Paso 3 Gestión Contable de Inventarios y Activos Fijos Contabilidad Financiera

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Paso 3 Gestión contable de inventarios y activos fijos


Astrid Yulieth Rojas Torres


Grupo: 145


Carlos Eliecer Castrillón Morales

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia- UNAD

Curso: Contabilidad Financiera Intermedia

Código: 106007

Abril 2023

En este trabajo se evidencia el desarrollo de los talleres de inventarios y

de propiedad planta y equipo, con su respectiva política contable y su
respectivo ajuste contable en la plataforma siigo.
Estos componentes forman parte de los inventarios, y de activos fijos, lo
que permiten el adecuado reconocimiento y medición, mediante el
análisis de las condiciones necesarias para ser incorporados dentro de
los estados financieros.
Desarrollo De La Actividad

A) Desarrollar los ejercicios contables de inventarios (Taller


B) Elaborar política contable de inventarios.

C) Desarrollar los ejercicios contables de propiedad, planta y equipo

(Taller activos fijos).

D) Elaborar política contable de propiedad, planta y equipo.

E) Pantallazos de los registros contables en SIIGO Nube (Ejercicios

contables de inventarios, y propiedad, planta y equipo).

F) Elaborar un cuadro comparativo en idioma inglés sobre la

aplicación de las NIIF Pymes y Plenas en los conceptos de Propiedades,
planta y equipos e inventarios, determinar las diferencia y similitudes entre
estas dos normas aplicadas a estos dos conceptos

Aspecto Niiif para las pymes Niif completas

Definition Property, plant and Property, plant and
equipment are tangible equipment are tangible
assets that: 1) Are held to assets that are held for use
be used in the production or in the production or supply
supply of goods or services, of goods or services, for
to lease them to others, or rental to others, or for
for administrative purposes; administrative purposes,
and 2) They are expected to and are expected to be used
be used for more than one for more than one period.

Initial measurement At cost, which includes all At cost, which includes all
costs necessary to bring the costs necessary to acquire
asset to the location and the asset and bring it to the
condition necessary for it to location and condition
perform its intended necessary for it to perform
function. its intended function.
Post measurement Cost model, less Cost model, less
accumulated depreciation accumulated depreciation,
and accumulated accumulated impairment
impairment. and revaluation.
Assessment Revaluation is not allowed. Allows revaluation to fair
value less costs to sell, if
reliably measurable.
Depreciation Depreciation is required Allows revaluation to fair
over the estimated useful value less costs to sell, if
life of the asset, using a reliably measurable.
systematic method that
reflects the pattern of
consumption of economic
Deterioration It is evaluated for It is evaluated for
impairment if there are impairment if there are
indications of impairment, indications of impairment,
and it is measured by and it is measured by
comparing the carrying comparing the carrying
amount of the asset with its amount of the asset with its
recoverable amount, the recoverable amount, the
latter being the greater of latter being the greater of
its fair value less costs to its fair value less costs to
sell and its value in use. sell and its value in use.
Required disclosures Less extensive disclosures More extensive disclosures,
compared to full IFRS. including information about
the accounting policies
applied, the gross and net
carrying amount of each
class of property, plant and
equipment, and revaluation
amounts if applied.

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