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Choose the correct answer:

1-Lots of trees animals and plants live in

the……………………. environment.

a-desert b-polar c-rural d-rainforest

2-The …………………….environment is a very high environment.

a-mountainous b-urban c-coastal d-rural

3-My sister is………………… English.

a-learned b-learns c-learn d-learning

4-In the …………. environment ,the land is next to the sea.

a-rainforest b-coastal c-desert d-urban

5-Why is your sister…………. ?

a-crying b-cried c-cry d-cries

6-It’s very dry in the ………………… environment .

a-rural b-desert c-polar d-coastal

7-Fossil fuels are non-renewable. They run …………..

a-in b-on c-out d-by

8-Wind and wave turbines ……………by movement.

a-works b-work c-working d-has worked

9-There is a lot of …………… water underground in Iceland.

a-snow b-ice c-cold d-hot

10-Hot water is used to heat homes and to make………………

a-food b-electricity c-steam d-ice

11-When water gets hot , it makes…………..

a-steam b- gas c-ice d-cold

12-The steam comes up and it moves …………….to make


a-water b-panels c-tires d-turbines

13-There aren’t many houses or building in


a-urban b-city c-rural d-town

14-The urban environment is……………. Populated.

a. Densely b-sparsely c-empty d-silent

15--There can be a lot of traffic in the


a-desert b-polar c-rural d-urban

16—Coal ,gas and oil are…………………………energy.

a-non –renewable b-renewable c-solar d-wind

17-A hot desert is a good place to get ……………… .

a-wind b-solar c-tidal d-wave

18-In some places ,the sea goes…………………….through the day .

This is called a tide

a- up and down b-right and left c-hot and cold

19-To store is to …………………..

a-make b-sleep c-keep d-play

20-A turbine is a ………………………..

a-machine to make energy b-source of energy

21-When the water gets dirty, this make…………………

a-air pollution b-water pollution

22--The ………………………of the high Dam is in Aswan.

a-flooding b- location c- turbines

23-People paint and color eggs during ………………………

a-Eid El Fitr b-Sham El Nessim d-Eid Al Adha

24-Muslims go to the mosque to ……………………

a-pray b-play c-spray

25-We are ……………………to Allah for all the good things in our

a-careful b-grateful c-helpful

26-Many people wake up at ………………….

a-sunset b-sunrise c-moonlight

27-The children enjoyed lots of rides at the ……………………..

a-library b-center c-fairground

28-At Eid Al Adha people ………………….a sheep or a cow

a-boil b-sacrifice c-hang

29-In Ramdan , some people make………They are pretty at
night .

a-lanterns b-feasts c-kahk

30-In Zu Elhijja,Muslims go to the the Hajj ……………………..

a-feast b-fairground c-pilgrimage

31-Maha is a …………………tennis player .

a-good b-well c-slowly

32-This ……………………..shows you how to make Fatta .

a-meal b-recipe c-layer

33- We eat three ……………….every day.

a-meals b-recipe c-layers

34-There are amazing ……………….in Egypt like the Pyramids.

a-dishes b-sights c-people

35-…………………..come to Egypt from different parts of the


a-Visitors b-Hosts c-Teachers

36-Egypt is famous ………………the pyramids in Giza.

a-of b-for c-from

37-Our neighbor is very……. .He always give us chocolate and


a-poor b-generous c-hard

38- Luxor is full of different …………………….from ancient Egypt.

a-ships b-museums c-monuments

39-The ancient Egyptians………their kings in the valley of the

a-dug b-burried c-explored

40-We ……………….go to school on Fridays.

a-often b- usually c-always d-never

41-Many tourists visit Luxor from a Nile River …………………….

a-flight b-cruise c-picnic

42-Smart phone, tablet and laptop are………………………….

a-remotes b-electronic devices c-information

43-A ………is a personal website where someone posts written


a-vlog b-blog c-presentation

44-The ……………is a way to share information with other people

by talking about it.

a-blog b-presentation c-vlog

45-The ……………… a digital letter.

a-blog b-presentation c-email

46-The …………………….is a personal website where someone posts

short videos.

a-presentation b-vlog c-website

47-You must have an email …………………………… send emails.

a-form b-keyboard c-account

48-You ……………… too long without a break .

a-should b-can c-shouldn’t

49-People ……………… cut down trees .

