang Valley 4. Nagaland (d) 3 4 2 1

(d) 3 4 2 1
5. In which State 'Silent Valley' is located in India?

(a) Tamil Nadu

(b) Kerala
(b) Kerala
(c) Karnataka

(d) Assam
6. Which one of the following is not correctly matched?

(a) Chang La - Jammu and Kashmir

(b) Rohtang - Himachal Pradesh

Ans. (d)
(c) Bomdi la - Arunachal Pradesh
Chang La – Jammu and Kashmir
Rohtang – Himachal Pradesh
(d) Se La - Uttarakhand Bomdi La – Arunachal Pradesh
Se La – Arunachal Pradesh
7. Palghat is situated between :

(a) The Nilgiris and the Cardamom Hills

(b) The Nilgiris and the Annamalai Hills

(c) The Annamalai Hills and the Cardamom Hills

(d) The Cardamom Hills and Palani Hills

Ans. (b) Palghat Pass is located between the

Nilgiri Hills to the north and Anaimalai Hills to
the south. It is located in Kerala.
8. Which of the following is not correctly matched :

(a) Bomdi-la Pass - Arunachal Pradesh

(b) Nathu-la Pass - Sikkim

(c) Bhorghat Pass - Himachal Pradesh

(d) Palghat - Kerala

Ans. (c) Bhorghat is located in Maharashtra
which connects Mumbai and Pune.
9. Which of the following is NOT a pass in the Western Ghats
Mountain ranges?

(a) Thal Ghat

(b) Bhor Ghat

(c) Khyber Pass

(d) Palghat

(c) Khyber Pass

10. Which one of the following is not correctly matched:

(a) Shipki La - Himachal Pradesh

(b) Lipu Lekh – Uttar Pradesh

(c) Nathu La – Sikkim Ans. (b) Lipulekh Pass is located on India-

China border in Uttarakhand not in Uttar
(d) Zojila - Kashmir Pradesh.
11. Which of the following river valleys is most important in
respect of coal reserves of the Gondwana period?

(a) The Son river valley

(b) Mahanadi river valley Ans. (c) The Damodar river valley along
the Jharkhand-West Bengal border includes
India's most important coal and micamining
(c) Damodar river valley fi elds and has long been an area of active
industrial development
(d) Godavari river valley
12. Which of the following Passes lead to Leh?

(a) Zozila

(b) Shipki La

(c) Chumbi Valley

(d) Banihal

Ans. (a) Zozila Pass is a high mountain pass in Ladakh

13. Which one of the following passes is located in Uttarakhand ?

(a) Jelapa

(b) Lipulekh
(b) Lipulekh
(c) Nathula

(d) Shipki
14. Mana Pass is located in

(a) Uttar Pradesh

Ans. (b) Mana Pass is located in the
(b) Uttarakhand Himalayan Region between India and
(c) Jammu-Kashmir It is located in Nanda Devi Biosphere
Reserve, Uttarakhand
(d) Himachal Pradesh
15. Which of the following option represents correct order
of mountain Passes from west to east

I. Shipki La II. Nathu La III. Bomdi- La IV. Lipulekh

(a) I, II, III, IV

Shipki La (Himachal Pradesh), Lipulekh
(b) II, III, IV, I (Uttarakhand), Nathu La (Sikkim) and Bomdi-
La (Arunachal Pradesh).
(c) I, IV, II, III

