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On Magnetic analogue of Clausius-Mossotti equation

Article in Physics Education · March 2014


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Bikash Padhi
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign


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Physics Education Jan – Mar 2014


On Magnetic analogue of Clausius-Mossotti equation

Ankita Niranjan and Bikash K. Padhi

Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology,

Delhi, New Delhi-110016, India

((Submitted 14-07-2013)

In this paper the magnetic equivalent of the Clausius - Mossotti equation is re-derived for a
modern reader. The equation relates the relative permeability of a diamagnetic substance to the
magnetic atomic polarizability of the atoms. The historical background and importance of this
equation and its relation to the Clausius-Mossotti equation is also discussed briefly.

1. Introduction
Due to the symmetric structure of the Maxwell electric case. So in the last section we discuss
equations there are several equations in this misunderstood history of this pair of
electrostatics which have got their magnetic equations in more detail.
equivalents. For instance the electric and The derivation presented here is much
magnetic fields produced by an isolated electric simpler for a modern reader to follow as
charge and a hypothetical magnetic monopole, compared to that done in the original works of
respectively, follow the inverse square law. Poisson and others in the beginning of 19th
Again the expression for the electric field and century. It is done simply by creating a model
magnetic field produced by an electric dipole which is the magnetic equivalent of the
and a magnetic dipole, respectively, both vary electrostatic model, usually used to derive the
according to the inverse cube law [1,2]. Clausius-Mossotti equation [1-3]. For
Motivated by such striking symmetries between convenience the derivation is divided into two
the two, derivation of an equation which would sections. In the first section the average value of
be a magnetic analogue of the Clausius-Mossotti the microscopic magnetic field produced by a
equation is carried here. This equation enables tiny ideal magnetic dipole over a sphere of
us to find the extent of magnetization of a radius R is calculated. Then the expression for
diamagnetic substance in terms of a certain this average field is used in the second section to
microscopic characteristic of it. The equation get to the desired equation. The reader may note
holds good only for diamagnetic substances. that the derivation of average magnetic field
Standard textbooks [1-3] on electromagnetism over a sphere is somewhat unconventional.
or solid state physics often discuss the derivation
and applications of the standard Clausius-
Mossotti equation. However, none seem to
extend the idea to the magnetic case. However, it
is the ‘magnetic analogue’ which was developed
first by Poisson and then people like Faraday,
Mossotti and Clausius extended this idea to the
Volume 30, No. 1, Article Number : 3.

Physics Education Jan – Mar 2014


2. Average magnetic field due to a  ro-r

Esphere  
4 o sphere | r-ro|3
dV . (3)
dipole over a sphere
A comparison of (2) and (3) reveals that the
The average electric field inside a sphere ( average field due to a charge q at ro equals the
E sphere ) of radius R due to a tiny dipole of field at ro due to a uniformly charged sphere of
dipole moment p present anywhere inside it is charge density    V . The latter, however,
given by [4, 5] using Gauss’ divergence theorem turns out to be
E sphere  . (1)
4 oR 3 
E= ro . (4)
3 o
This may be deduced as follows. Consider a Thus,
fictitious sphere of radius R centered at the q
origin. A tiny charge q is located at position r0 E sphere = - ro . (5)
4 oR 3
inside the sphere. The average field produced by
it over the volume of the sphere, by using
Now if we place another charge –q at ro  d
Coulomb’s law is
inside the sphere, then the net average field
q r -ro
E sphere   | r-ro|3 dV . (2)
4 oV sphere
inside the sphere due to the pair of charges (of
dipole moment p=qd ) can be obtained by using
V is the volume of the sphere. One may recall that the electric field at position
r due to an ideal electric dipole of moment p
located at the origin is [4] (in SI unit)
1 p
Edip =  ˆ ˆ p -
3(p.r)r- δ(r ) . (6)
4πεor3 3εo

Similarly the expression for magnetic field in

case of a magnetic dipole m located at the
origin is given by [5] (in SI unit)
μo 2μom
Bdip =
3  3(m.r)r
ˆ ˆ - m  δ(r ) . (7)
4πr 3
The delta function δ(r ) terms that appear in
equations (6) and (7) are of great importance (6,
7). If one carries out the volume average of Edip
over a sphere of radius R, the contribution due to
FIG.1: Average field over a sphere due to a point charge q at the first term in (6) vanishes and one obtains the
r0 value of Edip the same as (1), which is due to
the delta function term only. To put it
Now the electric field at the point r0 (cf. Fig.1)
due to a uniformly charged sphere, centered at
the origin, of charge density ρ is

Volume 30 No. 1, Article Number: 3


Physics Education Jan – Mar 2014


 3(p.rˆ)rˆ  p  dV  0 linearly proportional, provided the field is not

r 3
, (8) too strong.

