Witchblade v4

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By Viktor Hammering

This game is not affiliated with, sponsored, or endorsed by Fria Ligan AB. This
Supplement was created under Fria Ligan AB’s Dragonbane Third Party
Supplement License.
How the Witchblades, and by extension the
The betrayal is absolute.
Witchhammers, came to be is something of a stain on
the otherwise spotless record of the Ethercliff school of My god, the honored Tevatenu's perfect creation
magic. Officially spotless record... defiled.
Half a century ago a group of dwarves from
My soul and everyone else’s soul is sacred and
Northtone’s ice-cold mountains found a way for mages
to use metal. What initially began as something you have taken a part of it from me. You will
beautiful in the hands of the dwarves ended up, as it regret this, I swear by everything I hold sacred.
often does, tarnished in the hands of humans.
The dwarves combined hammers and magic to make
The next time you see me, I and the others
beautiful jewelry and ceremonial armor, but the
Ethercliff mages soon used the dwarves’ techniques to whose eyes I have opened will show no mercy.
create an order of magical warriors: the Witchblades. Not to you or anyone else who serves you and
your twisted agenda.
The elitist cabal of mages leading Ethercliff at the time
neither dared nor wanted to make the sacrifice needed
to wield a sword in combination with their magic.
They quickly realized that the answer to their problem The Witchhammer
was the poor people of the town, the gullible, dirty
They conjured up a multitude of misleading rumors
about a new-found type of magic that would allow Ethercliff
anyone to become a mage. All that was required of the
mage-to-be was that they perform a simple ritual and Ethercliff is simply the name of our
of course pledge their loyalty to the mages’ guild of world's capital. Its main purpose is to act
Ethercliff. What they deliberately forgot to tell the as the primary seat of the mage guilds.
hopeful candidates was that the price for this seemingly The town is located on a raised
god-given gift was a piece of their soul. Even after the promontory in the middle of a lake. It’s
truth came out, many people were just happy to have a here the three main schools of magic
place to live and a job... But not all. have their, well… schools—one building
complex for each of the schools.
Shortly after the truth surfaced a deeply religious half-
elf named Malvus Malekar took nearly half the
witchblades and disappeared. All he left behind was a
dying mage with a note clutched in his broken fingers
— a note signed ”The Witchhammer”. In the note he
wrote that the mages had robbed him of his path to the
afterlife with their lies and that he will avenge this
With time Malvus went from a symbol of justice to a
symbol of brutal, zealous violence against any and all
who practice magic. His order is now a corrupted shell
of itself and no longer makes any distinction between a
peaceful healer and an archmage of Ethercliff.

What good is a soul anyway? You Witchhammers
are exaggerating.. I personally don’t see what all
the fuss is about. Why look a gift horse in the
mouth, is what I say. Well now, whatever it is you
intend to do with me, just get it over wi..

✦ Key attribute: STR

✦ Skills: Swords or Axes or Hammers, Animism or
Elementalism or Mentalism, Spot hidden, Crafting, Brawling,
Evade, Languages, Myths & Legends
✦ Heroic Ability: Witchblade

Because their origins are controversial, to say the

least, the order of Witchblades have had to deal with
more than a little side-eye and taunting. But this
doesn’t generally bother them, seeing as they
themselves know that they are the best of two
worlds, learned in both magic and martial arts.

But each individual Witchblade tends to favor either

the magical or the martial, for as the learned say: a
jack of all trades is a master of none.

Heroic Ability: Witchblade

✦ Requirement: Any melee weapon skill 12

✦ Willpower Points: 3
As a Witchblade you bind a part of your character’s
soul to your weapon. The mechanical effect of this is
that they lose 1 point each in WIL and CHA. A
Witchblade who has bound part of their soul to a
weapon in this way can use magic even while
wielding this weapon. If the weapon breaks only the D6 GEAR
witchblade’s wielder or a mage at Ethercliff can 1-2 One-handed weapon of choice, grimoire, fur,
repair it, roll with a boon. leather armor, sleeping pelt, flint & tinder, smith’s
tools, D8 food rations, D8 silver
When a Witchblade binds their soul to the weapon 3-4 One-handed weapon of choice, grimoire,
the weapon is affected by the character of their soul. sleeping poison (one dose), lockpicks (simple), rope
Roll or choose one of the effects from the table on (hemp), grappling hook, smith’s tools, D8 food
p.4. Activating the witchblade’s ability costs 3WP. rations, D8 silver
This heroic ability can be selected up to three times.
5-6 One-handed weapon of choice, grimoire,
Using this heroic ability counts as using magic and chainmail (spell armor), bandages (10 st), smith’s
follows the rules around metal and magic. (p.58 tools, D8 food rations, D8 silver
Dragonbane Rules).
As a Witchblade you only start with the base chance
in your chosen magic school and you can only learn 1 The Slayer 4 Inquisitor
tricks, which you start with 3 of. To learn how to 2 The Blade of Woe 5 The Avenger
cast spells you need the heroic ability Magic Talent.
3 Wrathbane 6 Shadowblade

