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Ethan Kadrich

Professor Jessica Walker

English 1302-229

January 29, 2024

The difference between Private and Public Healthcare

Andrews, J., Kishore, S., Panjabi, R., & Stuckler, D. (2021). Comparative performance of
private and public healthcare systems in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic
review. PLoS medicine.

Research begins with a survey of low and middle-income countries to analyze the performance
of their healthcare system. They research the statistics, performance, complaints, and the people
reaction of each sector. The systematic review reveals that the claim of the private sector is
unsupported at being efficient, accountable, and medically effective than public sector. However,
the claim that public sector is frequently locking in timeliness and hospitality.

The journal proves a comparison between multiple countries with below average economy that
public healthcare is better than private. It provides the effictivness of each sector, how they
perform despite the low income that is being generated. Private sectors rely on insurance and
profit for full services. Public sectors is rely on the government in order to operate full services.
The author’s prove a major difference along a slight performance with the public sector known

Paltoglou, N. G., Stephen D Gill, et al. (2023). Does hospital setting influence shoulder
replacement revision rate? A national comparison of outcomes between private and public

Australia has a unique healthcare system that uses both private and public systems. The analysis
would revolve around how the two sectors effectiveness of a revision and prosthesis for
shoulder replacement. The revision rate would be higher in private hospitals and no
difference between prosthesis. The conclusion is that there is a difference on performance
between the two systems, but also a equal result depending on the surgery.

This result is unique as two systems can cooperate withing the same country with slight different
results. Results show the private sector performed a significant revision rate compared to
the Public sector. Even though, the two were the same when it came to prostheses, it shows
private healthcare can be show better rates than public. It is not surprising to know there
will be differences between the two systems, but the results give us a clear answer which is

Kaabi, S., & Singh, R. (2022). Non Profit organisations, private health insurance, public health
insurance, Universal Healthcare System. JCDR.

A analyze of known countries often have Public healthcare with affordable medicine, programs,
and procedures unlike private health insurance. Countries such as Sweden, has the best
universal public healthcare system with the highest life expectancy in Europe. As a
common issue with public healthcare, the taxation is drastically increased for the benefit of
free services. It goes the same with other public healthcare in other countries, except
private health. Majority of eastern countries disapprove of private health due to unfair
competition, ethical issues, and numerous denial of health services.

The information provided clears on how the east world is heavily reliant on universal public
healthcare. The west has shown influence to little countries on how awful private
healthcare can be that denies services due to not having insurance. It is ideal for eastern
countries to provide complete access rather than have a private company have control and
the idea of insurance.

Frontiers | Breast cancer survival and the health system in Brazil: an analysis of public and
private healthcare ( Ferreira, A. de S. S., Cintra, Et al. (2023, May 1).
Breast cancer survival and the Health System in Brazil: An analysis of public and private
healthcare. Frontiers.

Breast cancer is a common issue globally among women, but the survival rate is different
between the two systems. A variety of methods were used to counter the issue with patients
with 5 and 10 year survival rates. After going through procedure, the results revealed
private being the highest successful rate compared to public. It is noted that each tumor is
difficult during the year rate, except the results revealed private healthcare being effective
in the procedure.

It is known that each system operates differently and reveal which system is effective than the
other. In this research, the results between the health services react differently on the disease
and survivability rate. Revealing private healthcare can be proficient on the procedure against
cancer, since it is a full paid service for the surgery.

Long-Term Lifestyle Habits and Quality of Life after Roux-in-Y Gastric Bypa...: EBSCOhost
Melendez-Araújo, M. S., do Carmo, A. S., Vieira, F. T., Lamarca, F., Nakano, E. Y., Lima,
R. M., Dutra, E. S., & de Carvalho, K. M. B. (2023, August 1). Long-term lifestyle habits
and quality of life after roux-in-Y gastric bypass in Brazilian public versus private
healthcare systems: Beyond weight loss. MDPI.

