Daily Dose12

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1. First female martyr of Islam is Hazrat Bibi Summaya.

2. The real name of Abu Sufyan was Sakhr ibn Harb.

3. Ahzab Means Group, Allies.

4. Kalima Tayyaiba is mentioned in Quran two times.

5. Last Surah revealed to prophet is Al-Nasr.

6. Ostrich is the largest bird in the world (Biggest Mammal is Whale.

7. Farakka Dam on river Ganges is disputed b/w India & Bangladesh.

8. In Nairobi, days and nights are equal all through year.

9. League of Nations is oldest organization of world.

10. English Poet John Keats died at age of 26 years.

11. China has the largest army in the world.

12. Privatization is transfer of the government businesses to private sector.

13. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity was the slogan during The French Revolution, 1789.

14. Wright Brothers are widely famous for their invention of aero Plane.

15. The world’s largest land frontier is b/w Canada & US.

16. “Interfax” is the news agency of Russia.

17. Regional Cooperation for Development (RCD) was established on 21st July, 1964, by Iran,

Pakistan & Turkey.

18. Every year, 5th June is observed as World Environmental day.

19. The book “Khaki Shadows” is written by Khalid Mahmud Arif.

20. Allama Iqbal was tutored by Syed Mir Hassan. (Syed Mir Hassan was a scholar of the Qur’an,

Hadith, Sufism, & the Arabic Language.

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