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Basic Electricity notes

What is electricity?
Electricity is the set of physical phenomena associated with the
presence and motion of matter that has a property of electric charge.
Electricity is related to magnetism, both being part of the phenomenon
of electromagnetism, as described by Maxwell's equations. Various
common phenomena are related to electricity, including lightning, static
electricity, electric heating, electric discharges and many others.
Electricity can be defined as:
The flow of free electrons from one place to another.
 Static electricity:
Static electricity is an imbalance of electric charges within or on
the surface of a material or between materials.
Static electricity refers to an imbalance between the electric
charges in a body, specifically the imbalance between the
negative and the positive charges on a body. The imbalance in
the charge is introduced by physical means. One of the most
common causes of static electricity is the contact between solid
It was mentioned earlier that the movement of protons is not
possible and the only movement of electric charge seen in static
electricity is electrons. Electrons in materials are held extremely
loosely meaning that they can be exchanged through simple
contact like rubbing. These charges can build up on the surface of
an object until they find a way to be released or discharged. One
way to discharge them is through a circuit and this is exactly what
a lightning strike is. Static electricity is the electric field which is
developed due to the stationary charges. The surface of the
material includes some electric charges which combine the static
electricity on that material.
These static charges might come on the surface or through the
contact with one of the most charged body or it can be through
extra ions present in the air.

disadvantages of static electricity?

Static electricity can build up in clouds. It is dangerous when you touch
something with a large electric charge on it. The charge will flow
through your body causing an electric shock. This could cause burns or
even stop your heart.
Static electricity on aircraft:
Static dischargers (wicks) are installed on aircraft to reduce the buildup
of static charge on the airframe and radio receiver interference.

During the flight, the aircraft becomes charged with static electricity. If
the discharge of the static electricity is not controlled, it causes
interference in the communications and navigation systems. To decrease
the effect of this interference, static dischargers are installed.

Each discharger has a carbon fiber tip at the end of a slender rod. The
rod is a resistive (conducting) material and attaches to a metal base. The
base attaches and bonds to the airplane surface.

Static dischargers are normally mounted on the trailing edges of the

control surfaces, wingtips, and vertical stabilizer.

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