(d) III, II, I, IV

(c) I, IV, II, III
16. Meghalaya plateau is the part of

(a)Himalayan Range

(b) Peninsular Plateau

(b) Peninsular Plateau
(c) Mountains of Eastern Ghats

(d) Satpura Range

17. Which plateau lies between the Aravalli and the
Vindhya ranges

(a) Malwa Plateau

(b) Chotanagpur Plateau

(c) Deccan Plateau

(d) Peninsular Plateau

(a) Malwa Plateau
18. Dandakaranya lies in

(a) Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand

(b) Chhattisgarh and Orissa

(c) Jharkhand and Orissa

(d) Andhra Pradesh and Jharkhand

(b) Chhattisgarh and Orissa

Important National Highways in India
NH - 44
1. NH 44 (old NH 7) 3,745 KM Srinagar to Kanyakumari
2. NH 27 3,507 KM Porbandar in Gujarat to Silchar in Assam
3. NH 48 (old NH 8) 2,807 KM Delhi to Chennai
4. NH 52 2,317 KM Sangrur, Punjab to Ankola, Karnataka
5. NH 30 (Old NH 221) 2,040 KM Sitarganj in Uttarakhand to Ibrahimpatnam in Andhra Pradesh.
6 NH 6 1,873 KM Jorabat in Meghalaya and terminates at Selling in Mizoram
7 NH 53 1,781 KM Hajira in Gujarat and Pradip port in Odisha.
8 NH 16 (Old NH 5) 1,711 KM East coast of West Bengal to Chennai in Tamil Nadu.
9 NH 66 (Old NH 17) 1,622 Panvel and terminates at Kanyakumari
10 NH 19 (Old NH 20) 1,435 Delhi to Kolkata
11 NH 34 1,426 KM Gangotri Dham in Uttarakhand to Lakhnadon in Madhya Pradesh
1. Which one of the following is the youngest mountain range
of India?

(a) Himadri Range

(b) Aravalli Range

Ans. (a) The Himadri Range is an example of
(c) Western Ghat the new fold mountain and is the youngest
mountain range in India among the above
mentioned options.
(d) Vindhya Range
Aravalli range is the oldest mountain range in
2. In which part of Himalayas is 'Karewa' landform found?

(a) North-East Himalaya

(b) Eastern Himalaya

(c) Himachal-Uttarakhand Himalaya

(d) Kashmir Himalaya

(d) Kashmir Himalaya
In Kashmir Himalayas, landform found is known as 'Karewa'.

A succession of plateaus is present above the plains of Jhelum and its tributaries.

The Karewa deposits contain sand, clay, silt, mud, lignite, and gravel

These plateau like terraces are called 'Karewas' or 'Vuhr' in the local language.

Mainly Present in Pir Panjal Range .

Karewa soils are suitable for saffron cultivation

3 . The flat plains along the sub-Himalayan region in North
India, are called


(b) Doon Ans. (d) The flat plains along the sub-
Himalayan region in North India, are called
(c) Khadar Bhabar.

It is a narrow belt only 8 to 16 kms in width

(d) Bhabar
and lying parallel to the Shiwalik foothills at
the break-up of the slope.
4. Which of the following is the correct order of the Himalayan
Ranges from south to north in the western section ?

(a) Great Himalaya-Lesser Himalaya-Shiwalik

(b) Shiwalik-Lesser Himalaya Great Himalaya

(c) Lesser Himalaya-Great Himalaya-Shiwalik

(d) Shiwalik-Great Himalaya- Lesser Himalaya

(b) Shiwalik-Lesser Himalaya - Great Himalaya

5. Which of the following rock systems in India is the latest one ?

(a) Vindhyan

(b) Cuddapah

(c) Dharwar

(d) Gondwana

Ans. (d) Gondwana Rock System is the latest rock system in India.
Gondwana rocks contain nearly 99% of India's coal reserves.
6. Consider the following relief features

1. Zaskar Range 2. Dhauladhar Range 3. Ladakh Range 4. Karakoram Range

The correct south to the northward sequence of the above relief features is

(a) 2, 1, 3, 4

(b) 2, 3, 4, 1

(c) 4, 3, 2, 1

(d) 4, 2, 1, 3

(a) 2, 1, 3, 4
7. The Himalayan Mountain Ranges are not a part of which
of the following states?

(a) Uttarakhand
Ans. (b) The Indian Himalayan Region spreads
(b) Uttar Pradesh across 9 states namely, Himachal Pradesh,
Uttarakhand, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh,
(c) Sikkim Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram,
Tripura & 2 UTs - Jammu and Kashmir and
Ladakh and hill regions of 2 states viz. Assam
(d) Himachal Pradesh and West Bengal.
8. The foothills region of Himalayas is

(a) Trans-Himalayas

(b) Shiwalik
Ans. (b)
(c) Great Himalayas
The foothills region of the Himalaya is
called Shiwalik.
(d) Aravali
These are the outer most range of the
Himalayas .
9. The Kumaon Himalaya is situated between which of the rivers?

(a)Indus and Satluj

Ans. (c)
(b) Kali and Tista

(c) Satluj and Kali

(d) Tista and Brahmputra

10. The Lesser Himalaya is located between

(a) Trans Himalaya and Great Himalaya

(b) Shiwalik and Great Himalaya

(c) Trans Himalaya and Shiwalik

(d) Shiwaliks and Outer Himalaya

Ans. (b)

The Himalayan Range consists of parallel mountain


It includes Great Himalayas, Trans Himalayan range,

Middle Himalaya and the Shiwalik.

