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TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing to the language.

In TypeScript,
you can define functions using the following syntax:


function functionName(parameter1: type, parameter2: type): returnType {

// function body

You can also use arrow functions in TypeScript:


const functionName = (parameter1: type, parameter2: type): returnType => {

// function body

For more detailed information on TypeScript functions, you can refer to the official
TypeScript documentation or specific tutorials on functions in TypeScript. Let me know if
you need any more help!

You: make a sumary of typescrip functions

Chat AI GPT: In TypeScript, functions are defined using a syntax similar to JavaScript but
with the added benefit of static typing. You can specify the types of parameters and return
values in TypeScript functions, which helps catch errors during development. TypeScript
also supports arrow functions for concise syntax. Functions in TypeScript offer the
flexibility and safety of static typing, making it easier to write and

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