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(22) 1 - JOSEPH - SOLD AS A SLAVE (Genesis 37-39)

Today we will tell the story of Joseph, which can be found in the book of Genesis,
chapters thirty-seven and thirty-nine.
May the word of God reach our hearts as a source of inspiration for our lives.

01 >>> Among the twelve sons of Jacob, one stood out like a bright star amidst the
darkness of envy and fraternal rivalry.
02 >>> That was Joseph, his father's favorite, whose affection was expressed in a
special coat,
03 >>> woven with a myriad of colors that danced like a rainbow around his body.

04 >>> But the coat of many colors, a symbol of paternal love, was also the
catalyst for envy and resentment among the brothers.
05 >>> Their looks burned with the shadow of jealousy,
06 >>> while Joseph, oblivious to the invisible chains that surrounded him, shared
his visions in unusual dreams.

07 >>> "In a dream, we were tying bundles of wheat.

08 >>> My bundle suddenly stood upright, and your bundles bowed down to it!" he
announced, his eyes shining with the excitement of the dream.
09 >>> But instead of admiration, his words only sparked the fury of his brothers,
who could not tolerate the idea of bowing down to their younger brother.

10 >>> And when another vision emerged in the recesses of his mind, Joseph did not
hesitate to share it.
11 >>> "In another dream, the sun, the moon, and eleven stars bowed down to me!" he
proclaimed, his voice reverberating with a certainty that troubled his listeners.

12 >>> Even Jacob, his father, raised his eyebrows at these claims.
13 >>> "Will your mother, I, and your brothers really bow down to you?" he asked,
14 >>> Despite the doubts, Joseph's words echoed, planting seeds of intrigue and
restlessness in the hearts of those around him.

15 >>> On any given day, when the sun painted the sky with its golden hues,
Joseph's ten older brothers decided to take the flocks to graze in a distant field.
16 >>> Jacob, sensing an opportunity to check on his sons, decided to send Joseph
to find out.

17 >>> As Joseph approached, his brothers caught sight of him, and a wave of envy
and resentment grew in their hearts.
18 >>> "Here comes that 'dreamer'," they whispered among themselves. "Let's kill
him and throw him into a deep pit. Then we'll see what happens to his dreams!"

19 >>> Reuben, the eldest brother, intervened. "Don't kill him! Just throw him into
the pit."
20 >>> His plan was to rescue the boy later and return him to their father.
21 >>> So the brothers agreed and threw Joseph into a pit.

22 >>> While Reuben was away on an errand, the others satisfied their hunger with a
23 >>> As they ate, a group of merchants passed by, heading for Egypt.
24 >>> It was then that one of the brothers, named Judah, had an idea. "Why should
we kill Joseph? After all, he is our brother. Instead, let's sell him!"
25 >>> So they decided to sell him to the merchants heading for Egypt.

26 >>> When Reuben returned later, he was shocked to find the boy had disappeared.
27 >>> The brothers told him what they had done. Together, they plotted a story to
tell their father.
28 >>> They killed a goat and dipped Joseph's robe in the blood. When they got
home, they showed the robe to their father.

29 >>> Jacob seized him and cried out, "Joseph was killed by wild animals!"
30 >>> He tore his clothes and began to mourn for his son.
31 >>> The others tried to comfort him, but he lamented for Joseph from the depths
of his heart. "I will mourn his death for the rest of my life."

32 >>> Meanwhile, Joseph arrived in Egypt, sold to a man named Potiphar.

33 >>> He adapted to his life as a slave, and God prospered everything he did.
Joseph grew in his skills and earned the respect of his master.

34 >>> Over time, Potiphar entrusted Joseph not only with the management of the
house but also with the oversight of finances, granting him unprecedented authority
and responsibility.
35 >>> Joseph, with his keen intelligence and organizational skills, soon
demonstrated exceptional talent,
36 >>> turning Potiphar's residence into an exemplar of efficiency and prosperity.

37 >>> In the silent corridors and halls filled with riches, Joseph moved with
grace and determination, overseeing household affairs,
38 >>> managing financial resources, and earning the trust and respect of all
around him.
39 >>> His eyes shone with the seriousness of a man committed to his duty, while
his agile mind devised plans for Potiphar's house's success.

40 >>> However, among the luxurious quarters of that mansion, a shadow lurked in
the darkest corners.
41 >>> It was Potiphar's wife, a woman of captivating beauty and iron will,
42 >>> whose fiery gaze fell upon Joseph with an intensity that did not go
43 >>> She longed for his presence, desiring him with a passion that consumed her

44 >>> One day, in an act of audacious temptation, she approached Joseph with an
improper proposal, urging him to lie with her.
45 >>> But Joseph, faithful to his integrity and fear of God, vehemently refused,
rejecting her firmly.
46 >>> Nevertheless, the burning lust glowed in the woman's eyes, fueling an
implacable determination that knew no bounds.

