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U are!

1. You help others get the job done

2. You change the world by providing a service
3. You provide for your needs and the needs of your family
4. You are a role model to everyone you come across
5. You support growth in society at large and the local community
6. You can choose to make the job you do more special
7. You learn patience and charity every day you try
8. You can choose to have fun in all that you do

You’re Awesome by Uniqueness

9. Your thoughts, at any time, are different than anyone else’s
10. Your combined experiences in life can never be duplicated exactly the same way
11. Your body, face, voice, and movements will never be exactly the same anyone
12. You are the only unique you in a world of 7,000,000,000
13. Your fingerprints will never match anyone else’s
14. No two perspectives on any one subject are the same
15. You do things differently in words, actions, thoughts, quality, and attitude
16. You are the only one who can make your own choices

You’re Awesome through Thoughts

17. You choose when to have fun no matter what happens
18. You can choose to acce

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