The mountain range which runs parallel between the

Shiwalik in the south and the Great Himalayas in the
north is classified as the Middle Himalayas,
sometimes also called Lesser Himalaya or Himachal
or Lower Himalayas
11. Which one of the following groups is the correct
sequence of mountain peaks from east to west?

(a) Everest, Kanchenjunga, Annapurna, Dhaulagiri

(b) Kanchenjunga, Everest, Annapurna, Dhaulagiri

(c) Kanchenjunga, Dhaulagiri, Annapurna, Everest

(d) Everest, Kanchenjunga, Dhaulagiri, Annapurna

Kanchenjunga, Everest, Annapurna, Dhaulagiri
12. Which one of the following states does not lie along
Patkai hills?

(a)Nagaland Ans. (b)

The Patkai hills are situated on India's

(b) Tripura north-eastern border with Myanmar.

(c) Manipur The Indian states along Patkai hills are

Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram
and Nagaland. Tripura does not lie along
(d) Mizoram
Patkai hills. Mizo hills stretch through
Mizoram and Tripura.
13. Identify the correct west to east sequence of the following
Hilly Castes?

(a) Khasi-Garo-Naga-Jaintia

(b) Naga-Jaintia-Khasi-Garo

(c) Garo-Khasi-Jaintia-Naga

(d) Jaintia-Naga-Garo-Khasi

Cherrapunji is a sub-divisional
town in the East Khasi Hills
district of Meghalaya.
14. Between which two mountain ranges is the Valley of Kashmir situated?

(a) Ladakh and Zanskar

(b) Great Himalayas and Pir Panjal

(c) Great Himalayas and Zanskar

(d) Karakoram and Ladakh

Ans. (b) The Kashmir Valley is bounded on the southwest by Pir

Panjal Range and on the north-east by Great Himalayan (Himadri)
15. Which of the following is a part of Aksai Chin region:

(a) Karakoram Range

(b) Shiwalik Range

(c) Kashmir Valley

Ans. (d)

(d) Ladakh Plateau Aksai Chin is spread over about 3800

square kilometers in Ladakh region. It is
an Indian territory under the occupation
of China
16. Which of the following is the highest peak in South India?

(a) Anaimudi

(b) Dodabetta

(c) Amarkantak Ans. (a)

Anaimudi is the highest peak of Southern

(d) Mahendragiri India and a part of the Western Ghats
mountains, having an elevation of 2,695
18. Which one of the following is the correct sequence of the
hills of Central India located from West to East ?

(a) Maikal, Satpura, Mahadeo and Chhotanagpur

(b) Satpura, Mahadeo, Maikal and Chhotanagpur

(c) Maikal, Mahadeo, Satpura and Chhotanagpur

(d) Satpura, Mahadeo, Chhotanagpur and Maikal

(b) Satpura, Mahadeo, Maikal and Chhotanagpur

17. Match List-I and List-II and select the correct answer using the codes
given below the list : List-I List-II States Highest Peak

A. Kerala 1. Dodda Betta

B. Nagaland 2. Nanda Devi

C. Uttarakhand 3. Anaimudi

D. Tamil Nadu 4. Saramati

Ans. (c)

ABCD Kerala – Anaimudi

(a) 1 3 4 2 Nagaland – Saramati
(b) 2 3 4 1 Uttarakhand – Nanda Devi
(c) 3 4 2 1 Tamil Nadu – Doda Betta
(d) 1 2 3 4
19. Which one of the following is the correct sequence of the given hills
starting from the north and going towards the south?

(a) Nallamalai Hills – Nilgiri Hills – Javadi Hills – Anaimalai Hills

(b) Anaimalai Hills – Javadi Hills –Nilgiri Hills – Nallamalai Hills

(c) Nallamalai Hills – Javadi Hills –Nilgiri Hills – Anaimalai Hills

(d) Anaimalai Hills – Nilgiri Hills – Javadi Hills – Nallamalai Hills

Nallamalai Hills – Javadi Hills –
Nilgiri Hills – Anaimalai Hills
20. At which of the following hills the Eastern Ghats join the
Western Ghats?

(a) Palni Hills

(b) Anaimudi Hills

(c) Nilgiri Hills

(d) Shevaroy Hills

(c) Nilgiri Hills
21. Doda Betta Peak is situated in :

(a) The Anaimalai Hills

(b) The Nilgiri Hills

(c) The Vindhya Range

(d) The Satpura Range

(b) The Nilgiri Hills

22. Which one of the following mountain ranges is spread
over only one state in India?

(a) Aravalli

(b) Satpura

(c) Ajanta
Ans. (c) Ajanta Range : Ajanta Range is
(d) Sahyadri located in Maharashtra. It is a mountain range
that is spread over only one state. Others are
expanded to more than one state
23. Cardamom Hills lie along the border of the states of

(a) Karnataka and Tamil Nadu

(b) Karnataka and Kerala

(c) Kerala and Tamil Nadu Ans. (c) The Cardamom Hills are southern
hills of India and part of the southern
(d) Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh Western Ghats located in south east
Kerala and south west Tamil Nadu in
South India.