47 >>> Without her husband nearby, the opportunity finally presented itself.
48 >>> She waited patiently, observing each movement of Joseph until, in a moment
of vulnerability, she seized him with desperate urgency.
49 >>> He struggled to free himself, but his attempts were in vain against her
determined strength.
50 >>> The scene unfolded in a whirlwind of emotions, as Joseph, desperate to
51 >>> abandoned his cloak in the woman's eager hands and fled, leaving behind not
only the fabric but also his innocence amidst the turbulence of forbidden desire.
52 >>> Furious and consumed by the desire for revenge, she decided to act.
53 >>> Her cry echoed through the opulent corridors of the mansion, summoning the
household servants into a flurry of concern.
54 >>> With false tears and a trembling voice, she recounted a distorted story:
55 >>> Joseph, the faithful steward, had entered her room and attempted to drag her
to his bed.
56 >>> She claimed that he only fled when she screamed, presenting the cloak left
behind as irrefutable proof of her.

57 >>> Upon returning home, Potiphar was greeted by a tearful wife, who repeated
the distorted narrative with indignant fervor.
58 >>> Consumed by rage at the supposed betrayal of his trusted servant, Potiphar
did not hesitate to make a drastic decision.
59 >>> Without further investigations, Joseph was cast into the shadows of the
prison, his life suddenly plunged into the relentless darkness of injustice and

This is the first part of a five-part series where we'll tell the biblical story of
Joseph and his brothers. Stick with us so you don't miss the next chapters of this
important story for all of us.


If you're not already subscribed to our channel, click the subscribe button and
join our community. Don't forget to comment, like, and click the notification bell.
Your presence and participation here are very important to us. And if you missed
the previous episodes, we have a complete playlist with all the videos in
chronological order.


Today, I want to leave you with a verse from the book of Genesis, chapter thirty-
nine, verse five.


"From the time he put him in charge of his household and of all that he owned, the
Lord blessed the household of the Egyptian because of Joseph. The blessing of the
Lord was on everything Potiphar had, both in the house and in the field."


May God's presence be a constant in your life, bringing blessings, joy, and love.
God bless you.

(23) 2 - JUDAH AND TAMAR - LUST AND DECEIT (Genesis 38)

Today we will tell the story of Judah and Tamar, found in the book of Genesis,
chapter thirty-eight.
May God's word reach our hearts as a source of inspiration for our lives.

01 >>> Judah, Jacob's fourth son, embarked on a journey that took him beyond the
protective shadows of his family, toward the unknown horizons of the world.
02 >>> On his solitary journey, he found a companion, a Canaanite woman.
03 >>> United by the bonds of marriage, they were blessed with three sons, seeds of
hope on an uncertain path.

04 >>> Judah found a wife for his eldest son, named Tamar.
05 >>> However, Judah's happiness would soon be eclipsed by tragedy, when his
firstborn, shrouded in darkness and wickedness, was struck down by divine wrath.
06 >>> Determined to ensure the continuity of his lineage, Judah instructed his
second son to take Tamar as his wife,
07 >>> so that the firstborn might have an heir who would perpetuate the family

08 >>> However, the second son, steeped in selfishness and greed, refused to
fulfill his fraternal duty.
09 >>> Although he succumbed to carnal desire, his nefarious plans prevailed in the
heat of the moment.
10 >>> At the peak of intimacy, he withdrew, denying Tamar the chance to conceive,
11 >>> an affront to divine designs that sealed his fate with imminent death.

12 >>> The Lord's wrath manifested itself relentlessly, claiming the life of
Judah's second son, punishing his cowardice and betrayal.
13 >>> Thus, the lamentations echoed through the corridors of history, marking the
tortuous path of Judah's family with the shadow of tragedy and loss.

14 >>> Years passed since Judah promised Tamar that she would marry his youngest
son when he reached the appropriate age.
15 >>> However, time dragged on, and the young heir was not delivered to the
patient woman, whose hope was like a flickering flame in the darkness of
16 >>> Judah's words became an empty echo in Tamar's heart as she waited in vain
for the promise to be fulfilled.

17 >>> But life follows its relentless course, weaving the tapestry of human
destinies with threads of intrigue and mystery.
18 >>> When Judah's wife departed for eternity, leaving a dark void in his heart,
19 >>> he and his friend set out on a journey to shear sheep.
20 >>> The rumor of this journey reached Tamar's ears, sparking a spark of
determination in her chest.

21 >>> With meticulous skill, Tamar exchanged her garments, leaving behind the
mourning clothes that marked her as a widow, and veiled her face.
22 >>> She stood along the dusty road, waiting patiently for the predestined
23 >>> The scorching sun poured its golden rays over the landscape, while Tamar's
heart beat with the anticipation of what was to come.