a-should b-shouldn’t c- should

50- I don’t have any free time, …………I am free this weekend

a-and b-but c-or

51-I like poetry ……………….story.

a-but b-or c-and

52-She shouldn’t ………………..loudly on giving a presentation .

a-speaks b-spoke c-speak

53-Sara eats her breakfast early ………….the morning .

a-in b-at c-on

54-People ……………………. Sayadeya with fish.

a-make often b-often make c-make never d-make usually

55-People celebrate the Abu Simbel Sun Festival twice a


a-year b-three c-four d-five

56-………………… be frightened.

a-Didn’t b- Doesn’t c-Don’t d-Doing

57-A storm came, and our ship……………….

a-sinks b-sank c-sinking d-sink

58-They ………………… football every weekend.

a-play b- plays c-played d-to play

59-Salma usually …………….. skirts.

a-wear b- wears c-to wear d-wearing

60-………………… be frightened.

a-Didn’t b- Doesn’t c-Don’t d-Doing

61-My dad often has (emergency-recipe-pastry) and tea for


62-The (paramedic-police –nurse) make sure that everyone


the law.

63-If my dog is sick, I go to the (lawyer-doctor –


64-The (firemen-bakers- farmers) know how to read the


65-The(construction-community-lawyer) of the new bridge will

be in the spring.

66-This is the car(who-which-where) I bought.

67-Rana (who-whose-which) girl is cute is my sister.

68-I saw the house (which –who-where) my dad live in.

69-Facebook is one of social media’s ……………

a- Platform b- aspect c- advantages

70-Companies ………. their brands through social media.

a-communicate b- engage c-promote

71-This pullover isn’t big (enough- to -too) for me.

72-The hat is (too- to -enough) big for him.

73-There is (enough- to -too) much sugar in my coffee.

74-Is your English good (to - too- enough) to have a


75-…………. makes sure people receive the right medicine.

a-construction worker b-paramedic c- pharmacist


Rewrite the Following sentences :

1-Today, I'm (talk) to Dr Samir. (correct)

Today, I'm talking to Dr Samir

2-we always (eating) Ful Medames with bread at breakfast.


We always eat Ful Medames with bread at breakfast.

3-I’m too short to reach the shelf (enough)

I'm not tall enough to reach the shelf

4- He is very late. He can’t attend the meeting. (too)

He is too late. He can't attend the meeting

5- Yesterday I saw a car ……………was really old . (relative

Yesterday, I saw a car which was really old

6-She can’t drive the car. She is young. (too)
She can't drive the car. She is too young . or She is too young to drive the car.

7-The horse won’t win the race . It’s not fast. (enough)

The horse won't win the race. It isn't fast enough
or The horse isn't fast enough to win the race
8-He can’t buy a car because he is poor.(enough)

He can't buy a car because he isn't rich enogh or He isn't rich enough to but a car

9- France is the country…………I

where live in . (relative pronoun)

10-This is the lady ……………daughter

whose is a doctor .(relative

11- He met his friend last week . (didn’t )

He didn't meet his friend last week.

12-This is the movie …………we

which watched last night.(relative

13-I like the necklace. I got it from Christmas. (relative

I like the necklace which i got it from Christmas

14-Ahmed makes a nice decoration in the class .(not)

Ahmed doesn't make a nice decoration in the class

15-Yes, we make our bed two hours ago . (Did…? )

Did we make our bed two hours ago?

16-No, her child wasn’t sleeping when she came back


Was her child sleeping when she came back?

17-We had quiz two days ago . (didn’t )

We didn't have quiz two days ago.

18-I have my breakfast …………the

in morning . (preposition)

19- They are climbing a tree .(What ………?)

What are they climbing?

20-This is the man ………………house

whose is on fire .(relative pronoun)

21-No, I wasn't absent last Monday .(ask…?)

Were you absent last Monday?

22-They are watching a movie ,………………

aren't they (question tag)

23-Sally is at the shopping mall today. (yesterday )

Sally was at the shopping mall yesterday?

24-Where are my friends ? I can’t see (me-her-them).

25-The man (who-which-whose) I spoke to was my teacher

26-Is the car (which-who-where) you were driving new?

Read and complete the text with the words in the box:

Arctic-survive- continent-environment

1-It’s very dry in this environment

………………The animals and plants that
live in this desert have to find clever way to
survive a lot of water .You can find these
environment on every ………………….,
continent and they can be hot or cold.