and, Δm = αm B . (12)
1 p
Edip  δ(r) dV If we consider the diamagnetic substance to be
V sphere 3εo spatially homogeneous then a uniform external
field applied on it can be assumed to magnetize
p p (9)
every atomic dipole by the same amount. Thus a
= = .
4 R 3
4 εoR 3 proportionality constant αm can assigned to the
( )3εo
3 entire diamagnetic substance, which may be
called ‘magnetic polarizibility’, in analogy with
One can note that the coefficient of the delta electric polarizibility. Another advantage of
term in (6) is nothing but the average electric spatial homogeneity is - a uniform applied field
field over a sphere multiplied by the volume of B will generate a uniform dipole moment per
the sphere, or it is the volume integral of the unit volume, M where M and B are related to
electric field of the dipole over a sphere of any H and  r by the macroscopic definitions (for
size. linear materials)
For the magnetic case, a similar derivation of
(8) can be carried out by using tiny circulating M = χm H . (13)
current loops in place of charge distribution. Or,
Thus, the average value of the magnetic field
produced by a magnetic dipole, inside a sphere M= B. (14)
of radius R can be calculated as, μo(1+χm)
1 χm is the magnetic susceptibility of the
B sphere = 
V sphere
Bdip(d) dV' . (10) diamagnetic substance. Microscopically, the
magnetization vector can expressed as the
Invoking equation (7) and by using (8) with p cumulative sum of all the tiny atomic magnetic
replaced by m, we obtain dipoles
μo M =  mi . (15)
B sphere = m. (11) i=1
2πR 3
Here N is the number density of atoms in the
3. Derivation of the analogue substance (hence an integer). Eq. (15) can be
rewritten as
equation N
M =  mi  NΔmi (16)
When an external magnetic field B is applied to i=1

a diamagnetic substance, the electronic orbits of From (12), (14) and (16) one may be tempted to
the atoms get modified and they acquire a χm
magnetic moment m . Classical [8] or semi conclude that = N αm .
classical [9] derivations of induced
magnetization in a diamagnetic substance upon However, the field vector B appearing in (12) is
application of an external magnetic field B give not the same field vector that appears in equation
us a relation which tells us that induced dipole (14). The B appearing in (14) is the total
macroscopic field in the medium and the B in
moment m and applied magnetic field B are
(12) is due to everything except the particular

Volume 30 No. 1, Article Number: 3


Physics Education Jan – Mar 2014

atomic dipole under consideration. So (12) can μo
be rewritten as Bself,i= Δmi . (20)
2πR 3

Δm = αm (B - Bself) . (17) Plugging this value in (17), one gets

Δmi = αm (B - Δmi) . (21)
Here (B - Bself) is the local field present in the 2πR 3
vicinity of the atomic dipole that is located at the Rearranging the terms we get,
center of a fictitious sphere (cf. Fig. 1) and Bself αmμo
is the average field over the sphere due to the (1+ ) Δmi = αmB . (22)
2πR 3
dipole itself. It is reasonable to question why the Now summation of both sides of (22) for N
average field over the sphere is taken instead of terms is taken and then the results of (18) is used
the field at the center of the sphere where the to get
dipole is located. However, average magnetic αmμo
field due to all dipoles outside the sphere is same (1+ 3
) M = αmNB . (23)
as the field they produce at the center [10]. 2πR
The radius of the sphere is related to the number Further invoking (14) to eliminate B and M from
density of atoms as the previous equation we get
3  χm 
N( )=1 . (18) αm =
Nμo  3+χm 
. (24)

Using χm = µr - 1
3  μr-1 
αm =
Nμo  μr+2 
. (25)

Here µr is the relative permeability of the

diamagnetic substance. The relation (25) is the
magnetic analogue of Clausius- Mossotti
For a diamagnetic substance, µr is less than
unity. Hence, (25) tells us that αm will always be
negative. This reflects the fact that in a
diamagnetic substance, the applied field B and
the change in magnetic moment Δm are always
FIG. 2: The arrangement of dipoles. The sphere represents the
fictitious boundary of each of the induced atomic dipoles m in antiparallel. To put it in another way, in the
the diamagnetic substance. presence of an external magnetic field, each
atom picks up a little extra dipole moment and
The average magnetic field produced by the these increments are all antiparallel to the field
dipole (moment) would be direction.
B sphere = Δm , (19)
2πR 3
Now, consider any atom, or magnetic dipole
with index ‘i in the substance. Bself of this atom
is then given by

