Usbaility of Installments Plans in Real Estates Apps Group 10

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Mr. Khalid Hamid
 Ayesha Arif (mtf23006647)
 Fariha Ghulam Nabi (mtf23006655)
 Nateqa Waqas (mtf23006657)
 Fozia Bibi (mtf23006646)

Usability Analysis of Instalments Plan in Real

Estate App
Nowadays many people are facing difficulties in having their own house in
Pakistan. Many people wish to have their own homes. If someone wants to build
his house by taking a loan from a bank it's also not possible as they do not
withstand the eligibility criteria of the banks.
In 2015, the 55 percent of the overall population of the Pakistan is to be considered
as Middle Class. Also, the KIBOR rate in Pakistan nowadays is 21.08% and most
of the banks offer Interest rate of around 1 year equalizing to KIBOR with a
margin of 3% which not feasible for normal families.
Currently, a lot of real estate developers provide properties based on installments
and most people can build their homes with the assistance of this installment
method but in previous Real Estate applications installment features did not exist.
Main ideology behind this discussion is that there must be a calculator that defines
all the details about the installments.

The real estate sector faces a notable insufficiency in effective and stoner-friendly
systems for overseeing investiture plans associated with property accessions.
Present styles frequently involve homemade monitoring and intricate
computations, performing in inefficiencies, inaccuracies, and detainments in
processing investiture payments. These challenges negatively impact both real
estate inventors and buyers, causing dislocations in the overall purchasing
experience and implicit fiscal dissensions and dissatisfaction among involved
parties. Accordingly, there's an critical demand for a streamlined investiture plan
operation system integrated into real estate operations to ameliorate translucency,
perfection, and convenience for all stakeholders. Despite the progress in real estate
technology, a significant exploration gap exists in the development of
comprehensive results for managing investiture plans within real estate apps.
Current studies predominantly concentrate on broader aspects of real estate
transactions or specific functionalities within real estate applications, with limited
research dedicated specifically to addressing the intricacies of installment plans.
This research void underscores the opportunity to explore and introduce
innovations in designing and implementing installment plan features within real
estate apps to align with the evolving needs of the industry and its stakeholders.
The proposed research on implementing installment plans in real estate apps builds
upon existing literature in several related areas. Firstly, it intersects with studies on
real estate transaction management systems, emphasizing the need to integrate
installment plan functionalities seamlessly into existing platforms. Secondly, it
aligns with research on financial management tools within mobile applications,
drawing parallels between installment plan tracking and other forms of financial
planning and budgeting. Additionally, it connects with studies on user experience
(UX) design in real estate apps, highlighting the importance of intuitive interfaces
and clear communication in facilitating installment plan management for buyers
and developers alike.

The primary objective of this research is to design and implement a robust

installment plan management system within real estate apps to enhance efficiency
and user experience. Specifically, the objectives include:
1. Conducting a comprehensive analysis of existing installment plan
management practices in the real estate industry.
2. Identifying key requirements and functionalities for integrating
installment plan features into real estate apps.
3. Developing a user-friendly interface for buyers to view, track, and
manage installment payments conveniently.
4. Implementing backend systems to automate installment calculations,
notifications, and documentation generation for developers.
5. Assessing the effectiveness and usability of the investiture plan operation
system through stoner testing and feedback.
6. Iteratively enriching the system grounded on stoner perceptivity and
assiduity stylish practices to insure scalability and sustainability. By
achieving these objects, the exploration aims to fill the being gap in real
estate technology by furnishing a practical result for managing investiture
plans effectively within the environment of real estate deals.
The integration of investiture plan features within real estate apps has the implicit
to enhance translucency, delicacy, and convenience for both real estate inventors
and buyers, leading to bettered fiscal decision- making and increased satisfaction
with the real estate investment process. thesis is supported by the following :
1. Managing installment plans is a difficulty in the present real estate
technology landscape, which has an adverse effect on purchasers and
2. For real estate apps, an easy-to-use interface, comprehensive data and
effective functionalities are essential.
3. To integrate installment plan elements into real estate applications, a
thorough examination of the management techniques already in use as
well as the creation of essential specifications and functionality are
4. User onboarding is essential for the success of real estate apps.
5. Clear communication, user-centric design, and user-friendly interfaces
are essential for making installments plan administration easier for
producers and purchasers alike.
6. To improve accuracy, convenience and transparency for all stakeholders,
real estate applications must include a simplified payment plan
administration system.