The southernmost range of India is

24. Where are Shevaroy Hills located ?

(a) Andhra Pradesh

(b) Karnataka

(c) Kerala

(d) Tamil Nadu

Ans. (d) Shevaroy Hills are located

in the Salem town of Tamil Nadu
25. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

(a) Garhjat Hills : Orissa

(b) Mandav Hills : Maharashtra

(c) Nallamalai Hills : Andhra Pradesh

(d) Shevaroy Hills : Tamil Nadu

Ans. (b) Mandav Hills are located in MP

Ramsar Sites In India
World Wetlands Day – 2nd Feb 1971

Theme for 2023: ‘Wetland Restoration’

Convention on Wetlands on 2nd February 1971 in

the Iranian city of Ramsar.

India –75
Gujarat - 4

Thol Lake Wildlife Sanctuary

Wadhvana Wetland

Nalsarovar Bird sanctuary

Khijadia Bird Sanctuary

Madhya Pradesh - 4

Bhoj Wetlands

Sirpur wetland

Yashwant Sagar

Sakhya Sagar
Odisha - 6

Bhitarkanika Mangroves

Chilika Lake
Satkosia Gorge

Tampara Lake

Hirakud Reservoir

Ansupa Lake
Beas Conservation Reserve Punjab - 6
Ropar Wetland

Nangal Wildlife Sanctuary

Harike Wetlands Confluence of the Beas and Sutlej rivers.

Kanjli Wetland

Keshopur-Miani Community
Jammu & Kashmir - 5

Wular lake Largest freshwater lake in India.

Hokera Wetland

Surinsar- Mansar lakes

Hygam Wetland Conservation Reserve

Shallbugh Wetland Conservation Reserve

Nawabganj Bird Sanctuary It was renamed as Chandra
Shekhar Azad Bird
Sanctuary in 2015
Parvati Agra Bird Sanctuary

Uttar Pradesh - 10
Saman Bird Sanctuary
Samaspur Bird Sanctuary

Upper Ganga river

Sur Sarovar
Sandi Bird Sanctuary

Sarsai Nawar Jheel

Haiderpur Wetland

Bakhira Wildlife Sanctuary

Ladakh - 2


Tso Kar Wetland Complex

Rajasthan - 2

Sambhar lake

Keoladeo National Park

Formerly known as the Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary

Siberian crane.
West Bengal - 2

Area Under Ramsar Sites (km2) - Max

East Kolkata Wetlands

Sunderban Wetland

Largest Ramsar Sites in India

Haryana - 2

Sultanpur National Park

Bhindawas Wildlife Sanctuary

Tamil Nadu - 14

Point Calimere Wildlife and Bird Sanctuary

Max. Ramsar Sites

Karikili Bird Sanctuary

Pallikaranai Marsh Reserve Forest

Pichavaram Mangrove
Koonthankulam Bird Sanctuary

Gulf of Mannar Marine Biosphere Reserve

Vembannur Wetland Complex

Vellode Bird Sanctuary

Vedanthangal Bird Sanctuary

Udhayamarthandapuram Bird Sanctuary

Chitrangudi Bird Sanctuary

Suchindram Theroor Wetland Complex

Vaduvur Bird Sanctuary

Kanjirankulam Bird Sanctuary

Manipur - 1

Loktak lake

Largest freshwater lake in the north-eastern region

of the country

Keibul Lamjao the only floating national park in the

world floats over it.
Andhra Pradesh - 1

Kolleru lake

Situated between the river basins of

the Godavari and the Krishna in Andhra Pradesh.
Tripura - 1

Rudrasagar Lake
Bihar - 1

Kanwar Lake or Kabal Taal

Uttarakhand - 1

Asan Barrage
Karnataka - 1

Ranganathituu BS
Assam - 1

Deepor Beel
Mizoram - 1

Pala Wetlands
Goa - 1

Nanda Lake
Kerala - 3

Vembanad Kol
It is also the longest lake in India.

Sasthamkotta lake

Ashtamudi Wetland
Himachal Pradesh - 3

Pong Dam lake It is also known as Maharana Pratap Sagar.

