Revoke and Components

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A testator may revoke a will by performing a destructive act on the document with the

In t en t ion al Ph ysical intent and purpose of revocation. Alternatively, another individual may destroy the
Act will in the testator ?s presence and at the testator ?s direction

declares in writing that the prior will is revoked.

Revocat ion Wr it in g May be based on the intent and content of the subsequent document that is, the testators (1) intent to
Implied replace the previous will, and (2) the complete contrary disposition of the estate

A will may be revoked by presumption when the document was last in the testator ?s
Pr esu m pt ion possession and cannot be found after the testator ?s death.

material portions to be handwritten

A codicil is a supplement to a will that modifies it, adds to it, explains it, or revokes it. A codicil must generally be executed in
the same manner as a will. The codicil should be signed or initialed and dated to avoid confusion. The codicil should be
either (1) separate document that references the OG; Or it can be (2) written into the original will at the end, in the margins,
Codicil or interlineated. (3) Or it can be physically attached to the will (usually by a staple or clip).If a new document is entirely
inconsistent with the original will, it is generally considered to be a substitute will rather than a codicil. i. In California, if the
codicil is holographic, that is, written by hand, it need not be witnessed but all material provisions must be written in the hand of the CA doctrine requiring material provisions
testator. Under the UPC, all material portions must be handwritten. CPC \to be handwritten in full.

In cor por at ion by A writing in existence when a will is executed may be incorporated by reference if the language of
Ref er en ce the will manifests this intent and describes the writing sufficiently to permit its identification.

Com pon en t s
Tan gible Per son al To be admissible under this section as evidence of the intended disposition, the
writing must be signed by the testator and must describe the items and the
Pr oper t y
devisees with reasonable certainty.

Act s of In depen den t A will may dispose of property by reference to acts and events that have significance apart from their effect
upon the dispositions made by the will, whether they occur before or after the execution of the will or before or
Sign if ican ce after the testator 's death. The execution or revocation of another individual's will is such an event.

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