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1. Discuss challenges of e-government?

2. Write brief description recruitment principles?

3. Discuss effective core competence of leadership?

4. Discuss strategic to build citizen centric government?

5. Discuss Michael parry’s four dimensions of public financial management?

6. Discuss Christopher hood seven doctoral components?

7. Discuss importance of welfare in public sector?

8. Discuss good governance guidelines for public sector agencies?

9. Discuss factors leading to resistance change?

10. What are extrinsic motivators?

11. Explain to types of power?

12. Discuss source government revenue?

13. What are categories of Laboure welfare?

14. Write short note about contents of operational plan should contain?

15. What are the benefits of welfare to the employee?

16. Tell conditions to fulfill during public sector secondment

17. Main purpose of E-government

18. What are four key elements of transformational leader

19. Discuss briefly the causes of corporate planning failure

20. Bannock consulting (1999) provides a useful summary of the functions that public that
public sector bodies undertake. Briefly discuss the main functions of public sector






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