24 >>> And then, he appeared, emerging from the distance like a figure shrouded in
25 >>> Judah, her father-in-law, spotted her and, deceived by the veil that
concealed her identity, saw only an unknown woman, whose gaze seemed to incite
26 >>> Without recognizing her as his daughter-in-law, Judah approached, immersed
in the illusion of a fleeting encounter with a seductive stranger.

27 >>> "Let me lie with you," murmured Judah, his words laden with desire and
28 >>> She, with a soft yet firm voice, replied, "What will you give me in return?"
29 >>> Judah's eyes sparkled with the promise of a reward. "When I return to my
flock, I will send you a kid," he offered, aware of the value of the promised

30 >>> However, Tamar was not easily swayed. "I will grant you my body, but I
demand a token of your word," she insisted, her determination impenetrable like the
veil that obscured her face.
31 >>> Judah pondered for a moment, aware of the need to ensure the fulfillment of
his promise. "What do you desire as a pledge?" he asked, as the tension between
them reached its peak.

32 >>> With a determined gesture, Tamar revealed her demands. "I want your staff
and the ring you wear around your neck," she declared, her eyes gleaming with
33 >>> Judah, overcome by desire and the promise of imminent pleasure, yielded to
Tamar's demands.
34 >>> He handed her the requested items, thus sealing the deal that would change
the course of their lives forever.

35 >>> The frantic search of Judah's friend for Tamar on the winding roads of life
seemed to lead nowhere.
36 >>> As the sun dipped below the horizon and shadows lengthened, uncertainty hung
over him like a heavy cloak.

37 >>> Determined to fulfill the mission entrusted by Judah, he approached the

local residents, hoping to glean some clue about the whereabouts of the enigmatic
38 >>> "Where is the prostitute who usually sits on this road?" he asked passersby,
his voice echoing between the walls of mud and stone.
39 >>> However, his question was met with confused looks and perplexed expressions.

40 >>> "We've never seen a prostitute around here," the men replied, their faces
reflecting genuine surprise at the question.

41 >>> Back at Judah's meeting, the friend reported the bewildering findings.
42 >>> The patriarch, initially confused, let out a laugh of disbelief at the irony
of fate.
43 >>> "Then let her keep the things I gave her," he declared, his voice tinged
with resignation. "I tried to fulfill my part of the deal, after all."

44 >>> However, fate had more surprises in store for Judah.

45 >>> Three months passed, and a disturbing rumor reached the patriarch's ears.
46 >>> "Your daughter-in-law has prostituted herself and is now pregnant," the
whispers said, inflaming Judah's anger.

47 >>> Furious and determined to bring justice, Judah roared his orders for Tamar
to be brought to him, where she would be punished for the alleged offense.
48 >>> As the guards rushed to execute his command,
49 >>> a mysterious message reached Judah, changing the course of events and
shedding a revealing light on the buried secrets of the past.

50 >>> Tamar, enveloped in a tangle of fearlessness and determination, awaited the

outcome of her plan with a contained anxiety.
51 >>> The message she sent to her father-in-law, Judah, was a letter sealed with
the raw truth of her history, a confession implicit in the relics she presented as
proof of her innocence.

52 >>> Meanwhile, Judah, confronted with the tangible evidence of his own
shortcomings, silently watched the revelation before him.
53 >>> The metallic gleam of the ring and the rough texture of the wooden staff
echoed the unfulfilled promises, the broken bonds, and the intricate web of hasty

54 >>> "This woman is more righteous than I," murmured Judah, his voice laden with
admiration mixed with remorse.
55 >>> "I promised her my youngest son, and failed to honor my word."
56 >>> The weight of his words reverberated in the air, a silent confession of his
own fragile humanity.

57 >>> As the specter of regret hung in the air, Tamar gave birth to twin sons, two
beings that symbolized the duality of life and the unpredictability of destiny.
58 >>> While the firstborn, Perez, emerged with a burst of energy, his hand
reaching out for freedom,
59 >>> the brother who followed, Zerah, radiated an aura of light, his wrist
wrapped in a vibrant red thread.

60 >>> Thus, Perez and Zerah, brothers born in a moment of revelation and
redemption, became silent witnesses to the complexity of life and the fragility of
the human condition.
61 >>> Their lives intertwined by bonds of blood and destiny, representing a
narrative of hope and renewal that would echo through future generations.

This is the second part of a five-part series, where we will tell the biblical
story of Joseph and his brothers. Continue with us so you don't miss the next
chapters of this story that is so important to all of us.


If you are not yet subscribed to our channel, click on the subscription button and
join our community. Don't forget to comment, leave a like, and click on the
notification bell. Your presence and participation here are very important to us.
And if you missed the previous episodes, we have a complete playlist with all the
videos in chronological order.


Today I want to leave a verse that can be found in the book of Genesis, chapter
thirty-eight, verse twenty-six.


"Judah recognized them and said, "She is more righteous than I, since I would not
give her to my son Shelah". And he did not have relations with her again."