Two systems known as Unified Health System (SUS) is being compared with Private Healthcare
System (PVT) on which routine is excelled than the other. The methods used is analyzing
patients of each system of how they are fed, exercise, and variety of therapy. Except, the

results reveal that the private system being unhelpful to patients would have a less healthy
lifestyle. The protocols are entirely different between the two systems, which reveals SUS
being a focus on ensuring patients have a healthy style.

There are some information at the conclusion of the article wanting to explore more of SUS. It
does support the public healthcare system for helping patients who need exercise, therapy,
and a diet. Having insight of the private system, their protocols hardly help patients who
are recovering and make their lifestyle worse.

Shabbir, A., Malik, S. A., & Malik, S. A. (2016, March 10). Measuring patients’ healthcare
service quality perceptions, satisfaction, and loyalty in public and private sector hospitals
in Pakistan. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management.

Around 600 patients were questioned and analyze to express their opinions on the healthcare
system. Two sectors of private and public is established in Pakistan which patients are
randomly chosen to reveal the results. The findings show that patients were more loyal
towards the private sector mainly because of satisfactory outcomes. The same goes with
the public sector, except private sector had the best satisfactory.

There is more than medicine, statistics, and cost in the healthcare system. Patients who daily, or
monthly go through the healthcare system have opinions on how they perform.
Satisfactory, complaints, and other issues that are reported is solely based on the people.
They say that public and private sectors were loyal patients, except private being a
satisfaction service. Sometimes people opinion change overtime, but for now private
healthcare provides great service.

Anabili, P., Amome, J., & Kumi, D. (2019). (PDF) patients’ perceptions of healthcare quality in
Ghana: A ... Patients’ perceptions of healthcare quality in Ghana - ProQuest.’_perceptions_of_healthcare

Patients have a perspective on how they view and discuss private and public healthcare
experience. Sectors in Ghana would find positive service quality, satisfaction, and a bit of
loyalty. Further investigation showed that Private sectors were greater quality compared to
public sectors. Having all three qualities compared to the public sector, customers find
these qualities satisfactory

Customer service is a factor in every business and government owned buildings to provide the
people with results. It isn’t a important for the topic, but a comparison on which is likely to
provide the service we need. It is different in every country, but Ghana provide their
perspective how their private healthcare is towards customers.

Owusu‐Frimpong, N., Nwankwo, S., & Dason, B. (2010, April 6). Measuring service quality
and patient satisfaction with access to public and private healthcare delivery. International

Journal of Public Sector Management.

There are patients and customers who experience different qualities from different healthcare
system. Patients revealed their unsatisfactory service from the public healthcare system.
Having to endure appointments that take weeks, unable to get treatment, and opening
hours. The only likeness of the public system is able to have treatment with no cost and
affordable medicine. While the private side, showed more care in obtaining medical care in
a short time, able to schedule appointments, and treatment with less difficulty.

It is a fact that public healthcare has slow service, appointments are difficult to make, and
treatment ins not immediate. They do make up for the lack of it with affordable medication
and appointments for free. Except, giving imminent service and treatment is preferable as it
can be a crisis. It be expensive, but the benefit is knowing any issues and solving them in a
short notice.

A comparison of outpatient healthcare expenditures between public and priva...: EBSCOhost

Liu, G., Xu, J., & Li, L. (2013). A comparison of outpatient healthcare expenditures
between public and private medical institutions in urban China: An instrumental variable
approach. Health economics.

Pain as the fifth vital sign—A comparison between public and private healthcare systems | PLOS
ONE Pozza, D. H., Azevedo, L. F., & Lopes, J. M. C. (2021a). Pain as the fifth vital sign-A
comparison between public and private healthcare systems. PLOS ONE.

Assessment of Pain as the fifth vital sign (P5VS) is something that can go untreated in both
healthcare systems. A analysis was performed with Portuguese patients that experienced
intense pain and how the systems react. Public hospitals showed more commitment and
procedures than t

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