10 | P a g e
Air pollution- carbon dioxide- climate change –emission -fuel

1-A gas in the atmosphere known as co2 .It can be dangerous

carbon dioxide
when there is too much in the air (……………………)

2-When the air is dirty .This makes the people or animals


Air pollution

3-This something we burn it to make heat or power .


4-These are made ,for example ,by factories or cars they

cause air pollution . (…………………..)

5-When the weather or temperature change over a long

period of
climate change
time . (…………………………).

Celebrate- fair ground- give out – prayer-

1-To spend time with others , being happy and having fun.
2-The feeling that you want to thank someone(…………….)
give out
3-To offer something . (………………….)

4-An open area of land when people can enjoy rides

fair ground

11 | P a g e
5- important words which you say to thank someone or ask
for help

Re arrange the following sentences:

1-sources-Fossil fuels –non-renewable-are

Fossil fuels are non-renewable sources

2-you-of -live-in – do – What – kind-environment?

What kind of environment doo you live in ?

3-Sandals-clothes-Ancient –loose –people –wore-Egyptians-

Antient Egyptian people wore loose clothes and sandals

4-now-What –, Heba –doing –you-are?

What are you doing now , Heba?

There is too much to see

6-eat-bread-with-We –beans-always.
We always eat beans with
7-Why-Egypt-trees-does-a lot of-plant?
Why does Egypt plant a lot of tress ?

8-moving-hydroelctricity –We-get-can- water-from.

We can get hydroelectricity from water moving

What would you like to cook?

12 | P a g e
10-has-environment-Which-very- water- little?
Which environment has very little water ?

Read and complete with the correct form of the verb in

are sleeping
1-The baby…………………………(sleep) at the moment.

2-They ………….(is)
are making a cake.
3-Is Nader ……………….(do) his homework at the moment?
is studying
4-Look ! He ……………………….(study) for his exams .
5-Are your parents …………………….(work) at the moment?

6- I……………………….(be)
am looking for a present for my mom now.
7-Grandma always ……………….(make) kahk for Eid Al- Fitr.
8-Fares…………………(live) in an apartment near athe coast.

9-We are ………………………(listen)

listening to some traditional Egyptian
10-The children usually …………(plays) games in the park on the


1-Write a paragraph about the pros and cons for using social

13 | P a g e
2- Write a paragraph about one of the community helpers.


3-Write an email to your friend Soha to tell her about kinds

of energy.Your name is Nader and your email address is friend’s email address is

Guiding elements: renewable -run out -non-renewable-pollution





14 | P a g e
Story: Aladdin and the magic lamp

1-Complete the following:

1-Aladdin’s mom was ……… When she saw Aladdin in front of
2- ……………. appeared to Aladdin when he wiped the lamp.
3- “Take me ……………… “ shouted Aladdin.
teardrop wiped
4-A …………… fell on the lamp and Aladdin ………….. it with his
5-Aladdin was almost …………… when he asked the genie to take
him home.

6- A huge ………………
genie appeared from the cloud of smoke.

7-Aladdin cried in ……………….

despair when he saw the rocks blocking
the cave entrance.

2-Put T for true and F for false:

1-Aladdin found the lamp and gave it to Jafaar. ( ……….

F )

2-Aladdin was terrified when the rock blocked the cave.

( ……T )

3-Jafaar thought Aladdin was still alive.

( …….)

3-Answer the following questions :

1-How did the genie appear?

When Aladdin wiped the lamp with his hand

2-Where did Aladdin ask the genie to take him?

He asked the genie to take him to the home

15 | P a g e
3-What did Aladdin ask the genie to do when he was inside
the cave?

He asked the genie to take him to the home

4-How did Aladdin feel when the rock blocked the cave?

Aladdin was terrified and started crying.

5-What came out of the lamp?

A genie came out of the lamp

6-Why did Aladdin throw the lamp away?

Because he saw a smoke comes out of the lamp

7-Why was Aladdin’s mother shocked?

Because she found Aladdin standing in front of her inside their house

4-Comment fully on the following:

“Save me …. get me out of here! “

1-Who said these words to whom?

Aladdin to a genie

2-When did Aladdin say these words?

Because he was locked in a…………………………………………………
cave and was scared

16 | P a g e

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