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Answer the following questions

1 - Are the Japanese High or Low Context culture?

R= Japanese, arabs, and mediterranean people, who have extensive
information networks among family, friends, colleagues, and clients and who
are involved in close personal relationships are high context. ()

2- Are the Americans High or Low Context culture?

R= Low context people include Americans, Germans, Swiss, Scandinavians,
and other northern Europeans; they compartmentalize their personal
relationships, their work, and many aspects of day-to-day life.

3- What is a private face and What is a public face?

R= Example: Someone might directly point out flaws in a colleague's work during
the presentation (public face) because clear communication is valued. However, in
private (with a close friend), they might express their criticism more delicately.

4- Do Japanese people express their feelings very easily?

R: The Japanese person can express their feelings when is with a close friend, but
if the Japanese person doesn’t know a person that speaks doesn’t express their
feelings very easily.

5- List the four steps for Japanese Intercultural communication training?

1.- Awareness.
2.- Knowledge.
3.- Emotions (including attitudes).
4.- Skills (Involving visible behaviors).


Kinoshita, H. Communication and culture: Intercultural communication training in

Japanese education.

Hall, E.T. and Hall, M.R. (1990) Understanding Cultural Differences: Germans,
French and Americans. Intercultural Press, Boston.

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