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<h1>El Filibusterismo</h1>

<p>The death of Capitan Tiago and Basilio’s imprisonment were soon reported
in the province, and to the honor of the simple inhabitants of San Diego, let it
be recorded that the latter was the incident more regretted and almost the only
one discussed. As was to be expected, the report took on different forms, sad and
startling details were given, what could not be understood was explained, the
gaps being filled by conjectures, which soon passed for accomplished facts, and
the phantoms thus created terrified their own creators. </p>

<p>In the town of Tiani it was reported that at least, at the very least, the
young man was going to be deported and would very probably be murdered on the
journey. The timorous and pessimistic were not satisfied with this but even
talked about executions and courts-martial—January was a fatal month; in January
the Cavite affair had occurred, and they1even though curates, had been garroted,
so a poor Basilio without protectors or friends— </p>

<p>“I told him so!” sighed the Justice of the Peace, as if he had at some
time advised Basilio. “I told him so.” </p>

<p>“It was to be expected,” commented Sister Penchang. “He would go into the
church, and when he saw that the holy water was somewhat dirty, he wouldn’t cross
himself with it. He talked about germs and disease, abá, it’s the chastisement of
God! He deserved it, and he got it! As though the holy water could transmit
diseases! Quite the contrary, abá!”</p>

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