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GENERAL TRAINING WRITING TASK 1 1 Introduction Discuss in small groups. ‘¢ Which ofthese things would anney you most in restaurants? Put these things in ordet from the ones which would annoy you mast (1) to the things wich would annoy you least (7). ‘@ Discuss why you would find them annoying and what you could do about it the service isn't quick enough i the foad isn't good enaugh there are too many people b the other customers are too ncisy | ‘e- the waiters aren't very feiencly 4 the restaurant isr't very clean 8 ‘there's a mistake inthe bil ‘¢ Which of these things would be worth writing a letter of ‘complaint about? Can you suggest other problems at a restaurant which would be worth writing to complain about? k From Instant IELTS by Guy Brook-Hart © Cambridge University Press 2004 PHOTOCOPIABLE ») Letter to a Magazine ay RESTA SS 2 Analysing and brainstorming ‘Work in pas |e Read the following exam task and highlight or underline the key words and phrases You eat at your college cafeteria every lunchtime. However. you think it needs some improvements. Werte a letter to the college magazine. In your leter ‘© explain what you like about the cafeteria ‘© say what is wrong with it. ‘¢ suggest howe it could be improved. Begin your letter as follows: ‘Dear Sit / Madam,’ You should write atleast 150 wor ©) Quickly brainstorm ideas forthe letter in five minutes. Think of ~ three things you like about the college cafeteria ~ three things you don't like about the college cafeteria, (these shouldnt be too sizong because you eat there cevory day = three suggestions for how the cafeteria could be improved. 97 CEs) 3 Completing the sample letter The sample letter contains sight gaps. Complete it by putting ‘8 word ar phrase from the box belaw in each space rar Sir | Madan, at the coll It is reasonably pric convenient and fh friendly etmosyhere There are, however, a number of deficiencies which think ohowld be CD staff try to keep th @ workers at poak times to do thie a Firstly, although the tables clean, there are not adequately. Moreover, since the cafeteria le eel senice, soudents are supposed to clvar thelr tables ‘thems! hen they have fished eating ® some st ‘this, Also, the dents do net: bother to do are a number of students who do nat: wall in the queue to be served, which is very ® for the majority of us. think the eis could have ter vertilation a6 it gete especially In the summer. Id bea) if reore signs were put around the cafeteria asking etudente to put ‘heir dirty plates and cutlery on the troieye provided and to th away thelr leftovers and rubbish, Also, thine we tell students whe hey are being anti-social and jumping the queue. Final, ~ @. we please have a few windows open whe things get too hot? Youre faithfully annoying put ight could "should enough unfortunately 00d idea Letter to a Magazine 4 Analysing a sample letter Work in pairs. Read the sample letter and answer the questions below. How many paragraphs does the letter have? ‘What is the subject of each paragraph? what does the writer lke about the eateteria? What does the writer not lke? How many suggestions docs the writer give to improve the cafeteria? 5 Functions Saying what is wrong ‘2 Highlight or underline phrases in the second paragraph of the letter which show that the writer doesn't like certain things in the cafeteria. ‘Making suggestions ‘¢ Highlight or underline phrases in the thd paragraph which introduce suggestions, 6 Writing task 1 Do the following writing task. Although in the exam you will have 20 minutes for this task, you should treat this as an exercise and spend about 40 minutes doing it. Before you write, you should: © analyse the question. (1 minute) © read the sample letter in Activity 3 again carefully and use tas a model. (5 minutes) © brainstorm as many ideas as you can, (2 minutes) © prepare the vocabulary (use your dictionary if necessary) (10-15 minutes) (© make a plan for the letter. Decide how many paragraphs you will need and chaose Ideas froin the ist you have just brainstocmed. (1 minute) ‘© write the letier following your plan. (14 minutes) © check your work carefully for mistakes, (2 minutes) You normally go shopping In the area where you live. However, you think some of the facilities for shoppers could be Improved, \Wilte a leter to your local newspaper. In your letter: ‘say in general what you like about shopping in your ‘2 say what is wrong with the facilities. ‘© suggest hove they could be improved. Begin your letter as follows: ‘Dear Sir / Madam,’ 5 You should write at least 150 words. 98) (_From Instant JELIS by Guy Brook-Hart © Cambridge Univesity Press 2004 PHOTOCOPIABLE ) "mW 7 "

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