Renuka lake Smallest Ramsar Sites in India

Chandra Taal
Maharashtra - 3

Nandur Madhameshwar

Lonar Lake

Created by the impact of a meteor

Thane Creek
Koeppen’s Classification

Climatic Regions of India

Koeppen’s Classification - Climatic Regions of India

1) E (Polar Type)

Higher portions of Jammu and Kashmir

and Himachal Pradesh, where the hottest
month's temperature ranges from 0° to
10° C.

2) Et (Tundra Type)

Uttarakhand's mountainous terrain. The

average temperature ranges from 0 to 10
degrees Celsius.
3) Dfc (Cold, Humid winters type with
shorter summer) – Dafla Hills ( Trick )

Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, and portions of


4) Cwg (Monsoon type with dry winters)

Most of the Ganga Plain, eastern Rajasthan,

Assam, and the Malwa Plateau are affected.
5) BWhw (Hot desert type)

The majority of western Rajasthan

6) BShw (Semi-arid Steppe type)

Some rain shadow portions of the

Western Ghats, a considerable portion of
Rajasthan, and adjoining areas of
Haryana and Gujarat
7) Aw (Tropical Savanna type)

Most of the peninsular plateau, with the

exception of the Coromandel and Malabar
coastal regions.

8) As (Monsoon type with dry season

in high sun period) – Andhra Side

Coromandel coast - Coastal Tamil Nadu and

bordering Andhra Pradesh regions
9) Amw (Monsoon type with short dry
winter season) – Aaja Masti Kare
Western Ghats Mai

South of Mumbai, on the western shore.

1) As per Koppen's classification of climate, which one of the following
is the suitable description of North-East India including North Bengal?
(Utarakhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2016 )

(a) Tropical monsoon rainforest (Amw)

(b) Sub-tropical monsoon rainforest (Am)

(c) Tropical wet and dry climate (Monsoon Savannah) (Aw)

(d) Humid sub-tropical climate with dry winter (Cwg)

Ans. (d)

As per Koppen's classification of Climate,

Humid subtropical climate with dry winter
(Cwg) is the most suitable description for
North-East India including North Bengal,
Ganga Plain etc.
2) Which one of the following climatic types (Köppen's
Scheme) is best suited to describe the climate of the western
fringe of Rajasthan? (UPSC CAPF 2016 )

a) Amw

b) Aw

c) Bwhw
c) Bwhw
d) Cwg
3) According to Koppen's climatic classifi cation, the climate of North
Bihar may be explained as: (63rd B.P.C.S. (Pre) 2017 )

(a) Cwg

(b) Aw
(a) Cwg
(c) CA'w

(d) CB'w

(e) None of the above / More than one of the above

4) According to Koppen's climatic classifications of India, Great
Northern Plains are represented by (UPSC CAPF 2020 )

a) Cwg Climate

b) Aw Climate

c) Amw Climate

d) As Climate
a) Cwg Climate
1. Which of the following is not the left tributaries of
Indus River ?

A. Jhelum

B. Chenab

C. Satluj

D. Shyok D. Shyok
2. 'Moribund Delta' is a subdivision of which of the
following Delta ?

(a) Krishna-Godawari Delta

(b) Mahanadi Delta

(c) Bengal Delta

(d) Cauvery Delta (c) Bengal Delta

3. River Ganga, after entering Bangladesh is known by
which of the following names ?

(a) Lohit
Ans. (b)
(b) Padma
After entering Bangladesh, the
main branch of the Ganges is
(c) Kaliganga known as 'Padma'.

(d) Nabaganga
4. India and Asia's first Dolphin Research Centre -
NDRC is being set up on the banks of the Ganga river

Ans. (b) India's and Asia's first Dolphin
(b) Patna Research Centre (NRDC) is being set up on the
banks of the Ganga river at Patna

(c) Varanasi

(d) Bhagalpur
5. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by using codes given below:

List-I List-II (Place) (Confluence of Rivers)

A. Rudraprayag 1. Bhagirathi - Alaknanda

B. Nandprayag 2. Mandakini - Alaknanda
C. Karnaprayag 3. Alaknanda - Pindar
D. Devprayag 4. Alaknanda - Nandakini


(a) 1 3 2 4
(b) 2 4 3 1 (b) 2 4 3 1
(c) 3 2 4 1
(d) 4 1 3 2
6. Identify the only tributary of River Ganges which
rises in the plains.

