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Master of Science in

Hospitality Management

Fees are indicated in Swiss Francs (CHF) and include VAT.

Detail Amount

Tuition CHF 30,500

Facilities & Services CHF 4,500

Prepaid Food & Beverage CHF 4,500

TOTAL CHF 39,500

These prices are defined based on the inflation rate forecasted by the Swiss National Bank (BNS). If there is a strong variation, EHL will make adjustments accordingly.
For further information please consult our website: This is a non-contractual document and is subject to modification. — V 1.0. March 2022
The compulsory fees payable by the student consist of tuition fees, a lump Basic health and accident insurance is mandatory by law in Switzerland.
sum for infrastructure and services, as well as a prepayment for restau- Students whose fiscal residence – or whose parents’ fiscal residence – is
rants and bars (regardless whether the student lives on campus or not); outside of Switzerland are automatically enrolled in EHL’s health and ac-
they apply to the relevant academic intake. cident insurance plan. An exemption may be obtained by providing proof
of adequate coverage to the Swiss authorities. (e.g: European health in-
surance card). The annual premium of CHF 1’620 is subject to change.
• Academic courses, learning materials (i.e. case studies and readings) SWISS RESIDENCE TAX & VISA EXPENSES
and finals exam fees.
Administrative taxes are collected by the Swiss authorities for residence
• Guest lectures, business field trips and workshops in different locations. permits and visas. The fees may vary depending on the nationality of the
student. A tourist tax of CHF 37.- per month will be invoiced to students
• Support for the Capstone Thesis and the related professional immersion.
whose legal address is not in Switzerland (legal obligation). It will be
charged by the school for students who are living on campus and by the
city of Lausanne for students who are not living on campus.
The infrastructure and service fees package mainly covers:
• Organization and logistics costs on campus
The MIHM students will be offered single room in residence. The fee per
• Operating costs of multiple departments such as marketing, communi- semester is CHF 7’800 for the semester and the deposit is CHF 2’600 .
cations, admissions and alumni
This rate includes all heating, electricity and Wi-Fi charges. It also
• Costs of administrative functions such as human resources, finance, pur- includes all the services of complete cleaning of the room once a week
chasing and IT with replacement of bed and bath linen, as well as a technical intervention
• Depreciation service for any problem linked to the infrastructures.

In addition, the costs of additional services for which students have ac- Security is available 24 hours a day on campus and the rooms have direct
cess to are also covered and include: access to the sports facilities and common areas.

Sports facilities and sports activity training, Student Affairs Services, A deposit will be required to cover any damage and will be returned to
Health and Well-being services (psychological support, sports and health the student’s EHL finance account upon departure.
center), Career Services, Career Fairs, access to digital centre and pro- The average monthly fee per parking space is CHF 250 and varies
fessional print-shop services, Swiss insurances (if applicable): accident, according to location and whether it is free or assigned.
public liability, theft, computer equipment insurance covering theft and
damage, according to the applicable terms and conditions, Extracurri- Please visit our link to take a 360° tour of our
cular student activities and lifelong alumni membership. accommodations.
Please contact the Housing Department for any further information by
At the beginning of the academic program, student cards are charged with ADDITIONAL EXPENSES
a mandatory minimum amount to cover meals and beverages taken from
the outlets on campus. The prepaid amount must be used before the end of A fee of CHF 175 is due upon submission of an application for the pro-
the academic program and is non-refundable. Any remaining amount at the gram. Living expenses depend upon personal needs and the lifestyle of
end of the academic program is transferred to EHL’s Scholarship Founda- the individual student.
tion. Students can recharge their card at any time. The recharged amount
If students need to retake examinations, the fee is CHF 300 per retake.
can be refunded at the end of their studies if not used.

Terms & Conditions of Payment

After confirmation of admission to EHL, students are required to pay a down payment on tuition fees of CHF 6’000 within 15 days in order to guarantee
their place. This amount is non-refundable under any circumstances. This down payment amount is then deducted from the total amount due.
Important note: In addition to the down payment of CHF 6’000, Swiss authorities require students from outside the EU/EFTA to make an initial payment
of CHF 18’000 before submitting a visa application. This amount will be deducted from the total amount due.

The total amount of the compulsory fees is invoiced before the beginning of the academic program and payment is due within 30 days of receipt of in-
voice. EHL reserves the right to charge, upon expiry of the 30-day payment period, reminder expenses and interests on overdue payments. In addition,
the following measures may be taken: block the student card, forbid the student to attend exams, start the intake or finally ex-matriculate the student.
In case of a withdrawal less than 10 working days before the start of the academic program or if students do not take up their place at the start of term
or complete the academic program, students are charged the totality of compulsory fees as a lump sum (in accordance with Art. 160 & ff, Swiss Code
of Obligations). This clause shall apply regardless of attributable fault, particularly in the event of sickness, accident, withdrawal, definitive academic
failure, disciplinary suspension or expulsion or for any other reason.
Should a student suspend or repeat a part of the academic program, the latest official fees apply. An invoice shall be issued for the semester(s) to be
joined or repeated, with the fee of the new session.


A deposit of CHF 5’000 is required from all new students. This deposit covers any exceptional costs which may arise, for example from damage to rooms
or materials. The deposit or the remainder will be reimbursed at the end of the student’s studies at EHL. Interest earned on the deposit will accrue and
be added to EHL’s scholarship Foundation, as part of the institution’s social responsibility policy for the education of students with financial difficulties.
These prices are defined based on the inflation rate forecasted by the Swiss National Bank (BNS). If there is a strong variation, EHL will make adjustments
accordingly. For further information please consult our website:

Contact us for more information

Admissions: Housing & parking: Scholarship:
Finance: Health insurance: General information: +41 21 785 11 11

These prices are defined based on the inflation rate forecasted by the Swiss National Bank (BNS). If there is a strong variation, EHL will make adjustments accordingly.
For further information please consult our website: This is a non-contractual document and is subject to modification. — V 1.0. March 2022

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