May the presence of God be a constant in your life, bringing blessings, joy, and
love. God bless you.

(24) 3 - JOSEPH - FROM PRISON TO POWER (Genesis 39-41)

Today we will tell the story of how Joseph came to power, which is found in the
book of Genesis, chapters thirty-nine to forty-one.
May the word of God reach our hearts as a source of inspiration for our lives.

01 >>> In prison, Joseph faced each day as a challenge, the chains of injustice
weighing on his shoulders as he sought some comfort in the hope of better days.
02 >>> However, even amid the darkness of the cell, the light of divine presence
shone upon him, a spark of hope that refused to be extinguished.

03 >>> His resilient character and unwavering faith did not go unnoticed by the
jailer, who, over time, came to trust Joseph and recognize his worth.
04 >>> Gradually, Joseph rose from prisoner to assistant, and finally, reached the
pinnacle of his position by being put in charge of the prison.

05 >>> One day, while Joseph was performing his duties in prison, two prominent men
from Pharaoh's kingdom were incarcerated: the chief cupbearer and the chief baker.
06 >>> While under custody, each of them was haunted by mysterious dreams that left
them restless and perplexed.

07 >>> Upon hearing about these dreams, Joseph showed interest in deciphering them.
08 >>> With the wisdom that could only come from God, he interpreted the dreams
accurately, offering a prophetic insight into the near future.
09 >>> For the chief cupbearer, Joseph announced an imminent restoration to his
previous position,
10 >>> while for the chief baker, he predicted a dark and fatal outcome.

11 >>> With words of hope, Joseph instructed the chief cupbearer to remember him
before Pharaoh, pleading for his release from the injustice that imprisoned him.
12 >>> However, despite the promise of liberation, Joseph remained captive not only
by the stone walls of the prison,
13 >>> but also by the uncertainty of the fate that awaited beyond its walls.

14 >>> After hearing Joseph's verdict on the chief cupbearer's dream, the chief
baker felt a chill run down his spine,
15 >>> a growing anxiety seizing his being as he prepared to reveal his own
nocturnal vision.
16 >>> With widened eyes and a trembling voice, he vividly described what he had
seen while asleep.

17 >>> "I was carrying three baskets of Pharaoh's bread on my head," he began, his
voice echoing in the cell,
18 >>> "when suddenly, flocks of birds appeared from the hungry skies, devouring
all the bread from the baskets before my astonished eyes."

19 >>> Joseph's heart clenched with compassion as he heard the baker's words, aware
that his revelations would not bring comfort, but rather a dark and inevitable
20 >>> With the same inspiring confidence, he deciphered the riddle of the baskets,
predicting a fatal sentence looming over the baker.

21 >>> "The interpretation is clear as day," declared Joseph, his voice echoing
with a somber certainty.
22 >>> "Just as the baskets represent three days, in three days, Pharaoh will take
your life - literally -
23 >>> and you will be hung on a tree until there is no life left in your body. The
birds will feast on your flesh."

24 >>> The events unfolded exactly as Joseph had foretold. Pharaoh restored the
chief cupbearer to his former position,
25 >>> while fate cruelly sealed the end of the baker, his life abruptly cut short
by a death sentence.

26 >>> However, despite the fulfilled prophecies, the chief cupbearer quickly let
Joseph's memory slip through his fingers,
27 >>> his promise to intercede for him drowned in the turbulent waters of palace

28 >>> Two years passed, and the wheel of destiny turned once more, bringing with
it a new chapter of mystery and intrigue in Joseph's story.
29 >>> The night was pregnant with omens as Pharaoh was enfolded in the cloak of
30 >>> plunging into a world of dreams where past and future intertwined in an
enigmatic tangle of images and symbols.

31 >>> The palace was filled with an atmosphere of suspense as Pharaoh summoned his
counselors, gathering them around him to share the riddles that haunted his dreams.
32 >>> In the flickering light of the torches, he vividly described the visions
that tormented him, desperately seeking an explanation for the ominous portents
that pervaded his mind.

33 >>> "In my first dream," Pharaoh began, his voice echoing through the imposing
walls of the hall,
34 >>> "I witnessed seven fat cows emerging from the river, grazing peacefully
along the banks.
35 >>> However, my delight turned to horror when seven lean and famished cows came
forth, devouring the fat ones mercilessly, yet remaining as gaunt as before."

36 >>> A murmur of perplexity ran through the assembly as the counselors exchanged
glances, unable to decipher the mysteries that pervaded Pharaoh's dreams.
37 >>> However, the darkness of uncertainty was soon dispelled when the chief
cupbearer, enlightened by the lamp of memory,
38 >>> recalled a man whose gift for interpreting visions transcended the confines
of the prison.

