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Ethan Kadrich

Professor Jessica Walker

English 1302-229

12 February 2024

Public and Private Healthcare Difference

There has always been a huge debate in the medical field that a variety of people took matters into their
own hands to create facts. These facts are what make a difference between two systems known as Public
and Private Healthcare that we experience around the globe. However, some authors have different
support for the two systems and will have opinions of their own.

Source 4 and 2 agree(make sure to cite and page{if they have page number}): In a variety of procedures,
there are always outcomes that have a high or low chance of working. Patients have to experience long,
and enduring procedures that always have a risk after it is done. The article by Ferreria, et al has
revealed a comparison between public and private systems. The battle for breast cancer shows the
“private healthcare service survival rate of 80.6%” of the procedure. The “public healthcare
service survival rate of 68.5%”, which is a low rate shows a major difference. Even another author
would agree, Stephen Gill, et al have done a comparison and outcomes on shoulder replacements. Even
though it is not related to cancer, the outcomes of the procedures show that “higher revision rate in
private hospitals compared to public hospitals”. The private system is most likely to offer a higher
chance of surgery and revisions than the public system can offer. This would prove how the system
procedure rates, revealing it has a more successful rate compared to public health.

Source 8, 1, 3(make sure to cite and page{if they have page number}): opinion, performance, and care:
Most countries have a different opinion on the healthcare system on how they perform, who controls it,
and the methods that are given out to citizens. However, different reports of how countries think of
private healthcare varies in known countries such as Germany, and low/middle class countries. Most of
the east world doesn’t have private healthcare, and some mixing up with sectors to give people a
decision which one to pick. The authors Sanjay, et al, found that “Public sectors have limited
equipment, medications, and trained healthcare workers.”, which lead to believe that public
healthcare isn’t enough in some countries. While the authors who support public healthcare,
countries greatly expressed the opinion that private corporation shouldn’t have control of
medicine, and services for the sake of profit. A argue can be said that the countries have a
greater economy are able to support their citizens with free healthcare, or universal due to able
affording the medications and services. There was a case from the article “Pain as the Fifth vital
sign” found out how hospitials react to patients in pain from procedures. The article stated that
public hospitals showed more commitment, while the private hardly showed unless it was
covered in their plan. It shows how cruel private healthcare can be if the patient cannot provide
the coverage of their procedure, but at least public hospitals show severe care for their patients.
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In the end, most countries would support the idea of public healthcare, but smaller countries
wouldn’t due to the lacking of a variety of workers, medications, and technology.

Source 6, 5, 7(make sure to cite and page{if they have page number}): patients opinion: In every
hospital, there is always something that can be good or bad with patients. Of course, patients experience
a variety of issues or likeness to their experience as one. In private and public hospitals, everyone has an
opinion on what they experience. The authors have varied opinions and reports on how patients in
different countries reacted to their systems. The author’s that did a report on Pakistan and Ghana found
that their citizens believe private healthcare is better. Except a author from Brazil found patients dislike
private healthcare and is more supportive for public health. The opinions of the authors and countries is
based on the experience the patients went through, having varied in services and procedures. Patients
who support public health found they offer satisfying services to patients and treated them exquisite
during their time in the hospital. Brazil believes that private sector offered advanced services while some
cases of the public sector was neglectful of their patients. The services will vary in different countries,
but some patients will have loyalty to the system they believe is best. It is best to know which system
provides the best services they can provide, hence private having that quality compared to public

Conclusion: The conflict between the two systems is more in depth than what most people believe.
Between public and private healthcare has its major differences, statistics, and opinions by a variety of
people. One thing for sure is that most countries agree that public health is a trust worthy system
compared to private health. There are notable negative examples to both sides, but the best of all is that
private healthcare is a heavily disliked system due to it being a private company. Public health is worth to
trust since it’s the government purpose to take care of their citizens. Patients do dislike the public system
due to its slow reaction to attending patients, but it provides all services free without a cost. Even if the
service is satisfactory, private companies might not provide full care if insurance or money isn’t given to
them. In the end, public healthcare is the most liked in countries that can afford to provide for their
citizens, but private having the best services, satisfaction, successful procedures, and care.

Work Cited

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