Volume 30 No. 1, Article Number: 3


Physics Education Jan – Mar 2014


4. Brief historical survey of the Poisson’s mathematical investigation remains

unimpaired, as they don’t rest on his
equation hypothesis.” Later on, to explain this
phenomenon of magnetic induction Ampere
In this section we briefly discuss the historical hypothesized that the magnetism of a molecule
development of the Clausius-Mossotti relation is due to an electric current that already exists in
and its magnetic analogue which unfortunately it which constantly circulates in some closed
lacks a different name for itself. The scientific path within the molecules of the magnet, and
figures responsible the development of his must not flow from one molecule to another.
equation are S.D. Poisson (France), M. Faraday These are the two alternative pictures of a
(England), J.C. Maxwell (Scotland), O.F. magnetic dipole.
Mossotti (Italy), R. Clausius (Germany) and Thus, using the hypothesis of Poisson and
H.A. Lorentz (The Netherlands). We discuss Ampere, and the magnetic analogue of Clausius-
their contributions chronologically. Mossotti equation, the problem of magnetic
The history of this equation begins in 1824, induction was completely resolved. Note all this
when Poisson presented his book [11] at a happened about half a century before the
meeting of the French Academy in which he had development of the Clausius-Mossotti equation
carried out a detail mathematical analysis of the for dielectrics.
problem of magnetic induction. In his classic After a few years of Poisson’s formulation,
text on Electricity and Magnetism [12], Maxwell Faraday [14] for the first time [15] applied
mentions that “the mathematical theory of Poisson’s idea to dielectrics. It was Mossotti
magnetic induction was first given by who studied the problem in greater detail and
Poisson…” In order to explain the phenomenon presented it in his memoirs [16]. He introduced
of magnetic induction Poisson hypothesized that the ‘cavity method’ [17] which he later
an imaginary ‘magnetic matter’ or ‘magnetic developed in his second book [18]. Meanwhile,
fluid’ is confined to certain molecules of the Clausius was also studying the same problem
magnetic substance. That molecule is [19]. For the first time, he explicitly wrote the
magnetized in which the two opposite kinds of formula of what is now famous as the Clausius-
magnetic matter, which are present precisely in Mossotti equation, as called by Lorentz. It may
equal quantity, are separated towards opposite be noted that all of them attacked the same
poles of the molecule. He called such molecules problem using different approaches.
‘magnetic elements’ of the substance and Coming back to our derivation, the approach that
examined the particular case in which these is followed in this paper (use of local field or
elements are spherical and are uniformly Lorentz field) significantly departs from that
distributed throughout the substance. He used by Poisson yet resembles the one used by
calculated the ratio ‘K’ called Poisson’s H.A. Lorentz [20] and L.V. Lorenz [21] in their
Magnetic Coefficient - the ratio of the volume of derivation of the Lorentz-Lorenz equation (used
magnetic elements to the whole volume of the in optics).
 μr-1  So it’s evident that historically, Poisson’s
substance. This turned out to be   , the equation plays a more fundamental role as
 μr+2 
compared to that by the Clausius- Mossotti
factor that appears in the expression for
magnetic polarizibility in Eq. (25). Maxwell
ruled out the validity of such a hypothesis by
using the experimental works of Thalen.
However, he concludes [13], “… the value of

Volume 30 No. 1, Article Number: 3


Physics Education Jan – Mar 2014


5. Concluding remarks 
dN  A exp( ) d
KBT (27)
In the derivation the use of the relation between 2 N  0m2 m.B
 A exp( ) exp( ) mB sin  d .
magnetic field B and dipole moment Δm is 3 KBT
independent of whether the scenario is quantum
mechanical or classical. The only assumptions Here T is the temperature of the system. A is the
are that the substance must be a linear, normalization constant that can be found out by
homogeneous, isotropic diamagnetic substance imposing the condition that the integration of dN
for our equation to be valid. One can check the must be equal to the total number of atoms N
equation very easily by putting relative magnetic when  goes from 0 to  .
permeability = 1, which is true for non-magnetic The term arising due to the self field can be
substances. For this case, the polarizability absorbed into the normalization constant;
comes out to be zero, which is quite obvious as a therefore the Bself seems to play no significant
non-magnetic substance would not respond to an role in the case of paramagnetic substances.
external magnetic field. The scope of the magnetic analogue equation
One must recognize that it is the self field term is not as wide as that of the Clausius-Mossotti
Bself which actually leads us to such an equation equation. In fact, many seem to be unaware of
for diamagnetic substances. We may consider the very existence of such an equation. However
the case of paramagnetic materials to see it plays a key role in the study of magnetic fluids
whether the self field term leads us to any such [22], permittivity and permeability studies of
equation or not. In this case, the atoms possess a mixtures [23], and negative effective
net dipole moment even in the absence of an permeability [24].
external magnetic field. When a magnetic field
is applied, magnetization arises due to the Acknowledgement
reorientation of the atomic dipoles. The potential
energy of a dipole of dipole moment m in The authors are thankful to Prof. V.K. Tripathi
presence of a magnetic field B is  = - m.B. As for useful discussions and comments and to Prof.
we have said above the B here should be written R. Chatterjee for her valuable remarks.
as B-Bself. And using (11) and (18), Bself can be
2 0 N
written as m . Hence References
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Volume 30 No. 1, Article Number: 3


Physics Education Jan – Mar 2014

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Volume 30 No. 1, Article Number: 3

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