39 >>> "Your Majesty," the cupbearer began, bowing respectfully before the throne,
40 >>> "there is a man in prison whose gift is to reveal the secrets hidden in the
most enigmatic dreams."
41 >>> His eyes sparkled with hope as he shared the story of Joseph,
42 >>> a prisoner who had accurately interpreted his own dream and that of the
chief baker.

43 >>> Intrigued by the prospect of finding answers to his own enigmas, Pharaoh
immediately ordered that Joseph be brought before him.
44 >>> The guards marched to the cell, removing Joseph from the dark confinement
and preparing him for an audience with the monarch.

45 >>> Facing the throne of solid gold, Joseph listened attentively as Pharaoh
described the dreams that haunted his nights.
46 >>> With a serious expression, he absorbed every detail of the visions,
preparing to shed light on the mysteries surrounding the fate of the kingdom and

47 >>> With a firm and confident voice, Joseph stood before Pharaoh's throne, his
words echoing in the grand palace hall with solemn gravity.
48 >>> He conveyed the divine revelations with striking clarity, each sentence
laden with meaning and urgency.

49 >>> "The Most High is revealing to you, Majesty, what is about to happen,"
Joseph began, his eyes fixed on the king's.
50 >>> "The seven fine cows and the seven robust ears of grain represent seven
years of unprecedented abundance.
51 >>> However, after this period of plenty, will come seven years of relentless
famine, so devastating that the memories of the years of plenty will be
overshadowed by the need."

52 >>> The tension in the hall grew as Joseph outlined the divine plan to mitigate
the impending catastrophe.
53 >>> He eloquently articulated the urgent need for a wise and astute leader to
manage the earth's resources,
54 >>> meticulously preparing for the dark years ahead.

55 >>> "Seek, therefore, a prudent and skillful man to govern the land," advised
Joseph, his voice resonating with authority.
56 >>> "Let him organize the collection of food during the years of plenty and
store it for the years of scarcity.
57 >>> For, if this is not done, the nation will be consumed by famine and

58 >>> Upon hearing Joseph's words, Pharaoh contemplated the gravity of the
situation, his thoughts plunged into the pressing need to act.
59 >>> Turning to his counselors, he acknowledged Joseph's unquestionable wisdom,
recognizing the presence of the divine in his words and actions.

60 >>> "Is it possible to find someone better than Joseph for this task?" Pharaoh
asked his officials, his voice echoing with determination.
61 >>> "He is a man endowed with the divine spirit, and his leadership will be
indispensable for the well-being of our kingdom."

62 >>> Addressing Joseph with a look of respect and admiration, Pharaoh conferred
upon him unprecedented power, recognizing him as one of the pillars of the Egyptian
63 >>> "People will obey your orders," declared the king, his eyes reflecting
confidence in Joseph's ability.
64 >>> "By my side, you will be the second most powerful man in Egypt."

65 >>> For the next seven years, Joseph devoted himself tirelessly to traversing
the territories of Egypt, meticulously coordinating the collection and storage of
66 >>> With each grain carefully stocked, he recalled the divine words that
propelled him to act, aware of the impending scarcity that would plague the land.

67 >>> And so, as foretold in the designs of the Most High, the seven years of
plenty came to an end, giving way to a cruel and relentless famine that descended
not only upon Egypt but also upon the neighboring nations.
68 >>> The echo of arid winds reverberated across the lands, whispering the arrival
of dark times.

69 >>> When the first signs of scarcity began to manifest among the Egyptian
people, Joseph, acting with prudence and foresight, ordered the opening of the
royal storehouses.
70 >>> The gates swung open to reveal mountains of golden grains, a precious
treasure before the hungry eyes of the populace.

71 >>> Amidst the desolation of famine, the news of granaries brimming with food
spread like a ray of hope beyond the borders of Egypt.
72 >>> Soon, caravans of merchants from all neighboring nations converged toward
Joseph's storehouses, seeking sustenance for their people and relief for their

73 >>> With cunning and wisdom, Joseph organized the distribution of the food,
ensuring that every grain was used with frugality and equity.
74 >>> Under his firm and compassionate leadership, Egypt became the bastion of
hope amidst the darkness of famine, and Joseph's name resonated as a beacon of
salvation amidst the storm.

This is the third part of a five-part series, where we will tell the biblical story
of Joseph and his brothers.
Stay with us so you don't miss the next chapters of this important story for all of


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join our community. Don't forget to also comment, leave a like, and click on the
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Your presence and participation here are very important to us.
And if you missed the previous episodes, we have a complete playlist with all the
videos in chronological order.


Today I want to leave a verse that is found in the book of Genesis, chapter forty-
one, verses twenty-eight to thirty.


"It is exactly as I said to Pharaoh: God has shown Pharaoh what he is about to do.
Seven years of great plenty are coming throughout the land of Egypt, but after them
there will arise seven years of famine, and all the plenty will be forgotten in the
land of Egypt.
The famine will consume the land."