(a) Son
Ans. (c)
(b) Sharda or Saryu
The Gomti river originates from Gomat Taal
which was formally known as Fulhaar Lake,
(c) Gomti near Pilibhit district in Uttar Pradesh. It is the
only tributary of River Ganges which rises in
(d) Ram Ganga the plains.
7. Assertion (A) :

Yamuna becomes a dead river between Delhi and Agra most of the year.

Reason (B) :

Yamuna is a non-perennial river.

Select the correct answer from the code given below:

(a) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Ans. (c)

The Yamuna becomes a dead river between

Delhi and Agra most of the year because of
domestic discharge and industrial waste in
Delhi, Ghaziabad, Mathura, Agra.

So Assertion (A) is correct while Yamuna River

is a perennial river, so Reason (R) is false.
8. The river Yamuna originates from

(a) Chaukhamba

(b) Bandar Poonch Ans. (b) The Yamuna

originates from Yamunotri
(c) Nanda Devi Glacier near Banderpunch
(d) Neelkanth
9. Consider the following tributaries of River Yamuna and
arrange them from West to East

1. Betwa
2. Ken
3. Sindh
4. Chambal

Select the correct answer from the codes given below.

(a) 4, 3, 1 and 2
(b) 1, 2, 3 and 4 Ans. (a) The tributaries of the Yamuna flowing from
(c) 3, 2, 1 and 4 west to east are - Chambal - Sindh - Betwa - Ken.
(d) 2, 3, 1 and 4
10. Which river among the following does not join
the Ganga river from left?

(a) Gomati

(b) Ghaghra

(c) Kosi

(d) Son
(d) Son
11. The Brahmaputra, Irrawaddy and Mekong Rivers originate in Tibet narrow
and flow in parallel mountain ranges in their upper reaches. Of these rivers,
Brahmaputra makes a “U” turn in its course to flow into India. This “U” turn is
due to ?

(a) Uplift of folded Himalayan ranges.

(b) Syntaxial bending of geologically young Himalayas.

(c) Geo-tectonic disturbance in the tertiary folded mountain chains.

(d) Both (a) and (b) above.

Ans. (b)

The Himalayan mountain on their western and eastern extremities

are sharply bend southward in deep knee-bend flexures that are
called syntaxial bends.

Almost hairpin bend occures on the eastern limit of Arunachal

Pradesh, where the mountain changes sharply from the easterly to
southerly trend
12. Near Mansarowar lake in Tibet, there is the
source of the river

(a) Brahmaputra
Ans. (d) The source of river
(b) Satluj Brahmaputra, Indus, and Sutlej,
is near Mansarovar Lake in
(c) Indus

(d) All the above

13. Consider the following rivers :

1. Barak 2. Lohit 3. Subansiri

Which of the above flows/fl ow through Arunachal Pradesh?

(a) 1 only
Ans. (b)
(b) 2 and 3 only
Lohit, Subansiri rivers fl ow through Arunachal
(c) 1 and 3 only
Pradesh while Barak river flows from its
source in the Manipur Hills, through Manipur,
(d) 1, 2 and 3
Mizoram, and Assam.
14. Which of the following is/are tributary/tributaries of Brahmaputra?

1. Dibang 2. Kameng 3. Lohit

Select the correct answer using the code given below :

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 and 3 only

Ans. (d) The tributaries of Brahmaputra river
are Kameng, Sankosh, Raidak, Amochu,
(c) 1 and 3 only Dibang, Lohit, and Burhi dihing rivers.

(d) 1, 2 and 3
15. Assertion (A) : The Western Flowing Rivers do not form the delta.

Reason (R) : They flow through short courses with high speed over hard-

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

(a) Both (A) and (R) are correct, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

(b) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)

(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false

(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true

Ans. (a)

Major rivers of Peninsular India originate from the Western Ghats.

Eastward flowing peninsular rivers follow the long route and also form

The Westward flowing peninsular rivers pass through Hard rocks and
follow the small route. This is why these rivers do not make deltas.

So, both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
16. Assertion (A) : While all major rivers of peninsular India flow into the Bay of
Bengal, the Narmada and the Tapi flow into the Arabian sea.