The main idea of this research revolves around the central challenge of managing
inefficient installments plan in the real estate industry, highlighting the immediate
need for a more streamlined system for real estate. Current manual processes create
hurdles for developers and buyers that affect satisfaction and can lead to financial
disputes. The study offers a user-friendly management system that is seamlessly
integrated with real estate. The goal is to improve transparency, accuracy and
convenience for all stakeholders. This comprehensive approach aims to
significantly improve the overall real estate. It outlines key objectives and
highlights intersections with broader research on real estate management, mobile
app financial tools and user experience design. The purpose is to provide a
comprehensive solution within this basic idea that effectively increase efficiency
and user experience in the real estate technology environment.

Real estate apps have become a vital components of the industry’s evolution,
offering a convenient platform for property buyers, sellers and agents to list
properties, connect with one another and streamline transactions at every stage of
the buying journey. For this reason, the development of a streamlined installment
plan management system within real estate apps is significant. The creation of
mobile apps for real estate is flourishing and for good reason. By simplifying real
estate deals for all parties, it is altering the game and will probably continue to
influence how real estate is conducted going forward.
All the Real Estates Societies and Portfolios aur attached with specific Real Estates
Apps and some of them already have made their own Applications of Real
Estate.These societies also gave properties on installments.Now a days in such
crisis and in an era of such inflation it is not possible for everyone to buy property
in one go so they tend to go for Instalment plans of different societies.But this
feature of Instalment Plans is not available in any of the apps of Real Estates at
national and multinational level,so they face a difficulty even when they want to
buy a property on installments.So by adding this feature help the people to go for
such plans and areas which would be beneficial for them so that they do not have
to change their plans and they must go on with their suitable range to buy a
Literature View:

1. "Navigating the New Normal: Trends in Real Estate Post-Pandemic"

2. "The Rise of Remote Work and Its Impact on Real Estate Markets"
3. "Sustainable Living: Eco-Friendly Homes Shaping the Real Estate Landscape"
4. "Investing in Real Estate: Strategies for First-Time Buyers"
5. "Understanding Property Valuation: A Guide for Homeowners"
6. "The Role of Technology in Revolutionizing Real Estate Transactions"
7. "Luxury Real Estate Trends: Exclusivity and Innovation"
8. "The Millennial Effect: How Generation Y is Changing Real Estate Preferences"
9. "Rental Market Dynamics: Navigating Supply and Demand"
10. "Urban Renewal: Revitalizing Communities Through Real Estate Development"
11. "The Impact of Interest Rates on Real Estate Investment Strategies"
12. "Navigating Legalities: Essential Tips for Real Estate Transactions"

1. The pandemic has changed how we view real estate. People now value features
like home offices and outdoor spaces more than ever. Suburbs and rural areas are
gaining popularity as remote work becomes common. To adapt, we need to
understand these shifts and embrace new ways of buying and selling homes.

2. Remote work is reshaping real estate. With more people working from home,
there's a demand for properties in suburbs and rural areas. High-speed internet and
home office spaces are now essential features. To keep up, real estate professionals
must use technology for remote transactions effectively.

3. Eco-friendly homes are becoming popular. People want to reduce their

environmental impact, so features like energy-efficient appliances and solar panels
are in demand. Builders and homeowners are focusing on green design and
construction to meet this growing trend.

4. Buying your first home can be overwhelming. It's important to set realistic
goals, establish a budget, and get advice from professionals. Understanding the
market and having a clear strategy will help first-time buyers navigate the process
with confidence.

5. Knowing how your home is valued is crucial. Factors like location, size, and
condition affect its value. Appraisals by professionals provide an objective
assessment based on market data. Staying informed about market trends ensures
your property is priced competitively.

6. Technology is changing how we buy and sell homes. Virtual tours, digital
marketing, and online closings make transactions more convenient. AI and big data
help with decision-making, while blockchain ensures secure transactions.
7. Luxury real estate is all about exclusivity and innovation. Customization and
sustainability are key trends, with buyers seeking unique features and eco-friendly
designs. Developers must stay innovative to meet the demands of affluent buyers.

8. Millennials are reshaping the real estate market. They prioritize affordability,
walkability, and access to amenities. Sustainable features and smart home
technologies are also important to them.

9. The rental market is influenced by supply and demand. Urban areas have high
demand, but affordability is a challenge. Renters look for value-added amenities
and flexible leases.

10. Urban renewal projects are revitalizing communities. Mixed-use developments

and placemaking efforts create vibrant neighborhoods and enhance quality of life.

11. Interest rates affect real estate investments. Low rates stimulate demand, while
high rates can slow it down. Investors need to monitor interest rate trends and
adapt their strategies accordingly.

12. Real estate transactions involve legal considerations. Contracts, regulations,

and property laws must be navigated carefully. Seeking legal guidance and
conducting due diligence are essential for a smooth transaction process.

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