May God's presence be a constant in your life, bringing blessings, joy, and love.
God bless you.

(25) 4 - SURPRISE - JOSEPH IS ALIVE (Genesis 42-46)

Today we will tell the story of how Joseph reunited with his brothers, which is
found in the book of Genesis, chapters forty-two, and forty-six.
May the word of God reach our hearts as a source of inspiration for our lives.

01 >>> Jacob received news about the abundance of grains in Egypt, and immediately
decided to send his ten eldest sons to acquire food.
02 >>> However, his paternal heart trembled at the thought of risking the life of
Benjamin, the youngest, fearing to lose him as had happened to his beloved Joseph.

03 >>> Thus, the ten brothers set off towards Egypt, guided by the promise of
relief for the famine that plagued their land.
04 >>> Upon arriving before the governor of Egypt, they still did not know that
they were before their own brother, Joseph.
05 >>> Time had carved changes on their faces, but for Joseph, each feature was
familiar and carried with it memories of a distant past.

06 >>> However, the governor concealed his identity and cast a scrutinizing look
over the men before him. "Where do you come from?"
07 >>> His voice resonated with authority, enveloping the brothers in a veil of
08 >>> "You are spies," he accused, his eyes fixed on them with an intensity that
cut like sharp blades.

09 >>> Astonished at the accusation, the brothers tried to defend themselves,

proclaiming their honesty and origin.
10 >>> "We are all sons of the same father, inhabitants of the land of Canaan.
11 >>> One of our brothers stayed at home, and the other... disappeared," they
explained, their voices echoing with a mixture of resentment and anguish.

12 >>> Determined to test the truth of their words, Joseph proposed a challenge:
13 >>> "Bring me your youngest brother as proof of your sincerity. Meanwhile, one
of you will remain in my custody. Only then will I know if you are telling the

14 >>> Simeon, one of Jacob's sons, was detained as a guarantee

15 >>> while the other brothers returned to the land of Canaan with their granaries
full of grain provided by Egypt.
16 >>> However, unbeknownst to them, the governor of Egypt had secretly ordered the
money to be put back into their grain sacks.

17 >>> As they recounted the unfolding of events to Jacob, the brothers expressed
their distress.
18 >>> "We need to take Benjamin back to Egypt to free Simeon from prison," they
cried, fearing the consequences of their omission.

19 >>> It was then that, upon inspecting the grain sacks, they found the money they
had paid, now mysteriously returned to them.
20 >>> Fear enveloped them like a shadow, and Jacob, overwhelmed by the pain of
losing Joseph and now Simeon, refused to allow Benjamin to leave again.
21 >>> "I will not let Benjamin go from here! Joseph is gone, and now Simeon too.
Benjamin is all I have left!
22 >>> If I lose him, I will die of grief!" he exclaimed, his voice echoing with
the intensity of his suffering.

23 >>> However, as time went on, the grain brought from Egypt ran out.
24 >>> Jacob, realizing the pressing need for more provisions, instructed his sons
to return to Egypt to acquire more.
25 >>> Judah, understanding the urgency of the situation, reminded him that they
could not do so without bringing Benjamin with them.
26 >>> Taking responsibility, he proposed: "Let me accompany him. I will ensure his
safety. We must go. We need the food!"

27 >>> After much hesitation, Jacob finally agreed to allow his sons to return to
Egypt, this time accompanied by Benjamin.
28 >>> Determined to resolve all outstanding issues, they doubled the amount of
money to reimburse the value found in the grain sacks.

29 >>> As soon as they arrived at the palace, Joseph warmly welcomed them and
ordered that they be escorted to his residence to enjoy a noon banquet.
30 >>> Eager to demonstrate their honesty, the brothers promptly offered the money
found in the sacks,
31 >>> but were surprised when the servants claimed that all payments had been duly

32 >>> The next morning, prepared to return to Canaan with the granaries full of
grain, the brothers set out, relieved by the seemingly peaceful outcome of their
33 >>> However, little did they know that destiny still had more trials in store
for them.

34 >>> Shortly after their departure, Joseph's servants caught up with them on
their journey, accusing them of a terrible crime.
35 >>> "One of you stole our master's silver cup!" they proclaimed, casting a
shadow of suspicion over the brothers,
36 >>> who looked at each other in disbelief at the unexpected accusation.

37 >>> The brothers were shocked by the accusation! "We would never commit such an
act! If you find that any of us have the cup,
38 >>> that person will die and the rest of us will become slaves to your master,"
they declared, their voices trembling with disbelief and despair.

39 >>> With reverent fear, each of the brothers opened their sack, and there, to
everyone's horror, they found the cup hidden in Benjamin's belongings.
40 >>> The shock was like a bolt of lightning, paralyzing them with astonishment
and dismay.

