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A Guide to Secure Transactions
Understanding Escrow
An Escrow is an arrangement for a
third party to hold the assets of a
transaction temporarily. The assets
are kept in a third-party account and
are only released when all terms of
the agreement have been met. The
use of an escrow account in a
transaction adds a degree of safety
for both parties.
Parties Involved
Buyer: Deposits funds
into escrow for
Seller: Agrees to the
terms of the escrow
Escrow Agent: Neutral
third party responsible
for managing the
escrow account 03
Benefits Safeguards funds during transactions,
reducing the risk of fraud or default.

of Transparency:
Ensures transparency by holding funds until all

conditions of the agreement are met.

Dispute Resolution

Account :Acts as a mechanism for resolving disputes by

holding funds until both parties reach an

Financial Protection:
Protects buyers by ensuring that funds are
only released upon satisfactory completion
of the transaction.
Common uses of Escrow
Real Estate Transactions:Facilitates the
purchase/sale of property by securely
holding funds until all conditions of the
transaction are met.

Online Transactions
:Enables safe buying/selling of goods
or services over the internet.

Business Agreements
:Facilitates mergers, acquisitions, and
other contractual arrangements.
Helps in managing the transfer of funds,
assets, and ownership interests securely
and efficiently.
Escrow accounts ensure secure and
transparent transactions.
They provide peace of mind to buyers
and sellers.
From real estate to online commerce,
escrow accounts mitigate risks.
Trust, transparency, and financial
security are their hallmarks.
Consider escrow services for smoother,
successful transactions.

Thank you!
Anjali Budhiraja
Bcom honours
Section -C

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