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Kadrich 1

Ethan Kadrich

Professor Jessica Walker

English 1302-229

12 February 2024

Reflection Essay

The idea of public and private healthcare has always been a debated topic, with one being more
advanced than the other. People around the globe argued, conversed, and statistically showed
which system is more effective than the other. From what was gathered from ten different peer-
reviewed articles, private healthcare has the benefits of service and customer satisfaction, but
they are greedy corporations. Public healthcare, in comparison, was shown to offer free services
at the cost of busy schedules to offer services. Without health insurance, anyone can get the
procedures needed to continue living. Medical courses needed in majors such as nursing or
biology do not teach students the difference between the systems they will be working with.
Students, doctors, or nurses who became who they are today are people who wish to help those
in need. In a private system, people often deny services to a variety of people in need of medical
assistance, which takes a mental toll on staff. I believe teaching students in medical courses
should know who they will work with and how interactive they will be to help patients out in the

During the annotated bibliography process, I had many questions when planning and deciding
what would make it enjoyable. Of course, asking for advice, clarification, and help from the
professor has provided me insight before resuming. This was something that I struggled with
during the process, but currently, the experience has allowed me to properly write an essay. I
ensure that each paragraph is clear and on point, going back to student examples on the
blackboard to use as reference, and rereading the prompt to ensure it is not incorrect.

The creation of the annotated bibliography has granted me insight into how the healthcare system
works in a variety of countries, including the U.S. It is different from what we experience in our
daily lives that most people are not aware of how cruel private healthcare can be if you do not
have money or insurance. Along the way, I learned various methods to write a proper MLA
essay, which I was unaware of. I did not take 1301 because the class was unavailable, but during
my time in 1302, I managed to pick up the strategies. This essay has provided excellent
information and methods to research my desired topic. If I want to research something that is not
in healthcare, an annotated bibliography is an excellent method to begin one. Due to articles that
have been reviewed, debated, and sometimes known to a variety of communities. This method
will provide strong research and improvement in my skills.

There was feedback, and the main issue was that the evaluative section of each citation was more
of a summary. I anticipated that which I consistently rambled on during the paragraph, turning it
more into a summary than how I would use it in my research. Another issue I did not expect was
the citations for each article that I believed to be perfect. I was utterly wrong and should have
Kadrich 2

double-checked with the posted examples. Regardless, it was feedback that was needed to
improve and develop my skills during this semester.

During the peer review group assignment, a classmate would point out mistakes with my MLA
format that I should have noticed. A few other issues, such as the hanging indent and italics on
some of the citations, are important to have, along with some missing hanging indents that I still
needed to add to the majority of the summary of the articles. I hope to see those minor errors
since they are essential in adequately making the annotated bibliography essay.

The most challenging part was finding the correct article that went along with my topic. A
variety of articles had keywords such as ‘private’ or ‘public’ healthcare, except it would be an
entirely different purpose for the research. Other students would agree that finding suitable
articles that properly connect with the research and ensuring they are not statistical articles is an
issue. The least challenging, I would say, is the citations due to the citation machine that made
things a lot easier. Of course, the machine had minor errors, but it was not as difficult as making
a citation from scratch.

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