41 >>> Without delay, they returned to the city accompanied by the guards and
prostrated themselves before Joseph, their hearts heavy with anguish and remorse.
42 >>> Joseph, observing them with an inscrutable expression, asked firmly: "Why
did you do this?"
43 >>> Judah, lifting his eyes filled with sorrow, replied with a voice trembling
with determination: "How can we prove our innocence? All of us will now be your

44 >>> But Joseph, staring at Judah, shook his head.

45 >>> "No! Only the guilty will be my slave. The rest of you may return to your
father's house."

46 >>> It was then that Judah, moved by a noble impulse of sacrifice, rose and
pleaded with a supplicating voice:
47 >>> "I promised our father that I would ensure Benjamin's safety. Let me be your
slave in his place.
48 >>> I cannot bear to see my father's pain when he learns that the boy will not
return to him."

49 >>> When Joseph heard that, tears flooded his eyes, and his voice, choked with
emotion, echoed through the palace halls.
50 >>> "It is I, Joseph!" he proclaimed, looking at his brothers with a mixture of
sadness and forgiveness.

51 >>> The men, petrified at the revelation, could not articulate a single word.
52 >>> Joseph then extended his arms to them, inviting them to approach.
53 >>> "Come! See with your own eyes! It is I, your brother, the one you sold as a
54 >>> God sent me here to save your lives. There are still five years of famine,
and God has brought me to prepare a place for you!"

55 >>> With tears of repentance and gratitude, the brothers embraced Joseph,
acknowledging the kindness he offered them despite the harm they had done to him.
56 >>> Then, Joseph instructed them to return to the land of Canaan and bring their
father and families to Egypt.
57 >>> Pharaoh, upon hearing this, ordered that the best of Egypt be given to them
as a token of gratitude.

58 >>> When Jacob heard everything his sons told him, his heart was filled with a
mixture of shock and joy.
59 >>> However, his hope was renewed upon learning of Joseph's noble actions.
60 >>> Without delay, he, his sons, and all his descendants departed for Egypt,
61 >>> where they were welcomed and cared for by Pharaoh, thanks to Joseph's
influence and wisdom.

This is the fourth part of a five-part series, where we will tell the biblical
story of Joseph and his brothers. Continue with us so you don't miss the next
chapters of this story that is so important to all of us.


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become part of our community. Don't forget to also comment, leave a like, and click
on the notification bell. Your presence and participation here are very important
to us. And if you missed the previous episodes, we have a complete playlist with
all the videos in chronological order.


Today I want to leave a verse that is found in the book of Genesis, chapter forty-
two, verse six.


"Joseph was the governor of Egypt, and it was he who sold grain to all the people
of the land. So when Joseph's brothers arrived, they bowed down to him with their
faces to the ground."


May the presence of God be a constant in your life, bringing blessings, joy, and
love. God bless you.

(26) 5 - ISRAEL IN EGYPT (Genesis 45-50)

Today we will tell the story of how Israel went to Egypt, which is found in the
book of Genesis, chapters forty-five, and fifty.
May the word of God reach our hearts as a source of inspiration for our lives.

1 >>> Faraó's words swept through the hall, echoing like a decree of hope for
Joseph and his family.
2 >>> "Tell your brothers to return to Canaan and bring their father. Have them
bring their families, and to ease their journey,
3 >>> provide them with chariots from Egypt. Don't worry about their belongings,
for I will give them the best of Egypt."

4 >>> With hearts overflowing with emotion, Joseph's brothers embarked on the
journey back to the land of Canaan.
5 >>> Upon reaching Jacob, they surprised him with the extraordinary news they
carried with them.
6 >>> Initially, disbelief hovered over Jacob like a dense fog, making it difficult
to accept the truth that seemed too good to be true.
7 >>> The idea that his beloved son Joseph was alive seemed like an impossible

8 >>> However, as the tales unfolded before his attentive ears, Jacob felt his
heart burn with the flame of rekindled hope.
9 >>> The stories of Joseph, his wisdom, his noble deeds, and his rise to power in
Egypt, all filled him with joy and gratitude.
10 >>> With every detail shared by his sons, the image of Joseph became more vivid
in his mind,
11 >>> as if he was returning from the depths of oblivion to once again brighten
their lives with his radiant presence.

12 >>> The path to Egypt stretched ahead of Jacob's entire family, like a journey
into the unknown.
13 >>> The road, dusty and arduous, wound its way through fields and hills,
14 >>> leading them toward the land where a long-lost son now stood as a prominent

15 >>> Jacob, with a heavy heart but filled with hope, did not move forward without
first making a sacred pause.
16 >>> In a secluded spot, under the vast starry sky, he erected an altar to the
Lord, offering sacrifices in a gesture of devotion and gratitude.

17 >>> In the quiet of the night, when the world was shrouded in darkness, God
manifested in a vision to Jacob.
18 >>> His voice, like a gentle whisper laden with promises, echoed in his troubled
heart. "I am God, the God of your father," He said.
19 >>> "Do not be afraid to go to Egypt, for I will be with you. I will make you a
great nation, and in due time, I will bring you back to this land."