Creating a spellblade Magical armor
The weapon that the Witchblades are named after Crafting spell armor is possible, and just like a
is also sometimes called a "spellblade" by weapon, this costs 1 WIL, but there are also a
magicians who have chosen to create their own number of additional rules:
blade but at the same time wish to distance
themselves from the simple village peasants who ✦ Since copper alloys or other similar metals are
cast simple spells and wave their swords. Creating less resistant than steel and iron, the Armor
such a weapon places great demands on those who Rating of all spell armor is reduced by 1.
are willing to pay the price.
✦ It takes two mages to perform the ritual so the
In other words, any mage can choose to bind a cost is doubled. The amount of metal to be bound
sword to himself, although many avoid doing so to your soul is simply too great for one person.
for both religious and practical reasons.
✦ Assuming that all rivets are made of copper
What makes such a blade possible is the high alloys or similar metals, no ritual is required to
content of copper or its alloys, bronze and brass. create studded leather armor.
This material, combined with the ritual, creates a
blade that allows magic to be freely exercised by
its wielder, even if the caster has the weapon at
hand. Creating a weapon suitible for the ritual Upgrading or switching
involves a fair amount of expensive metals and
Upgrading or just switching to another type of
therefore normally costs twice the normal amount.
weapon or armor is possible but this is costly and
Spellblades and witchblades also act as a focus for requires:
✦ A blacksmith who knows any form of magic.
The main difference between a witchblade and a Such mages are usually found among the dwarves
spellblade is that a spellblade is just a normal or on Ethercliff.
weapon aside from the fact that a mage can wield it
freely. In order to realize its true potential, the ✦ The weapon or armor must be melted down and
heroic ability Witchblade from the previous page is re-made from scratch. As long as the majority of
required. An ordinary spellblade is also not as the metal in the new item is from the original
taxing on the body as a witchblade and therefore weapon, after just a few days in-game it will work
costs no CHA. as if the new item is now charged with your soul.

A mage can choose to start the game with a ✦ Because it is a special order of the highest order,
spellblade if they want, but if they do so they start the cost is three times that of the normal cost of
the game knowing only two magic tricks and two crafting an item of the same type.
rank 1 spells instead of the usual three, and they
must reduce their starting WIL by one point. They
may also replace the profession skill Staves with Knives, spears and arrows
the relevant weapons skill for their spellblade.
Mages who choose to start with a knife begin the
The ritual game with either a copper, bronze, bone, or stone
knife. This, combined with its size, does not
The practical requirements for creating the weapon interfere with a mage's ability to cast spells.
are as follows: Buying one after character creation requires a
special order and costs three times as much.
✦ 5 gold to pay the mage for his services
✦ A mage who knows the ritual As a rule of thumb, the same applies to spears and
✦ A metal weapon of your choice arrowheads, three times as expensive and made of
some form of copper alloy, bone or stone.
✦ A voluntary sacrifice of one's own blood
✦ A shift spent meditating while holding the weapon

Changing the ability of the witchblade Secondary effect
Forcing an almost conscious weapon to function in In addition to their main ability, which usually
a different way is not easy, but it is possible. If the gives the wielder an advantage in melee combat, all
character undergoes a change, this may also cause witchblades also start with a secondary effect
the weapon’s ability to change. Examples of such which provides a more practical kind of benefit. See
changes could include the character's weakness the table below.
being overcome, or that they have reached a
personal milestone or are going through a
traumatic experience.
In terms of the rules it makes no difference whether
the weapon’s ability is changed by force of will or 1-2 Shrinking weapon: When the weapon is not
because of the character undergoing a change. active, it shrinks to the size of a dagger, or, in the
case of two-handed weapons, to the size of a short
To change a witchblade’s abilities, at the end of a sword. This effect can be maintained even when
play session, you must use an advancement mark the weapon is being used , but then costs 1 WP per
(p.29 Dragonbane Rules). Make a roll against INT, stretch.
with a boon. If successful, your sword has changed 3-4 Illuminated Weapon: The weapon can act as a
abilities, otherwise it does not. light source for one turn. Lights up a 10 meter
Changing the secondary effect is easier and doesn't radius. Illuminates up to a shift, but roll D8 each
require a roll, but still requires an advancement stretch. On a one, the sword goes out and must be
mark. activated again (action).

If you upgrade a one-handed witchblade with an 5-6 Returning weapon: The weapon always
exclusive ability to a two-handed one, you are returns to your possession. It requires either a
allowed to switch abilities for free. gesture or a word to return, and the weapon is
always recalled to a safe location within reach.

1 Animated weapon: You can use your action in a round to have the weapon make an independent attack
next round. The weapon’s reach and movement are the same as your own.
2 Elemental weapon: You can add 1D4 elemental damage, for example fire, frost or lightning. Earth
counts as physical damage. The effect lasts for one stretch.
3 Extended weapon: You can increase the weapon’s reach by 2 meters. Exactly how this effect comes
into play should be discussed with the GM. The effect lasts for one stretch.
4 Indestructable weapon: The weapon’s durability is increased by 5. Activating this ability doesn’t count
as an action, but it must activated on your turn. The effect lasts for one stretch.
5 Devastating weapon: The weapon hits with such force that rolling either a 1 or a 2 counts as a Dragon
roll when attacking or parrying with it. The effect lasts for one stretch and can be combined with the
spell Enchant Weapon.
6 Guiding weapon: The weapon seems to find its way into gaps or weak spots which gives you a boon to
attack rolls. Activating this ability doesn’t count as an action, but it must be activated on your turn.
7 Enlarged weapon: The weapon goes from one-handed to two-handed, with all the pros and cons that
entails. The STR requirement, however, remains unchanged. Exlcusive to one-handed weapons. The
effect lasts for one stretch.
8 Subtle weapon: The weapon weighs almost nothing in your hands and is so nimble that it is considered
to be a subtle weapon (see p.73 of the Dragonbane Rules). Exclusive to one-handed weapons.

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