Julia Thao - Impeachment

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Use this presentation to answer the questions below: Please use another color font to earn points.


1. Why do you think the Founders divided the process into two steps (impeachment and conviction)?

a. The founders are divided into two steps because the president can be held accountable
without being removed from office.

2. How does the rule of law protect citizens?

a. The rule of law protects citizens because no matter their positions they are above the law.

3. Treason and Bribery have pretty clear definitions, but the Constitution never explains what “other
high Crimes and Misdemeanors” means. What kinds of problems do you think this could cause?

a. They can cause problems because we don’t know everything that is happening.

4. Why do you think the Senate requires a greater percentage of votes to remove the president
from office?

a. The senate requires a greater percentage of votes because they are convicted by a
supermajority and at least ⅔ of the members must vote in favor of conviction.

5. Why is it so difficult to impeach someone? Why should it be?

a. It is difficult to impeach someone because impeachment is a really big deal and we will
have to know what they have done in their past and if they did anything that was wrong

6. Refer to slide 9 to answer the following:

a. Which one of these examples surprises you the most?

i. Andrew Johnson caused the house of representatives to start an impeachment

inquiry and voted to impeach him on several charges.

7. Of the 21 impeachments in U.S. history, 15 have been judges. Why might that be?

a. I think that the 15 impeachments that have been judges have some type of knowledge of
impeachments and sometimes know how they work.

Summarize the impeachment process: this must be at least one solid paragraph.

a. The impeachment process in the house of representatives brings charges of impeachment against
an official. The house of representatives will look at the charges by a simple majority vote if the
official has been impeached.The senate holds an impeachment in trial and if found guilty the
official is removed from office. If they are removed from office they may never be able to hold
elected office again. If they are not found guilty they may continue to serve in office.

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