20 >>> Finally, after a journey filled with challenges and expectations, Jacob and
his extensive family arrived in the domains of Egypt.
21 >>> There, under the benevolent auspices of Pharaoh, they were received with all
pomp and generosity.
22 >>> Their needs were promptly met, for Joseph had provided everything necessary
for their stay.

23 >>> Jacob lived another seventeen years, witnessing the prosperity and growth of
his descendants in the land of Egypt.
24 >>> And as the shadow of death approached, he gathered his beloved son, Joseph,
by his side.
25 >>> With words of love and authority, Jacob conferred upon Joseph's sons,
Manasseh and Ephraim, a special place in his inheritance, thus sealing the destiny
of the nation of Israel.

26 >>> At the solemn moment of the blessing, Joseph led his two sons before his
father, Jacob.
27 >>> Manasseh, the firstborn, was positioned to the right side of Jacob, as
tradition dictated.
28 >>> However, something extraordinary happened when Jacob extended his wrinkled
hand toward the sons.
29 >>> Instead of following the custom and blessing the firstborn, Jacob directed
his right hand toward Ephraim, the younger son.
30 >>> Joseph, surprised, tried to intervene, moving his father's hand toward
Manasseh, claiming justice for the firstborn.

31 >>> However, Jacob's eyes, despite his advanced age, shone with ancestral
32 >>> With a smile of confidence, he explained to Joseph his decision, revealing a
divinely inspired vision of the future.

33 >>> "My son, trust me," Jacob said serenely.

34 >>> "Although Manasseh is worthy of honor, it is upon Ephraim that the weight of
destiny rests. From his lineage will emerge a powerful nation, with a numerous and
influential people."

35 >>> Then, Jacob summoned all his sons around him, granting each a personalized
36 >>> For Judah, he prophesied a kingdom, a promise that would echo through the
generations, establishing the foundation of a royal lineage.

37 >>> After a season of farewells and shared memories, Jacob, the beloved
patriarch, closed his eyes to the world for the last time.
38 >>> His passing left an immeasurable void in the family, but also triggered a
solemn procession of mourning and honor.

39 >>> A respectful crowd followed the funeral procession that was heading back to
Canaan, where Jacob would find his final rest.
40 >>> Egyptians and Hebrews, united by respect and duty, marched side by side,
bearing the patriarch's body.

41 >>> Upon reaching the sacred destination, the ancestral cave that housed the
mortal remains of Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah, and Leah, an atmosphere of
reverence took hold of the place.
42 >>> There, among generations of heroes and matriarchs, Jacob found his eternal

43 >>> However, the shadow of the past still loomed over Jacob's sons, especially
over Joseph's brothers.
44 >>> Fearing the weight of their old transgression, they whispered among
themselves, anxious about what the future held.

45 >>> In a gesture of humility and supplication, they sent a message to Joseph,

acknowledging their guilt and pleading for forgiveness.
46 >>> Aware that their brother's benevolence could have been motivated by paternal
love, they now feared the divine retribution.

47 >>> The words of repentance echoed in Joseph's heart like gentle thunder,
unleashing a storm of long-restrained emotions.
48 >>> Tears, long pent-up, freely flowed down his cheeks, silent witnesses to the
pain and forgiveness that overflowed from his soul.

49 >>> Before him, bowed in humility, were his brothers, a mixture of fear and
submission stamped on their faces.
50 >>> "We are your slaves," they proclaimed, their voices heavy with sorrow and

51 >>> But Joseph, touched by the divine grace that permeated his journey of pain
and redemption, rose with compassion before them.
52 >>> "Do not fear," he said, his words like gentle balms to afflicted hearts.
53 >>> "It is not I who should judge you. God, in His infinite wisdom, guided every
step of our destiny. He turned evil into good, bringing salvation to our family."

54 >>> With a firm voice, Joseph extended the hand of reconciliation, offering not
only forgiveness but also promises of protection and care.
55 >>> His heart, once marked by betrayal and suffering, now overflowed with love
and compassion, enveloping his brothers in a hug of forgiveness and restoration.

This is the fifth and final part of a series where we tell the biblical story of
Joseph and his brothers. Stay with us so you don't miss the next chapters of this
story so important to all of us. And if you missed the previous episodes, we have a
complete playlist with all the videos in chronological order. Our next series of
videos will tell the story of Moses. You can't miss it.


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our community. Don't forget to comment, like, and click the notification bell. Your
presence and participation here are very important to us.


Today I want to leave you with a verse from the book of Genesis, chapter fifty,
verses nineteen and twenty.


"Joseph said to them, 'Don't be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You planned evil
against me, but God turned it into good, so that today the lives of many would be


May God's presence be a constant in your life, bringing blessings, joy, and love.
God bless you.

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