Reason : (R) : The Narmada and the Tapi rivers fl ow in rift valley. Select the correct
answer using the codes given below:

(a) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false

(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Ans. (a)

All major rivers of Peninsular India flow into

the Bay of Bengal except Narmada and Tapti
because of the rift valley course of these

These rivers do not follow the slope of the

plateau and fl ow through the rift.
17. Westward flowing rivers are

(i) Narmada (ii) Tapti (iii) Rapti Code

(a) (i) and (ii)

Ans. (a)
(b) (ii) and (iii)
Narmada, Tapti, and Mahi are three major
(c) (i) and (iii) westwardflowing rivers in India. The Rapti
river is the tributary of the Ghaghara river
(d) (i), (ii) and (iii) which flows North- West to South -East
direction. So, option (a) is the correct answer.
18. Which one of the following rivers thrice forks into two
streams and reunites a few miles farther on, thus forming
the islands of Srirangappattanam, Sivasamudram, and

(a)Cauvery (a) Cauvery

Cauvery river rises in Brahmagiri hills of

(b) Tungabhadra Kogadu district in Karnataka and fl ows 800
km. in the drainage area of 81,155 sq. km. It
empties into the Bay of Bengal near
(c) Krishna Tiruchirapalli. It flow through Karnataka,
Kerala & Tamil Nadu. This river forms islands
of Srirang - patna, Shivasamudram, and
(d) Godavari
Srirangam in the Deccan Plateau.
19. Which one of the following rivers is called the Ganga of the
South ?

Ans. (a)

(b) Krishna Cauvery river is known as the Ganga of the

South. Cauvery emerges from Brahmagiri hills
in the Western Ghat mountain range.
(c) Godavari
The Godavari is called 'Boodhi (old) Ganga' or
(d) Narmada Dakshin Ganga.
20. What is the correct sequence of the rivers – Godavari,
Mahanadi, Narmada and Tapi in the descending order of
their lengths?

(a) Godavari–Mahanadi–Narmada–Tapi

(b) Godavari–Narmada–Mahanadi–Tapi

(c) Narmada–Godavari–Tapi–Mahanadi

(d) Narmada–Tapi–Godavari–Mahanadi
Ans. (b)

The correct sequence of the rivers given

in the option in descending order of their
length is Godavari (1465 km), Narmada
(1312 km), Mahanadi (851 km) and Tapi
(724 km)
21. Consider the following rivers :

1. Brahmani 2. Nagavali 3. Subarnarekha 4. Vamsadhara

Which of the above rise from the Eastern Ghats?

(a) 1 and 2

(b) 2 and 4 Ans. (b) The Brahmani and Subarnarekha

rivers originate from the Ranchi Platue, while
(c) 3 and 4 the Nagavati and Vamsadhara originate from
the Eastern Ghats
(d) 1 and 3
22. Consider the following rivers :

1. Vansadhara 2. Indravati 3. Pranahita 4. Pennar

Which of the above are tributaries of Godavari?

(a) 1, 2 and 3 Ans. (d)

(b) 2, 3 and 4 The Godavari is the largest river in Peninsular
India and the second largest river in India. The
(c) 1,2 and 4 major tributaries of Godavari are : Purna,
Pranhita, Indravati, Sabari, Pravara, Manjra,
(d) 2 and 3 only Manair. So in the given option Indravati and
Pranhita are correct while Vanshdhara and
Pennar are rivers of Peninsular India.
23.Consider the following statements:

1. There are no east flowing rivers in Kerala.

2. There is no west flowing river in Madhya Pradesh.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 only Ans. (d) There are three east flowing rivers in
(b) 2 only Kerala – Kabani River, Bhavani River, and
(c) Both 1 and 2 Pambar River. The Tapti, Mahi and Narmada
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 rivers originate in Madhya Pradesh and flow
from east to west and empty into the Arabian
Sea. Thus, both the statements are wrong.
24.Which one of the following statements is not correct?

(a) Mahanadi River rises from Chhattisgarh plateau

(b) Godavari River rises in Maharashtra

(c) Cauvery River rises in Andhra Pradesh

(d) Tapti River rises in Madhya Pradesh

(c) Cauvery River rises in Andhra Pradesh

25. The correct sequence of the eastward fl owing rivers of
peninsular India from North to South is:
(a) Subarnarekha, Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, Pennar, Cauvery and Vaigai

(b) Subarnarekha, Mahanadi, Krishna, Godavari, Cauvery, Pennar and Vaigai

(c) Mahanadi, Subarnarekha, Godavari, Cauvery, Pennar and Vaigai

(d) Mahanadi, Subarnarekha, Krishna, Godavari, Cauvery, Vaigai and Pennar

Ans. (a) The correct sequence of the eastward fl owing rivers of

peninsular India from north to south is Subarnarekha, Mahanadi,
Godavari, Krishna, Pennar, Cauvery and Vaigai.
26.Kishanganga is a tributary of

Ans. (c)
(b) Chenab
Kishanganga is the main tributary of the
Jhelum river on which Kishanganga
(c) Jhelum project is developed. Tulbul Project is
also built on River Jhelum.
(d) Beas
27. Which of the following rivers of India crosses the
tropic of cancer twice?

(a) Mahi
Ans. (a)
(b) Chambal Mahi River crosses the Tropic of Cancer twice.
It originates in Madhya Pradesh and fl owing
(c) Narmada through Rajasthan, Gujarat falls in the Gulf of

(d) None of the above

28. In which of the following rivers, the upper course
contains freshwater but saline water flowing at the lower

(a) Barak river

Ans. (b) In the Luni River, the upper course
(b) Luni river contains freshwater but saline water fl owing
at the lower part. Luni River is the largest
river in the Thar Desert.
(c) Ghaggar river

(d) None of the above

29. Which one of the following rivers does not originate in

Ans. (d) The origin of the Satluj river is located
(b) Chenab close to Lake Rakastal (lake) in Tibet in the
vicinity of the Kailash Mountain Range.
(c) Ravi

(d) Sutlej
30. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by using the
codes given below: List-I List-II (Source Region) (River)

A. Brahmagiri Hills i. Cauvery

B. Verinag Spring ii. Jhelum
C. Mahabaleshwar iii. Krishna
D. ChotaNagpur Plateau iv. Subarnarekha

Ans. (b) The correct match is as follows : List-I List-II
(a) iv iii ii i Brahmagiri Hills - Cauvery
(b) i ii iii iv Verinag Spring - Jhelum
(c) ii i iv iii Mahabaleshwar - Krishna
(d) iii ii i iv ChotaNagpur Plateau - Subarnarekha
31. Which of the following rivers of India is NOT a tributary
of Damodar River?

Ans. (b) Damodar River is a tributary of
(b) Indrawati Hooghly. It flows through Jharkhand and West
(c) Jamunia
Its tributaries are Barki, Jamunia and Barakar.
Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC) is located
(d) Barki across Damodar. The Indrawati river is a
tributary of Godavari
32. Consider the following rivers :

1. Kishanganga 2. Ganga 3. Wainganga 4. Penganga

The correct sequence of these rivers when arranged in the north-south

direction is

(a) 1, 2, 3, 4

(b) 2, 1, 3, 4

(c) 2,1, 4, 3

(d) 1, 2, 4, 3
Ans. (a)

Kishanganga is a tributary of Jhelum in Jammu and Kashmir. Thus, it is the

northernmost among the four. To it's south is the Ganga which rises from Gangotri
glacier in Uttarakhand.

Pen Ganga and Wainganga, both are tributaries of Godavari.

WainGanga is located in the north and Penganga in south.

Thus, the correct sequence from north to south of the four rivers will be – (i)
Kishanganga (ii) Ganga River (ii) Wainganga (iv) Penganga
33. Which one of the following is not a tributary of
the Krishna river ?

Ans. (c)
(b) Doni
Tel is a tributary of Mahanadi river not
(c) Tel Krishna river. Major tributaries of Krishna
river are – Koyna, Yerla, Varna,. Panch Ganga,
Ghata Prabha, Bhima, and Tungbhadra.
(d) Tungabhadra
34. Which of the following rivers is a Trans-Himalayan river?


(b) Sutluj (b) Sutluj

Ex- Indus , Brahmaputra

(c) Ganga

(d) Ravi
35. From north towards South, which one of the
following is the correct sequence of the given
rivers in India?

A. Shyok – Spiti – Zaskar – Sutlej

B. Shyok – Zaskar – Spiti – Sutlej
C. Zaskar – Shyok – Sutlej – Spiti
D. Zaskar – Sutlej – Shyok – Spiti
[B] Shyok-Zaskar-Spiti-Satluj
Tropic Of Cancer, Capricon
and Equator
1. Types of Clouds
2. Country passes from Equator, Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn
3. Types of Soils and Climate
4. Railway Zone
5. National Highway (Golden Quadrilateral), Waterway
6. Ocean Current
7. Tiger Reserve, Biosphere Reserve and type of Vegetation (Specific animal found in that area)
8. Atmospheric Layer
9. Planet before Asteroid belt and After.
10. Sea Ports and East and West flowing river.
11. Ganga & Indus and Brahmaputra Tributaries.
12. Lake, Basin & Straits
13. Koppean Climate System
14. Mountain Ranges
15. Ramsasr Sites
Tiger Reserve, Biosphere Reserve
and type of Vegetation
(Specific animal found in that area)

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